#include "catch.hpp" #include <vector> // vedctor TEST_CASE( "vector<int> -> toString", "[toString][vector]" ) { std::vector<int> vv; REQUIRE( Catch::toString(vv) == "{ }" ); vv.push_back( 42 ); REQUIRE( Catch::toString(vv) == "{ 42 }" ); vv.push_back( 250 ); REQUIRE( Catch::toString(vv) == "{ 42, 250 }" ); } TEST_CASE( "vector<string> -> toString", "[toString][vector]" ) { std::vector<std::string> vv; REQUIRE( Catch::toString(vv) == "{ }" ); vv.push_back( "hello" ); REQUIRE( Catch::toString(vv) == "{ \"hello\" }" ); vv.push_back( "world" ); REQUIRE( Catch::toString(vv) == "{ \"hello\", \"world\" }" ); } #if defined(CATCH_CPP11_OR_GREATER) #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat" #endif /* Note: These tests *can* be made to work with C++ < 11, but the allocator is a lot more work... */ namespace { /* Minimal Allocator */ template<typename T> struct minimal_allocator { typedef T value_type; typedef std::size_t size_type; T *allocate( size_type n ) { return static_cast<T *>( ::operator new( n * sizeof(T) ) ); } void deallocate( T *p, size_type /*n*/ ) { ::operator delete( static_cast<void *>(p) ); } template<typename U> bool operator==( const minimal_allocator<U>& ) const { return true; } template<typename U> bool operator!=( const minimal_allocator<U>& ) const { return false; } }; } TEST_CASE( "vector<int,allocator> -> toString", "[toString][vector,allocator]" ) { std::vector<int,minimal_allocator<int> > vv; REQUIRE( Catch::toString(vv) == "{ }" ); vv.push_back( 42 ); REQUIRE( Catch::toString(vv) == "{ 42 }" ); vv.push_back( 250 ); REQUIRE( Catch::toString(vv) == "{ 42, 250 }" ); } TEST_CASE( "vec<vec<string,alloc>> -> toString", "[toString][vector,allocator]" ) { typedef std::vector<std::string,minimal_allocator<std::string> > inner; typedef std::vector<inner> vector; vector v; REQUIRE( Catch::toString(v) == "{ }" ); v.push_back( inner { "hello" } ); v.push_back( inner { "world" } ); REQUIRE( Catch::toString(v) == "{ { \"hello\" }, { \"world\" } }" ); } #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif #endif // CATCH_CPP11_OR_GREATER