~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CatchSelfTest is a Catch v1.0 b7 host application. Run with -? for options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/TestClass/failingCase ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClassTests.cpp ............................................................................... ClassTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( s == "world" ) with expansion: "hello" == "world" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/Fixture/failingCase ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClassTests.cpp ............................................................................... ClassTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( m_a == 2 ) with expansion: 1 == 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/conditions/equality ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven == 6 ) with expansion: 7 == 6 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven == 8 ) with expansion: 7 == 8 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven == 0 ) with expansion: 7 == 0 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.11f ) ) with expansion: 9.1 == Approx( 9.11 ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.0f ) ) with expansion: 9.1 == Approx( 9 ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 1 ) ) with expansion: 9.1 == Approx( 1 ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 0 ) ) with expansion: 9.1 == Approx( 0 ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.double_pi == Approx( 3.1415 ) ) with expansion: 3.1415926535 == Approx( 3.1415 ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello == "goodbye" ) with expansion: "hello" == "goodbye" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello == "hell" ) with expansion: "hello" == "hell" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello == "hello1" ) with expansion: "hello" == "hello1" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello.size() == 6 ) with expansion: 5 == 6 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( x == Approx( 1.301 ) ) with expansion: 1.3 == Approx( 1.301 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/conditions/inequality ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven != 7 ) with expansion: 7 != 7 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.1f ) ) with expansion: 9.1 != Approx( 9.1 ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.double_pi != Approx( 3.1415926535 ) ) with expansion: 3.1415926535 != Approx( 3.14159 ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello != "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" != "hello" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello.size() != 5 ) with expansion: 5 != 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/conditions/ordered ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven > 7 ) with expansion: 7 > 7 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven < 7 ) with expansion: 7 < 7 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven > 8 ) with expansion: 7 > 8 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven < 6 ) with expansion: 7 < 6 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven < 0 ) with expansion: 7 < 0 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven < -1 ) with expansion: 7 < -1 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven >= 8 ) with expansion: 7 >= 8 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven <= 6 ) with expansion: 7 <= 6 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one < 9 ) with expansion: 9.1 < 9 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one > 10 ) with expansion: 9.1 > 10 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one > 9.2 ) with expansion: 9.1 > 9.2 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello > "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" > "hello" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello < "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" < "hello" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello > "hellp" ) with expansion: "hello" > "hellp" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello > "z" ) with expansion: "hello" > "z" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello < "hellm" ) with expansion: "hello" < "hellm" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello < "a" ) with expansion: "hello" < "a" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello >= "z" ) with expansion: "hello" >= "z" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello <= "a" ) with expansion: "hello" <= "a" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/conditions/not ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( false != false ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( true != true ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( !true ) with expansion: false ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_FALSE( true ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( !trueValue ) with expansion: false ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_FALSE( trueValue ) with expansion: !true ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( !(1 == 1) ) with expansion: false ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_FALSE( 1 == 1 ) with expansion: !(1 == 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/explicit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THROWS_AS( thisThrows() ) due to unexpected exception with message: expected exception ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THROWS_AS( thisDoesntThrow() ) because no exception was thrown where one was expected: ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_NOTHROW( thisThrows() ) due to unexpected exception with message: expected exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/implicit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: due to unexpected exception with message: unexpected exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/implicit/2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: {Unknown expression after the reported line} due to unexpected exception with message: unexpected exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/implicit/3 section name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: due to unexpected exception with message: unexpected exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/implicit/4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( thisThrows() == 0 ) due to unexpected exception with message: expected exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/custom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: due to unexpected exception with message: custom exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/custom/nothrow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE_NOTHROW( throwCustom() ) due to unexpected exception with message: custom exception - not std ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/custom/throw ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( throwCustom() ) due to unexpected exception with message: custom exception - not std ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/custom/double ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: due to unexpected exception with message: 3.14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/message/info/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( a == 1 ) with expansion: 2 == 1 with messages: this message should be logged so should this ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/message/info/2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( a == 1 ) with expansion: 2 == 1 with messages: this message may be logged later this message should be logged MessageTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( a == 0 ) with expansion: 2 == 0 with message: and this, but later ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/message/fail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp: FAILED: explicitly with message: This is a failure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/message/sections one ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp: FAILED: explicitly with message: Message from section one ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/message/sections two ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp: FAILED: explicitly with message: Message from section two Message from section one Message from section two ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/message/scoped ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 10 < 10 with messages: current counter 10 i := 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just failure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp: FAILED: explicitly with message: Previous info should not be seen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/Misc/Sections/nested2 s1 s2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( a == b ) with expansion: 1 == 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/Misc/Sections/loops s1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( b > a ) with expansion: 0 > 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/Misc/loops ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[0] (1) is even MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[1] (1) is even MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[3] (3) is even MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[4] (5) is even MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[6] (13) is even MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[7] (21) is even Some information An error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( false ) with messages: hi i := 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/checkedif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECKED_IF( flag ) with expansion: false MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( testCheckedIf( false ) ) with expansion: false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/checkedelse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECKED_ELSE( flag ) with expansion: false MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( testCheckedElse( false ) ) with expansion: false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./manual/onechar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( false ) with message: 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/matchers/Contains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() Contains( "not there" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "not there" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/matchers/StartsWith ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() StartsWith( "string" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" starts with: "string" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/matchers/EndsWith ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() EndsWith( "this" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ends with: "this" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/matchers/Equals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() Equals( "something else" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" equals: "something else" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/CatchSectionInfiniteLoop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: explicitly with message: to infinity and beyond ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/CatchSectionInfiniteLoop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: explicitly with message: to infinity and beyond ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/CatchSectionInfiniteLoop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: explicitly with message: to infinity and beyond Message from section one Message from section two Some information An error Message from section one Message from section two Some information An error hello hello ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/Tricky/non streamable type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( &o1 == &o2 ) with expansion: 0x == 0x TrickyTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( o1 == o2 ) with expansion: {?} == {?} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/string literals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( std::string( "first" ) == "second" ) with expansion: "first" == "second" =============================================================================== 121 test cases - 35 failed (737 assertions - 90 failed) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CatchSelfTest is a Catch v1.0 b7 host application. Run with -? for options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Approx/simple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ApproxTests.cpp ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == Approx( 1.23 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( d != Approx( 1.22 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 != Approx( 1.22 ) ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( d != Approx( 1.24 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 != Approx( 1.24 ) ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( Approx( d ) == 1.23 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.23 ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( Approx( d ) != 1.22 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.22 ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( Approx( d ) != 1.24 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Approx/epsilon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ApproxTests.cpp ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( d != Approx( 1.231 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 != Approx( 1.231 ) ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == Approx( 1.231 ).epsilon( 0.1 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.231 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Approx/float ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ApproxTests.cpp ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( 1.23f == Approx( 1.23f ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0.0f == Approx( 0.0f ) ) with expansion: 0 == Approx( 0 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Approx/int ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ApproxTests.cpp ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( 1 == Approx( 1 ) ) ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0 == Approx( 0 ) ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Approx/mixed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ApproxTests.cpp ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( 1.0f == Approx( 1 ) ) with expansion: 1 == Approx( 1 ) ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0 == Approx( dZero) ) with expansion: 0 == Approx( 0 ) ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0 == Approx( dSmall ).epsilon( 0.001 ) ) with expansion: 0 == Approx( 1e-05 ) ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( 1.234f == Approx( dMedium ) ) with expansion: 1.234 == Approx( 1.234 ) ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( dMedium == Approx( 1.234f ) ) with expansion: 1.234 == Approx( 1.234 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Approx/custom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ApproxTests.cpp ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == approx( 1.23 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == approx( 1.22 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.22 ) ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == approx( 1.24 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.24 ) ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( d != approx( 1.25 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 != Approx( 1.25 ) ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( approx( d ) == 1.23 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.23 ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( approx( d ) == 1.22 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.22 ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( approx( d ) == 1.24 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.24 ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( approx( d ) != 1.25 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Approximate