# This file is part of CMake-codecov. # # Copyright (c) # 2015-2017 RWTH Aachen University, Federal Republic of Germany # # See the LICENSE file in the package base directory for details # # Written by Alexander Haase, alexander.haase@rwth-aachen.de # # include required Modules include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) # Search for gcov binary. set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET_SAVE ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET}) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET ${codecov_FIND_QUIETLY}) get_property(ENABLED_LANGUAGES GLOBAL PROPERTY ENABLED_LANGUAGES) foreach (LANG ${ENABLED_LANGUAGES}) # Gcov evaluation is dependend on the used compiler. Check gcov support for # each compiler that is used. If gcov binary was already found for this # compiler, do not try to find it again. if (NOT GCOV_${CMAKE_${LANG}_COMPILER_ID}_BIN) get_filename_component(COMPILER_PATH "${CMAKE_${LANG}_COMPILER}" PATH) if ("${CMAKE_${LANG}_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "GNU") # Some distributions like OSX (homebrew) ship gcov with the compiler # version appended as gcov-x. To find this binary we'll build the # suggested binary name with the compiler version. string(REGEX MATCH "^[0-9]+" GCC_VERSION "${CMAKE_${LANG}_COMPILER_VERSION}") find_program(GCOV_BIN NAMES gcov-${GCC_VERSION} gcov HINTS ${COMPILER_PATH}) elseif ("${CMAKE_${LANG}_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "Clang") # Some distributions like Debian ship llvm-cov with the compiler # version appended as llvm-cov-x.y. To find this binary we'll build # the suggested binary name with the compiler version. string(REGEX MATCH "^[0-9]+.[0-9]+" LLVM_VERSION "${CMAKE_${LANG}_COMPILER_VERSION}") # llvm-cov prior version 3.5 seems to be not working with coverage # evaluation tools, but these versions are compatible with the gcc # gcov tool. if(LLVM_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 3.4) find_program(LLVM_COV_BIN NAMES "llvm-cov-${LLVM_VERSION}" "llvm-cov" HINTS ${COMPILER_PATH}) mark_as_advanced(LLVM_COV_BIN) if (LLVM_COV_BIN) find_program(LLVM_COV_WRAPPER "llvm-cov-wrapper" PATHS ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) if (LLVM_COV_WRAPPER) set(GCOV_BIN "${LLVM_COV_WRAPPER}" CACHE FILEPATH "") # set additional parameters set(GCOV_${CMAKE_${LANG}_COMPILER_ID}_ENV "LLVM_COV_BIN=${LLVM_COV_BIN}" CACHE STRING "Environment variables for llvm-cov-wrapper.") mark_as_advanced(GCOV_${CMAKE_${LANG}_COMPILER_ID}_ENV) endif () endif () endif () if (NOT GCOV_BIN) # Fall back to gcov binary if llvm-cov was not found or is # incompatible. This is the default on OSX, but may crash on # recent Linux versions. find_program(GCOV_BIN gcov HINTS ${COMPILER_PATH}) endif () endif () if (GCOV_BIN) set(GCOV_${CMAKE_${LANG}_COMPILER_ID}_BIN "${GCOV_BIN}" CACHE STRING "${LANG} gcov binary.") if (NOT CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET) message("-- Found gcov evaluation for " "${CMAKE_${LANG}_COMPILER_ID}: ${GCOV_BIN}") endif() unset(GCOV_BIN CACHE) endif () endif () endforeach () # Add a new global target for all gcov targets. This target could be used to # generate the gcov files for the whole project instead of calling <TARGET>-gcov # for each target. if (NOT TARGET gcov) add_custom_target(gcov) endif (NOT TARGET gcov) # This function will add gcov evaluation for target <TNAME>. Only sources of # this target will be evaluated and no dependencies will be added. It will call # Gcov on any source file of <TNAME> once and store the gcov file in the same # directory. function (add_gcov_target TNAME) set(TDIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/${TNAME}.dir) # We don't have to check, if the target has support for coverage, thus this # will be checked by add_coverage_target in Findcoverage.cmake. Instead we # have to determine which gcov binary to use. get_target_property(TSOURCES ${TNAME} SOURCES) set(SOURCES "") set(TCOMPILER "") foreach (FILE ${TSOURCES}) codecov_path_of_source(${FILE} FILE) if (NOT "${FILE}" STREQUAL "") codecov_lang_of_source(${FILE} LANG) if (NOT "${LANG}" STREQUAL "") list(APPEND SOURCES "${FILE}") set(TCOMPILER ${CMAKE_${LANG}_COMPILER_ID}) endif () endif () endforeach () # If no gcov binary was found, coverage data can't be evaluated. if (NOT GCOV_${TCOMPILER}_BIN) message(WARNING "No coverage evaluation binary found for ${TCOMPILER}.") return() endif () set(GCOV_BIN "${GCOV_${TCOMPILER}_BIN}") set(GCOV_ENV "${GCOV_${TCOMPILER}_ENV}") set(BUFFER "") foreach(FILE ${SOURCES}) get_filename_component(FILE_PATH "${TDIR}/${FILE}" PATH) # call gcov add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${TDIR}/${FILE}.gcov COMMAND ${GCOV_ENV} ${GCOV_BIN} ${TDIR}/${FILE}.gcno > /dev/null DEPENDS ${TNAME} ${TDIR}/${FILE}.gcno WORKING_DIRECTORY ${FILE_PATH} ) list(APPEND BUFFER ${TDIR}/${FILE}.gcov) endforeach() # add target for gcov evaluation of <TNAME> add_custom_target(${TNAME}-gcov DEPENDS ${BUFFER}) # add evaluation target to the global gcov target. add_dependencies(gcov ${TNAME}-gcov) endfunction (add_gcov_target)