~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CatchSelfTest is a host application. Run with -? for options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- toString(enum) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnumToString.cpp: ............................................................................... EnumToString.cpp:: PASSED: CHECK( Catch::toString(e0) == "0" ) with expansion: "0" == "0" EnumToString.cpp:: PASSED: CHECK( Catch::toString(e1) == "1" ) with expansion: "1" == "1" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- toString(enum w/operator<<) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnumToString.cpp: ............................................................................... EnumToString.cpp:: PASSED: CHECK( Catch::toString(e0) == "E2{0}" ) with expansion: "E2{0}" == "E2{0}" EnumToString.cpp:: PASSED: CHECK( Catch::toString(e1) == "E2{1}" ) with expansion: "E2{1}" == "E2{1}" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- toString(enum class) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnumToString.cpp: ............................................................................... EnumToString.cpp:: PASSED: CHECK( Catch::toString(e0) == "0" ) with expansion: "0" == "0" EnumToString.cpp:: PASSED: CHECK( Catch::toString(e1) == "1" ) with expansion: "1" == "1" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- toString(enum class w/operator<<) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnumToString.cpp: ............................................................................... EnumToString.cpp:: PASSED: CHECK( Catch::toString(e0) == "E2/V0" ) with expansion: "E2/V0" == "E2/V0" EnumToString.cpp:: PASSED: CHECK( Catch::toString(e1) == "E2/V1" ) with expansion: "E2/V1" == "E2/V1" EnumToString.cpp:: PASSED: CHECK( Catch::toString(e3) == "Unknown enum value 10" ) with expansion: "Unknown enum value 10" == "Unknown enum value 10" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some simple comparisons between doubles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ApproxTests.cpp: ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == Approx( 1.23 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( d != Approx( 1.22 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 != Approx( 1.22 ) ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( d != Approx( 1.24 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 != Approx( 1.24 ) ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( Approx( d ) == 1.23 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.23 ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( Approx( d ) != 1.22 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.22 ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( Approx( d ) != 1.24 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Approximate comparisons with different epsilons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ApproxTests.cpp: ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( d != Approx( 1.231 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 != Approx( 1.231 ) ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == Approx( 1.231 ).epsilon( 0.1 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.231 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Approximate comparisons with floats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ApproxTests.cpp: ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( 1.23f == Approx( 1.23f ) ) with expansion: 1.23f == Approx( 1.2300000191 ) ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0.0f == Approx( 0.0f ) ) with expansion: 0.0f == Approx( 0.0 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Approximate comparisons with ints ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ApproxTests.cpp: ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( 1 == Approx( 1 ) ) with expansion: 1 == Approx( 1.0 ) ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0 == Approx( 0 ) ) with expansion: 0 == Approx( 0.0 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Approximate comparisons with mixed numeric types ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ApproxTests.cpp: ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( 1.0f == Approx( 1 ) ) with expansion: 1.0f == Approx( 1.0 ) ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0 == Approx( dZero) ) with expansion: 0 == Approx( 0.0 ) ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0 == Approx( dSmall ).epsilon( 0.001 ) ) with expansion: 0 == Approx( 0.00001 ) ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( 1.234f == Approx( dMedium ) ) with expansion: 1.234f == Approx( 1.234 ) ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( dMedium == Approx( 1.234f ) ) with expansion: 1.234 == Approx( 1.2339999676 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use a custom approx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ApproxTests.cpp: ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == approx( 1.23 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == approx( 1.22 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.22 ) ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == approx( 1.24 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.24 ) ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( d != approx( 1.25 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 != Approx( 1.25 ) ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( approx( d ) == 1.23 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.23 ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( approx( d ) == 1.22 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.22 ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( approx( d ) == 1.24 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.24 ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( approx( d ) != 1.25 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Approximate PI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ApproxTests.cpp: ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( divide( 22, 7 ) == Approx( 3.141 ).epsilon( 0.001 ) ) with expansion: 3.1428571429 == Approx( 3.141 ) ApproxTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( divide( 22, 7 ) != Approx( 3.141 ).epsilon( 0.0001 ) ) with expansion: 3.1428571429 != Approx( 3.141 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE based test run that