# 2.2.0 ## Fixes * Hidden tests are not listed by default when listing tests (#1175) * This makes `catch_discover_tests` CMake script work better * Fixed regression that meant `` could potentially not be included properly (#1197) * Fixed installing `Catch2ConfigVersion.cmake` when Catch2 is a subproject. ## Improvements * Added an option to warn (+ exit with error) when no tests were ran (#1158) * Use as `-w NoTests` * Added provisional support for Emscripten (#1114) * [Added a way to override the fallback stringifier](https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2/blob/master/docs/configuration.md#fallback-stringifier) (#1024) * This allows project's own stringification machinery to be easily reused for Catch * `Catch::Session::run()` now accepts `char const * const *`, allowing it to accept array of string literals (#1031, #1178) * The embedded version of Clara was bumped to v1.1.3 * Various minor performance improvements * Added support for DJGPP DOS crosscompiler (#1206) # 2.1.2 ## Fixes * Fixed compilation error with `-fno-rtti` (#1165) * Fixed NoAssertion warnings * `operator<<` is used before range-based stringification (#1172) * Fixed `-Wpedantic` warnings (extra semicolons and binary literals) (#1173) ## Improvements * Added `CATCH_VERSION_{MAJOR,MINOR,PATCH}` macros (#1131) * Added `BrightYellow` colour for use in reporters (#979) * It is also used by ConsoleReporter for reconstructed expressions ## Other changes * Catch is now exported as a CMake package and linkable target (#1170) # 2.1.1 ## Improvements * Static arrays are now properly stringified like ranges across MSVC/GCC/Clang * Embedded newer version of Clara -- v1.1.1 * This should fix some warnings dragged in from Clara * MSVC's CLR exceptions are supported ## Fixes * Fixed compilation when comparison operators do not return bool (#1147) * Fixed CLR exceptions blowing up the executable during translation (#1138) ## Other changes * Many CMake changes * `NO_SELFTEST` option is deprecated, use `BUILD_TESTING` instead. * Catch specific CMake options were prefixed with `CATCH_` for namespacing purposes * Other changes to simplify Catch2's packaging # 2.1.0 ## Improvements * Various performance improvements * On top of the performance regression fixes * Experimental support for PCH was added (#1061) * `CATCH_CONFIG_EXTERNAL_INTERFACES` now brings in declarations of Console, Compact, XML and JUnit reporters * `MatcherBase` no longer has a pointless second template argument * Reduced the number of warning suppressions that leak into user's code * Bugs in g++ 4.x and 5.x mean that some of them have to be left in ## Fixes * Fixed performance regression from Catch classic * One of the performance improvement patches for Catch classic was not applied to Catch2 * Fixed platform detection for iOS (#1084) * Fixed compilation when `g++` is used together with `libc++` (#1110) * Fixed TeamCity reporter compilation with the single header version * To fix the underlying issue we will be versioning reporters in single_include folder per release * The XML reporter will now report `WARN` messages even when not used with `-s` * Fixed compilation when `VectorContains` matcher was combined using `&&` (#1092) * Fixed test duration overflowing after 10 seconds (#1125, #1129) * Fixed `std::uncaught_exception` deprecation warning (#1124) ## New features * New Matchers * Regex matcher for strings, `Matches`. * Set-equal matcher for vectors, `UnorderedEquals` * Floating point matchers, `WithinAbs` and `WithinULP`. * Stringification now attempts to decompose all containers (#606) * Containers are objects that respond to ADL `begin(T)` and `end(T)`. ## Other changes * Reporters will now be versioned in the `single_include` folder to ensure their compatibility with the last released version # 2.0.1 ## Breaking changes * Removed C++98 support * Removed legacy reporter support * Removed legacy generator support * Generator support will come back later, reworked * Removed `Catch::toString` support * The new stringification machinery uses `Catch::StringMaker` specializations first and `operator<<` overloads second. * Removed legacy `SCOPED_MSG` and `SCOPED_INFO` macros * Removed `INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER` * `CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER` should be used to register reporters * Removed legacy `[hide]` tag * `[.]`, `[.foo]` and `[!hide]` are still supported * Output into debugger is now colourized * `*_THROWS_AS(expr, exception_type)` now unconditionally appends `const&` to the exception type. * `CATCH_CONFIG_FAST_COMPILE` now affects the `CHECK_` family of assertions as well as `REQUIRE_` family of assertions * This is most noticeable in `CHECK(throws())`, which would previously report failure, properly stringify the exception and continue. Now it will report failure and stop executing current section. * Removed deprecated matcher utility functions `Not`, `AllOf` and `AnyOf`. * They are superseded by operators `!