PI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ApproxTests.cpp ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( divide( 22, 7 ) == Approx( 3.141 ).epsilon( 0.001 ) ) with expansion: 3.1428571429 == Approx( 3.141 ) ApproxTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( divide( 22, 7 ) != Approx( 3.141 ).epsilon( 0.0001 ) ) with expansion: 3.1428571429 != Approx( 3.141 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/TestClass/succeedingCase ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClassTests.cpp ............................................................................... ClassTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( s == "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" == "hello" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/TestClass/failingCase ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClassTests.cpp ............................................................................... ClassTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( s == "world" ) with expansion: "hello" == "world" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Fixture/succeedingCase ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClassTests.cpp ............................................................................... ClassTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( m_a == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/Fixture/failingCase ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClassTests.cpp ............................................................................... ClassTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( m_a == 2 ) with expansion: 1 == 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/equality ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven == 7 ) with expansion: 7 == 7 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.1f ) ) with expansion: 9.1 == Approx( 9.1 ) ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.double_pi == Approx( 3.1415926535 ) ) with expansion: 3.1415926535 == Approx( 3.14159 ) ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello == "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" == "hello" ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( "hello" == data.str_hello ) with expansion: "hello" == "hello" ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello.size() == 5 ) with expansion: 5 == 5 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( x == Approx( 1.3 ) ) with expansion: 1.3 == Approx( 1.3 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/conditions/equality ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven == 6 ) with expansion: 7 == 6 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven == 8 ) with expansion: 7 == 8 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven == 0 ) with expansion: 7 == 0 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.11f ) ) with expansion: 9.1 == Approx( 9.11 ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.0f ) ) with expansion: 9.1 == Approx( 9 ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 1 ) ) with expansion: 9.1 == Approx( 1 ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 0 ) ) with expansion: 9.1 == Approx( 0 ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.double_pi == Approx( 3.1415 ) ) with expansion: 3.1415926535 == Approx( 3.1415 ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello == "goodbye" ) with expansion: "hello" == "goodbye" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello == "hell" ) with expansion: "hello" == "hell" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello == "hello1" ) with expansion: "hello" == "hello1" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello.size() == 6 ) with expansion: 5 == 6 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( x == Approx( 1.301 ) ) with expansion: 1.3 == Approx( 1.301 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/inequality ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven != 6 ) with expansion: 7 != 6 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven != 8 ) with expansion: 7 != 8 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.11f ) ) with expansion: 9.1 != Approx( 9.11 ) ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.0f ) ) with expansion: 9.1 != Approx( 9 ) ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 1 ) ) with expansion: 9.1 != Approx( 1 ) ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 0 ) ) with expansion: 9.1 != Approx( 0 ) ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.double_pi != Approx( 3.1415 ) ) with expansion: 3.1415926535 != Approx( 3.1415 ) ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello != "goodbye" ) with expansion: "hello" != "goodbye" ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello != "hell" ) with expansion: "hello" != "hell" ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello != "hello1" ) with expansion: "hello" != "hello1" ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello.size() != 6 ) with expansion: 5 != 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/conditions/inequality ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven != 7 ) with expansion: 7 != 7 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.1f ) ) with expansion: 9.1 != Approx( 9.1 ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.double_pi != Approx( 3.1415926535 ) ) with expansion: 3.1415926535 != Approx( 3.14159 ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello != "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" != "hello" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello.size() != 5 ) with expansion: 5 != 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/ordered ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven < 8 ) with expansion: 7 < 8 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven > 6 ) with expansion: 7 > 6 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven > 0 ) with expansion: 7 > 0 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven > -1 ) with expansion: 7 > -1 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven >= 7 ) with expansion: 7 >= 7 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven >= 6 ) with expansion: 7 >= 6 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven <= 7 ) with expansion: 7 <= 7 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven <= 8 ) with expansion: 7 <= 8 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one > 9 ) with expansion: 9.1 > 9 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one < 10 ) with expansion: 9.1 < 10 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one < 9.2 ) with expansion: 9.1 < 9.2 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello <= "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" <= "hello" ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello >= "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" >= "hello" ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello < "hellp" ) with expansion: "hello" < "hellp" ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello < "zebra" ) with expansion: "hello" < "zebra" ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello > "hellm" ) with expansion: "hello" > "hellm" ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello > "a" ) with expansion: "hello" > "a" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/conditions/ordered ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven > 7 ) with expansion: 7 > 7 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven < 7 ) with expansion: 7 < 7 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven > 8 ) with expansion: 7 > 8 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven < 6 ) with expansion: 7 < 6 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven < 0 ) with expansion: 7 < 0 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven < -1 ) with expansion: 7 < -1 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven >= 8 ) with expansion: 7 >= 8 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven <= 6 ) with expansion: 7 <= 6 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one < 9 ) with expansion: 9.1 < 9 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one > 10 ) with expansion: 9.1 > 10 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one > 9.2 ) with expansion: 9.1 > 9.2 ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello > "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" > "hello" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello < "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" < "hello" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello > "hellp" ) with expansion: "hello" > "hellp" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello > "z" ) with expansion: "hello" > "z" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello < "hellm" ) with expansion: "hello" < "hellm" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello < "a" ) with expansion: "hello" < "a" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello >= "z" ) with expansion: "hello" >= "z" ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello <= "a" ) with expansion: "hello" <= "a" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/int literals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( i == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( ui == 2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( l == 3 ) with expansion: 3 == 3 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( ul == 4 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( c == 5 ) with expansion: 5 == 5 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( uc == 6 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( 1 == i ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( 2 == ui ) with expansion: 2 == 2 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( 3 == l ) with expansion: 3 == 3 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( 4 == ul ) with expansion: 4 == 4 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( 5 == c ) with expansion: 5 == 5 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( 6 == uc ) with expansion: 6 == 6 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( (std::numeric_limits::max)() > ul ) with expansion: 0x > 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions//long_to_unsigned_x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( long_var == unsigned_char_var ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( long_var == unsigned_short_var ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( long_var == unsigned_int_var ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( long_var == unsigned_long_var ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/const ints to int literal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( unsigned_char_var == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( unsigned_short_var == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( unsigned_int_var == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( unsigned_long_var == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/negative ints ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( ( -1 > 2u ) ) with expansion: true ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( -1 > 2u ) with expansion: -1 > 2 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( ( 2u < -1 ) ) with expansion: true ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( 2u < -1 ) with expansion: 2 < -1 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( ( minInt > 2u ) ) with expansion: true ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( minInt > 2u ) with expansion: -2147483648 > 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/computed ints ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( 54 == 6*9 ) with expansion: 54 == 54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/ptr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( p == __null ) with expansion: __null == 0 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( p == pNULL ) with expansion: __null == __null ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( p != __null ) with expansion: 0x != 0 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( cp != __null ) with expansion: 0x != 0 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( cpc != __null ) with expansion: 0x != 0 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( returnsNull() == __null ) with expansion: {null string} == 0 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( returnsConstNull() == __null ) with expansion: {null string} == 0 ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( __null != p ) with expansion: 0 != 0x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/not ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( false == false ) ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( true == true ) ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( !false ) with expansion: true ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE_FALSE( false ) ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( !falseValue ) with expansion: true ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE_FALSE( falseValue ) with expansion: !false ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( !(1 == 2) ) with expansion: true ConditionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE_FALSE( 1 == 2 ) with expansion: !(1 == 2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/conditions/not ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( false != false ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( true != true ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( !true ) with expansion: false ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_FALSE( true ) ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( !trueValue ) with expansion: false ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_FALSE( trueValue ) with expansion: !true ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( !(1 == 1) ) with expansion: false ConditionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_FALSE( 1 == 1 ) with expansion: !