mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 18:36:20 +01:00
Removed String and StringBuilder
This commit is contained in:
@ -76,8 +76,6 @@ set(TEST_SOURCES
@ -172,8 +170,6 @@ set(INTERNAL_HEADERS
@ -226,8 +222,6 @@ set(IMPL_SOURCES
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2016 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include "catch_string.h"
#include "catch_stringref.h"
#include "catch_stringbuilder.h"
#include "catch_stringdata.h"
#include <ostream>
namespace Catch {
: m_data( StringData::getEmpty() )
String::String( StringRef const& stringRef )
: m_data( StringData::create( stringRef ) )
String::String( char const* rawString )
: String( StringRef( rawString ) )
String::String( String const& other )
: m_data( other.m_data )
String::String( String&& other ) noexcept
: m_data( other.m_data )
other.m_data = StringData::getEmpty();
String::String( StringBuilder&& stringBuf )
: m_data( stringBuf.m_data )
// const_cast is ok here because we are taking ownership
const_cast<StringData*>( m_data )->size = stringBuf.size();
stringBuf.m_data = StringData::getEmpty();
stringBuf.m_size = 0;
String::~String() noexcept {
auto String::operator = ( String const& other ) -> String& {
m_data = other.m_data;
return *this;
auto String::empty() const noexcept -> bool {
return m_data->size == 0;
auto String::size() const noexcept -> size_type {
return m_data->size;
auto String::numberOfCharacters() const noexcept -> size_type {
return StringRef( *this ).numberOfCharacters();
auto String::c_str() const noexcept -> char const* {
return m_data->chars;
auto String::operator == ( StringRef const& other ) const noexcept -> bool {
return other == StringRef( *this );
auto String::operator == ( char const* other ) const noexcept -> bool {
return StringRef( other ) == StringRef( *this );
std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream& os, String const& str ) {
os << str.c_str();
return os;
} // namespace Catch
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2016 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <cstddef>
namespace Catch {
class StringData;
class StringRef;
class StringBuilder;
/// An owning, ref-counted, immutable string type.
/// The ref count (not visible here as it is defined in StringData) is atomic
/// so instances should be safe to share across threads
class String {
friend class StringRef;
friend class StringBuilder;
StringData const* m_data = nullptr;
using size_type = size_t;
String( StringRef const& stringRef );
String( char const* rawString );
String( String const& other );
String( String&& other ) noexcept;
String( StringBuilder&& stringBuf );
~String() noexcept;
auto operator = ( String const& other ) -> String&;
auto operator == ( StringRef const& other ) const noexcept -> bool;
auto operator == ( char const* other ) const noexcept -> bool;
auto empty() const noexcept -> bool;
auto size() const noexcept -> size_type;
auto numberOfCharacters() const noexcept -> size_type;
auto c_str() const noexcept -> char const*;
} // namespace Catch
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2016 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include "catch_stringbuilder.h"
#include "catch_stringref.h"
#include "catch_stringdata.h"
#include "catch_string.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <stdexcept>
namespace Catch {
static const StringBuilder::size_type s_minimumCapacity = 32;
: m_data( StringData::getEmpty() )
StringBuilder::StringBuilder( size_type initialCapacity )
: m_size( 0 ),
m_data( StringData::create( StringRef(), initialCapacity ) )
StringBuilder::StringBuilder( StringRef const& str, size_type initialCapacity )
: m_size( str.size() ),
m_data( StringData::create( str, initialCapacity ) )
StringBuilder::StringBuilder( StringBuilder const& other, size_type initialCapacity )
: StringBuilder( StringRef( other.m_data->chars, other.m_size ), initialCapacity )
StringBuilder::StringBuilder( StringBuilder&& other ) noexcept
: StringBuilder()
