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2017-03-13 21:29:30 +01:00
# 1.8.2
### Improvements and minor changes
* TAP reporter now behaves as if `-s` was always set
* This should be more consistent with the protocol desired behaviour.
* Compact reporter now obeys `-d yes` argument (#780)
* The format is "XXX.123 s: <section-name>" (3 decimal places are always present).
* Before it did not report the durations at all.
* XML reporter now behaves the same way as Console reporter in regards to `INFO`
* This means it reports `INFO` messages on success, if output on success (`-s`) is enabled.
* Previously it only reported `INFO` messages on failure.
* `CAPTURE(expr)` now stringifies `expr` in the same way assertion macros do (#639)
* Listeners are now finally [documented](
* Listeners provide a way to hook into events generated by running your tests, including start and end of run, every test case, every section and every assertion.
### Fixes:
* Catch no longer attempts to reconstruct expression that led to a fatal error (#810)
* This fixes possible signal/SEH loop when processing expressions, where the signal was triggered by expression decomposition.
* Fixed (C4265) missing virtual destructor warning in Matchers (#844)
* `std::string`s are now taken by `const&` everywhere (#842).
* Previously some places were taking them by-value.
* Catch should no longer change errno (#835).
* This was caused by libstdc++ bug that we now work around.
* Catch now provides `FAIL_CHECK( ... )` macro (#765).
* Same as `FAIL( ... )`, but does not abort the test.
* Functions like `fabs`, `tolower`, `memset`, `isalnum` are now used with `std::` qualification (#543).
* Clara no longer assumes first argument (binary name) is always present (#729)
* If it is missing, empty string is used as default.
* Clara no longer reads 1 character past argument string (#830)
### Other notes:
* We have added VS 2013 and 2015 to our CI
* Catch Classic (1.x.x) now contains its own, forked, version of Clara (the argument parser).
2017-03-01 17:06:48 +01:00
# 1.8.1
### Fixes
Cygwin issue with `gettimeofday` - `#define` was not early enough
2017-02-28 15:19:09 +01:00
# 1.8.0
### New features/ minor changes
* Matchers have new, simpler (and documented) interface.
* Catch provides string and vector matchers.
* For details see [Matchers documentation](
2017-02-28 15:19:09 +01:00
* Changed console reporter test duration reporting format (#322)
* Old format: `Some simple comparisons between doubles completed in 0.000123s`
* New format: `xxx.123s: Some simple comparisons between doubles` _(There will always be exactly 3 decimal places)_
* Added opt-in leak detection under MSVC + Windows (#439)
* Enable it by compiling Catch's main with `CATCH_CONFIG_WINDOWS_CRTDBG`
* Introduced new compile-time flag, `CATCH_CONFIG_FAST_COMPILE`, trading features for compilation speed.
* Moves debug breaks out of tests and into implementation, speeding up test compilation time (~10% on linux).
2017-02-28 15:19:09 +01:00
* _More changes are coming_
* Added [TAP (Test Anything Protocol)]( and [Automake]( reporters.
* These are not present in the default single-include header and need to be downloaded from GitHub separately.
* For details see [documentation about integrating with build systems](
2017-02-28 15:19:09 +01:00
* XML reporter now reports filename as part of the `Section` and `TestCase` tags.
* `Approx` now supports an optional margin of absolute error
* It has also received [new documentation](
2017-02-28 15:19:09 +01:00
### Fixes
* Silenced C4312 ("conversion from int to 'ClassName *") warnings in the evaluate layer.
* Fixed C4512 ("assignment operator could not be generated") warnings under VS2013.
* Cygwin compatibility fixes
* Signal handling is no longer compiled by default.
* Usage of `gettimeofday` inside Catch should no longer cause compilation errors.
* Improved `-Wparentheses` supression for gcc (#674)
* When compiled with gcc 4.8 or newer, the supression is localized to assertions only
* Otherwise it is supressed for the whole TU
* Fixed test spec parser issue (with escapes in multiple names)
### Other
* Various documentation fixes and improvements
2017-02-13 17:15:42 +01:00
# 1.7.2
### Fixes and minor improvements
(technically the first two are breaking changes but are also fixes and arguably break few if any people)
* C-escape control characters instead of XML encoding them (which requires XML 1.1)
* Revert XML output to XML 1.0
* Can provide stylesheet references by extending the XML reporter
* Added description and tags attribites to XML Reporter
* Tags are closed and the stream flushed more eagerly to avoid stdout interpolation
* `REQUIRE_THROWS_AS` now catches exception by `const&` and reports expected type
* In `SECTION`s the file/ line is now of the `SECTION`. not the `TEST_CASE`
* Added std:: qualification to some functions from C stdlib
* Removed use of RTTI (`dynamic_cast`) that had crept back in
* Silenced a few more warnings in different circumstances
* Travis improvements
2017-02-07 10:06:52 +01:00
# 1.7.1
### Fixes:
* Fixed inconsistency in defining `NOMINMAX` and `WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN` inside `catch.hpp`.
