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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright Catch2 Authors
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <catch2/catch_template_test_macros.hpp>
#include <catch2/internal/catch_random_integer_helpers.hpp>
#include <catch2/internal/catch_random_number_generator.hpp>
#include <catch2/internal/catch_random_seed_generation.hpp>
#include <catch2/internal/catch_uniform_floating_point_distribution.hpp>
#include <catch2/generators/catch_generators.hpp>
TEST_CASE("Our PCG implementation provides expected results for known seeds", "[rng]") {
Catch::SimplePcg32 rng;
SECTION("Default seeded") {
REQUIRE(rng() == 0xfcdb943b);
REQUIRE(rng() == 0x6f55b921);
REQUIRE(rng() == 0x4c17a916);
REQUIRE(rng() == 0x71eae25f);
REQUIRE(rng() == 0x6ce7909c);
SECTION("Specific seed") {
REQUIRE(rng() == 0x57c08495);
REQUIRE(rng() == 0x33c956ac);
REQUIRE(rng() == 0x2206fd76);
REQUIRE(rng() == 0x3501a35b);
REQUIRE(rng() == 0xfdffb30f);
// Also check repeated output after reseeding
REQUIRE(rng() == 0x57c08495);
REQUIRE(rng() == 0x33c956ac);
REQUIRE(rng() == 0x2206fd76);
REQUIRE(rng() == 0x3501a35b);
REQUIRE(rng() == 0xfdffb30f);
TEST_CASE("Comparison ops", "[rng]") {
using Catch::SimplePcg32;
REQUIRE(SimplePcg32{} == SimplePcg32{});
REQUIRE(SimplePcg32{ 0 } != SimplePcg32{});
REQUIRE_FALSE(SimplePcg32{ 1 } == SimplePcg32{ 2 });
REQUIRE_FALSE(SimplePcg32{ 1 } != SimplePcg32{ 1 });
TEST_CASE("Random seed generation reports unknown methods", "[rng][seed]") {
TEST_CASE("Random seed generation accepts known methods", "[rng][seed]") {
using Catch::GenerateFrom;
const auto method = GENERATE(
TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE("uniform_floating_point_distribution never returns infs from finite range",
"[rng][distribution][floating-point][approvals]", float, double) {
std::random_device rd{};
Catch::SimplePcg32 pcg( rd() );
Catch::uniform_floating_point_distribution<TestType> dist(
std::numeric_limits<TestType>::max() );
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10'000; ++i) {
auto ret = dist( pcg );
REQUIRE_FALSE( std::isinf( ret ) );
REQUIRE_FALSE( std::isnan( ret ) );
TEST_CASE( "fillBitsFrom - shortening and stretching", "[rng][approvals]" ) {
using Catch::Detail::fillBitsFrom;
// The seed is not important, but the numbers below have to be repeatable.
// They should also exhibit the same general pattern of being prefixes
Catch::SimplePcg32 pcg( 0xaabb'ccdd );
SECTION( "Shorten to 8 bits" ) {
// We cast the result to avoid dealing with char-like type in uint8_t
auto shortened = static_cast<uint32_t>( fillBitsFrom<uint8_t>( pcg ) );
REQUIRE( shortened == 0xcc );
SECTION( "Shorten to 16 bits" ) {
auto shortened = fillBitsFrom<uint16_t>( pcg );
REQUIRE( shortened == 0xccbe );
SECTION( "Keep at 32 bits" ) {
auto n = fillBitsFrom<uint32_t>( pcg );
REQUIRE( n == 0xccbe'5f04 );
SECTION( "Stretch to 64 bits" ) {
auto stretched = fillBitsFrom<uint64_t>( pcg );
REQUIRE( stretched == 0xccbe'5f04'a424'a486 );