`, `&&` and `||`, which are natural and do not have limited arity * Removed support for non-const comparison operators * Non-const comparison operators are an abomination that should not exist * They were breaking support for comparing function to function pointer * `std::pair` and `std::tuple` are no longer stringified by default * This is done to avoid dragging in `` and `` headers in common path * Their stringification can be enabled per-file via new configuration macros * `Approx` is subtly different and hopefully behaves more as users would expect * `Approx::scale` defaults to `0.0` * `Approx::epsilon` no longer applies to the larger of the two compared values, but only to the `Approx`'s value * `INFINITY == Approx(INFINITY)` returns true ## Improvements * Reporters and Listeners can be defined in files different from the main file * The file has to define `CATCH_CONFIG_EXTERNAL_INTERFACES` before including catch.hpp. * Errors that happen during set up before main are now caught and properly reported once main is entered * If you are providing your own main, you can access and use these as well. * New assertion macros, *_THROWS_MATCHES(expr, exception_type, matcher) are provided * As the arguments suggest, these allow you to assert that an expression throws desired type of exception and pass the exception to a matcher. * JUnit reporter no longer has significantly different output for test cases with and without sections * Most assertions now support expressions containing commas (ie `REQUIRE(foo() == std::vector{1, 2, 3});`) * Catch now contains experimental micro benchmarking support * See `projects/SelfTest/Benchmark.tests.cpp` for examples * The support being experiment means that it can be changed without prior notice * Catch uses new CLI parsing library (Clara) * Users can now easily add new command line options to the final executable * This also leads to some changes in `Catch::Session` interface * All parts of matchers can be removed from a TU by defining `CATCH_CONFIG_DISABLE_MATCHERS` * This can be used to somewhat speed up compilation times * An experimental implementation of `CATCH_CONFIG_DISABLE` has been added * Inspired by Doctest's `DOCTEST_CONFIG_DISABLE` * Useful for implementing tests in source files * ie for functions in anonymous namespaces * Removes all assertions * Prevents `TEST_CASE` registrations * Exception translators are not registered * Reporters are not registered * Listeners are not registered * Reporters/Listeners are now notified of fatal errors * This means specific signals or structured exceptions * The Reporter/Listener interface provides default, empty, implementation to preserve backward compatibility * Stringification of `std::chrono::duration` and `std::chrono::time_point` is now supported * Needs to be enabled by a per-file compile time configuration option * Add `pkg-config` support to CMake install command ## Fixes * Don't use console colour if running in XCode * Explicit constructor in reporter base class * Swept out `-Wweak-vtables`, `-Wexit-time-destructors`, `-Wglobal-constructors` warnings * Compilation for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) is supported * SEH handling and colorized output are disabled when compiling for UWP * Implemented a workaround for `std::uncaught_exception` issues in libcxxrt * These issues caused incorrect section traversals * The workaround is only partial, user's test can still trigger the issue by using `throw;` to rethrow an exception * Suppressed C4061 warning under MSVC ## Internal changes * The development version now uses .cpp files instead of header files containing implementation. * This makes partial rebuilds much faster during development * The expression decomposition layer has been rewritten * The evaluation layer has been rewritten * New library (TextFlow) is used for formatting text to output # Older versions ## 1.11.x ### 1.11.0 #### Fixes * The original expression in `REQUIRE_FALSE( expr )` is now reporter properly as `!