~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CatchSelfTest is a CATCH v0.9 b27 (integration) host application. Run with -? for options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Approx/simple ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:20: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == Approx( 1.23 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) ApproxTests.cpp:21: PASSED: REQUIRE( d != Approx( 1.22 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 != Approx( 1.22 ) ApproxTests.cpp:22: PASSED: REQUIRE( d != Approx( 1.24 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 != Approx( 1.24 ) ApproxTests.cpp:24: PASSED: REQUIRE( Approx( d ) == 1.23 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.23 ApproxTests.cpp:25: PASSED: REQUIRE( Approx( d ) != 1.22 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.22 ApproxTests.cpp:26: PASSED: REQUIRE( Approx( d ) != 1.24 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Approx/epsilon ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:38: PASSED: REQUIRE( d != Approx( 1.231 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 != Approx( 1.231 ) ApproxTests.cpp:39: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == Approx( 1.231 ).epsilon( 0.1 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.231 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Approx/float ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:49: PASSED: REQUIRE( 1.23f == Approx( 1.23f ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) ApproxTests.cpp:50: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0.0f == Approx( 0.0f ) ) with expansion: 0 == Approx( 0 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Approx/int ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:60: PASSED: REQUIRE( 1 == Approx( 1 ) ) ApproxTests.cpp:61: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0 == Approx( 0 ) ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Approx/mixed ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:75: PASSED: REQUIRE( 1.0f == Approx( 1 ) ) with expansion: 1 == Approx( 1 ) ApproxTests.cpp:76: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0 == Approx( dZero) ) with expansion: 0 == Approx( 0 ) ApproxTests.cpp:77: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0 == Approx( dSmall ).epsilon( 0.001 ) ) with expansion: 0 == Approx( 1e-05 ) ApproxTests.cpp:78: PASSED: REQUIRE( 1.234f == Approx( dMedium ) ) with expansion: 1.234 == Approx( 1.234 ) ApproxTests.cpp:79: PASSED: REQUIRE( dMedium == Approx( 1.234f ) ) with expansion: 1.234 == Approx( 1.234 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Approx/custom ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:93: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == approx( 1.23 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) ApproxTests.cpp:94: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == approx( 1.22 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.22 ) ApproxTests.cpp:95: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == approx( 1.24 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.24 ) ApproxTests.cpp:96: PASSED: REQUIRE( d != approx( 1.25 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 != Approx( 1.25 ) ApproxTests.cpp:98: PASSED: REQUIRE( approx( d ) == 1.23 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.23 ApproxTests.cpp:99: PASSED: REQUIRE( approx( d ) == 1.22 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.22 ApproxTests.cpp:100: PASSED: REQUIRE( approx( d ) == 1.24 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.24 ApproxTests.cpp:101: PASSED: REQUIRE( approx( d ) != 1.25 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Approximate PI ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:110: PASSED: REQUIRE( divide( 22, 7 ) == Approx( 3.141 ).epsilon( 0.001 ) ) with expansion: 3.142857142857143 == Approx( 3.141 ) ApproxTests.cpp:111: PASSED: REQUIRE( divide( 22, 7 ) != Approx( 3.141 ).epsilon( 0.0001 ) ) with expansion: 3.142857142857143 != Approx( 3.141 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/TestClass/succeedingCase ............................................................................... ClassTests.cpp:24: PASSED: REQUIRE( s == "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" == "hello" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/TestClass/failingCase ............................................................................... ClassTests.cpp:28: FAILED: REQUIRE( s == "world" ) with expansion: "hello" == "world" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Fixture/succeedingCase ............................................................................... ClassTests.cpp:47: PASSED: REQUIRE( m_a == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/Fixture/failingCase ............................................................................... ClassTests.cpp:55: FAILED: REQUIRE( m_a == 2 ) with expansion: 1 == 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/equality ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:55: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven == 7 ) with expansion: 7 == 7 ConditionTests.cpp:56: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.1f ) ) with expansion: 9.1 == Approx( 9.1 ) ConditionTests.cpp:57: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.double_pi == Approx( 3.1415926535 ) ) with expansion: 3.1415926535 == Approx( 3.14159 ) ConditionTests.cpp:58: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello == "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" == "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:59: PASSED: REQUIRE( "hello" == data.str_hello ) with expansion: "hello" == "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:60: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello.size() == 5 ) with expansion: 5 == 5 ConditionTests.cpp:63: PASSED: REQUIRE( x == Approx( 1.3 ) ) with expansion: 1.3 == Approx( 1.3 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/conditions/equality ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:71: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven == 6 ) with expansion: 7 == 6 ConditionTests.cpp:72: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven == 8 ) with expansion: 7 == 8 ConditionTests.cpp:73: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven == 0 ) with expansion: 7 == 0 ConditionTests.cpp:74: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.11f ) ) with expansion: 9.1 == Approx( 9.11 ) ConditionTests.cpp:75: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.0f ) ) with expansion: 9.1 == Approx( 9 ) ConditionTests.cpp:76: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 1 ) ) with expansion: 9.1 == Approx( 1 ) ConditionTests.cpp:77: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 0 ) ) with expansion: 9.1 == Approx( 0 ) ConditionTests.cpp:78: FAILED: CHECK( data.double_pi == Approx( 3.1415 ) ) with expansion: 3.1415926535 == Approx( 3.1415 ) ConditionTests.cpp:79: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello == "goodbye" ) with expansion: "hello" == "goodbye" ConditionTests.cpp:80: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello == "hell" ) with expansion: "hello" == "hell" ConditionTests.cpp:81: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello == "hello1" ) with expansion: "hello" == "hello1" ConditionTests.cpp:82: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello.size() == 6 ) with expansion: 5 == 6 ConditionTests.cpp:85: FAILED: CHECK( x == Approx( 1.301 ) ) with expansion: 1.3 == Approx( 1.301 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/inequality ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:93: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven != 6 ) with expansion: 7 != 6 ConditionTests.cpp:94: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven != 8 ) with expansion: 7 != 8 ConditionTests.cpp:95: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.11f ) ) with expansion: 9.1 != Approx( 9.11 ) ConditionTests.cpp:96: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.0f ) ) with expansion: 9.1 != Approx( 9 ) ConditionTests.cpp:97: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 1 ) ) with expansion: 9.1 != Approx( 1 ) ConditionTests.cpp:98: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 0 ) ) with expansion: 9.1 != Approx( 0 ) ConditionTests.cpp:99: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.double_pi != Approx( 3.1415 ) ) with expansion: 3.1415926535 != Approx( 3.1415 ) ConditionTests.cpp:100: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello != "goodbye" ) with expansion: "hello" != "goodbye" ConditionTests.cpp:101: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello != "hell" ) with expansion: "hello" != "hell" ConditionTests.cpp:102: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello != "hello1" ) with expansion: "hello" != "hello1" ConditionTests.cpp:103: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello.size() != 6 ) with expansion: 5 != 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/conditions/inequality ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:111: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven != 7 ) with expansion: 7 != 7 ConditionTests.cpp:112: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.1f ) ) with expansion: 9.1 != Approx( 9.1 ) ConditionTests.cpp:113: FAILED: CHECK( data.double_pi != Approx( 3.1415926535 ) ) with expansion: 3.1415926535 != Approx( 3.14159 ) ConditionTests.cpp:114: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello != "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" != "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:115: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello.size() != 5 ) with expansion: 5 != 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/ordered ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:124: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven < 8 ) with expansion: 7 < 8 ConditionTests.cpp:125: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven > 6 ) with expansion: 7 > 6 ConditionTests.cpp:126: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven > 0 ) with expansion: 7 > 0 ConditionTests.cpp:127: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven > -1 ) with expansion: 7 > -1 ConditionTests.cpp:129: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven >= 7 ) with expansion: 7 >= 7 ConditionTests.cpp:130: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven >= 6 ) with expansion: 7 >= 6 ConditionTests.cpp:131: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven <= 7 ) with expansion: 7 <= 7 ConditionTests.cpp:132: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven <= 8 ) with expansion: 7 <= 8 ConditionTests.cpp:134: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one > 9 ) with expansion: 9.1 > 9 ConditionTests.cpp:135: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one < 10 ) with expansion: 9.1 < 10 ConditionTests.cpp:136: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one < 9.2 ) with expansion: 9.1 < 9.199999999999999 ConditionTests.cpp:138: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello <= "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" <= "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:139: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello >= "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" >= "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:141: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello < "hellp" ) with expansion: "hello" < "hellp" ConditionTests.cpp:142: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello < "zebra" ) with expansion: "hello" < "zebra" ConditionTests.cpp:143: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello > "hellm" ) with expansion: "hello" > "hellm" ConditionTests.cpp:144: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello > "a" ) with expansion: "hello" > "a" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/conditions/ordered ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:152: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven > 7 ) with expansion: 7 > 7 ConditionTests.cpp:153: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven < 7 ) with expansion: 7 < 7 ConditionTests.cpp:154: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven > 8 ) with expansion: 7 > 8 ConditionTests.cpp:155: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven < 6 ) with expansion: 7 < 6 ConditionTests.cpp:156: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven < 0 ) with expansion: 7 < 0 ConditionTests.cpp:157: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven < -1 ) with expansion: 7 < -1 ConditionTests.cpp:159: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven >= 8 ) with expansion: 7 >= 8 ConditionTests.cpp:160: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven <= 6 ) with expansion: 7 <= 6 ConditionTests.cpp:162: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one < 9 ) with expansion: 9.1 < 9 ConditionTests.cpp:163: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one > 10 ) with expansion: 9.1 > 10 ConditionTests.cpp:164: FAILED: CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one > 9.2 ) with expansion: 9.1 > 9.199999999999999 ConditionTests.cpp:166: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello > "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" > "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:167: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello < "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" < "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:168: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello > "hellp" ) with expansion: "hello" > "hellp" ConditionTests.cpp:169: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello > "z" ) with expansion: "hello" > "z" ConditionTests.cpp:170: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello < "hellm" ) with expansion: "hello" < "hellm" ConditionTests.cpp:171: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello < "a" ) with expansion: "hello" < "a" ConditionTests.cpp:173: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello >= "z" ) with expansion: "hello" >= "z" ConditionTests.cpp:174: FAILED: CHECK( data.str_hello <= "a" ) with expansion: "hello" <= "a" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/int literals ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:188: PASSED: REQUIRE( i == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp:189: PASSED: REQUIRE( ui == 2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 ConditionTests.cpp:190: PASSED: REQUIRE( l == 3 ) with expansion: 3 == 3 ConditionTests.cpp:191: PASSED: REQUIRE( ul == 4 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 ConditionTests.cpp:192: PASSED: REQUIRE( c == 5 ) with expansion: 5 == 5 ConditionTests.cpp:193: PASSED: REQUIRE( uc == 6 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 ConditionTests.cpp:195: PASSED: REQUIRE( 1 == i ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp:196: PASSED: REQUIRE( 2 == ui ) with expansion: 2 == 2 ConditionTests.cpp:197: PASSED: REQUIRE( 3 == l ) with expansion: 3 == 3 ConditionTests.cpp:198: PASSED: REQUIRE( 4 == ul ) with expansion: 4 == 4 ConditionTests.cpp:199: PASSED: REQUIRE( 5 == c ) with expansion: 5 == 5 ConditionTests.cpp:200: PASSED: REQUIRE( 6 == uc ) with expansion: 6 == 6 ConditionTests.cpp:202: PASSED: REQUIRE( (std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max)() > ul ) with expansion: 0x<hex digits> > 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions//long_to_unsigned_x ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:223: PASSED: REQUIRE( long_var == unsigned_char_var ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp:224: PASSED: REQUIRE( long_var == unsigned_short_var ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp:225: PASSED: REQUIRE( long_var == unsigned_int_var ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp:226: PASSED: REQUIRE( long_var == unsigned_long_var ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/const ints to int literal ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:237: PASSED: REQUIRE( unsigned_char_var == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp:238: PASSED: REQUIRE( unsigned_short_var == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp:239: PASSED: REQUIRE( unsigned_int_var == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp:240: PASSED: REQUIRE( unsigned_long_var == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/negative ints ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:246: PASSED: CHECK( ( -1 > 2u ) ) with expansion: true ConditionTests.cpp:247: PASSED: CHECK( -1 > 2u ) with expansion: -1 > 2 ConditionTests.cpp:249: PASSED: CHECK( ( 2u < -1 ) ) with expansion: true ConditionTests.cpp:250: PASSED: CHECK( 2u < -1 ) with expansion: 2 < -1 ConditionTests.cpp:253: PASSED: CHECK( ( minInt > 2u ) ) with expansion: true ConditionTests.cpp:254: PASSED: CHECK( minInt > 2u ) with expansion: -2147483648 > 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/computed ints ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:269: PASSED: CHECK( 54 == 6*9 ) with expansion: 54 == 54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/ptr ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:285: PASSED: REQUIRE( p == __null ) with expansion: __null == 0 ConditionTests.cpp:286: PASSED: REQUIRE( p == pNULL ) with expansion: __null == __null ConditionTests.cpp:291: PASSED: REQUIRE( p != __null ) with expansion: 0x<hex digits> != 0 ConditionTests.cpp:294: PASSED: REQUIRE( cp != __null ) with expansion: 0x<hex digits> != 0 ConditionTests.cpp:297: PASSED: REQUIRE( cpc != __null ) with expansion: 0x<hex digits> != 0 ConditionTests.cpp:299: PASSED: REQUIRE( returnsNull() == __null ) with expansion: {null string} == 0 ConditionTests.cpp:300: PASSED: REQUIRE( returnsConstNull() == __null ) with expansion: {null string} == 0 ConditionTests.cpp:302: PASSED: REQUIRE( __null != p ) with expansion: 0 != 0x<hex digits> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/not ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:317: PASSED: REQUIRE( false == false ) ConditionTests.cpp:318: PASSED: REQUIRE( true == true ) ConditionTests.cpp:319: PASSED: REQUIRE( !false ) with expansion: true ConditionTests.cpp:320: PASSED: REQUIRE_FALSE( !false ) ConditionTests.cpp:322: PASSED: REQUIRE( !falseValue ) with expansion: true ConditionTests.cpp:323: PASSED: REQUIRE_FALSE( !falseValue ) with expansion: !false ConditionTests.cpp:325: PASSED: REQUIRE( !(1 == 2) ) with expansion: true ConditionTests.cpp:326: PASSED: REQUIRE_FALSE( !1 == 2 ) with expansion: !(1 == 2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/conditions/not ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:334: FAILED: CHECK( false != false ) ConditionTests.cpp:335: FAILED: CHECK( true != true ) ConditionTests.cpp:336: FAILED: CHECK( !true ) with expansion: false ConditionTests.cpp:337: FAILED: CHECK_FALSE( !true ) ConditionTests.cpp:339: FAILED: CHECK( !trueValue ) with expansion: false ConditionTests.cpp:340: FAILED: CHECK_FALSE( !trueValue ) with expansion: !true ConditionTests.cpp:342: FAILED: CHECK( !(1 == 1) ) with expansion: false ConditionTests.cpp:343: FAILED: CHECK_FALSE( !1 == 1 ) with expansion: !