Introducing a new DISCOVERY_MODE mode option, which provides greater
control over when catch_discover_tests perforsm test discovery.
It has two supported modes:
* POST_BUILD: The default behavior, which adds a POST_BUILD command
to perform test discovery after the test has been built as was
always done so far.
* PRE_TEST: New mode, which delays test discovery until test execution.
The generated include file generates the appropriate CTest files at
runtime and regenerates the CTest files when the executable is
This mode can be used in build-environments that don't allow for
executing the linked binaries at build-time (like in a
cross-compilation environment).
DISCOVERY_MODE can be controlled in two ways:
1. Setting the DISCOVERY_MODE when calling catch_discover_tests.
to calling gtest_discover_tests.
This enables setting the required PATH/LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables both when retrieving the list of text cases and when executing the tests.
Co-authored-by: Martin Hořeňovský <>
Set `_CATCH_DISCOVER_TESTS_SCRIPT` helper variable globally. Otherwise in a
scoped call (like `add_subdirectory()`) the variable gets lost. This lost
variable results in a post build error with not much information to lead to the
root of the problem.
This enables the usage of the helper script with the following example structure
- CMakeLists.txt (project root with `add_subdirectory(external/catch2)`
- external/catch2
- CMakeLists.txt (contents listed below)
- contrib/Catch.cmake
- contrib/CatchAddTests.cmake
- catch2/catch.hpp
- tests
- CMakeLists.txt (add tests with `catch_discover_tests(${PROJECT_NAME})`)
contents of project specific helper `external/catch2/CMakeLists.txt`
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.1...${CMAKE_VERSION})
project(Catch2 LANGUAGES CXX VERSION 2.13.3)
add_library(Catch2 INTERFACE)
# provide a namespaced alias for clients to 'link' against if catch is included as a sub-project
add_library(Catch2::Catch2 ALIAS Catch2)