( expr )` (#1051) * Previously the parentheses were missing and `x != y` would be expanded as `!x != x` * `Approx::Margin` is now inclusive (#952) * Previously it was meant and documented as inclusive, but the check itself wasn't * This means that `REQUIRE( 0.25f == Approx( 0.0f ).margin( 0.25f ) )` passes, instead of fails * `RandomNumberGenerator::result_type` is now unsigned (#1050) #### Improvements * `__JETBRAINS_IDE__` macro handling is now CLion version specific (#1017) * When CLion 2017.3 or newer is detected, `__COUNTER__` is used instead of * TeamCity reporter now explicitly flushes output stream after each report (#1057) * On some platforms, output from redirected streams would show up only after the tests finished running * `ParseAndAddCatchTests` now can add test files as dependency to CMake configuration * This means you do not have to manually rerun CMake configuration step to detect new tests ## 1.10.x ### 1.10.0 #### Fixes * Evaluation layer has been rewritten (backported from Catch 2) * The new layer is much simpler and fixes some issues (#981) * Implemented workaround for VS 2017 raw string literal stringification bug (#995) * Fixed interaction between `[!shouldfail]` and `[!mayfail]` tags and sections * Previously sections with failing assertions would be marked as failed, not failed-but-ok #### Improvements * Added [libidentify](https://github.com/janwilmans/LibIdentify) support * Added "wait-for-keypress" option ## 1.9.x ### 1.9.6 #### Improvements * Catch's runtime overhead has been significantly decreased (#937, #939) * Added `--list-extra-info` cli option (#934). * It lists all tests together with extra information, ie filename, line number and description. ### 1.9.5 #### Fixes * Truthy expressions are now reconstructed properly, not as booleans (#914) * Various warnings are no longer erroneously suppressed in test files (files that include `catch.hpp`, but do not define `CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN` or `CATCH_CONFIG_RUNNER`) (#871) * Catch no longer fails to link when main is compiled as C++, but linked against Objective-C (#855) * Fixed incorrect gcc version detection when deciding to use `__COUNTER__` (#928) * Previously any GCC with minor version less than 3 would be incorrectly classified as not supporting `__COUNTER__`. * Suppressed C4996 warning caused by upcoming updated to MSVC 2017, marking `std::uncaught_exception` as deprecated. (#927) #### Improvements * CMake integration script now incorporates debug messages and registers tests in an improved way (#911) * Various documentation improvements ### 1.9.4 #### Fixes * `CATCH_FAIL` macro no longer causes compilation error without variadic macro support * `INFO` messages are no longer cleared after being reported once #### Improvements and minor changes * Catch now uses `wmain` when compiled under Windows and `UNICODE` is defined. * Note that Catch still officially supports only ASCII ### 1.9.3 #### Fixes * Completed the fix for (lack of) uint64_t in earlier Visual Studios ### 1.9.2 #### Improvements and minor changes * All of `Approx`'s member functions now accept strong typedefs in C++11 mode (#888) * Previously `Approx::scale`, `Approx::epsilon`, `Approx::margin` and `Approx::operator()` didn't. #### Fixes * POSIX signals are now disabled by default under QNX (#889) * QNX does not support current enough (2001) POSIX specification * JUnit no longer counts exceptions as failures if given test case is marked as ok to fail. * `Catch::Option` should now have its storage properly aligned. * Catch no longer attempts to define `uint64_t` on windows (#862) * This was causing trouble when compiled under Cygwin #### Other * Catch is now compiled under MSVC 2017 using `std:c++latest` (C++17 mode) in CI * We now provide cmake script that autoregisters Catch tests into ctest. * See `contrib` folder. ### 1.9.1 #### Fixes * Unexpected exceptions are no longer ignored by default (#885, #887) ### 1.9.0 #### Improvements and minor changes * Catch no longer attempts to ensure the exception type passed by user in `REQUIRE_THROWS_AS` is a constant reference. * It was causing trouble when `REQUIRE_THROWS_AS` was used inside templated functions * This actually reverts changes made in v1.7.2 * Catch's `Version` struct should no longer be double freed when multiple instances of Catch tests are loaded into single program (#858) * It is now a static variable in an inline function instead of being an `extern`ed struct. * Attempt to register invalid tag or tag alias now throws instead of calling `exit()`. * Because this happen before entering main, it still aborts execution * Further improvements to this are coming * `CATCH_CONFIG_FAST_COMPILE` now speeds-up compilation of `REQUIRE*` assertions by further ~15%. * The trade-off is disabling translation of unexpected exceptions into text. * When Catch is compiled using C++11, `Approx` is now constructible with anything that can be explicitly converted to `double`. * Captured messages are now printed on unexpected exceptions #### Fixes: * Clang's `-Wexit-time-destructors` should be suppressed for Catch's internals * GCC's `-Wparentheses` is now suppressed for all TU's that include `catch.hpp`. * This is functionally a revert of changes made in 1.8.0, where we tried using `_Pragma` based suppression. This should have kept the suppression local to Catch's assertions, but bugs in GCC's handling of `_Pragma`s in C++ mode meant that it did not always work. * You can now tell Catch to