swap( other );
StringBuilder::StringBuilder( String&& str )
: m_size( str.size() ),
m_data( StringData::getEmpty() )
if( str.m_data->isUniquelyOwned() )
std::swap( m_data, const_cast<StringData*&>( str.m_data ) );
size_type initialCapacity = std::min( s_minimumCapacity, m_size );
m_data = StringData::create( str, initialCapacity );
StringBuilder::StringBuilder( String const& other )
: StringBuilder( StringRef( other ), std::min( s_minimumCapacity, other.size() ) )
StringBuilder::~StringBuilder() noexcept {
auto StringBuilder::size() const noexcept -> size_type {
return m_size;
void StringBuilder::swap( StringBuilder& other ) noexcept {
std::swap( m_size, other.m_size );
std::swap( m_data, other.m_data );
void StringBuilder::reserve( size_type minimumCapacity ) {
if( minimumCapacity > capacity() ) {
StringBuilder temp( *this, minimumCapacity );
swap( temp );
void StringBuilder::reserveExponential( size_type minimumCapacity ) {
if( minimumCapacity > capacity() ) {
size_type candidateCapacity = capacity() < s_minimumCapacity ? s_minimumCapacity : capacity()*2;
while( candidateCapacity < minimumCapacity )
candidateCapacity = candidateCapacity * 3/2; // grow factor of 1.5
StringBuilder temp( *this, candidateCapacity );
swap( temp );
auto StringBuilder::capacity() const noexcept -> size_type {
return m_data->size;
void StringBuilder::writeTo( size_type index, StringRef const& str ) {
assert( index + str.size() < capacity() );
if( str.size() > 0 )
std::memcpy( m_data->chars+index, str.data(), str.size() );
void StringBuilder::append( StringRef const& str ) {
reserveExponential( m_size + str.size() + 1 );
writeTo( m_size, str );
m_size += str.size();
m_data->chars[m_size] = '\0';
auto operator << ( StringBuilder& sb, StringRef sr ) -> StringBuilder& {
sb.append( sr );
return sb;
auto operator << ( StringBuilder&& sb, StringRef sr ) -> StringBuilder&& {
sb.append( sr );
return std::move( sb );
} // namespace Catch
@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2016 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include "catch_stringref.h"
#include <cstddef>
namespace Catch {
class String;
class StringData;
/// A mutable container for string data
/// Use to build up strings before transferring to an immutable String.
/// Construct the String using the rvalue reference constructor (which
/// will usually involve std::move-ing the StringBuilder). This will transfer
/// The underlying buffer without any extra allocations or ref counts.
class StringBuilder {
friend class String;
using size_type = size_t;
StringBuilder( size_type initialCapacity );
StringBuilder( StringRef const& str, size_type initialCapacity );
StringBuilder( StringBuilder const& other, size_type initialCapacity );
StringBuilder( StringBuilder&& other ) noexcept;
StringBuilder( String&& other );
StringBuilder( String const& other );
~StringBuilder() noexcept;
void swap( StringBuilder& other ) noexcept;
auto size() const noexcept -> size_type;
auto capacity() const noexcept -> size_type;
/// Grows the buffer to exactly the capacity requested, or
/// does nothing if it is already at least as big
void reserve(size_type capacity);
/// Grows the buffer exponentially (from a baseline of 32 bytes)
/// until it is at least as large as the requested capacity -
/// or does nothing if already large enough
void reserveExponential(size_type capacity);
/// Writes the string at the current insertion point then moves
/// the insertion point forward by the string length.
/// If the buffer needs to grow to accomodate the string it does so
/// using the exponential strategy
void append( StringRef const& str );
friend auto operator << ( StringBuilder& sb, StringRef sr ) -> StringBuilder&;
friend auto operator << ( StringBuilder&& sb, StringRef sr ) -> StringBuilder&&;
/// Writes the contents of the string ref into the buffer at
/// the indexed location.
/// The bounds are not checked! Use append() to just add to the
/// end of the buffer, extending it if the capacity is not enough.
