2017-01-09 14:12:12 +00:00
from __future__ import print_function
2014-03-08 11:31:38 +01:00
2012-11-29 08:41:17 +00:00
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import re
2017-01-09 14:12:12 +00:00
import scriptCommon
2013-04-24 18:58:57 +01:00
from scriptCommon import catchPath
2017-01-09 14:12:12 +00:00
rootPath = os.path.join(catchPath, 'projects/SelfTest/Baselines')
2013-09-30 07:39:06 +01:00
2017-01-09 14:12:12 +00:00
filenameParser = re.compile(r'(.*)/(.*\..pp:)(.*)')
filelineParser = re.compile(r'(.*\..pp:)([0-9]*)(.*)')
pathParser = re.compile(r'(.*?)/(.*\..pp)(.*)')
lineNumberParser = re.compile(r'(.*)line="[0-9]*"(.*)')
hexParser = re.compile(r'(.*)\b(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+)\b(.*)')
durationsParser = re.compile(r'(.*)time="[0-9]*\.[0-9]*"(.*)')
versionParser = re.compile(r'(.*?)Catch v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*(.*)')
devVersionParser = re.compile(r'(.*?)Catch v[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*-develop\.[0-9]*(.*)')
nullParser = re.compile(r'(.*?)\b(__null|nullptr)\b(.*)')
2017-01-09 14:33:03 +00:00
exeNameParser = re.compile(r'(.*?)\b(CatchSelfTest|SelfTest)\b(.*)')
2012-11-29 08:41:17 +00:00
2013-02-02 19:58:04 +00:00
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
2017-01-09 14:12:12 +00:00
cmdPath = sys.argv[1]
2013-02-02 19:58:04 +00:00
2017-01-09 14:12:12 +00:00
cmdPath = scriptCommon.getBuildExecutable()
if not cmdPath.startswith("/"):
cmdPath = os.path.join(catchPath, cmdPath)
2012-11-29 08:41:17 +00:00
2013-09-27 19:01:14 +01:00
overallResult = 0
2012-11-29 08:41:17 +00:00
2017-01-09 14:12:12 +00:00
def filterLine(line):
m = filenameParser.match(line)
if m:
line = m.group(2) + m.group(3)
m2 = filelineParser.match(line)
if m2:
line = m2.group(1) + "<line number>" + m2.group(3)
m2 = lineNumberParser.match(line)
if m2:
line = m2.group(1) + m2.group(2)
m = pathParser.match(line)
if m:
path = "/" + m.group(2)
if path.startswith(catchPath):
path = path[1 + len(catchPath):]
line = m.group(1) + path + m.group(3)
m = devVersionParser.match(line)
if m:
line = m.group(1) + "<version>" + m.group(2)
m = versionParser.match(line)
if m:
line = m.group(1) + "<version>" + m.group(2)
m = nullParser.match(line)
if m:
line = m.group(1) + "0" + m.group(3)
2017-01-09 14:33:03 +00:00
m = exeNameParser.match(line)
if m:
line = m.group(1) + "<exe-name>" + m.group(3)
2017-01-09 14:12:12 +00:00
while True:
m = hexParser.match(line)
if m:
line = m.group(1) + "0x<hex digits>" + m.group(3)
m = durationsParser.match(line)
if m:
line = m.group(1) + 'time="{duration}"' + m.group(2)
return line
def approve(baseName, args):
global overallResult
args[0:0] = [cmdPath]
if not os.path.exists(cmdPath):
raise Exception("Executable doesn't exist at " + cmdPath)
baselinesPath = os.path.join(rootPath, '{0}.approved.txt'.format(baseName))
rawResultsPath = os.path.join(rootPath, '_{0}.tmp'.format(baseName))
filteredResultsPath = os.path.join(rootPath, '{0}.unapproved.txt'.format(baseName))
f = open(rawResultsPath, 'w')
subprocess.call(args, stdout=f, stderr=f)
rawFile = open(rawResultsPath, 'r')
filteredFile = open(filteredResultsPath, 'w')
for line in rawFile:
filteredFile.write(filterLine(line).rstrip() + "\n")
print(baseName + ":")
if os.path.exists(baselinesPath):
diffResult = subprocess.call(["diff", baselinesPath, filteredResultsPath])
if diffResult == 0:
print(" \033[92mResults matched")
print(" \n****************************\n \033[91mResults differed")
if diffResult > overallResult:
overallResult = diffResult
print(" first approval")
if overallResult == 0:
overallResult = 1
print("Running approvals against executable:")
print(" " + cmdPath)
2013-09-27 19:01:14 +01:00
# Standard console reporter
2017-01-09 14:26:59 +00:00
approve("console.std", ["~[c++11]", "--order", "lex"])
2013-09-27 19:01:14 +01:00
# console reporter, include passes, warn about No Assertions
2017-01-09 14:26:59 +00:00
approve("console.sw", ["~[c++11]", "-s", "-w", "NoAssertions", "--order", "lex"])
2013-09-27 19:01:14 +01:00
# console reporter, include passes, warn about No Assertions, limit failures to first 4
2017-01-09 14:26:59 +00:00
approve("console.swa4", ["~[c++11]", "-s", "-w", "NoAssertions", "-x", "4", "--order", "lex"])
2013-09-27 19:01:14 +01:00
# junit reporter, include passes, warn about No Assertions
2017-01-09 14:26:59 +00:00
approve("junit.sw", ["~[c++11]", "-s", "-w", "NoAssertions", "-r", "junit", "--order", "lex"])
2013-09-27 19:01:14 +01:00
# xml reporter, include passes, warn about No Assertions
2017-01-09 14:26:59 +00:00
approve("xml.sw", ["~[c++11]", "-s", "-w", "NoAssertions", "-r", "xml", "--order", "lex"])
2013-09-27 19:01:14 +01:00
2014-03-08 11:31:11 +01:00
if overallResult != 0:
2017-01-09 14:12:12 +00:00
print("If these differenecs are expected run approve.py to approve new baselines")