use C++11-based check when checking whether a type can be streamed to output. * This fixes cases when an unstreamable type has streamable private base (#877) * [Details can be found in documentation](configuration.md#catch_config_cpp11_stream_insertable_check) #### Other notes: * We have added VS 2017 to our CI * Work on Catch 2 should start soon ## 1.8.x ### 1.8.2 #### Improvements and minor changes * TAP reporter now behaves as if `-s` was always set * This should be more consistent with the protocol desired behaviour. * Compact reporter now obeys `-d yes` argument (#780) * The format is "XXX.123 s: " (3 decimal places are always present). * Before it did not report the durations at all. * XML reporter now behaves the same way as Console reporter in regards to `INFO` * This means it reports `INFO` messages on success, if output on success (`-s`) is enabled. * Previously it only reported `INFO` messages on failure. * `CAPTURE(expr)` now stringifies `expr` in the same way assertion macros do (#639) * Listeners are now finally [documented](event-listeners.md#top). * Listeners provide a way to hook into events generated by running your tests, including start and end of run, every test case, every section and every assertion. #### Fixes: * Catch no longer attempts to reconstruct expression that led to a fatal error (#810) * This fixes possible signal/SEH loop when processing expressions, where the signal was triggered by expression decomposition. * Fixed (C4265) missing virtual destructor warning in Matchers (#844) * `std::string`s are now taken by `const&` everywhere (#842). * Previously some places were taking them by-value. * Catch should no longer change errno (#835). * This was caused by libstdc++ bug that we now work around. * Catch now provides `FAIL_CHECK( ... )` macro (#765). * Same as `FAIL( ... )`, but does not abort the test. * Functions like `fabs`, `tolower`, `memset`, `isalnum` are now used with `std::` qualification (#543). * Clara no longer assumes first argument (binary name) is always present (#729) * If it is missing, empty string is used as default. * Clara no longer reads 1 character past argument string (#830) * Regression in Objective-C bindings (Matchers) fixed (#854) #### Other notes: * We have added VS 2013 and 2015 to our CI * Catch Classic (1.x.x) now contains its own, forked, version of Clara (the argument parser). ### 1.8.1 #### Fixes Cygwin issue with `gettimeofday` - `#define` was not early enough ### 1.8.0 #### New features/ minor changes * Matchers have new, simpler (and documented) interface. * Catch provides string and vector matchers. * For details see [Matchers documentation](matchers.md#top). * Changed console reporter test duration reporting format (#322) * Old format: `Some simple comparisons between doubles completed in 0.000123s` * New format: `xxx.123s: Some simple comparisons between doubles` _(There will always be exactly 3 decimal places)_ * Added opt-in leak detection under MSVC + Windows (#439) * Enable it by compiling Catch's main with `CATCH_CONFIG_WINDOWS_CRTDBG` * Introduced new compile-time flag, `CATCH_CONFIG_FAST_COMPILE`, trading features for compilation speed. * Moves debug breaks out of tests and into implementation, speeding up test compilation time (~10% on linux). * _More changes are coming_ * Added [TAP (Test Anything Protocol)](https://testanything.org/) and [Automake](https://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/html_node/Log-files-generation-and-test-results-recording.html#Log-files-generation-and-test-results-recording) reporters. * These are not present in the default single-include header and need to be downloaded from GitHub separately. * For details see [documentation about integrating with build systems](build-systems.md#top). * XML reporter now reports filename as part of the `Section` and `TestCase` tags. * `Approx` now supports an optional margin of absolute error * It has also received [new documentation](assertions.md#top). #### Fixes * Silenced C4312 ("conversion from int to 'ClassName *") warnings in the evaluate layer. * Fixed C4512 ("assignment operator could not be generated") warnings under VS2013. * Cygwin compatibility fixes * Signal handling is no longer compiled by default. * Usage of `gettimeofday` inside Catch should no longer cause compilation errors. * Improved `-Wparentheses` suppression for gcc (#674) * When compiled with gcc 4.8 or newer, the suppression is localized to assertions only * Otherwise it is supressed for the whole TU * Fixed test spec parser issue (with escapes in multiple names) #### Other * Various documentation fixes and improvements ## 1.7.x ### 1.7.2 #### Fixes and minor improvements Xml: (technically the first two are breaking changes but are also fixes and arguably break few if any people) * C-escape control characters instead