succeeds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClassTests.cpp: ............................................................................... ClassTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( s == "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" == "hello" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE based test run that fails ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClassTests.cpp: ............................................................................... ClassTests.cpp:: FAILED: REQUIRE( s == "world" ) with expansion: "hello" == "world" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A TEST_CASE_METHOD based test run that succeeds ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClassTests.cpp: ............................................................................... ClassTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( m_a == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A TEST_CASE_METHOD based test run that fails ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClassTests.cpp: ............................................................................... ClassTests.cpp:: FAILED: REQUIRE( m_a == 2 ) with expansion: 1 == 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equality checks that should succeed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp: ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven == 7 ) with expansion: 7 == 7 ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.1f ) ) with expansion: 9.1f == Approx( 9.1000003815 ) ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.double_pi == Approx( 3.1415926535 ) ) with expansion: 3.1415926535 == Approx( 3.1415926535 ) ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello == "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" == "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( "hello" == data.str_hello ) with expansion: "hello" == "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello.size() == 5 ) with expansion: 5 == 5 ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( x == Approx( 1.3 ) ) with expansion: 1.3 == Approx( 1.3 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equality checks that should fail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp: ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven == 6 ) with expansion: 7 == 6 ConditionTests.cpp:: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven == 8 ) with expansion: 7 == 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inequality checks that should succeed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp: ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven != 6 ) with expansion: 7 != 6 ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven != 8 ) with expansion: 7 != 8 ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.11f ) ) with expansion: 9.1f != Approx( 9.1099996567 ) ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.0f ) ) with expansion: 9.1f != Approx( 9.0 ) ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 1 ) ) with expansion: 9.1f != Approx( 1.0 ) ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 0 ) ) with expansion: 9.1f != Approx( 0.0 ) ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.double_pi != Approx( 3.1415 ) ) with expansion: 3.1415926535 != Approx( 3.1415 ) ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello != "goodbye" ) with expansion: "hello" != "goodbye" ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello != "hell" ) with expansion: "hello" != "hell" ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello != "hello1" ) with expansion: "hello" != "hello1" ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello.size() != 6 ) with expansion: 5 != 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inequality checks that should fail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp: ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven != 7 ) with expansion: 7 != 7 ConditionTests.cpp:: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.1f ) ) with expansion: 9.1f != Approx( 9.1000003815 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ordering comparison checks that should succeed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp: ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven < 8 ) with expansion: 7 < 8 ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven > 6 ) with expansion: 7 > 6 ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven > 0 ) with expansion: 7 > 0 ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven > -1 ) with expansion: 7 > -1 ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven >= 7 ) with expansion: 7 >= 7 ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven >= 6 ) with expansion: 7 >= 6 ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven <= 7 ) with expansion: 7 <= 7 ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven <= 8 ) with expansion: 7 <= 8 ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one > 9 ) with expansion: 9.1f > 9 ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one < 10 ) with expansion: 9.1f < 10 ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one < 9.2 ) with expansion: 9.1f < 9.2 ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello <= "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" <= "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello >= "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" >= "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello < "hellp" ) with expansion: "hello" < "hellp" ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello < "zebra" ) with expansion: "hello" < "zebra" ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello > "hellm" ) with expansion: "hello" > "hellm" ConditionTests.cpp:: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello > "a" ) with expansion: "hello" > "a" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ordering comparison checks that should fail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ConditionTests.cpp: ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven > 7 ) with expansion: 7 > 7 ConditionTests.cpp:: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven < 7 ) with expansion: 7 < 7 =============================================================================== test cases: 21 | 16 passed | 3 failed | 2 failed as expected assertions: 81 | 73 passed | 4 failed | 4 failed as expected