/* * Created by Phil on 22/10/2010. * Copyright 2010 Two Blue Cubes Ltd * * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying * file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded" #endif #include "internal/clara.h" #include "catch.hpp" // Helper to deduce size from array literals and pass on to parser template std::vector parseInto( Clara::CommandLine& cli, char const * (&argv)[size], ConfigT& config ) { return cli.parseInto( size, argv, config ); } struct TestOpt { TestOpt() : number( 0 ), index( 0 ), flag( false ) {} std::string fileName; int number; int index; bool flag; std::string firstPos; std::string secondPos; std::string unpositional; void setValidIndex( int i ) { if( i < 0 || i > 10 ) throw std::domain_error( "index must be between 0 and 10" ); index = i; } }; struct TestOpt2 { std::string description; }; #ifdef CATCH_CONFIG_VARIADIC_MACROS TEST_CASE( "cmdline" ) { TestOpt config; Clara::CommandLine cli; cli.bind( &TestOpt::fileName ) .describe( "specifies output file" ) .shortOpt( "o" ) .longOpt( "output" ) .argName( "filename" ); SECTION( "arg separated by spaces" ) { char const * argv[] = { "test", "-o filename.ext" }; parseInto( cli, argv, config ); CHECK( config.fileName == "filename.ext" ); } SECTION( "arg separated by colon" ) { const char* argv[] = { "test", "-o:filename.ext" }; parseInto( cli, argv, config ); CHECK( config.fileName == "filename.ext" ); } SECTION( "arg separated by =" ) { const char* argv[] = { "test", "-o=filename.ext" }; parseInto( cli, argv, config ); CHECK( config.fileName == "filename.ext" ); } SECTION( "long opt" ) { const char* argv[] = { "test", "--output %stdout" }; parseInto( cli, argv, config ); CHECK( config.fileName == "%stdout" ); } cli.bind( &TestOpt::number ) .shortOpt( "n" ) .argName( "an integral value" ); SECTION( "a number" ) { const char* argv[] = { "test", "-n 42" }; parseInto( cli, argv, config ); CHECK( config.number == 42 ); } SECTION( "not a number" ) { const char* argv[] = { "test", "-n forty-two" }; CHECK_THROWS( parseInto( cli, argv, config ) ); CHECK( config.number == 0 ); } SECTION( "two parsers" ) { TestOpt config1; TestOpt2 config2; Clara::CommandLine cli2; cli2.bind( &TestOpt2::description ) .describe( "description" ) .shortOpt( "d" ) .longOpt( "description" ) .argName( "some text" ); const char* argv[] = { "test", "-n 42", "-d some text" }; std::vector unusedTokens = parseInto( cli, argv, config1 ); CHECK( config1.number == 42 ); REQUIRE_FALSE( unusedTokens.empty() ); cli2.populate( unusedTokens, config2 ); CHECK( config2.description == "some text" ); } SECTION( "methods" ) { cli.bind( &TestOpt::setValidIndex ) .describe( "An index, which is an integer between 0 and 10, inclusive" ) .shortOpt( "i" ) .argName( "index" ); SECTION( "in range" ) { const char* argv[] = { "test", "-i 3" }; parseInto( cli, argv, config ); REQUIRE( config.index == 3 ); } SECTION( "out of range" ) { const char* argv[] = { "test", "-i 42" }; REQUIRE_THROWS( parseInto( cli, argv, config ) ); } } SECTION( "flags" ) { cli.bind( &TestOpt::flag ) .describe( "A flag" ) .shortOpt( "f" ); SECTION( "set" ) { const char* argv[] = { "test", "-f" }; parseInto( cli, argv, config ); REQUIRE( config.flag ); } SECTION( "not set" ) { const char* argv[] = { "test" }; parseInto( cli, argv, config ); REQUIRE( config.flag == false ); } } SECTION( "positional" ) { cli.bind( &TestOpt::secondPos ) .describe( "Second position" ) .argName( "second arg" ) .position( 2 ); cli.bind( &TestOpt::unpositional ) .argName( "any arg" ) .describe( "Unpositional" ); cli.bind( &TestOpt::firstPos ) .describe( "First position" ) .argName( "first arg" ) .position( 1 ); std::cout << cli.usage( "testApp" ) << std::endl; const char* argv[] = { "test", "-f", "1st", "-o", "filename", "2nd", "3rd" }; parseInto( cli, argv, config ); REQUIRE( config.firstPos == "1st" ); REQUIRE( config.secondPos == "2nd" ); REQUIRE( config.unpositional == "3rd" ); } } struct Config { struct Verbosity { enum Level { NoOutput = 0, Quiet, Normal }; }; struct Warning { enum Types { Nothing = 0x00, NoAssertions = 0x01 }; }; Config() : listTests( false ), listTags( false ), listReporters( false ), showSuccessfulTests( false ), breakIntoDebugger( false ), noThrow( false ), showHelp( false ), abortAfter( 0 ), verbosity( Verbosity::Normal ), warnings( Warning::Nothing ) {} bool listTests; bool listTags; bool