(1 == 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/exceptions/explicit ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp:35: PASSED: REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( thisThrows() ) ExceptionTests.cpp:36: PASSED: REQUIRE_NOTHROW( thisDoesntThrow() ) ExceptionTests.cpp:37: PASSED: REQUIRE_THROWS( thisThrows() ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/explicit ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp:43: FAILED: CHECK_THROWS_AS( thisThrows() ) due to unexpected exception with message: expected exception ExceptionTests.cpp:44: FAILED: CHECK_THROWS_AS( thisDoesntThrow() ) because no exception was thrown where one was expected: ExceptionTests.cpp:45: FAILED: CHECK_NOTHROW( thisThrows() ) due to unexpected exception with message: expected exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/implicit ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp:48: FAILED: due to unexpected exception with message: unexpected exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/implicit/2 ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp:56: PASSED: CHECK( 1 == 1 ) ExceptionTests.cpp:56: FAILED: {Unknown expression after the reported line} due to unexpected exception with message: unexpected exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/implicit/3 section name ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp:62: FAILED: due to unexpected exception with message: unexpected exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/exceptions/implicit ............................................................................... No assertions in test case, './succeeding/exceptions/implicit' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/custom ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp:106: FAILED: due to unexpected exception with message: custom exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/custom/nothrow ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp:113: FAILED: REQUIRE_NOTHROW( throw CustomException( "unexpected custom exception" ) ) due to unexpected exception with message: unexpected custom exception ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/custom/throw ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp:118: FAILED: REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( throw CustomException( "custom exception - not std" ) ) due to unexpected exception with message: custom exception - not std ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/exceptions/custom/double ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp:122: FAILED: due to unexpected exception with message: 3.14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/exceptions/notimplemented ............................................................................... ExceptionTests.cpp:133: PASSED: REQUIRE_THROWS( thisFunctionNotImplemented( 7 ) ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/1 ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 200 == 200 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 200 == 200 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 200 == 200 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 200 == 200 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 200 == 200 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 200 == 200 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 200 == 200 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 200 == 200 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 200 == 200 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 202 == 202 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 202 == 202 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 202 == 202 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 202 == 202 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 202 == 202 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 202 == 202 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 202 == 202 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 202 == 202 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 202 == 202 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 204 == 204 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 204 == 204 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 204 == 204 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 204 == 204 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 204 == 204 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 204 == 204 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 204 == 204 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 204 == 204 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 204 == 204 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 206 == 206 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 206 == 206 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 206 == 206 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 206 == 206 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 206 == 206 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 206 == 206 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 206 == 206 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 206 == 206 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 206 == 206 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 208 == 208 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 208 == 208 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 208 == 208 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 208 == 208 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 208 == 208 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 208 == 208 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 208 == 208 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 208 == 208 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 208 == 208 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 210 == 210 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 210 == 210 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 210 == 210 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 210 == 210 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 210 == 210 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 210 == 210 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 210 == 210 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 210 == 210 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 210 == 210 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 212 == 212 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 212 == 212 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 212 == 212 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 212 == 212 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 212 == 212 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 212 == 212 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 212 == 212 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 212 == 212 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 212 == 212 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 214 == 214 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 214 == 214 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 214 == 214 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 214 == 214 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 214 == 214 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 214 == 214 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 214 == 214 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 214 == 214 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 ) with expansion: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 ) with expansion: 214 == 214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/generators/2 ............................................................................... GeneratorTests.cpp:40: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( i->first == i->second-1 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 GeneratorTests.cpp:40: PASSED: CATCH_REQUIRE( i->first == i->second-1 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/message ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp:14: warning: this is a message this is a warning No assertions in test case, './succeeding/message' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/succeed ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp:18: PASSED: with message: this is a success ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/message/info/1 ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp:26: FAILED: REQUIRE( a == 1 ) with expansion: 2 == 1 with messages: this message should be logged so should this ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/message/info/2 ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp:33: PASSED: CHECK( a == 2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 with message: this message should not be logged MessageTests.cpp:37: FAILED: CHECK( a == 1 ) with expansion: 2 == 1 with message: this message should be logged MessageTests.cpp:41: FAILED: CHECK( a == 0 ) with expansion: 2 == 0 with message: and this, but later MessageTests.cpp:45: PASSED: CHECK( a == 2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 with message: but not this ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/message/fail ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp:51: FAILED: explicitly with message: This is a failure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/message/sections one ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp:58: FAILED: explicitly with message: Message from section one ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/message/sections two ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp:63: FAILED: explicitly with message: Message from section two Message from section one ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/message/sections/stdout one ............................................................................... No assertions in section, 'one' Message from section two ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/message/sections/stdout two ............................................................................... No assertions in section, 'two' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/message/scoped ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp:86: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 0 < 10 with messages: current counter 0 i := 0 MessageTests.cpp:86: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 1 < 10 with messages: current counter 1 i := 1 MessageTests.cpp:86: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 2 < 10 with messages: current counter 2 i := 2 MessageTests.cpp:86: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 3 < 10 with messages: current counter 3 i := 3 MessageTests.cpp:86: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 4 < 10 with messages: current counter 4 i := 4 MessageTests.cpp:86: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 5 < 10 with messages: current counter 5 i := 5 MessageTests.cpp:86: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 6 < 10 with messages: current counter 6 i := 6 MessageTests.cpp:86: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 7 < 10 with messages: current counter 7 i := 7 MessageTests.cpp:86: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 8 < 10 with messages: current counter 8 i := 8 MessageTests.cpp:86: PASSED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 9 < 10 with messages: current counter 9 i := 9 MessageTests.cpp:86: FAILED: REQUIRE( i < 10 ) with expansion: 10 < 10 with messages: current counter 10 i := 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/nofail ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp:92: FAILED - but was ok: CHECK_NOFAIL( 1 == 2 ) No assertions in test case, './succeeding/nofail' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just info ............................................................................... No assertions in test case, 'just info' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- just failure ............................................................................... MessageTests.cpp:101: FAILED: explicitly with message: Previous info should not be seen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Misc/Sections s1 ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:21: PASSED: REQUIRE( a != b ) with expansion: 1 != 2 MiscTests.cpp:22: PASSED: REQUIRE( b != a ) with expansion: 2 != 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Misc/Sections s2 ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:27: PASSED: REQUIRE( a != b ) with expansion: 1 != 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Misc/Sections/nested s1 ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:38: PASSED: REQUIRE( a != b ) with expansion: 1 != 2 MiscTests.cpp:39: PASSED: REQUIRE( b != a ) with expansion: 2 != 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Misc/Sections/nested s1 s2 ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:43: PASSED: REQUIRE( a != b ) with expansion: 1 != 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/Misc/Sections/nested2 s1 s2 ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:57: FAILED: REQUIRE( a == b ) with expansion: 1 == 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/Misc/Sections/nested2 s1 s3 ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:62: PASSED: REQUIRE( a != b ) with expansion: 1 != 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/Misc/Sections/nested2 s1 s4 ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:66: PASSED: REQUIRE( a < b ) with expansion: 1 < 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./Sections/nested/a/b c d (leaf) ............................................................................... No assertions in section, 'd (leaf)' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./Sections/nested/a/b c e (leaf) ............................................................................... No assertions in section, 'e (leaf)' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./Sections/nested/a/b f (leaf) ............................................................................... No