of XML encoding them (which requires XML 1.1) * Revert XML output to XML 1.0 * Can provide stylesheet references by extending the XML reporter * Added description and tags attributes to XML Reporter * Tags are closed and the stream flushed more eagerly to avoid stdout interpolation Other: * `REQUIRE_THROWS_AS` now catches exception by `const&` and reports expected type * In `SECTION`s the file/ line is now of the `SECTION`. not the `TEST_CASE` * Added std:: qualification to some functions from C stdlib * Removed use of RTTI (`dynamic_cast`) that had crept back in * Silenced a few more warnings in different circumstances * Travis improvements ### 1.7.1 #### Fixes: * Fixed inconsistency in defining `NOMINMAX` and `WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN` inside `catch.hpp`. * Fixed SEH-related compilation error under older MinGW compilers, by making Windows SEH handling opt-in for compilers other than MSVC. * For specifics, look into the [documentation](configuration.md#top). * Fixed compilation error under MinGW caused by improper compiler detection. * Fixed XML reporter sometimes leaving an empty output file when a test ends with signal/structured exception. * Fixed XML reporter not reporting captured stdout/stderr. * Fixed possible infinite recursion in Windows SEH. * Fixed possible compilation error caused by Catch's operator overloads being ambiguous in regards to user-defined templated operators. ### 1.7.0 #### Features/ Changes: * Catch now runs significantly faster for passing tests * Microbenchmark focused on Catch's overhead went from ~3.4s to ~0.7s. * Real world test using [JSON for Modern C++](https://github.com/nlohmann/json)'s test suite went from ~6m 25s to ~4m 14s. * Catch can now run specific sections within test cases. * For now the support is only basic (no wildcards or tags), for details see the [documentation](command-line.md#top). * Catch now supports SEH on Windows as well as signals on Linux. * After receiving a signal, Catch reports failing assertion and then passes the signal onto the previous handler. * Approx can be used to compare values against strong typedefs (available in C++11 mode only). * Strong typedefs mean types that are explicitly convertible to double. * CHECK macro no longer stops executing section if an exception happens. * Certain characters (space, tab, etc) are now pretty printed. * This means that a `char c = ' '; REQUIRE(c == '\t');` would be printed as `' ' == '\t'`, instead of ` == 9`. #### Fixes: * Text formatting no longer attempts to access out-of-bounds characters under certain conditions. * THROW family of assertions no longer trigger `-Wunused-value` on expressions containing explicit cast. * Breaking into debugger under OS X works again and no longer required `DEBUG` to be defined. * Compilation no longer breaks under certain compiler if a lambda is used inside assertion macro. #### Other: * Catch's CMakeLists now defines install command. * Catch's CMakeLists now generates projects with warnings enabled. ## 1.6.x ### 1.6.1 #### Features/ Changes: * Catch now supports breaking into debugger on Linux #### Fixes: * Generators no longer leak memory (generators are still unsupported in general) * JUnit reporter now reports UTC timestamps, instead of "tbd" * `CHECK_THAT` macro is now properly defined as `CATCH_CHECK_THAT` when using `CATCH_` prefixed macros #### Other: * Types with overloaded `&&` operator are no longer evaluated twice when used in an assertion macro. * The use of `__COUNTER__` is supressed when Catch is parsed by CLion * This change is not active when compiling a binary * Approval tests can now be run on Windows * CMake will now warn if a file is present in the `include` folder but not is not enumerated as part of the project * Catch now defines `NOMINMAX` and `WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN` before including `windows.h` * This can be disabled if needed, see [documentation](configuration.md#top) for details. ### 1.6.0 #### Cmake/ projects: * Moved CMakeLists.txt to root, made it friendlier for CLion and generating XCode and VS projects, and removed the manually maintained XCode and VS projects. #### Features/ Changes: * Approx now supports `>=` and `<=` * Can now use `\` to escape chars in test names on command line * Standardize C++11 feature toggles #### Fixes: * Blue shell colour * Missing argument to `CATCH_CHECK_THROWS` * Don't encode extended ASCII in XML * use `std::shuffle` on more compilers (fixes deprecation warning/error) * Use `__COUNTER__` more consistently (where available) #### Other: * Tweaks and changes to scripts - particularly for Approval test - to make them more portable # Even Older versions Release notes were not maintained prior to v1.6.0, but you should be able to work them out from the Git history --- [Home](Readme.md#top)