FAILED: REQUIRE( s == "world" ) with expansion: "hello" == "world" Class.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( Template_Fixture_2<TestType>::m_a.size() == 1 ) with expansion: 0 == 1 Class.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( Template_Fixture_2<TestType>::m_a.size() == 1 ) with expansion: 0 == 1 Class.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( Template_Fixture_2<TestType>::m_a.size() == 1 ) with expansion: 0 == 1 Class.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( Template_Fixture_2<TestType>::m_a.size() == 1 ) with expansion: 0 == 1 Class.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( Template_Fixture_2<TestType>{}.m_a.size() < 2 ) with expansion: 6 < 2 Class.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( Template_Fixture_2<TestType>{}.m_a.size() < 2 ) with expansion: 2 < 2 Class.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( Template_Fixture_2<TestType>{}.m_a.size() < 2 ) with expansion: 6 < 2 Class.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( Template_Fixture_2<TestType>{}.m_a.size() < 2 ) with expansion: 2 < 2 Class.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( Template_Fixture<TestType>::m_a == 2 ) with expansion: 1.0 == 2 Class.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( Template_Fixture<TestType>::m_a == 2 ) with expansion: 1.0f == 2 Class.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( Template_Fixture<TestType>::m_a == 2 ) with expansion: 1 == 2 Class.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( Nttp_Fixture<V>::value == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 Class.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( Nttp_Fixture<V>::value == 0 ) with expansion: 3 == 0 Class.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( Nttp_Fixture<V>::value == 0 ) with expansion: 6 == 0 Class.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( m_a == 2 ) with expansion: 1 == 2 Class.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( false != false ) Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( true != true ) Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( !true ) with expansion: false Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_FALSE( true ) with expansion: !true Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( !trueValue ) with expansion: false Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_FALSE( trueValue ) with expansion: !true Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( !(1 == 1) ) with expansion: false Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_FALSE( 1 == 1 ) Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven == 6 ) with expansion: 7 == 6 Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven == 8 ) with expansion: 7 == 8 Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven == 0 ) with expansion: 7 == 0 Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.11f ) ) with expansion: 9.1f == Approx( 9.1099996567 ) Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.0f ) ) with expansion: 9.1f == Approx( 9.0 ) Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 1 ) ) with expansion: 9.1f == Approx( 1.0 ) Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 0 ) ) with expansion: 9.1f == Approx( 0.0 ) Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.double_pi == Approx( 3.1415 ) ) with expansion: 3.1415926535 == Approx( 3.1415 ) Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello == "goodbye" ) with expansion: "hello" == "goodbye" Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello == "hell" ) with expansion: "hello" == "hell" Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello == "hello1" ) with expansion: "hello" == "hello1" Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello.size() == 6 ) with expansion: 5 == 6 Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( x == Approx( 1.301 ) ) with expansion: 1.3 == Approx( 1.301 ) Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven != 7 ) with expansion: 7 != 7 Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.1f ) ) with expansion: 9.1f != Approx( 9.1000003815 ) Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.double_pi != Approx( 3.1415926535 ) ) with expansion: 3.1415926535 != Approx( 3.1415926535 ) Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello != "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" != "hello" Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello.size() != 5 ) with expansion: 5 != 5 Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven > 7 ) with expansion: 7 > 7 Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven < 7 ) with expansion: 7 < 7 Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven > 8 ) with expansion: 7 > 8 Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven < 6 ) with expansion: 7 < 6 Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven < 0 ) with expansion: 7 < 0 Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven < -1 ) with expansion: 7 < -1 Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven >= 8 ) with expansion: 7 >= 8 Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven <= 6 ) with expansion: 7 <= 6 Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one < 9 ) with expansion: 9.1f < 9 Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one > 10 ) with expansion: 9.1f > 10 Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one > 9.2 ) with expansion: 9.1f > 9.2 Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello > "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" > "hello" Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello < "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" < "hello" Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello > "hellp" ) with expansion: "hello" > "hellp" Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello > "z" ) with expansion: "hello" > "z" Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello < "hellm" ) with expansion: "hello" < "hellm" Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello < "a" ) with expansion: "hello" < "a" Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello >= "z" ) with expansion: "hello" >= "z" Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello <= "a" ) with expansion: "hello" <= "a" Condition.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( truthy(false) ) with expansion: Hey, its truthy! Decomposition.tests.cpp: FAILED: expected exception answer := 42 Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE_NOTHROW( thisThrows() ) expected exception answer := 42 Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: {Unknown expression after the reported line} unexpected exception Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE_NOTHROW( throwCustom() ) custom exception - not std Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( throwCustom(), std::exception ) custom exception - not std Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: custom std exception Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THROWS_AS( thisThrows(), std::string ) expected exception Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THROWS_AS( thisDoesntThrow(), std::domain_error ) Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_NOTHROW( thisThrows() ) expected exception Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH( thisThrows(), "should fail" ) with expansion: "expected exception" equals: "should fail" Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: custom exception Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: For some reason someone is throwing a string literal! Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: 3.14 Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: unexpected exception Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( thisThrows() == 0 ) expected exception Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( thisThrows() == 0 ) expected exception Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( thisThrows() == 0 ) expected exception Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: unexpected exception Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: Why would you throw a std::string? Exception.