(1 == 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/exceptions/explicit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( thisThrows() ) ExceptionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE_NOTHROW( thisDoesntThrow() ) ExceptionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE_THROWS( thisThrows() ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/explicit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THROWS_AS( thisThrows() ) due to unexpected exception with message: expected exception ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THROWS_AS( thisDoesntThrow() ) because no exception was thrown where one was expected: ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_NOTHROW( thisThrows() ) due to unexpected exception with message: expected exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/implicit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: due to unexpected exception with message: unexpected exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/implicit/2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( 1 == 1 ) ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: {Unknown expression after the reported line} due to unexpected exception with message: unexpected exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/implicit/3 section name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: due to unexpected exception with message: unexpected exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/implicit/4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( thisThrows() == 0 ) due to unexpected exception with message: expected exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/exceptions/implicit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... No assertions in test case './succeeding/exceptions/implicit' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/custom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: due to unexpected exception with message: custom exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/custom/nothrow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE_NOTHROW( throwCustom() ) due to unexpected exception with message: custom exception - not std ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/custom/throw ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( throwCustom() ) due to unexpected exception with message: custom exception - not std ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/custom/double ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: FAILED: due to unexpected exception with message: 3.14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/exceptions/notimplemented ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExceptionTests.cpp ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE_THROWS( thisFunctionNotImplemented( 7 ) ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 200 == 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 200 == 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 200 == 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 200 == 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 200 == 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 200 == 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 200 == 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 200 == 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 200 == 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 202 == 202 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 202 == 202 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 202 == 202 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 202 == 202 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 202 == 202 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 202 == 202 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 202 == 202 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 202 == 202 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 202 == 202 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 204 == 204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 204 == 204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 204 == 204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 204 == 204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 204 == 204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 204 == 204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 204 == 204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 204 == 204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 204 == 204 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 206 == 206 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 206 == 206 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 206 == 206 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 206 == 206 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 206 == 206 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 206 == 206 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 206 == 206 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 206 == 206 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 206 == 206 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 208 == 208 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 208 == 208 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 208 == 208 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 208 == 208 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 208 == 208 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 208 == 208 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 208 == 208 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 208 == 208 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 208 == 208 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 210 == 210 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 210 == 210 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 210 == 210 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 210 == 210 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 210 == 210 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 210 == 210 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 210 == 210 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 210 == 210 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 210 == 210 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 212 == 212 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 212 == 212 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 212 == 212 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 212 == 212 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 212 == 212 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 212 == 212 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 212 == 212 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 212 == 212 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 212 == 212 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 214 == 214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 214 == 214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 214 == 214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 214 == 214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 214 == 214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 214 == 214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 214 == 214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 214 == 214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 214 == 214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( i->first == i->second-1 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GeneratorTests.cpp ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( i->first == i->second-1 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/message ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp: warning: this is a message this is a warning No assertions in test case './succeeding/message' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/succeed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp: PASSED: with message: this is a success ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/message/info/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( a == 1 ) with expansion: 2 == 1 with messages: this message should be logged so should this ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/message/info/2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( a == 2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 with message: this message may be logged later MessageTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( a == 1 ) with expansion: 2 == 1 with message: this message should be logged MessageTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( a == 0 ) with expansion: 2 == 0 with message: and this, but later MessageTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( a == 2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 with message: but not this ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/message/fail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp: FAILED: explicitly with message: This is a failure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/message/sections one ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp: FAILED: explicitly with message: Message from section one ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/message/sections two ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp: FAILED: explicitly with message: Message from section two Message from section one ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/message/sections/stdout one ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... No assertions in section 'one' Message from section two ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/message/sections/stdout two ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... No assertions in section 'two' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/message/scoped ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 0 < 10 with messages: current counter 0 i := 0 MessageTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 1 < 10 with messages: current counter 1 i := 1 MessageTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 2 < 10 with messages: current counter 2 i := 2 MessageTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 3 < 10 with messages: current counter 3 i := 3 MessageTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 4 < 10 with messages: current counter 4 i := 4 MessageTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 5 < 10 with messages: current counter 5 i := 5 MessageTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 6 < 10 with messages: current counter 6 i := 6 MessageTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 7 < 10 with messages: current counter 7 i := 7 MessageTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 8 < 10 with messages: current counter 8 i := 8 MessageTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 9 < 10 with messages: current counter 9 i := 9 MessageTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 10 < 10 with messages: current counter 10 i := 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/nofail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp: FAILED - but was ok: CHECK_NOFAIL( 1 == 2 ) No assertions in test case './succeeding/nofail' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... No assertions in test case 'just info' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just failure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageTests.cpp ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp: FAILED: explicitly with message: Previous info should not be seen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Misc/Sections s1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( a != b ) with expansion: 1 != 2 MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( b != a ) with expansion: 2 != 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Misc/Sections s2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( a != b ) with expansion: 1 != 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Misc/Sections/nested s1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( a != b ) with expansion: 1 != 2 MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( b != a ) with expansion: 2 != 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Misc/Sections/nested s1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( a != b ) with expansion: 1 != 2 MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( b != a ) with expansion: 2 != 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Misc/Sections/nested s1 s2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( a != b ) with expansion: 1 != 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/Misc/Sections/nested2 s1 s2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( a == b ) with expansion: 1 == 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/Misc/Sections/nested2 s1 s3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( a != b ) with expansion: 1 != 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/Misc/Sections/nested2 s1 s4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( a < b ) with expansion: 1 < 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./Sections/nested/a/b c d (leaf) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... No assertions in section 'd (leaf)' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./Sections/nested/a/b c e (leaf) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... No assertions in section 'e (leaf)' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./Sections/nested/a/b f (leaf) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... No assertions in section 'f (leaf)' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/Misc/Sections/loops s1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( b > a ) with expansion: 0 > 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/Misc/loops ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[0] (1) is even MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[1] (1) is even MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[2] (2) is even MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[3] (3) is even MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[4] (5) is even MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[5] (8) is even MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[6] (13) is even MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[7] (21) is even Some information An error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Misc/stdout,stderr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... No assertions in test case './succeeding/Misc/stdout,stderr' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Misc/null strings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( makeString( false ) != static_cast(__null) ) with expansion: "valid string" != {null string} MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( makeString( true ) == static_cast(__null) ) with expansion: {null string} == {null string} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( false ) with messages: hi i := 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/checkedif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECKED_IF( flag ) with expansion: true MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( testCheckedIf( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/checkedif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECKED_IF( flag ) with expansion: false MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( testCheckedIf( false ) ) with expansion: false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/checkedelse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECKED_ELSE( flag ) with expansion: true MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( testCheckedElse( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/checkedelse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECKED_ELSE( flag ) with expansion: false MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( testCheckedElse( false ) ) with expansion: false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./misc/xmlentitycheck embedded xml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... No assertions in section 'embedded xml' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./misc/xmlentitycheck encoded chars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... No assertions in section 'encoded chars' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./manual/onechar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( false ) with message: 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/atomic if ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( x == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/matchers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE_THAT( testStringForMatching() Contains( "string" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "string" MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() Contains( "abc" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "abc" MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() StartsWith( "this" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" starts with: "this" MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() EndsWith( "substring" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ends with: "substring" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/matchers/Contains ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() Contains( "not there" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "not there" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/matchers/StartsWith ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() StartsWith( "string" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" starts with: "string" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/matchers/EndsWith ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() EndsWith( "this" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ends with: "this" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/matchers/Equals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() Equals( "something else" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" equals: "something else" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- string ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE_THAT( "" Equals(__null) ) with expansion: "" equals: "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/matchers/AllOf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() AllOf( Catch::Contains( "string" ), Catch::Contains( "abc" ) ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ( contains: "string" and contains: "abc" ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/matchers/AnyOf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() AnyOf( Catch::Contains( "string" ), Catch::Contains( "not there" ) ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ( contains: "string" or contains: "not there" ) MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() AnyOf( Catch::Contains( "not there" ), Catch::Contains( "string" ) ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ( contains: "not there" or contains: "string" ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/matchers/Equals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() Equals( "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" equals: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Factorials are computed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( Factorial(0) == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( Factorial(1) == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( Factorial(2) == 2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( Factorial(3) == 6 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( Factorial(10) == 3628800 ) with expansion: 0x == 3628800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- empty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... No assertions in test case 'empty' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nice descriptive name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: warning: This one ran No assertions in test case 'Nice descriptive name' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- first tag ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... No assertions in test case 'first tag' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- second tag ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... No assertions in test case 'second tag' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vectors can be sized and resized ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 ) with expansion: 5 == 5 MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 ) with expansion: 5 >= 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vectors can be sized and resized ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 ) with expansion: 5 == 5 MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 ) with expansion: 5 >= 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vectors can be sized and resized resizing bigger changes size and capacity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 10 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 10 ) with expansion: 10 >= 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vectors can be sized and resized ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 ) with expansion: 5 == 5 MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 ) with expansion: 5 >= 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vectors can be sized and resized resizing smaller changes size but not capacity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 ) with expansion: 5 >= 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vectors can be sized and resized ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 ) with expansion: 5 == 5 MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 ) with expansion: 5 >= 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vectors can be sized and resized resizing smaller changes size but not capacity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 ) with expansion: 5 >= 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vectors can be sized and resized resizing smaller changes size but not capacity We can use the 'swap trick' to reset the capacity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.capacity() == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vectors can be sized and resized ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 ) with expansion: 5 == 5 MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 ) with expansion: 5 >= 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vectors can be sized and resized reserving bigger changes capacity but not size ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 ) with expansion: 5 == 5 MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 10 ) with expansion: 10 >= 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vectors can be sized and resized ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 ) with expansion: 5 == 5 MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 ) with expansion: 5 >= 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vectors can be sized and resized reserving smaller does not change size or capacity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 ) with expansion: 5 == 5 MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 ) with expansion: 5 >= 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/CatchSectionInfiniteLoop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: explicitly with message: to infinity and beyond ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/CatchSectionInfiniteLoop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: explicitly with message: to infinity and beyond ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/CatchSectionInfiniteLoop Outer Inner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: PASSED: with message: that's not flying - that's failing in style ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/CatchSectionInfiniteLoop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiscTests.cpp ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp: FAILED: explicitly with message: to infinity and beyond ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/main selftest/expected result selftest/expected result/failing tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/main selftest/expected result selftest/expected result/succeeding tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected Message from section one Message from section two catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected Some information An error catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected Message from section one Message from section two Some information An error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/main selftest/test counts selftest/test counts/succeeding tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( totals.assertions.passed == 298 ) with expansion: 298 == 298 TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( totals.assertions.failed == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/main selftest/test counts selftest/test counts/failing tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( totals.assertions.passed == 2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( totals.assertions.failed == 77 ) with expansion: 77 == 77 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- meta/Misc/Sections ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( totals.assertions.passed == 2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( totals.assertions.failed == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line default - no arguments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( config.shouldDebugBreak == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( config.abortAfter == -1 ) with expansion: -1 == -1 TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( config.noThrow == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( config.reporterName.empty() ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line test lists 1 test ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( cfg.filters().size() == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( cfg.filters()[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "notIncluded" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( cfg.filters()[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line test lists Specify one test case exclusion using exclude: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( cfg.filters().size() == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( cfg.filters()[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( cfg.filters()[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "alwaysIncluded" ) ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line test lists Specify one test case exclusion using ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( cfg.filters().size() == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( cfg.filters()[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( cfg.filters()[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "alwaysIncluded" ) ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line test lists Specify two test cases using -t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( cfg.filters().size() == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( cfg.filters()[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "notIncluded" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( cfg.filters()[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( cfg.filters()[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test2" ) ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line reporter -r/console ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.reporterName == "console" ) with expansion: "console" == "console" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line reporter -r/xml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.reporterName == "xml" ) with expansion: "xml" == "xml" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line reporter --reporter/junit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.reporterName == "junit" ) with expansion: "junit" == "junit" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line debugger -b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.shouldDebugBreak == true ) with expansion: true == true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line debugger --break ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.shouldDebugBreak ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line abort -a aborts after first failure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.abortAfter == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line abort -x 2 aborts after two failures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.abortAfter == 2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line abort -x must be greater than zero ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE_THAT( parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "greater than zero" ) ) with expansion: "Value after -x or --abortAfter must be greater than zero while parsing: (-x, --abortx )" contains: "greater than zero" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line abort -x must be numeric ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE_THAT( parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "-x" ) ) with expansion: "Unable to convert oops to destination type while parsing: (-x, --abortx )" contains: "-x" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line nothrow -e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.noThrow == true ) with expansion: true == true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line nothrow --nothrow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.noThrow == true ) with expansion: true == true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line output filename -o filename ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.outputFilename == "filename.ext" ) with expansion: "filename.ext" == "filename.ext" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line output filename --out ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.outputFilename == "filename.ext" ) with expansion: "filename.ext" == "filename.ext" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process can be configured on command line combinations Single character flags can be combined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( config.abortAfter == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( config.shouldDebugBreak ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( config.noThrow == true ) with expansion: true == true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/test filter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( matchAny.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( matchNone.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( matchHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( matchNonHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( matchHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./any" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( matchNonHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./any" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/test filters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( matchHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./something" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( filters.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( filters.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./something" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( filters.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./anything" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/filter/prefix wildcard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "big badger" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "little badgers" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/filter/wildcard at both ends ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "big badger" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "little badgers" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "badgers are big" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "hedgehogs" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/tags one tag ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.getTestCaseInfo().description == "" ) with expansion: "" == "" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.hasTag( "one" ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.getTags().size() == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.matchesTags( p1 ) == true ) with expansion: true == true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.matchesTags( p2 ) == true ) with expansion: true == true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.matchesTags( p3 ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.matchesTags( p4 ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.matchesTags( p5 ) == false ) with expansion: false == false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/tags two tags ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.getTestCaseInfo().description == "" ) with expansion: "" == "" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.hasTag( "one" ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.hasTag( "two" ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.hasTag( "Two" ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.hasTag( "three" ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.getTags().size() == 2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.matchesTags( p1 ) == true ) with expansion: true == true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.matchesTags( p2 ) == true ) with expansion: true == true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.matchesTags( p3 ) == true ) with expansion: true == true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.matchesTags( p4 ) == true ) with expansion: true == true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.matchesTags( p5 ) == true ) with expansion: true == true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/tags one tag with characters either side ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTagWithExtras.getTestCaseInfo().description == "1234" ) with expansion: "1234" == "1234" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTagWithExtras.hasTag( "one" ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTagWithExtras.hasTag( "two" ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTagWithExtras.getTags().size() == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/tags start of a tag, but not closed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTagOpen.getTestCaseInfo().description == "[one" ) with expansion: "[one" == "[one" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTagOpen.hasTag( "one" ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTagOpen.getTags().size() == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/tags hidden ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.getTestCaseInfo().description == "" ) with expansion: "" == "" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.hasTag( "." ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.isHidden() ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.matchesTags( "~[.]" ) == false ) with expansion: false == false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long strings can be wrapped plain string No wrapping ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 80 ) ).toString() == testString ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 18 ) ).toString() == testString ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long strings can be wrapped plain string Wrapped once ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 17 ) ).toString() == "one two three\nfour" ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 16 ) ).toString() == "one two three\nfour" ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 14 ) ).toString() == "one two three\nfour" ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 13 ) ).toString() == "one two three\nfour" ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 12 ) ).toString() == "one two\nthree four" ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long strings can be wrapped plain string Wrapped twice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 9 ) ).toString() == "one two\nthree\nfour" ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 8 ) ).toString() == "one two\nthree\nfour" ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 7 ) ).toString() == "one two\nthree\nfour" ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long strings can be wrapped plain string Wrapped three times ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 6 ) ).toString() == "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour" ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 5 ) ).toString() == "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour" ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long strings can be wrapped plain string Short wrap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( "abcdef", TextAttributes().setWidth( 4 ) ).toString() == "abc-\ndef" ) with expansion: "abc- def" == "abc- def" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( "abcdefg", TextAttributes().setWidth( 4 ) ).toString() == "abc-\ndefg" ) with expansion: "abc- defg" == "abc- defg" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( "abcdefgh", TextAttributes().setWidth( 4 ) ).toString() == "abc-\ndef-\ngh" ) with expansion: "abc- def- gh" == "abc- def- gh" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 4 ) ).toString() == "one\ntwo\nthr-\nee\nfour" ) with expansion: "one two thr- ee four" == "one two thr- ee four" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 3 ) ).toString() == "one\ntwo\nth-\nree\nfo-\nur" ) with expansion: "one two th- ree fo- ur" == "one two th- ree fo- ur" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long strings can be wrapped plain string As container ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( text.size() == 4 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( text[0] == "one" ) with expansion: "one" == "one" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( text[1] == "two" ) with expansion: "two" == "two" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( text[2] == "three" ) with expansion: "three" == "three" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( text[3] == "four" ) with expansion: "four" == "four" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long strings can be wrapped plain string Indent first line differently ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( text.toString() == " one two\n three\n four" ) with expansion: " one two three four" == " one two three four" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long strings can be wrapped With newlines No wrapping ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 80 ) ).toString() == testString ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 18 ) ).toString() == testString ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 10 ) ).toString() == testString ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long strings can be wrapped With newlines Trailing newline ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( "abcdef\n", TextAttributes().setWidth( 10 ) ).toString() == "abcdef\n" ) with expansion: "abcdef " == "abcdef " TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( "abcdef", TextAttributes().setWidth( 6 ) ).toString() == "abcdef" ) with expansion: "abcdef" == "abcdef" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( "abcdef\n", TextAttributes().setWidth( 6 ) ).toString() == "abcdef\n" ) with expansion: "abcdef " == "abcdef " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long strings can be wrapped With newlines Wrapped once ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 9 ) ).toString() == "one two\nthree\nfour" ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 8 ) ).toString() == "one two\nthree\nfour" ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 7 ) ).toString() == "one two\nthree\nfour" ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long strings can be wrapped With newlines Wrapped twice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 6 ) ).toString() == "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour" ) with expansion: "one two three four" == "one two three four" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long strings can be wrapped With tabs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 15 ) ).toString() == "one two three\n four\n five\n six" ) with expansion: "one two three four five six" == "one two three four five six" hello hello ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strings can be rendered with colour ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... No assertions in test case 'Strings can be rendered with colour' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text can be formatted using the Text class ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TestMain.cpp ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( "hi there" ).toString() == "hi there" ) with expansion: "hi there" == "hi there" TestMain.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( Text( "hi there", narrow ).toString() == "hi\nthere" ) with expansion: "hi there" == "hi there" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Tricky/std::pair ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( (std::pair( 1, 2 )) == aNicePair ) with expansion: std::pair( 1, 2 ) == std::pair( 1, 2 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./inprogress/failing/Tricky/trailing expression ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: warning: Uncomment the code in this test to check that it gives a sensible compiler error No assertions in test case './inprogress/failing/Tricky/trailing expression' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./inprogress/failing/Tricky/compound lhs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: warning: Uncomment the code in this test to check that it gives a sensible compiler error No assertions in test case './inprogress/failing/Tricky/compound lhs' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/Tricky/non streamable type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( &o1 == &o2 ) with expansion: 0x == 0x TrickyTests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( o1 == o2 ) with expansion: {?} == {?} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/string literals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( std::string( "first" ) == "second" ) with expansion: "first" == "second" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/side-effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( i++ == 7 ) with expansion: 7 == 7 TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( i++ == 8 ) with expansion: 8 == 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/koenig ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0x == o ) with expansion: 0x == {?} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/non-const== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( t == 1u ) with expansion: {?} == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/enum/bits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0x == bit30and31 ) with expansion: 0x == 3221225472 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/boolean member ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( obj.prop != __null ) with expansion: 0x != 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/unimplemented static bool compare to true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( is_true::value == true ) with expansion: true == true TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( true == is_true::value ) with expansion: true == true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/unimplemented static bool compare to false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( is_true::value == false ) with expansion: false == false TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( false == is_true::value ) with expansion: false == false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/unimplemented static bool negation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( !is_true::value ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/unimplemented static bool double negation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( !!is_true::value ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/unimplemented static bool direct ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( is_true::value ) with expansion: true TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE_FALSE( is_true::value ) with expansion: !false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/SafeBool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( True ) with expansion: true TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( !False ) with expansion: true TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( False ) with expansion: !false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assertions then sections ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( Catch::isTrue( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assertions then sections ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( Catch::isTrue( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assertions then sections A section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( Catch::isTrue( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assertions then sections ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( Catch::isTrue( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assertions then sections A section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( Catch::isTrue( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assertions then sections A section Another section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( Catch::isTrue( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assertions then sections ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( Catch::isTrue( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assertions then sections A section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( Catch::isTrue( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assertions then sections A section Another other section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( Catch::isTrue( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- non streamable - with conv. op ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( s == "7" ) with expansion: "7" == "7" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comparing function pointers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( a ) with expansion: true TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( a == &foo ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pointer to class ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( p == 0 ) with expansion: __null == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X/level/0/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X/level/0/b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X/level/1/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X/level/1/b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TrickyTests.cpp ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp: PASSED: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anonymous test case 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VariadicMacrosTests.cpp ............................................................................... VariadicMacrosTests.cpp: PASSED: with message: anonymous test case ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test case with one argument ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VariadicMacrosTests.cpp ............................................................................... VariadicMacrosTests.cpp: PASSED: with message: no assertions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variadic macros Section with one argument ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VariadicMacrosTests.cpp ............................................................................... VariadicMacrosTests.cpp: PASSED: with message: no assertions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Do that thing with the thing Given: This stuff exists When: I do this Then: it should do this ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BDDTests.cpp ............................................................................... BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( itDoesThis() ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Do that thing with the thing Given: This stuff exists When: I do this Then: it should do this ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BDDTests.cpp ............................................................................... BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( itDoesThis() ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Do that thing with the thing Given: This stuff exists When: I do this Then: it should do this And: do that ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BDDTests.cpp ............................................................................... BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( itDoesThat() ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Vector resizing affects size and capacity Given: an empty vector ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BDDTests.cpp ............................................................................... BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Vector resizing affects size and capacity Given: an empty vector ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BDDTests.cpp ............................................................................... BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Vector resizing affects size and capacity Given: an empty vector ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BDDTests.cpp ............................................................................... BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Vector resizing affects size and capacity Given: an empty vector When: it is made larger Then: the size and capacity go up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BDDTests.cpp ............................................................................... BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 10 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 10 ) with expansion: 10 >= 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Vector resizing affects size and capacity Given: an empty vector ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BDDTests.cpp ............................................................................... BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Vector resizing affects size and capacity Given: an empty vector When: it is made larger