* Fixed SEH-related compilation error under older MinGW compilers, by making Windows SEH handling opt-in for compilers other than MSVC.
* For specifics, look into the [documentation](
2017-02-07 10:06:52 +01:00
* Fixed compilation error under MinGW caused by improper compiler detection.
* Fixed XML reporter sometimes leaving an empty output file when a test ends with signal/structured exception.
* Fixed XML reporter not reporting captured stdout/stderr.
* Fixed possible infinite recursion in Windows SEH.
* Fixed possible compilation error caused by Catch's operator overloads being ambiguous in regards to user-defined templated operators.
## 1.7.0
2017-02-01 21:47:43 +01:00
### Features/ Changes:
* Catch now runs significantly faster for passing tests
* Microbenchmark focused on Catch's overhead went from ~3.4s to ~0.7s.
* Real world test using [JSON for Modern C++]('s test suite went from ~6m 25s to ~4m 14s.
* Catch can now run specific sections within test cases.
* For now the support is only basic (no wildcards or tags), for details see the [documentation](
2017-02-01 21:47:43 +01:00
* Catch now supports SEH on Windows as well as signals on Linux.
* After receiving a signal, Catch reports failing assertion and then passes the signal onto the previous handler.
* Approx can be used to compare values against strong typedefs (available in C++11 mode only).
* Strong typedefs mean types that are explicitly convertible to double.
* CHECK macro no longer stops executing section if an exception happens.
* Certain characters (space, tab, etc) are now pretty printed.
* This means that a `char c = ' '; REQUIRE(c == '\t');` would be printed as `' ' == '\t'`, instead of ` == 9`.
### Fixes:
* Text formatting no longer attempts to access out-of-bounds characters under certain conditions.
* THROW family of assertions no longer trigger `-Wunused-value` on expressions containing explicit cast.
* Breaking into debugger under OS X works again and no longer required `DEBUG` to be defined.
* Compilation no longer breaks under certain compiler if a lambda is used inside assertion macro.
### Other:
* Catch's CMakeLists now defines install command.
* Catch's CMakeLists now generates projects with warnings enabled.
## 1.6.1
2017-01-20 12:49:59 +01:00
### Features/ Changes:
* Catch now supports breaking into debugger on Linux
### Fixes:
* Generators no longer leak memory (generators are still unsupported in general)
* JUnit reporter now reports UTC timestamps, instead of "tbd"
* `CHECK_THAT` macro is now properly defined as `CATCH_CHECK_THAT` when using `CATCH_` prefixed macros
### Other:
* Types with overloaded `&&` operator are no longer evaluated twice when used in an assertion macro.
* The use of `__COUNTER__` is supressed when Catch is parsed by CLion
* This change is not active when compiling a binary
* Approval tests can now be run on Windows
* CMake will now warn if a file is present in the `include` folder but not is not enumerated as part of the project
* Catch now defines `NOMINMAX` and `WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN` before including `windows.h`
* This can be disabled if needed, see [documentation]( for details.
2017-01-20 12:49:59 +01:00
## 1.6.0
2017-01-11 17:43:56 +01:00
### Cmake/ projects:
* Moved CMakeLists.txt to root, made it friendlier for CLion and generating XCode and VS projects, and removed the manually maintained XCode and VS projects.
### Features/ Changes:
* Approx now supports `>=` and `<=`
* Can now use `\` to escape chars in test names on command line
2017-01-11 17:43:56 +01:00
* Standardize C++11 feature toggles
### Fixes:
* Blue shell colour
* Missing argument to `CATCH_CHECK_THROWS`
2017-01-11 17:43:56 +01:00
* Don't encode extended ASCII in XML
* use `std::shuffle` on more compilers (fixes deprecation warning/error)
* Use `__COUNTER__` more consistently (where available)
2017-01-11 17:43:56 +01:00
### Other:
* Tweaks and changes to scripts - particularly for Approval test - to make them more portable
2017-02-28 15:19:09 +01:00
# Older versions
Release notes were not maintained prior to v1.6.0, but you should be able to work them out from the Git history
2017-01-11 17:43:56 +01:00