void writeTo( size_type index, StringRef const& str );
size_type m_size = 0;
StringData* m_data;
} // namespace Catch
@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
#include "catch_stringref.h"
#include "catch_stringbuilder.h"
#include "catch_string.h"
#include "catch_stringdata.h"
#include <cstring>
@ -58,18 +56,6 @@ namespace Catch {
m_size = rawSize;
StringRef::StringRef( String const& other ) noexcept
: m_start( other.c_str() ),
m_size( other.size() )
StringRef::StringRef( String&& str ) noexcept
: m_start( str.c_str() ),
m_size( str.size() ),
m_data( str.m_data )
str.m_data = StringData::getEmpty();
StringRef::StringRef( std::string const& stdString ) noexcept
: m_start( stdString.c_str() ),
m_size( stdString.size() )
@ -112,9 +98,9 @@ namespace Catch {
void StringRef::takeOwnership() {
if( !isOwned() ) {
StringRef temp = String( *this );
swap( temp );
m_data = StringData::create( *this );
m_start = m_data->chars;
auto StringRef::substr( size_type start, size_type size ) const noexcept -> StringRef {
if( start < m_size )
@ -159,18 +145,18 @@ namespace Catch {
return noChars;
auto operator + ( StringRef const& lhs, StringRef const& rhs ) -> String {
StringBuilder buf;
buf.reserve( lhs.size() + rhs.size() );
buf.append( lhs );
buf.append( rhs );
return String( std::move( buf ) );
auto operator + ( StringRef const& lhs, StringRef const& rhs ) -> std::string {
std::string str;
str.reserve( lhs.size() + rhs.size() );
str += lhs;
str += rhs;
return str;
auto operator + ( StringRef const& lhs, const char* rhs ) -> String {
return lhs + StringRef( rhs );
auto operator + ( StringRef const& lhs, const char* rhs ) -> std::string {
return std::string( lhs ) + std::string( rhs );
auto operator + ( char const* lhs, StringRef const& rhs ) -> String {
return StringRef( lhs ) + rhs;
auto operator + ( char const* lhs, StringRef const& rhs ) -> std::string {
return std::string( lhs ) + std::string( rhs );
auto operator << ( std::ostream& os, StringRef const& str ) -> std::ostream& {
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
namespace Catch {
class String;
class StringData;
/// A non-owning string class (similar to the forthcoming std::string_view)
@ -26,7 +25,6 @@ namespace Catch {
class StringRef {
friend struct StringRefTestAccess;
friend class StringData;
friend class StringBuilder;
using size_type = size_t;
@ -43,8 +41,6 @@ namespace Catch {
StringRef( StringRef&& other ) noexcept;
StringRef( char const* rawChars ) noexcept;
StringRef( char const* rawChars, size_type size ) noexcept;
StringRef( String const& other ) noexcept;
StringRef( String&& other ) noexcept;
StringRef( std::string const& stdString ) noexcept;
~StringRef() noexcept;
@ -74,9 +70,9 @@ namespace Catch {
auto data() const noexcept -> char const*;
auto operator + ( StringRef const& lhs, StringRef const& rhs ) -> String;
auto operator + ( StringRef const& lhs, char const* rhs ) -> String;
auto operator + ( char const* lhs, StringRef const& rhs ) -> String;
auto operator + ( StringRef const& lhs, StringRef const& rhs ) -> std::string;
auto operator + ( StringRef const& lhs, char const* rhs ) -> std::string;
auto operator + ( char const* lhs, StringRef const& rhs ) -> std::string;
auto operator << ( std::ostream& os, StringRef const& sr ) -> std::ostream&;
@ -1020,6 +1020,6 @@ with expansion:
"{?}" == "1"
test cases: 183 | 132 passed | 47 failed | 4 failed as expected
assertions: 908 | 791 passed | 96 failed | 21 failed as expected
test cases: 181 | 130 passed | 47 failed | 4 failed as expected
assertions: 876 | 759 passed | 96 failed | 21 failed as expected
@ -4257,50 +4257,6 @@ MatchersTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
with expansion:
"this string contains 'abc' as a substring" starts with: "string"
empty string
String.tests.cpp:<line number>
String.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( empty.empty() )
with expansion:
String.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( empty.size() == 0 )
with expansion:
0 == 0
String.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( std::strcmp( empty.c_str(), "" ) == 0 )
with expansion:
0 == 0
from literal
String.tests.cpp:<line number>
String.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( s.empty() == false )
with expansion:
false == false
String.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( s.size() == 5 )
with expansion:
5 == 5
String matchers
@ -4331,172 +4287,6 @@ PASSED:
with expansion:
"this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ends with: "substring"
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( sb.capacity() == 0 )
with expansion:
0 == 0
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( sb.size() == 0 )
with expansion:
0 == 0
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( sb.capacity() == 32 )
with expansion:
32 == 32
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( sb.size() == 0 )
with expansion:
0 == 0
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( sb.capacity() == 32 )
with expansion:
32 == 32
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( sb.size() == 5 )
with expansion:
5 == 5
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( s == "hello" )
with expansion:
hello == "hello"
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( s.size() == 5 )
with expansion:
5 == 5
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( s == "hello world" )
with expansion:
hello world == "hello world"
concat & move
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( s == "hello world" )
with expansion:
hello world == "hello world"
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( sb16.capacity() == 16 )
with expansion:
16 == 16
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( sb16.capacity() == 16 )
with expansion:
16 == 16
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( s == "hello world" )
with expansion:
hello world == "hello world"
from String
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( s2 == s )
with expansion:
hello == hello
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( s2.c_str() != s.c_str() )
with expansion:
"hello" != "hello"
from String
move from uniquely owned string
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( s2 == "hello" )
with expansion:
hello == "hello"
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( s2.c_str() == originalPointer )
with expansion:
"hello" == "hello"
from String
move from shared string (copies)
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( s2 == "hello" )
with expansion:
hello == "hello"
StringBuilder.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( s2.c_str() != originalPointer )
with expansion:
"hello" != "hello"
Empty string
@ -4744,70 +4534,6 @@ PASSED:
with expansion:
hello != cello
From string
StringRef.tests.cpp:<line number>
StringRef.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( copied == "hot potato" )
with expansion:
hot potato == "hot potato"
StringRef.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( str == "hot potato" )
with expansion:
hot potato == "hot potato"
StringRef.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( isOwned( copied ) == false )
with expansion:
false == false
StringRef.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( data( copied ) == originalPointer )
with expansion:
"hot potato" == "hot potato"
From string
StringRef.tests.cpp:<line number>
StringRef.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( copied == "hot potato" )
with expansion:
hot potato == "hot potato"
StringRef.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( isOwned( copied ) )
with expansion:
StringRef.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( str.empty() )
with expansion:
StringRef.tests.cpp:<line number>:
REQUIRE( data( copied ) == originalPointer )
with expansion:
"hot potato" == "hot potato"
from std::string
@ -7737,6 +7463,6 @@ MiscTests.cpp:<line number>:
test cases: 183 | 129 passed | 50 failed | 4 failed as expected
assertions: 910 | 787 passed | 102 failed | 21 failed as expected
test cases: 181 | 127 passed | 50 failed | 4 failed as expected
assertions: 878 | 755 passed | 102 failed | 21 failed as expected
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuitesloose text artifact
<testsuite name="<exe-name>" errors="15" failures="88" tests="911" hostname="tbd" time="{duration}" timestamp="{iso8601-timestamp}">
<testsuite name="<exe-name>" errors="15" failures="88" tests="879" hostname="tbd" time="{duration}" timestamp="{iso8601-timestamp}">
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="# A test name that starts with a #" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="#748 - captures with unexpected exceptions/outside assertions" time="{duration}">
<error type="TEST_CASE">
@ -505,16 +505,7 @@ Message from section two
MatchersTests.cpp:<line number>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="String/empty string" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="String/from literal" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="String matchers" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="StringBuilder/basic" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="StringBuilder/concatenation" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="StringBuilder/concat & move" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="StringBuilder/reserved" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="StringBuilder/from String/copy" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="StringBuilder/from String/move from uniquely owned string" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="StringBuilder/from String/move from shared string (copies)" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="StringRef/Empty string" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="StringRef/From string literal" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="StringRef/From string literal/c_str() does not cause copy" time="{duration}"/>
@ -529,8 +520,6 @@ StringRef.tests.cpp:<line number>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="StringRef/Substrings/Pointer values of full refs should match" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="StringRef/Substrings/Pointer values of substring refs should not match" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="StringRef/Comparisons" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="StringRef/From string/Copied" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="StringRef/From string/Moved" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="StringRef/from std::string/implicitly constructed" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="StringRef/from std::string/explicitly constructed" time="{duration}"/>
