Parsing C++ with regex in CMake is error prone and regularly leads to silently
dropped (not run) test cases.
Going forward the function `catch_discover_tests` from `contrib/CMake.cmake`
should be used.
For more information see
CMake 3.19 introduces new add_test() behavior guarded with the policy
Update the helper script ParseAndAddCatchTests to consider the policy and
handle the test case name accordingly.
* Change regex to allow parentheses inside the test macro for a type list
* Append a wildcard to the CTestName if the test case is a template
* Also change the regular expression so parentheses are allowed in names
With CMake 3.18.0 the `add_test(NAME)` handling changed. The escaped
double quotes confuse the new call. Work around this upstream change.
After the script, the ParseAndAddCatchTests_TESTS property for the
target, and for each source file in the target is set, and contains the
list of the tests extracted from that target, or from that file.
This is useful, for example to add further labels or properties to the
When PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_ADD_TARGET_IN_TEST_NAME is enabled the cmake helper script fails to extract the testcase name if a whitespace is before the name string. Use regex to consider and remove this whitespace.
fix by Mike-Devel
If this option is enabled and PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_NO_HIDDEN_TESTS option is disabled, the test is be added, but the DISABLED property is set, therefore CTest shows it as "Not Run (Disabled)" instead of "Passed"
This variable is set to allow the use of the nice ParseAndAddCatchTests script
in the case where a launcher is needed to execute the script.
This is introduced to allow to launch unit tests using mpi. In this case one can
write for instance
set(OptionalCatchTestLauncher ${MPIEXEC} ${MPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG} ${NUMPROC})
before calling the ParseAndAddCatchTests function.
If source files are defined using relative paths, CMake will compile the tests, but this script will (sometimes) fail to find and parse the tests from the source files. I have added an explicit warning when ParseAndAddCatchTests fails to find a source file.
Added cmake script to parse the source files containing Catch's test and generate ctest definitions.
It generates one ctest test per `TEST_CASE` and labels them, using the `TEST_CASE`'s tags.