/* * Created by Phil on 21/02/2017. * Copyright 2017 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying * file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #include "catch.hpp" inline const char* testStringForMatching() { return "this string contains 'abc' as a substring"; } inline const char* testStringForMatching2() { return "some completely different text that contains one common word"; } using namespace Catch::Matchers; TEST_CASE("String matchers", "[matchers]" ) { REQUIRE_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Contains( "string" ) ); CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Contains( "abc" ) ); CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), StartsWith( "this" ) ); CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), EndsWith( "substring" ) ); } TEST_CASE("Contains string matcher", "[.][failing][matchers]") { CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Contains( "not there" ) ); } TEST_CASE("StartsWith string matcher", "[.][failing][matchers]") { CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), StartsWith( "string" ) ); } TEST_CASE("EndsWith string matcher", "[.][failing][matchers]") { CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), EndsWith( "this" ) ); } TEST_CASE("Equals string matcher", "[.][failing][matchers]") { CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Equals( "something else" ) ); } TEST_CASE("AllOf matcher", "[matchers]") { CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), AllOf( Catch::Contains( "string" ), Catch::Contains( "abc" ) ) ); } TEST_CASE("AnyOf matcher", "[matchers]") { CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), AnyOf( Catch::Contains( "string" ), Catch::Contains( "not there" ) ) ); CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), AnyOf( Catch::Contains( "not there" ), Catch::Contains( "string" ) ) ); } TEST_CASE("Equals", "[matchers]") { CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Equals( "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ) ); } TEST_CASE("Matchers can be (AllOf) composed with the && operator", "[matchers][operators][operator&&]") { CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Contains( "string" ) && Contains( "abc" ) && Contains( "substring" ) && Contains( "contains" ) ); } TEST_CASE("Matchers can be (AnyOf) composed with the || operator", "[matchers][operators][operator||]") { CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Contains( "string" ) || Contains( "different" ) || Contains( "random" ) ); CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching2(), Contains( "string" ) || Contains( "different" ) || Contains( "random" ) ); } TEST_CASE("Matchers can be composed with both && and ||", "[matchers][operators][operator||][operator&&]") { CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), ( Contains( "string" ) || Contains( "different" ) ) && Contains( "substring" ) ); } TEST_CASE("Matchers can be composed with both && and || - failing", "[matchers][operators][operator||][operator&&][.failing]") { CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), ( Contains( "string" ) || Contains( "different" ) ) && Contains( "random" ) ); } TEST_CASE("Matchers can be negated (Not) with the ! operator", "[matchers][operators][not]") { CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), !Contains( "different" ) ); } TEST_CASE("Matchers can be negated (Not) with the ! operator - failing", "[matchers][operators][not][.failing]") { CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), !Contains( "substring" ) ); } TEST_CASE( "Vector matchers", "[matchers][vector]" ) { std::vector<int> v; v.push_back( 1 ); v.push_back( 2 ); v.push_back( 3 ); std::vector<int> v2; v2.push_back( 1 ); v2.push_back( 2 ); std::vector<int> empty; SECTION( "Contains (element)" ) { CHECK_THAT( v, VectorContains( 1 ) ); CHECK_THAT( v, VectorContains( 2 ) ); } SECTION( "Contains (vector)" ) { CHECK_THAT( v, Contains( v2 ) ); v2.push_back( 3 ); // now exactly matches CHECK_THAT( v, Contains( v2 ) ); CHECK_THAT( v, Contains( empty) ); CHECK_THAT( empty, Contains( empty) ); } SECTION( "Equals" ) { // Same vector CHECK_THAT( v, Equals( v ) ); CHECK_THAT( empty, Equals( empty ) ); // Different vector with same elements v2.push_back( 3 ); CHECK_THAT( v, Equals( v2 ) ); } } TEST_CASE( "Vector matchers that fail", "[matchers][vector][.][failing]" ) { std::vector<int> v; v.push_back( 1 ); v.push_back( 2 ); v.push_back( 3 ); std::vector<int> v2; v2.push_back( 1 ); v2.push_back( 2 ); std::vector<int> empty; SECTION( "Contains (element)" ) { CHECK_THAT( v, VectorContains( -1 ) ); CHECK_THAT( empty, VectorContains( 1 ) ); } SECTION( "Contains (vector)" ) { CHECK_THAT( empty, Contains( v) ); v2.push_back( 4 ); CHECK_THAT( v, Contains( v2 ) ); } SECTION( "Equals" ) { CHECK_THAT( v, Equals( v2 ) ); CHECK_THAT( v2, Equals( v ) ); CHECK_THAT( empty, Equals( v ) ); CHECK_THAT( v, Equals( empty ) ); } } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4702) // Unreachable code -- MSVC 19 (VS 2015) sees right through the indirection #endif #include <exception> struct SpecialException : std::exception { SpecialException(int i):i(i) {} int i; }; void doesNotThrow() {} void throws(int i) { throw SpecialException{ i }; } void throwsAsInt(int i) { throw i; } class ExceptionMatcher : public Catch::MatcherBase<SpecialException> { int m_expected; public: ExceptionMatcher(int i):m_expected(i) {} bool match(SpecialException const& se) const override { return se.i == m_expected; } std::string describe() const override { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "special exception has value of " << m_expected; return ss.str(); } }; TEST_CASE( "Exception matchers that succeed", "[matchers][exceptions][!throws]" ) { CHECK_THROWS_MATCHES(throws(1), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{ 1 }); REQUIRE_THROWS_MATCHES(throws(2), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{ 2 }); } TEST_CASE("Exception matchers that fail", "[matchers][exceptions][!throws][.failing]") { SECTION("No exception") { CHECK_THROWS_MATCHES(doesNotThrow(), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{ 1 }); REQUIRE_THROWS_MATCHES(doesNotThrow(), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{ 1 }); } SECTION("Type mismatch") { CHECK_THROWS_MATCHES(throwsAsInt(1), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{ 1 }); REQUIRE_THROWS_MATCHES(throwsAsInt(1), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{ 1 }); } SECTION("Contents are wrong") { CHECK_THROWS_MATCHES(throws(3), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{ 1 }); REQUIRE_THROWS_MATCHES(throws(4), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{ 1 }); } }