listReporters; bool showSuccessfulTests; bool breakIntoDebugger; bool noThrow; bool showHelp; int abortAfter; Verbosity::Level verbosity; Warning::Types warnings; std::string reporterName; std::string fileName; std::string suiteName; std::vector testsOrTags; }; inline void abortAfterFirst( Config& config ) { config.abortAfter = 1; } inline void abortAfterX( Config& config, int x ) { config.abortAfter = x; } inline void addTestOrTags( Config& config, std::string const& _testSpec ) { config.testsOrTags.push_back( _testSpec ); } inline void addWarning( Config& config, std::string const& _warning ) { if( _warning == "NoAssertions" ) config.warnings = (Config::Warning::Types)( config.warnings | Config::Warning::NoAssertions ); else throw std::runtime_error( "Unrecognised warning: '" + _warning + "'" ); } inline void setVerbosity( Config& config, int level ) { // !TBD: accept strings? config.verbosity = (Config::Verbosity::Level)level; } SCENARIO( "New Catch commandline interface", "[cli]" ) { GIVEN( "A built cli parser for Catch" ) { Clara::CommandLine cli; cli.bind( &Config::showHelp ) .describe( "display usage information" ) .shortOpt( "?") .shortOpt( "h") .longOpt( "help" ); cli.bind( &Config::listTests ) .describe( "list all (or matching) test cases" ) .shortOpt( "l") .longOpt( "list-tests" ); cli.bind( &Config::listTags ) .describe( "list all (or matching) tags" ) .shortOpt( "t") .longOpt( "list-tags" ); cli.bind( &Config::listTags ) .describe( "list all reporters" ) .longOpt( "list-reporters" ); cli.bind( &Config::showSuccessfulTests ) .describe( "include successful tests in output" ) .shortOpt( "s") .longOpt( "success" ); cli.bind( &Config::breakIntoDebugger ) .describe( "break into debugger on failure" ) .shortOpt( "b") .longOpt( "break" ); cli.bind( &Config::noThrow ) .describe( "Skip exception tests" ) .shortOpt( "e") .longOpt( "nothrow" ); cli.bind( &Config::fileName ) .describe( "output filename" ) .shortOpt( "o") .longOpt( "out" ) .argName( "filename" ); cli.bind( &Config::reporterName ) .describe( "reporter to use - defaults to console" ) .shortOpt( "r") .longOpt( "reporter" ) .argName( "name[:filename]" ); cli.bind( &Config::suiteName ) .describe( "suite name" ) .shortOpt( "n") .longOpt( "name" ) .argName( "name" ); cli.bind( &abortAfterFirst ) .describe( "abort at first failure" ) .shortOpt( "a") .longOpt( "abort" ); cli.bind( &abortAfterX ) .describe( "abort after x failures" ) .shortOpt( "x") .longOpt( "abortx" ) .argName( "number of failures" ); cli.bind( &addWarning ) .describe( "enable warnings" ) .shortOpt( "w") .longOpt( "warn" ) .argName( "warning name" ); cli.bind( &setVerbosity ) .describe( "level of verbosity (0=no output)" ) .shortOpt( "v") .longOpt( "verbosity" ) .argName( "level" ); cli.bind( &addTestOrTags ) .describe( "which test or tests to use" ) .argName( "test name, pattern or tags" ); WHEN( "We ask for usage strings" ) THEN( "It prints the usage strings" ) std::cout << cli.usage( "CatchTestApp" ) << std::endl; Config config; WHEN( "Multiple flags are combined" ) { CHECK_FALSE( config.showSuccessfulTests ); CHECK_FALSE( config.noThrow ); CHECK_FALSE( config.breakIntoDebugger ); const char* argv[] = { "test", "-seb" }; parseInto( cli, argv, config ); THEN( "All the flags are set" ) { CHECK( config.showSuccessfulTests ); CHECK( config.noThrow ); CHECK( config.breakIntoDebugger ); } } WHEN( "A flag is set via a nullary method" ) { CHECK( config.abortAfter == 0 ); const char* argv[] = { "test", "-a" }; parseInto( cli, argv, config ); THEN( "The flag is set" ) REQUIRE( config.abortAfter == 1 ); } WHEN( "A flag is set via a unary method" ) { CHECK( config.abortAfter == 0 ); const char* argv[] = { "test", "-x", "2" }; parseInto( cli, argv, config ); THEN( "The flag is set" ) REQUIRE( config.abortAfter == 2 ); } WHEN( "A positional argument is supplied" ) { const char* argv[] = { "test", "[hello]" }; parseInto( cli, argv, config ); THEN( "The argument is in the testOrTags collection" ) { REQUIRE( config.testsOrTags.size() == 1 ); REQUIRE( config.testsOrTags[0] == "[hello]" ); } } WHEN( "And enum opt is set by numeric value" ) { CHECK( config.verbosity == Config::Verbosity::Normal ); const char* argv[] = { "test", "-v 0" }; parseInto( cli, argv, config ); THEN( "The member is set to the enum value" ) REQUIRE( config.verbosity == Config::Verbosity::NoOutput ); } } } #endif