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Contains("not there", Catch::CaseSensitive::No) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "not there" (case insensitive) Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Contains("STRING") ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "STRING" Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), EndsWith("Substring") ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ends with: "Substring" Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), EndsWith("this", Catch::CaseSensitive::No) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ends with: "this" (case insensitive) Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Equals("this string contains 'ABC' as a substring") ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" equals: "this string contains 'ABC' as a substring" Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Equals("something else", Catch::CaseSensitive::No) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" equals: "something else" (case insensitive) Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THROWS_MATCHES( doesNotThrow(), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{1} ) Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE_THROWS_MATCHES( doesNotThrow(), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{1} ) Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THROWS_MATCHES( throwsAsInt(1), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{1} ) Unknown exception Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE_THROWS_MATCHES( throwsAsInt(1), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{1} ) Unknown exception Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THROWS_MATCHES( throwsSpecialException(3), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{1} ) with expansion: SpecialException::what special exception has value of 1 Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE_THROWS_MATCHES( throwsSpecialException(4), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{1} ) with expansion: SpecialException::what special exception has value of 1 Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), (Contains("string") || Contains("different")) && Contains("random") ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ( ( contains: "string" or contains: "different" ) and contains: "random" ) Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), !Contains("substring") ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" not contains: "substring" Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Matches("this STRING contains 'abc' as a substring") ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" matches "this STRING contains 'abc' as a substring" case sensitively Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Matches("contains 'abc' as a substring") ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" matches "contains 'abc' as a substring" case sensitively Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Matches("this string contains 'abc' as a") ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" matches "this string contains 'abc' as a" case sensitively Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), StartsWith("This String") ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" starts with: "This String" Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), StartsWith("string", Catch::CaseSensitive::No) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" starts with: "string" (case insensitive) Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( empty, Approx(t1) ) with expansion: { } is approx: { 1.0, 2.0 } Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( v1, Approx(v2) ) with expansion: { 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 } is approx: { 1.0, 3.0, 5.0 } Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( v, VectorContains(-1) ) with expansion: { 1, 2, 3 } Contains: -1 Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( empty, VectorContains(1) ) with expansion: { } Contains: 1 Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( empty, Contains(v) ) with expansion: { } Contains: { 1, 2, 3 } Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( v, Contains(v2) ) with expansion: { 1, 2, 3 } Contains: { 1, 2, 4 } Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( v, Equals(v2) ) with expansion: { 1, 2, 3 } Equals: { 1, 2 } Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( v2, Equals(v) ) with expansion: { 1, 2 } Equals: { 1, 2, 3 } Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( empty, Equals(v) ) with expansion: { } Equals: { 1, 2, 3 } Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( v, Equals(empty) ) with expansion: { 1, 2, 3 } Equals: { } Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( v, UnorderedEquals(empty) ) with expansion: { 1, 2, 3 } UnorderedEquals: { } Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( empty, UnorderedEquals(v) ) with expansion: { } UnorderedEquals: { 1, 2, 3 } Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( permuted, UnorderedEquals(v) ) with expansion: { 1, 3 } UnorderedEquals: { 1, 2, 3 } Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( permuted, UnorderedEquals(v) ) with expansion: { 3, 1 } UnorderedEquals: { 1, 2, 3 } Matchers.tests.cpp: FAILED: This is a failure Message.tests.cpp: FAILED: Message.tests.cpp: FAILED: This is a failure Message.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( a == 1 ) with expansion: 2 == 1 this message should be logged so should this Message.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( a == 1 ) with expansion: 2 == 1 this message may be logged later this message should be logged Message.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( a == 0 ) with expansion: 2 == 0 this message may be logged later this message should be logged and this, but later Message.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 10 < 10 current counter 10 i := 10 Message.tests.cpp: FAILED: Message from section one Message.tests.cpp: FAILED: Message from section two Message.tests.cpp: FAILED: Previous info should not be seen Message.tests.cpp: FAILED: previous unscoped info SHOULD not be seen Message.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( false ) this SHOULD be seen Message.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( false ) this SHOULD be seen this SHOULD also be seen Message.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( false ) this SHOULD be seen only ONCE Message.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( false ) hi i := 7 Message.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( false ) Count 1 to 3... 1 2 3 Message.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( false ) Count 4 to 6... 4 5 6 Message.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( f() == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 Misc.tests.cpp: FAILED: to infinity and beyond Misc.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( s1 == s2 ) with expansion: "if ($b == 10) { $a = 20; }" == "if ($b == 10) { $a = 20; } " Misc.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECKED_ELSE( flag ) with expansion: false Misc.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( testCheckedElse( false ) ) with expansion: false Misc.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECKED_IF( flag ) with expansion: false Misc.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( testCheckedIf( false ) ) with expansion: false Misc.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( b > a ) with expansion: 0 > 1 Misc.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( b > a ) with expansion: 1 > 1 Misc.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 Testing if fib[0] (1) is even Misc.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 Testing if fib[1] (1) is even Misc.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 Testing if fib[3] (3) is even Misc.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 Testing if fib[4] (5) is even Misc.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 Testing if fib[6] (13) is even Misc.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 Testing if fib[7] (21) is even Misc.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( a == b ) with expansion: 1 == 2 Misc.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( false ) 3 Misc.tests.cpp: FAILED: 1514 Tricky.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( &o1 == &o2 ) with expansion: 0x == 0x Tricky.tests.cpp: FAILED: CHECK( o1 == o2 ) with expansion: {?} == {?} Tricky.tests.cpp: FAILED: REQUIRE( std::string( "first" ) == "second" ) with expansion: "first" == "second" Tricky.tests.cpp: