ROOT = $(MAKEDIR)\.. BRCC = $(ROOT)\bin\brcc32.exe .silent default: clean all clean: echo ========== cleaning object files ====== -@DEL /F /Q /S *.obj *.tds *.exe 1>nul # this override of the default implicit rule is a hack for not getting a ".bpr.exe" rule working correctly # to override the default .cpp.exe rule # currently relying upon BCB convention of a main cpp file named for the project listing project files .cpp.exe: echo ========== build for $@ ====== bpr2mak -q $&.bpr make -a -f $&.mak Tutorial1.exe: TARGETS= Tutorial1.exe all: $(TARGETS) help: @echo targets built by this makefile: $(TARGETS) @echo. @echo help - shows this output @echo all - builds all targets @echo clean - cleans all targets @echo tests - performs some tests on targets @echo default - clean all pre-tests: echo ========== running tests ====== post-tests: echo ========== completed tests ====== tests: Tutorial1.exe pre-tests unit-tests post-tests unit-tests: Tutorial1.exe -Tutorial1.exe