#include "internal/catch_stringref.h" #include "catch.hpp" #include namespace Catch { // Implementation of test accessors struct StringRefTestAccess { static auto isOwned( StringRef const& stringRef ) -> bool { return stringRef.isOwned(); } static auto isSubstring( StringRef const& stringRef ) -> bool { return stringRef.isSubstring(); } }; namespace { auto isOwned( StringRef const& stringRef ) -> bool { return StringRefTestAccess::isOwned( stringRef ); } auto isSubstring( StringRef const& stringRef ) -> bool { return StringRefTestAccess::isSubstring( stringRef ); } } // end anonymous namespace } // namespace Catch TEST_CASE( "StringRef", "[Strings][StringRef]" ) { using Catch::StringRef; using Catch::isOwned; using Catch::isSubstring; SECTION( "Empty string" ) { StringRef empty; REQUIRE( empty.empty() ); REQUIRE( empty.size() == 0 ); REQUIRE( std::strcmp( empty.c_str(), "" ) == 0 ); } SECTION( "From string literal" ) { StringRef s = "hello"; REQUIRE( s.empty() == false ); REQUIRE( s.size() == 5 ); REQUIRE( isSubstring( s ) == false ); auto rawChars = s.currentData(); REQUIRE( std::strcmp( rawChars, "hello" ) == 0 ); SECTION( "c_str() does not cause copy" ) { REQUIRE( isOwned( s ) == false ); REQUIRE( s.c_str() == rawChars ); REQUIRE( isOwned( s ) == false ); } } SECTION( "From sub-string" ) { StringRef original = StringRef( "original string" ).substr(0, 8); REQUIRE( original == "original" ); REQUIRE( isSubstring( original ) ); REQUIRE( isOwned( original ) == false ); original.c_str(); // Forces it to take ownership REQUIRE( isSubstring( original ) == false ); REQUIRE( isOwned( original ) ); } SECTION( "Substrings" ) { StringRef s = "hello world!"; StringRef ss = s.substr(0, 5); SECTION( "zero-based substring" ) { REQUIRE( ss.empty() == false ); REQUIRE( ss.size() == 5 ); REQUIRE( std::strcmp( ss.c_str(), "hello" ) == 0 ); REQUIRE( ss == "hello" ); } SECTION( "c_str() causes copy" ) { REQUIRE( isSubstring( ss ) ); REQUIRE( isOwned( ss ) == false ); auto rawChars = ss.currentData(); REQUIRE( rawChars == s.currentData() ); // same pointer value REQUIRE( ss.c_str() != rawChars ); REQUIRE( isSubstring( ss ) == false ); REQUIRE( isOwned( ss ) ); REQUIRE( ss.currentData() != s.currentData() ); // different pointer value } SECTION( "non-zero-based substring") { ss = s.substr( 6, 6 ); REQUIRE( ss.size() == 6 ); REQUIRE( std::strcmp( ss.c_str(), "world!" ) == 0 ); } SECTION( "Pointer values of full refs should match" ) { StringRef s2 = s; REQUIRE( s.c_str() == s2.c_str() ); } SECTION( "Pointer values of substring refs should not match" ) { REQUIRE( s.c_str() != ss.c_str() ); } } SECTION( "Comparisons" ) { REQUIRE( StringRef("hello") == StringRef("hello") ); REQUIRE( StringRef("hello") != StringRef("cello") ); } SECTION( "from std::string" ) { std::string stdStr = "a standard string"; SECTION( "implicitly constructed" ) { StringRef sr = stdStr; REQUIRE( sr == "a standard string" ); REQUIRE( sr.size() == stdStr.size() ); } SECTION( "explicitly constructed" ) { StringRef sr( stdStr ); REQUIRE( sr == "a standard string" ); REQUIRE( sr.size() == stdStr.size() ); } SECTION( "assigned" ) { StringRef sr; sr = stdStr; REQUIRE( sr == "a standard string" ); REQUIRE( sr.size() == stdStr.size() ); } } SECTION( "to std::string" ) { StringRef sr = "a stringref"; SECTION( "implicitly constructed" ) { std::string stdStr = sr; REQUIRE( stdStr == "a stringref" ); REQUIRE( stdStr.size() == sr.size() ); } SECTION( "explicitly constructed" ) { std::string stdStr( sr ); REQUIRE( stdStr == "a stringref" ); REQUIRE( stdStr.size() == sr.size() ); } SECTION( "assigned" ) { std::string stdStr; stdStr = sr; REQUIRE( stdStr == "a stringref" ); REQUIRE( stdStr.size() == sr.size() ); } } SECTION( "Counting utf-8 codepoints" ) { StringRef ascii = "just a plain old boring ascii string..."; REQUIRE(ascii.numberOfCharacters() == ascii.size()); StringRef simpleu8 = u8"Trocha češtiny nikoho nezabila"; REQUIRE(simpleu8.numberOfCharacters() == 30); StringRef emojis = u8"Here be 👾"; REQUIRE(emojis.numberOfCharacters() == 9); } } TEST_CASE( "replaceInPlace", "[Strings][StringManip]" ) { std::string letters = "abcdefcg"; SECTION( "replace single char" ) { CHECK( Catch::replaceInPlace( letters, "b", "z" ) ); CHECK( letters == "azcdefcg" ); } SECTION( "replace two chars" ) { CHECK( Catch::replaceInPlace( letters, "c", "z" ) ); CHECK( letters == "abzdefzg" ); } SECTION( "replace first char" ) { CHECK( Catch::replaceInPlace( letters, "a", "z" ) ); CHECK( letters == "zbcdefcg" ); } SECTION( "replace last char" ) { CHECK( Catch::replaceInPlace( letters, "g", "z" ) ); CHECK( letters == "abcdefcz" ); } SECTION( "replace all chars" ) { CHECK( Catch::replaceInPlace( letters, letters, "replaced" ) ); CHECK( letters == "replaced" ); } SECTION( "replace no chars" ) { CHECK_FALSE( Catch::replaceInPlace( letters, "x", "z" ) ); CHECK( letters == letters ); } SECTION( "escape '" ) { std::string s = "didn't"; CHECK( Catch::replaceInPlace( s, "'", "|'" ) ); CHECK( s == "didn|'t" ); } }