// Copyright Catch2 Authors // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // 100-Fix-Section.cpp // Catch has two ways to express fixtures: // - Sections (this file) // - Traditional class-based fixtures // main() provided by linkage to Catch2WithMain #include #include TEST_CASE( "vectors can be sized and resized", "[vector]" ) { // For each section, vector v is anew: std::vector v( 5 ); REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 ); REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 ); SECTION( "resizing bigger changes size and capacity" ) { v.resize( 10 ); REQUIRE( v.size() == 10 ); REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 10 ); } SECTION( "resizing smaller changes size but not capacity" ) { v.resize( 0 ); REQUIRE( v.size() == 0 ); REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 ); } SECTION( "reserving bigger changes capacity but not size" ) { v.reserve( 10 ); REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 ); REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 10 ); } SECTION( "reserving smaller does not change size or capacity" ) { v.reserve( 0 ); REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 ); REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 ); } } // Compile & run: // - g++ -std=c++14 -Wall -I$(CATCH_SINGLE_INCLUDE) -o 100-Fix-Section 100-Fix-Section.cpp && 100-Fix-Section --success // - cl -EHsc -I%CATCH_SINGLE_INCLUDE% 100-Fix-Section.cpp && 100-Fix-Section --success // Expected compact output (all assertions): // // prompt> 100-Fix-Section.exe --reporter compact --success // 100-Fix-Section.cpp:17: passed: v.size() == 5 for: 5 == 5 // 100-Fix-Section.cpp:18: passed: v.capacity() >= 5 for: 5 >= 5 // 100-Fix-Section.cpp:23: passed: v.size() == 10 for: 10 == 10 // 100-Fix-Section.cpp:24: passed: v.capacity() >= 10 for: 10 >= 10 // 100-Fix-Section.cpp:17: passed: v.size() == 5 for: 5 == 5 // 100-Fix-Section.cpp:18: passed: v.capacity() >= 5 for: 5 >= 5 // 100-Fix-Section.cpp:29: passed: v.size() == 0 for: 0 == 0 // 100-Fix-Section.cpp:30: passed: v.capacity() >= 5 for: 5 >= 5 // 100-Fix-Section.cpp:17: passed: v.size() == 5 for: 5 == 5 // 100-Fix-Section.cpp:18: passed: v.capacity() >= 5 for: 5 >= 5 // 100-Fix-Section.cpp:35: passed: v.size() == 5 for: 5 == 5 // 100-Fix-Section.cpp:36: passed: v.capacity() >= 10 for: 10 >= 10 // 100-Fix-Section.cpp:17: passed: v.size() == 5 for: 5 == 5 // 100-Fix-Section.cpp:18: passed: v.capacity() >= 5 for: 5 >= 5 // 100-Fix-Section.cpp:41: passed: v.size() == 5 for: 5 == 5 // 100-Fix-Section.cpp:42: passed: v.capacity() >= 5 for: 5 >= 5 // Passed 1 test case with 16 assertions.