<testcase classname="<exe-name>.global" name="StringRef/from std::string/assigned" time="{duration}"/>
@ -4860,55 +4860,6 @@ Message from section two
<OverallResult success="false"/>
<TestCase name="String" tags="[Strings]" filename="projects/<exe-name>/String.tests.cpp" >
<Section name="empty string" filename="projects/<exe-name>/String.tests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/String.tests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/String.tests.cpp" >
empty.size() == 0
0 == 0
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/String.tests.cpp" >
std::strcmp( empty.c_str(), "" ) == 0
0 == 0
<OverallResults successes="3" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
<Section name="from literal" filename="projects/<exe-name>/String.tests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/String.tests.cpp" >
s.empty() == false
false == false
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/String.tests.cpp" >
s.size() == 5
5 == 5
<OverallResults successes="2" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
<OverallResult success="true"/>
<TestCase name="String matchers" tags="[matchers]" filename="projects/<exe-name>/MatchersTests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE_THAT" filename="projects/<exe-name>/MatchersTests.cpp" >
@ -4944,191 +4895,6 @@ Message from section two
<OverallResult success="true"/>
<TestCase name="StringBuilder" tags="[Strings]" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
<Section name="basic" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
sb.capacity() == 0
0 == 0
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
sb.size() == 0
0 == 0
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
sb.capacity() == 32
32 == 32
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
sb.size() == 0
0 == 0
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
sb.capacity() == 32
32 == 32
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
sb.size() == 5
5 == 5
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
s == "hello"
hello == "hello"
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
s.size() == 5
5 == 5
<OverallResults successes="8" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
<Section name="concatenation" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
s == "hello world"
hello world == "hello world"
<OverallResults successes="1" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
<Section name="concat & move" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
s == "hello world"
hello world == "hello world"
<OverallResults successes="1" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
<Section name="reserved" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
sb16.capacity() == 16
16 == 16
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
sb16.capacity() == 16
16 == 16
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
s == "hello world"
hello world == "hello world"
<OverallResults successes="3" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
<Section name="from String" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
<Section name="copy" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
s2 == s
hello == hello
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
s2.c_str() != s.c_str()
"hello" != "hello"
<OverallResults successes="2" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
<OverallResults successes="2" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
<Section name="from String" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
<Section name="move from uniquely owned string" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
s2 == "hello"
hello == "hello"
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
s2.c_str() == originalPointer
"hello" == "hello"
<OverallResults successes="2" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
<OverallResults successes="2" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
<Section name="from String" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
<Section name="move from shared string (copies)" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
s2 == "hello"
hello == "hello"
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringBuilder.tests.cpp" >
s2.c_str() != originalPointer
"hello" != "hello"
<OverallResults successes="2" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
<OverallResults successes="2" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
<OverallResult success="true"/>
<TestCase name="StringRef" tags="[Strings]" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringRef.tests.cpp" >
<Section name="Empty string" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringRef.tests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringRef.tests.cpp" >
@ -5407,82 +5173,6 @@ Message from section two
<OverallResults successes="2" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
<Section name="From string" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringRef.tests.cpp" >
<Section name="Copied" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringRef.tests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringRef.tests.cpp" >
copied == "hot potato"
hot potato == "hot potato"
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringRef.tests.cpp" >
str == "hot potato"
hot potato == "hot potato"