Then: the size and capacity go up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BDDTests.cpp ............................................................................... BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 10 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 10 ) with expansion: 10 >= 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Vector resizing affects size and capacity Given: an empty vector ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BDDTests.cpp ............................................................................... BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Vector resizing affects size and capacity Given: an empty vector When: it is made larger Then: the size and capacity go up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BDDTests.cpp ............................................................................... BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 10 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 10 ) with expansion: 10 >= 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Vector resizing affects size and capacity Given: an empty vector When: it is made larger Then: the size and capacity go up And when: it is made smaller again Then: the size goes down but the capacity stays the same ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BDDTests.cpp ............................................................................... BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 ) with expansion: 5 == 5 BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 10 ) with expansion: 10 >= 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Vector resizing affects size and capacity Given: an empty vector ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BDDTests.cpp ............................................................................... BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Vector resizing affects size and capacity Given: an empty vector ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BDDTests.cpp ............................................................................... BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Vector resizing affects size and capacity Given: an empty vector When: we reserve more space Then: The capacity is increased but the size remains the same ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BDDTests.cpp ............................................................................... BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 10 ) with expansion: 10 >= 10 BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( v.size() == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: This is a really long scenario name to see how the list command deals with wrapping Given: A section name that is so long that it cannot fit in a single console width When: The test headers are printed as part of the normal running of the scenario Then: The, deliberately very long and overly verbose (you see what I did there?) section names must wrap, along with an indent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BDDTests.cpp ............................................................................... BDDTests.cpp: PASSED: with message: boo! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmdline process name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CmdLineTests.cpp ............................................................................... CmdLineTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( config.processName == "test" ) with expansion: "test" == "test" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmdline arg separated by spaces ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CmdLineTests.cpp ............................................................................... CmdLineTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( config.fileName == "filename.ext" ) with expansion: "filename.ext" == "filename.ext" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmdline arg separated by colon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CmdLineTests.cpp ............................................................................... CmdLineTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( config.fileName == "filename.ext" ) with expansion: "filename.ext" == "filename.ext" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmdline arg separated by = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CmdLineTests.cpp ............................................................................... CmdLineTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( config.fileName == "filename.ext" ) with expansion: "filename.ext" == "filename.ext" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmdline long opt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CmdLineTests.cpp ............................................................................... CmdLineTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( config.fileName == "%stdout" ) with expansion: "%stdout" == "%stdout" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmdline a number ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CmdLineTests.cpp ............................................................................... CmdLineTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( config.number == 42 ) with expansion: 42 == 42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmdline not a number ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CmdLineTests.cpp ............................................................................... CmdLineTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_THROWS( parseInto( cli, argv, config ) ) CmdLineTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( config.number == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmdline two parsers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CmdLineTests.cpp ............................................................................... CmdLineTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( config1.number == 42 ) with expansion: 42 == 42 CmdLineTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE_FALSE( unusedTokens.empty() ) with expansion: !false CmdLineTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( config2.description == "some text" ) with expansion: "some text" == "some text" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmdline methods in range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CmdLineTests.cpp ............................................................................... CmdLineTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.index == 3 ) with expansion: 3 == 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmdline methods out of range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CmdLineTests.cpp ............................................................................... CmdLineTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE_THROWS( parseInto( cli, argv, config ) ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmdline flags set ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CmdLineTests.cpp ............................................................................... CmdLineTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.flag ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmdline flags not set ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CmdLineTests.cpp ............................................................................... CmdLineTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.flag == false ) with expansion: false == false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cmdline positional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CmdLineTests.cpp ............................................................................... CmdLineTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.firstPos == "1st" ) with expansion: "1st" == "1st" CmdLineTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.secondPos == "2nd" ) with expansion: "2nd" == "2nd" CmdLineTests.cpp: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.unpositional == "3rd" ) with expansion: "3rd" == "3rd" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- section tracking ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SectionTrackerTests.cpp ............................................................................... SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.isCompleted() ) with expansion: !false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- section tracking ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SectionTrackerTests.cpp ............................................................................... SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.isCompleted() ) with expansion: !false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- section tracking test case with no sections ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SectionTrackerTests.cpp ............................................................................... SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.isCompleted() ) with expansion: !false SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( testCaseTracker.isCompleted() ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- section tracking ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SectionTrackerTests.cpp ............................................................................... SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.isCompleted() ) with expansion: !false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- section tracking test case with one section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SectionTrackerTests.cpp ............................................................................... SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.enterSection( section1Name ) ) with expansion: !false SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.isCompleted() ) with expansion: !false SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.isCompleted() ) with expansion: !false SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( testCaseTracker.enterSection( section1Name ) ) with expansion: true SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( testCaseTracker.isCompleted() ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- section tracking ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SectionTrackerTests.cpp ............................................................................... SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.isCompleted() ) with expansion: !false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- section tracking test case with two consecutive sections ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SectionTrackerTests.cpp ............................................................................... SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.enterSection( section1Name ) ) with expansion: !false SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.enterSection( section2Name ) ) with expansion: !false SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.isCompleted() ) with expansion: !false SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( testCaseTracker.enterSection( section1Name ) ) with expansion: true SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.enterSection( section2Name ) ) with expansion: !false SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.isCompleted() ) with expansion: !false SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.enterSection( section1Name ) ) with expansion: !false SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( testCaseTracker.enterSection( section2Name ) ) with expansion: true SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( testCaseTracker.isCompleted() ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- section tracking ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SectionTrackerTests.cpp ............................................................................... SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.isCompleted() ) with expansion: !false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- section tracking test case with one section within another ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SectionTrackerTests.cpp ............................................................................... SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.enterSection( section1Name ) ) with expansion: !false SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.isCompleted() ) with expansion: !false SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( testCaseTracker.enterSection( section1Name ) ) with expansion: true SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.enterSection( section2Name ) ) with expansion: !false SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( testCaseTracker.isCompleted() ) with expansion: !false SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( testCaseTracker.enterSection( section1Name ) ) with expansion: true SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( testCaseTracker.enterSection( section2Name ) ) with expansion: true SectionTrackerTests.cpp: PASSED: CHECK( testCaseTracker.isCompleted() ) with expansion: true =============================================================================== 121 test cases - 50 failed (756 assertions - 109 failed) No test cases matched '~dummy 4' No tests ran ClassTests.cpp ClassTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp ConditionTests.cpp expected exception ExceptionTests.cpp ExceptionTests.cpp expected exception ExceptionTests.cpp unexpected exception ExceptionTests.cpp unexpected exception ExceptionTests.cpp unexpected exception ExceptionTests.cpp expected exception ExceptionTests.cpp custom exception ExceptionTests.cpp custom exception - not std ExceptionTests.cpp custom exception - not std ExceptionTests.cpp 3.14 ExceptionTests.cpp this message should be logged so should this MessageTests.cpp this message should be logged MessageTests.cpp and this, but later MessageTests.cpp This is a failure MessageTests.cpp Message from section one MessageTests.cpp Message from section two MessageTests.cpp Message from section one Message from section two current counter 10 i := 10 MessageTests.cpp Previous info should not be seen MessageTests.cpp MiscTests.cpp MiscTests.cpp Testing if fib[0] (1) is even MiscTests.cpp Testing if fib[1] (1) is even MiscTests.cpp Testing if fib[3] (3) is even MiscTests.cpp Testing if fib[4] (5) is even MiscTests.cpp Testing if fib[6] (13) is even MiscTests.cpp Testing if fib[7] (21) is even MiscTests.cpp Some information An error hi i := 7 MiscTests.cpp MiscTests.cpp MiscTests.cpp MiscTests.cpp MiscTests.cpp 3 MiscTests.cpp MiscTests.cpp MiscTests.cpp MiscTests.cpp MiscTests.cpp to infinity and beyond MiscTests.cpp to infinity and beyond MiscTests.cpp to infinity and beyond MiscTests.cpp Message from section one Message from section two Some information Message from section one Message from section two Some information An error An error hello hello TrickyTests.cpp TrickyTests.cpp TrickyTests.cpp Message from section one Message from section two Some information Message from section one Message from section two Some information Message from section one Message from section two Some information hello hello An error An error An error d == Approx( 1.23 ) 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) d != Approx( 1.22 ) 1.23 != Approx( 1.22 ) d != Approx( 1.24 ) 1.23 != Approx( 1.24 ) Approx( d ) == 1.23 Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.23 Approx( d ) != 1.22 Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.22 Approx( d ) != 1.24 Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.24 d != Approx( 1.231 ) 1.23 != Approx( 1.231 ) d == Approx( 1.231 ).epsilon( 0.1 ) 1.23 == Approx( 1.231 ) 1.23f == Approx( 1.23f ) 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) 0.0f == Approx( 0.0f ) 0 == Approx( 0 ) 1 == Approx( 1 ) 1 == Approx( 1 ) 0 == Approx( 0 ) 0 == Approx( 0 ) 1.0f == Approx( 1 ) 1 == Approx( 1 ) 0 == Approx( dZero) 0 == Approx( 0 ) 0 == Approx( dSmall ).epsilon( 0.001 ) 0 == Approx( 1e-05 ) 1.234f == Approx( dMedium ) 1.234 == Approx( 1.234 ) dMedium == Approx( 1.234f ) 1.234 == Approx( 1.234 ) d == approx( 1.23 ) 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) d == approx( 1.22 ) 1.23 == Approx( 1.22 ) d == approx( 1.24 ) 1.23 == Approx( 1.24 ) d != approx( 1.25 ) 1.23 != Approx( 1.25 ) approx( d ) == 1.23 Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.23 approx( d ) == 1.22 Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.22 approx( d ) == 1.24 Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.24 approx( d ) != 1.25 Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.25 divide( 22, 7 ) == Approx( 3.141 ).epsilon( 0.001 ) 3.1428571429 == Approx( 3.141 ) divide( 22, 7 ) != Approx( 3.141 ).epsilon( 0.0001 ) 3.1428571429 != Approx( 3.141 ) s == "hello" "hello" == "hello" s == "world" "hello" == "world" m_a == 1 1 == 1 m_a == 2 1 == 2 data.int_seven == 7 7 == 7 data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.1f ) 9.1 == Approx( 9.1 ) data.double_pi == Approx( 3.1415926535 ) 3.1415926535 == Approx( 3.14159 ) data.str_hello == "hello" "hello" == "hello" "hello" == data.str_hello "hello" == "hello" data.str_hello.size() == 5 5 == 5 x == Approx( 1.3 ) 1.3 == Approx( 1.3 ) data.int_seven == 6 7 == 6 data.int_seven == 8 7 == 8 data.int_seven == 0 7 == 0 data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.11f ) 9.1 == Approx( 9.11 ) data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.0f ) 9.1 == Approx( 9 ) data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 1 ) 9.1 == Approx( 1 ) data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 0 ) 9.1 == Approx( 0 ) data.double_pi == Approx( 3.1415 ) 3.1415926535 == Approx( 3.1415 ) data.str_hello == "goodbye" "hello" == "goodbye" data.str_hello == "hell" "hello" == "hell" data.str_hello == "hello1" "hello" == "hello1" data.str_hello.size() == 6 5 == 6 x == Approx( 1.301 ) 1.3 == Approx( 1.301 ) data.int_seven != 6 7 != 6 data.int_seven != 8 7 != 8 data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.11f ) 9.1 != Approx( 9.11 ) data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.0f ) 9.1 != Approx( 9 ) data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 1 ) 9.1 != Approx( 1 ) data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 0 ) 9.1 != Approx( 0 ) data.double_pi != Approx( 3.1415 ) 3.1415926535 != Approx( 3.1415 ) data.str_hello != "goodbye" "hello" != "goodbye" data.str_hello != "hell" "hello" != "hell" data.str_hello != "hello1" "hello" != "hello1" data.str_hello.size() != 6 5 != 6 data.int_seven != 7 7 != 7 data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.1f ) 9.1 != Approx( 9.1 ) data.double_pi != Approx( 3.1415926535 ) 3.1415926535 != Approx( 3.14159 ) data.str_hello != "hello" "hello" != "hello" data.str_hello.size() != 5 5 != 5 data.int_seven < 8 7 < 8 data.int_seven > 6 7 > 6 data.int_seven > 0 7 > 0 data.int_seven > -1 7 > -1 data.int_seven >= 7 7 >= 7 data.int_seven >= 6 7 >= 6 data.int_seven <= 7 7 <= 7 data.int_seven <= 8 7 <= 8 data.float_nine_point_one > 9 9.1 > 9 data.float_nine_point_one < 10 9.1 < 10 data.float_nine_point_one < 9.2 9.1 < 9.2 data.str_hello <= "hello" "hello" <= "hello" data.str_hello >= "hello" "hello" >= "hello" data.str_hello < "hellp" "hello" < "hellp" data.str_hello < "zebra" "hello" < "zebra" data.str_hello > "hellm" "hello" > "hellm" data.str_hello > "a" "hello" > "a" data.int_seven > 7 7 > 7 data.int_seven < 7 7 < 7 data.int_seven > 8 7 > 8 data.int_seven < 6 7 < 6 data.int_seven < 0 7 < 0 data.int_seven < -1 7 < -1 data.int_seven >= 8 7 >= 8 data.int_seven <= 6 7 <= 6 data.float_nine_point_one < 9 9.1 < 9 data.float_nine_point_one > 10 9.1 > 10 data.float_nine_point_one > 9.2 9.1 > 9.2 data.str_hello > "hello" "hello" > "hello" data.str_hello < "hello" "hello" < "hello" data.str_hello > "hellp" "hello" > "hellp" data.str_hello > "z" "hello" > "z" data.str_hello < "hellm" "hello" < "hellm" data.str_hello < "a" "hello" < "a" data.str_hello >= "z" "hello" >= "z" data.str_hello <= "a" "hello" <= "a" i == 1 1 == 1 ui == 2 2 == 2 l == 3 3 == 3 ul == 4 4 == 4 c == 5 5 == 5 uc == 6 6 == 6 1 == i 1 == 1 2 == ui 2 == 2 3 == l 3 == 3 4 == ul 4 == 4 5 == c 5 == 5 6 == uc 6 == 6 (std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max)() > ul 0x > 4 long_var == unsigned_char_var 1 == 1 long_var == unsigned_short_var 1 == 1 long_var == unsigned_int_var 1 == 1 long_var == unsigned_long_var 1 == 1 unsigned_char_var == 1 1 == 1 unsigned_short_var == 1 1 == 1 unsigned_int_var == 1 1 == 1 unsigned_long_var == 1 1 == 1 ( -1 > 2u ) true -1 > 2u -1 > 2 ( 2u < -1 ) true 2u < -1 2 < -1 ( minInt > 2u ) true minInt > 2u -2147483648 > 2 54 == 6*9 54 == 54 p == __null __null == 0 p == pNULL __null == __null p != __null 0x != 0 cp != __null 0x != 0 cpc != __null 0x != 0 returnsNull() == __null {null string} == 0 returnsConstNull() == __null {null string} == 0 __null != p 0 != 0x false == false false == false true == true true == true !false true !false !false !falseValue true !falseValue !false !(1 == 2) true !1 == 2 !(1 == 2) false != false false != false true != true true != true !true false !true !true !trueValue false !trueValue !true !(1 == 1) false !1 == 1 !(1 == 1) thisThrows() thisThrows() thisDoesntThrow() thisDoesntThrow() thisThrows() thisThrows() thisThrows() thisThrows() expected exception thisDoesntThrow() thisDoesntThrow() thisThrows() thisThrows() expected exception unexpected exception 1 == 1 1 == 1 {Unknown expression after the reported line} {Unknown expression after the reported line} unexpected exception
unexpected exception
thisThrows() == 0 thisThrows() == 0 expected exception custom exception throwCustom() throwCustom() custom exception - not std throwCustom() throwCustom() custom exception - not std 3.14 thisFunctionNotImplemented( 7 ) thisFunctionNotImplemented( 7 ) multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 2 == 2 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 200 == 200 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 4 == 4 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 200 == 200 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 6 == 6 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 200 == 200 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 8 == 8 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 200 == 200 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 10 == 10 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 200 == 200 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 30 == 30 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 200 == 200 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 40 == 40 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 200 == 200 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 42 == 42 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 200 == 200 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 72 == 72 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 200 == 200 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 2 == 2 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 202 == 202 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 4 == 4 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 202 == 202 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 6 == 6 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 202 == 202 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 8 == 8 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 202 == 202 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 10 == 10 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 202 == 202 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 30 == 30 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 202 == 202 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 40 == 40 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 202 == 202 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 42 == 42 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 202 == 202 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 72 == 72 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 202 == 202 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 2 == 2 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 204 == 204 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 4 == 4 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 204 == 204 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 6 == 6 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 204 == 204 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 8 == 8 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 204 == 204 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 10 == 10 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 204 == 204 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 30 == 30 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 204 == 204 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 40 == 40 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 204 == 204 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 42 == 42 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 204 == 204 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 72 == 72 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 204 == 204 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 2 == 2 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 206 == 206 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 4 == 4 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 206 == 206 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 6 == 6 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 206 == 206 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 8 == 8 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 206 == 206 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 10 == 10 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 206 == 206 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 30 == 30 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 206 == 206 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 40 == 40 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 206 == 206 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 42 == 42 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 206 == 206 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 72 == 72 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 206 == 206 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 2 == 2 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 208 == 208 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 4 == 4 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 208 == 208 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 6 == 6 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 208 == 208 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 8 == 8 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 208 == 208 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 10 == 10 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 208 == 208 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 30 == 30 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 208 == 208 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 40 == 40 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 208 == 208 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 42 == 42 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 208 == 208 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 72 == 72 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 208 == 208 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 2 == 2 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 210 == 210 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 4 == 4 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 210 == 210 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 6 == 6 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 210 == 210 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 8 == 8 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 210 == 210 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 10 == 10 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 210 == 210 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 30 == 30 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 210 == 210 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 40 == 40 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 210 == 210 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 42 == 42 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 210 == 210 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 72 == 72 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 210 == 210 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 2 == 2 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 212 == 212 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 4 == 4 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 212 == 212 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 6 == 6 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 212 == 212 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 8 == 8 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 212 == 212 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 10 == 10 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 212 == 212 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 30 == 30 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 212 == 212 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 40 == 40 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 212 == 212 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 42 == 42 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 212 == 212 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 72 == 72 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 212 == 212 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 2 == 2 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 214 == 214 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 4 == 4 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 214 == 214 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 6 == 6 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 214 == 214 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 8 == 8 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 214 == 214 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 10 == 10 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 214 == 214 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 30 == 30 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 214 == 214 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 40 == 40 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 214 == 214 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 42 == 42 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 214 == 214 multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 72 == 72 multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 214 == 214 i->first == i->second-1 0 == 0 i->first == i->second-1 2 == 2 this is a message this is a warning this message should be logged so should this a == 1 2 == 1 a == 2 2 == 2 this message should be logged a == 1 2 == 1 and this, but later a == 0 2 == 0 a == 2 2 == 2 This is a failure
Message from section one
Message from section two
i < 10 0 < 10 i < 10 1 < 10 i < 10 2 < 10 i < 10 3 < 10 i < 10 4 < 10 i < 10 5 < 10 i < 10 6 < 10 i < 10 7 < 10 i < 10 8 < 10 i < 10 9 < 10 current counter 10 i := 10 i < 10 10 < 10 1 == 2 1 == 2 Previous info should not be seen
a != b 1 != 2 b != a 2 != 1
a != b 1 != 2
a != b 1 != 2 b != a 2 != 1
a != b 1 != 2 b != a 2 != 1
a != b 1 != 2
a == b 1 == 2
a != b 1 != 2
a < b 1 < 2
b > a 0 > 1
Testing if fib[0] (1) is even ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 1 == 0 Testing if fib[1] (1) is even ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 1 == 0 ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 0 == 0 Testing if fib[3] (3) is even ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 1 == 0 Testing if fib[4] (5) is even ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 1 == 0 ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 0 == 0 Testing if fib[6] (13) is even ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 1 == 0 Testing if fib[7] (21) is even ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 1 == 0 makeString( false ) != static_cast<char*>(__null) "valid string" != {null string} makeString( true ) == static_cast<char*>(__null) {null string} == {null string} hi i := 7 false false flag true testCheckedIf( true ) true flag false testCheckedIf( false ) false flag true testCheckedElse( true ) true flag false testCheckedElse( false ) false
