- Overrides added
- usages of push_back() replaced with emplace_back()
- Loop variable made const-refernce
- NULL replaced with nullptr
- Names used in the declaration and definition unified
- size() replaced with empty
- Identical cases merged
DJGPP cross compiler is targeting DOS which does not support POSIX
signals. Probably for the same reason (targeting DOS) this compiler
does not support wide characters.
ReusableStringStream holds a std::ostringstream internally, but only exposes the ostream interface.
It caches a pool of ostringstreams in a vector which is currently global, but will be made thread-local.
Altogether this should enable both runtime and compile-time benefits. although more work is needed to realise the compile time opportunities.
`-Wpadded` in some places (where it caused extra size, instead of just
saying "hey, we padded struct at the end to align, just as standard says")
`-Wweak-vtables` everywhere (Clang)
`-Wexit-time-destructors` everywhere (Clang)
`-Wmissing-noreturn` everywhere (Clang)
The last three are enabled for Clang compilation going forward.
Also enabled `-Wunreachable-code` for Clang and GCC