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringRef.tests.cpp" >
isOwned( copied ) == false
false == false
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringRef.tests.cpp" >
data( copied ) == originalPointer
"hot potato" == "hot potato"
<OverallResults successes="4" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
<OverallResults successes="4" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
<Section name="From string" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringRef.tests.cpp" >
<Section name="Moved" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringRef.tests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringRef.tests.cpp" >
copied == "hot potato"
hot potato == "hot potato"
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringRef.tests.cpp" >
isOwned( copied )
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringRef.tests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringRef.tests.cpp" >
data( copied ) == originalPointer
"hot potato" == "hot potato"
<OverallResults successes="4" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
<OverallResults successes="4" failures="0" expectedFailures="0"/>
<Section name="from std::string" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringRef.tests.cpp" >
<Section name="implicitly constructed" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringRef.tests.cpp" >
<Expression success="true" type="REQUIRE" filename="projects/<exe-name>/StringRef.tests.cpp" >
@ -8568,7 +8258,7 @@ loose text artifact
<OverallResult success="true"/>
<OverallResults successes="787" failures="103" expectedFailures="21"/>
<OverallResults successes="755" failures="103" expectedFailures="21"/>
<OverallResults successes="787" failures="102" expectedFailures="21"/>
<OverallResults successes="755" failures="102" expectedFailures="21"/>
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
#include "../include/internal/catch_string.h"
#include "catch.hpp"
#include <cstring>
TEST_CASE( "String", "[Strings]" ) {
using Catch::String;
SECTION( "empty string" ) {
String empty;
REQUIRE( empty.empty() );
REQUIRE( empty.size() == 0 );
REQUIRE( std::strcmp( empty.c_str(), "" ) == 0 );
SECTION( "from literal" ) {
String s = "hello";
REQUIRE( s.empty() == false );
REQUIRE( s.size() == 5 );
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
#include "internal/catch_stringbuilder.h"
#include "../include/internal/catch_stringref.h"
#include "../include/internal/catch_string.h"
#include "catch.hpp"
TEST_CASE( "StringBuilder", "[Strings]" ) {
using Catch::StringBuilder;
using Catch::String;
StringBuilder sb;
SECTION( "basic" ) {
REQUIRE( sb.capacity() == 0 );
REQUIRE( sb.size() == 0 );
sb.reserve( 32 );
REQUIRE( sb.capacity() == 32 );
REQUIRE( sb.size() == 0 );
sb.append( "hello" );
REQUIRE( sb.capacity() == 32 );
REQUIRE( sb.size() == 5 );
String s = std::move( sb );
REQUIRE( s == "hello" );
REQUIRE( s.size() == 5 );
SECTION( "concatenation" ) {
sb << "hello" << " " << "world";
String s = std::move( sb );
REQUIRE( s == "hello world" );
SECTION( "concat & move" ) {
String s = StringBuilder() << "hello" << " " << "world";
REQUIRE( s == "hello world" );
SECTION( "reserved" ) {
StringBuilder sb16( 16 );
REQUIRE( sb16.capacity() == 16 );
sb16 << "hello" << " " << "world";
REQUIRE( sb16.capacity() == 16 );
String s = std::move( sb16 );
REQUIRE( s == "hello world" );
SECTION( "from String" ) {
String s = "hello";
SECTION( "copy" ) {
StringBuilder sb2 = s;
String s2( std::move(sb2) );
REQUIRE( s2 == s );
REQUIRE( s2.c_str() != s.c_str() );
SECTION( "move from uniquely owned string" ) {
auto originalPointer = s.c_str();
StringBuilder sb2( std::move( s ) );
String s2( std::move(sb2) );
REQUIRE( s2 == "hello" );
REQUIRE( s2.c_str() == originalPointer );
SECTION( "move from shared string (copies)" ) {
auto originalPointer = s.c_str();
String keepAlive = s;
StringBuilder sb2( std::move( s ) );
String s2( std::move(sb2) );
REQUIRE( s2 == "hello" );
REQUIRE( s2.c_str() != originalPointer );
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#include "../include/internal/catch_stringref.h"
#include "../include/internal/catch_string.h"
#include "catch.hpp"
@ -40,8 +39,7 @@ namespace Catch {
TEST_CASE( "StringRef", "[Strings]" ) {
using Catch::StringRef;
using Catch::String;
SECTION( "Empty string" ) {
StringRef empty;
REQUIRE( empty.empty() );
@ -124,32 +122,6 @@ TEST_CASE( "StringRef", "[Strings]" ) {
REQUIRE( StringRef("hello") == StringRef("hello") );
REQUIRE( StringRef("hello") != StringRef("cello") );
SECTION( "From string" ) {
String str = "hot potato";
auto originalPointer = str.c_str();
SECTION( "Copied" ) {
// After a String is "copied" to a StringRef
// It has only copied the pointer and size
// - it does not take ownership
StringRef copied = str;
REQUIRE( copied == "hot potato" );
REQUIRE( str == "hot potato" );
REQUIRE( isOwned( copied ) == false );
REQUIRE( data( copied ) == originalPointer );
SECTION( "Moved" ) {
// After a String is *moved* to a StringRef
// The StringRef takes ownership of the underlying data
// and the String is left in an empty state
StringRef copied = std::move( str );
REQUIRE( copied == "hot potato" );
REQUIRE( isOwned( copied ) );
REQUIRE( str.empty() );
REQUIRE( data( copied ) == originalPointer );
SECTION( "from std::string" ) {
std::string stdStr = "a standard string";
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