3 false false x == 0 0 == 0 testStringForMatching() Contains( "string" ) "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "string" testStringForMatching() Contains( "abc" ) "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "abc" testStringForMatching() StartsWith( "this" ) "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" starts with: "this" testStringForMatching() EndsWith( "substring" ) "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ends with: "substring" testStringForMatching() Contains( "not there" ) "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "not there" testStringForMatching() StartsWith( "string" ) "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" starts with: "string" testStringForMatching() EndsWith( "this" ) "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ends with: "this" testStringForMatching() Equals( "something else" ) "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" equals: "something else" "" Equals(__null) "" equals: "" testStringForMatching() AllOf( Catch::Contains( "string" ), Catch::Contains( "abc" ) ) "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ( contains: "string" and contains: "abc" ) testStringForMatching() AnyOf( Catch::Contains( "string" ), Catch::Contains( "not there" ) ) "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ( contains: "string" or contains: "not there" ) testStringForMatching() AnyOf( Catch::Contains( "not there" ), Catch::Contains( "string" ) ) "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ( contains: "not there" or contains: "string" ) testStringForMatching() Equals( "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ) "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" equals: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" Factorial(0) == 1 1 == 1 Factorial(1) == 1 1 == 1 Factorial(2) == 2 2 == 2 Factorial(3) == 6 6 == 6 Factorial(10) == 3628800 0x == 3628800 This one ran v.size() == 5 5 == 5 v.capacity() >= 5 5 >= 5 v.size() == 5 5 == 5 v.capacity() >= 5 5 >= 5
v.size() == 10 10 == 10 v.capacity() >= 10 10 >= 10
v.size() == 5 5 == 5 v.capacity() >= 5 5 >= 5
v.size() == 0 0 == 0 v.capacity() >= 5 5 >= 5
v.size() == 5 5 == 5 v.capacity() >= 5 5 >= 5
v.size() == 0 0 == 0 v.capacity() >= 5 5 >= 5
v.capacity() == 0 0 == 0
v.size() == 5 5 == 5 v.capacity() >= 5 5 >= 5
v.size() == 5 5 == 5 v.capacity() >= 10 10 >= 10
v.size() == 5 5 == 5 v.capacity() >= 5 5 >= 5
v.size() == 5 5 == 5 v.capacity() >= 5 5 >= 5
to infinity and beyond
to infinity and beyond
to infinity and beyond
totals.assertions.passed == 298 298 == 298 totals.assertions.failed == 0 0 == 0
totals.assertions.passed == 2 2 == 2 totals.assertions.failed == 77 77 == 77
totals.assertions.passed == 2 2 == 2 totals.assertions.failed == 1 1 == 1
parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) config.shouldDebugBreak == false false == false config.abortAfter == -1 -1 == -1 config.noThrow == false false == false config.reporterName.empty() true
parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) cfg.filters().size() == 1 1 == 1 cfg.filters()[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "notIncluded" ) ) == false false == false cfg.filters()[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) true
parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) cfg.filters().size() == 1 1 == 1 cfg.filters()[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) == false false == false cfg.filters()[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "alwaysIncluded" ) ) true
parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) cfg.filters().size() == 1 1 == 1 cfg.filters()[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) == false false == false cfg.filters()[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "alwaysIncluded" ) ) true
parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) cfg.filters().size() == 1 1 == 1 cfg.filters()[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "notIncluded" ) ) == false false == false cfg.filters()[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) true cfg.filters()[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test2" ) ) true
parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) config.reporterName == "console" "console" == "console"
parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) config.reporterName == "xml" "xml" == "xml"
parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) config.reporterName == "junit" "junit" == "junit"
parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) config.shouldDebugBreak == true true == true
parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) config.shouldDebugBreak true
parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) config.abortAfter == 1 1 == 1
parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) config.abortAfter == 2 2 == 2
parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "greater than zero" ) "Value after -x or --abortAfter must be greater than zero while parsing: (-x, --abortx <number of failures>)" contains: "greater than zero"
parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "-x" ) "Unable to convert oops to destination type while parsing: (-x, --abortx <number of failures>)" contains: "-x"
parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) config.noThrow == true true == true
parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) config.noThrow == true true == true
parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) config.outputFilename == "filename.ext" "filename.ext" == "filename.ext"
parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) config.outputFilename == "filename.ext" "filename.ext" == "filename.ext"
parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) config.abortAfter == 1 1 == 1 config.shouldDebugBreak true config.noThrow == true true == true
matchAny.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) true matchNone.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) == false false == false matchHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) == false false == false matchNonHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) true matchHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./any" ) ) true matchNonHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./any" ) ) == false false == false matchHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./something" ) ) true filters.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) == false false == false filters.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./something" ) ) true filters.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./anything" ) ) == false false == false matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "big badger" ) ) true matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "little badgers" ) ) == false false == false matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "big badger" ) ) true matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "little badgers" ) ) true matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "badgers are big" ) ) true matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "hedgehogs" ) ) == false false == false
oneTag.getTestCaseInfo().description == "" "" == "" oneTag.hasTag( "one" ) true oneTag.getTags().size() == 1 1 == 1 oneTag.matchesTags( p1 ) == true true == true oneTag.matchesTags( p2 ) == true true == true oneTag.matchesTags( p3 ) == false false == false oneTag.matchesTags( p4 ) == false false == false oneTag.matchesTags( p5 ) == false false == false
twoTags.getTestCaseInfo().description == "" "" == "" twoTags.hasTag( "one" ) true twoTags.hasTag( "two" ) true twoTags.hasTag( "Two" ) true twoTags.hasTag( "three" ) == false false == false twoTags.getTags().size() == 2 2 == 2 twoTags.matchesTags( p1 ) == true true == true twoTags.matchesTags( p2 ) == true true == true twoTags.matchesTags( p3 ) == true true == true twoTags.matchesTags( p4 ) == true true == true twoTags.matchesTags( p5 ) == true true == true
oneTagWithExtras.getTestCaseInfo().description == "1234" "1234" == "1234" oneTagWithExtras.hasTag( "one" ) true oneTagWithExtras.hasTag( "two" ) == false false == false oneTagWithExtras.getTags().size() == 1 1 == 1
oneTagOpen.getTestCaseInfo().description == "[one" "[one" == "[one" oneTagOpen.hasTag( "one" ) == false false == false oneTagOpen.getTags().size() == 0 0 == 0
oneTag.getTestCaseInfo().description == "" "" == "" oneTag.hasTag( "." ) true oneTag.isHidden() true oneTag.matchesTags( "~[.]" ) == false false == false
Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 80 ) ).toString() == testString "one two three four" == "one two three four" Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 18 ) ).toString() == testString "one two three four" == "one two three four"
Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 17 ) ).toString() == "one two three\nfour" "one two three four" == "one two three four" Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 16 ) ).toString() == "one two three\nfour" "one two three four" == "one two three four" Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 14 ) ).toString() == "one two three\nfour" "one two three four" == "one two three four" Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 13 ) ).toString() == "one two three\nfour" "one two three four" == "one two three four" Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 12 ) ).toString() == "one two\nthree four" "one two three four" == "one two three four"
Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 9 ) ).toString() == "one two\nthree\nfour" "one two three four" == "one two three four" Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 8 ) ).toString() == "one two\nthree\nfour" "one two three four" == "one two three four" Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 7 ) ).toString() == "one two\nthree\nfour" "one two three four" == "one two three four"
Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 6 ) ).toString() == "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour" "one two three four" == "one two three four" Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 5 ) ).toString() == "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour" "one two three four" == "one two three four"
Text( "abcdef", TextAttributes().setWidth( 4 ) ).toString() == "abc-\ndef" "abc- def" == "abc- def" Text( "abcdefg", TextAttributes().setWidth( 4 ) ).toString() == "abc-\ndefg" "abc- defg" == "abc- defg" Text( "abcdefgh", TextAttributes().setWidth( 4 ) ).toString() == "abc-\ndef-\ngh" "abc- def- gh" == "abc- def- gh" Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 4 ) ).toString() == "one\ntwo\nthr-\nee\nfour" "one two thr- ee four" == "one two thr- ee four" Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 3 ) ).toString() == "one\ntwo\nth-\nree\nfo-\nur" "one two th- ree fo- ur" == "one two th- ree fo- ur"
text.size() == 4 4 == 4 text[0] == "one" "one" == "one" text[1] == "two" "two" == "two" text[2] == "three" "three" == "three" text[3] == "four" "four" == "four"
text.toString() == " one two\n three\n four" " one two three four" == " one two three four"
Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 80 ) ).toString() == testString "one two three four" == "one two three four" Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 18 ) ).toString() == testString "one two three four" == "one two three four" Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 10 ) ).toString() == testString "one two three four" == "one two three four"
Text( "abcdef\n", TextAttributes().setWidth( 10 ) ).toString() == "abcdef\n" "abcdef " == "abcdef " Text( "abcdef", TextAttributes().setWidth( 6 ) ).toString() == "abcdef" "abcdef" == "abcdef" Text( "abcdef\n", TextAttributes().setWidth( 6 ) ).toString() == "abcdef\n" "abcdef " == "abcdef "
Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 9 ) ).toString() == "one two\nthree\nfour" "one two three four" == "one two three four" Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 8 ) ).toString() == "one two\nthree\nfour" "one two three four" == "one two three four" Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 7 ) ).toString() == "one two\nthree\nfour" "one two three four" == "one two three four"
Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 6 ) ).toString() == "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour" "one two three four" == "one two three four"
Text( testString, TextAttributes().setWidth( 15 ) ).toString() == "one two three\n four\n five\n six" "one two three four five six" == "one two three four five six"
Text( "hi there" ).toString() == "hi there" "hi there" == "hi there" Text( "hi there", narrow ).toString() == "hi\nthere" "hi there" == "hi there" (std::pair<int, int>( 1, 2 )) == aNicePair std::pair( 1, 2 ) == std::pair( 1, 2 ) Uncomment the code in this test to check that it gives a sensible compiler error Uncomment the code in this test to check that it gives a sensible compiler error &o1 == &o2 0x == 0x o1 == o2 {?} == {?} std::string( "first" ) == "second" "first" == "second" i++ == 7 7 == 7 i++ == 8 8 == 8 0x == o 0x == {?} t == 1u {?} == 1 0x == bit30and31 0x == 3221225472 obj.prop != __null 0x != 0
is_true<true>::value == true true == true true == is_true<true>::value true == true
is_true<false>::value == false false == false false == is_true<false>::value false == false
!is_true<false>::value true
!!is_true<true>::value true
is_true<true>::value true !is_true<false>::value !false
True true !False true !False !false Catch::isTrue( true ) true Catch::isTrue( true ) true
Catch::isTrue( true ) true
Catch::isTrue( true ) true
Catch::isTrue( true ) true
Catch::isTrue( true ) true
Catch::isTrue( true ) true
Catch::isTrue( true ) true
Catch::isTrue( true ) true
s == "7" "7" == "7" a true a == &foo 1 == 1 p == 0 __null == 0
itDoesThis() true
itDoesThis() true
itDoesThat() true
v.size() == 0 0 == 0
v.size() == 0 0 == 0
v.size() == 0 0 == 0
v.size() == 10 10 == 10 v.capacity() >= 10 10 >= 10
v.size() == 0 0 == 0
v.size() == 10 10 == 10 v.capacity() >= 10 10 >= 10
v.size() == 0 0 == 0
v.size() == 10 10 == 10 v.capacity() >= 10 10 >= 10
v.size() == 5 5 == 5 v.capacity() >= 10 10 >= 10
v.size() == 0 0 == 0
v.size() == 0 0 == 0
v.capacity() >= 10 10 >= 10 v.size() == 0 0 == 0
config.processName == "test" "test" == "test"
config.fileName == "filename.ext" "filename.ext" == "filename.ext"
config.fileName == "filename.ext" "filename.ext" == "filename.ext"
config.fileName == "filename.ext" "filename.ext" == "filename.ext"
config.fileName == "%stdout" "%stdout" == "%stdout"
config.number == 42 42 == 42
parseInto( cli, argv, config ) parseInto( cli, argv, config ) config.number == 0 0 == 0
config1.number == 42 42 == 42 !unusedTokens.empty() !false config2.description == "some text" "some text" == "some text"
config.index == 3 3 == 3
parseInto( cli, argv, config ) parseInto( cli, argv, config )
config.flag true
config.flag == false false == false
config.firstPos == "1st" "1st" == "1st" config.secondPos == "2nd" "2nd" == "2nd" config.unpositional == "3rd" "3rd" == "3rd"
!testCaseTracker.isCompleted() !false !testCaseTracker.isCompleted() !false
!testCaseTracker.isCompleted() !false testCaseTracker.isCompleted() true
!testCaseTracker.isCompleted() !false
!testCaseTracker.enterSection( section1Name ) !false !testCaseTracker.isCompleted() !false !testCaseTracker.isCompleted() !false testCaseTracker.enterSection( section1Name ) true testCaseTracker.isCompleted() true
!testCaseTracker.isCompleted() !false
!testCaseTracker.enterSection( section1Name ) !false !testCaseTracker.enterSection( section2Name ) !false !testCaseTracker.isCompleted() !false testCaseTracker.enterSection( section1Name ) true !testCaseTracker.enterSection( section2Name ) !false !testCaseTracker.isCompleted() !false !testCaseTracker.enterSection( section1Name ) !false testCaseTracker.enterSection( section2Name ) true testCaseTracker.isCompleted() true
!testCaseTracker.isCompleted() !false
!testCaseTracker.enterSection( section1Name ) !false !testCaseTracker.isCompleted() !false testCaseTracker.enterSection( section1Name ) true !testCaseTracker.enterSection( section2Name ) !false !testCaseTracker.isCompleted() !false testCaseTracker.enterSection( section1Name ) true testCaseTracker.enterSection( section2Name ) true testCaseTracker.isCompleted() true