assertions in section, 'f (leaf)' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/Misc/Sections/loops s1 ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:99: FAILED: CHECK( b > a ) with expansion: 0 > 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./mixed/Misc/loops ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:111: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[0] (1) is even MiscTests.cpp:111: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[1] (1) is even MiscTests.cpp:111: PASSED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[2] (2) is even MiscTests.cpp:111: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[3] (3) is even MiscTests.cpp:111: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[4] (5) is even MiscTests.cpp:111: PASSED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[5] (8) is even MiscTests.cpp:111: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[6] (13) is even MiscTests.cpp:111: FAILED: CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ) with expansion: 1 == 0 with message: Testing if fib[7] (21) is even Some information An error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Misc/stdout,stderr ............................................................................... No assertions in test case, './succeeding/Misc/stdout,stderr' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Misc/null strings ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:129: PASSED: REQUIRE( makeString( false ) != static_cast<char*>(__null) ) with expansion: "valid string" != {null string} MiscTests.cpp:130: PASSED: REQUIRE( makeString( true ) == static_cast<char*>(__null) ) with expansion: {null string} == {null string} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/info ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:138: FAILED: REQUIRE( false ) with messages: hi i := 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/checkedif ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:143: PASSED: CHECKED_IF( flag ) with expansion: true MiscTests.cpp:151: PASSED: REQUIRE( testCheckedIf( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/checkedif ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:143: FAILED: CHECKED_IF( flag ) with expansion: false MiscTests.cpp:156: FAILED: REQUIRE( testCheckedIf( false ) ) with expansion: false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/checkedelse ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:161: PASSED: CHECKED_ELSE( flag ) with expansion: true MiscTests.cpp:169: PASSED: REQUIRE( testCheckedElse( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/checkedelse ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:161: FAILED: CHECKED_ELSE( flag ) with expansion: false MiscTests.cpp:174: FAILED: REQUIRE( testCheckedElse( false ) ) with expansion: false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./misc/xmlentitycheck embedded xml ............................................................................... No assertions in section, 'embedded xml' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./misc/xmlentitycheck encoded chars ............................................................................... No assertions in section, 'encoded chars' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./manual/onechar ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:192: FAILED: REQUIRE( false ) with message: 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/atomic if ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:202: PASSED: REQUIRE( x == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/matchers ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:212: PASSED: REQUIRE_THAT( testStringForMatching() Contains( "string" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "string" MiscTests.cpp:213: PASSED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() Contains( "abc" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "abc" MiscTests.cpp:215: PASSED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() StartsWith( "this" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" starts with: "this" MiscTests.cpp:216: PASSED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() EndsWith( "substring" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ends with: "substring" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/matchers/Contains ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:221: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() Contains( "not there" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "not there" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/matchers/StartsWith ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:226: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() StartsWith( "string" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" starts with: "string" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/matchers/EndsWith ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:231: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() EndsWith( "this" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ends with: "this" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/matchers/Equals ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:236: FAILED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() Equals( "something else" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" equals: "something else" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/matchers/AllOf ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:244: PASSED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() AllOf( Catch::Contains( "string" ), Catch::Contains( "abc" ) ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ( contains: "string" and contains: "abc" ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/matchers/AnyOf ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:248: PASSED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() AnyOf( Catch::Contains( "string" ), Catch::Contains( "not there" ) ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ( contains: "string" or contains: "not there" ) MiscTests.cpp:249: PASSED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() AnyOf( Catch::Contains( "not there" ), Catch::Contains( "string" ) ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ( contains: "not there" or contains: "string" ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/matchers/Equals ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:254: PASSED: CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching() Equals( "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ) ) with expansion: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" equals: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- example/factorial ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:265: PASSED: REQUIRE( Factorial(0) == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 MiscTests.cpp:266: PASSED: REQUIRE( Factorial(1) == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 MiscTests.cpp:267: PASSED: REQUIRE( Factorial(2) == 2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 MiscTests.cpp:268: PASSED: REQUIRE( Factorial(3) == 6 ) with expansion: 6 == 6 MiscTests.cpp:269: PASSED: REQUIRE( Factorial(10) == 3628800 ) with expansion: 0x<hex digits> == 3628800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- empty ............................................................................... No assertions in test case, 'empty' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nice descriptive name ............................................................................... MiscTests.cpp:278: warning: This one ran No assertions in test case, 'Nice descriptive name' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- first tag ............................................................................... No assertions in test case, 'first tag' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- second tag ............................................................................... No assertions in test case, 'second tag' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/main selftest/expected result selftest/expected result/failing tests ............................................................................... catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:120: PASSED: with message: Tests failed, as expected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/main selftest/expected result selftest/expected result/succeeding tests ............................................................................... catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected Message from section one Message from section two catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected Some information An error catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected catch_self_test.hpp:109: PASSED: with message: Tests passed, as expected Message from section one Message from section two Some information An error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/main selftest/test counts selftest/test counts/succeeding tests ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:40: PASSED: CHECK( totals.assertions.passed == 296 ) with expansion: 296 == 296 TestMain.cpp:41: PASSED: CHECK( totals.assertions.failed == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/main selftest/test counts selftest/test counts/failing tests ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:47: PASSED: CHECK( totals.assertions.passed == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:48: PASSED: CHECK( totals.assertions.failed == 73 ) with expansion: 73 == 73 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- meta/Misc/Sections ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:57: PASSED: CHECK( totals.assertions.passed == 2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 TestMain.cpp:58: PASSED: CHECK( totals.assertions.failed == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 default ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:97: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:99: PASSED: CHECK( config.shouldDebugBreak == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp:100: PASSED: CHECK( config.cutoff == -1 ) with expansion: -1 == -1 TestMain.cpp:101: PASSED: CHECK( config.allowThrows == true ) with expansion: true == true TestMain.cpp:102: PASSED: CHECK( config.reporter.empty() ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 test lists -t/1 ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:108: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:110: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters.size() == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:111: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "notIncluded" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp:112: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 test lists -t/exclude:1 ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:116: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:118: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters.size() == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:119: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp:120: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "alwaysIncluded" ) ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 test lists --test/1 ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:125: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:127: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters.size() == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:128: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "notIncluded" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp:129: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 test lists --test/exclude:1 ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:134: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:136: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters.size() == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:137: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp:138: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "alwaysIncluded" ) ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 test lists --test/exclude:2 ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:143: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:145: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters.size() == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:146: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp:147: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "alwaysIncluded" ) ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 test lists -t/2 ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:152: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:154: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters.size() == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:155: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "notIncluded" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp:156: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp:157: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test2" ) ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 test lists -t/0 ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:162: PASSED: REQUIRE_THAT( parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "at least 1" ) ) with expansion: "Error while parsing arguments. Expected at least 1 argument." contains: "at least 1" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 reporter -r/console ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:169: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:171: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.reporter == "console" ) with expansion: "console" == "console" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 reporter -r/xml ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:175: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:177: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.reporter == "xml" ) with expansion: "xml" == "xml" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 reporter --reporter/junit ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:181: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:183: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.reporter == "junit" ) with expansion: "junit" == "junit" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 reporter -r/error ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:187: PASSED: REQUIRE_THAT( parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "1 argument" ) ) with expansion: "Error while parsing arguments. Expected 1 argument. Arguments were: one two" contains: "1 argument" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 debugger -b ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:194: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:196: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.shouldDebugBreak == true ) with expansion: true == true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 debugger --break ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:200: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:202: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.shouldDebugBreak ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 debugger -b ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:206: PASSED: REQUIRE_THAT( parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "0 arguments" ) ) with expansion: "Error while parsing arguments. Expected 0 arguments. Arguments were: unexpected" contains: "0 arguments" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 abort -a ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:213: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:215: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.cutoff == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 abort -a/2 ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:219: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:221: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.cutoff == 2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 abort -a/error/0 ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:225: PASSED: REQUIRE_THAT( parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "greater than zero" ) ) with expansion: "Error while parsing arguments. threshold must be a number greater than zero. Arguments were: 0" contains: "greater than zero" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 abort -a/error/non numeric ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:229: PASSED: REQUIRE_THAT( parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "greater than zero" ) ) with expansion: "Error while parsing arguments. threshold must be a number greater than zero. Arguments were: oops" contains: "greater than zero" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 abort -a/error/two args ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:233: PASSED: REQUIRE_THAT( parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "0 and 1 argument" ) ) with expansion: "Error while parsing arguments. Expected between 0 and 1 argument. Arguments were: 1 2" contains: "0 and 1 argument" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 nothrow -nt ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:240: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:242: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.allowThrows == false ) with expansion: false == false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 nothrow --nothrow ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:246: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:248: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.allowThrows == false ) with expansion: false == false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 streams -o filename ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:255: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:257: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.outputFilename == "filename.ext" ) with expansion: "filename.ext" == "filename.ext" TestMain.cpp:258: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.stream.empty() ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 streams -o %stdout ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:262: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:264: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.stream == "stdout" ) with expansion: "stdout" == "stdout" TestMain.cpp:265: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.outputFilename.empty() ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 streams --out ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:269: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:271: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.outputFilename == "filename.ext" ) with expansion: "filename.ext" == "filename.ext" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/parser/2 combinations -a -b ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:278: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:280: PASSED: CHECK( config.cutoff == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:281: PASSED: CHECK( config.shouldDebugBreak ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp:282: PASSED: CHECK( config.allowThrows == false ) with expansion: false == false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/test filter ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:291: PASSED: CHECK( matchAny.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp:292: PASSED: CHECK( matchNone.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp:297: PASSED: CHECK( matchHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp:298: PASSED: CHECK( matchNonHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp:300: PASSED: CHECK( matchHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./any" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp:301: PASSED: CHECK( matchNonHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./any" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/test filters ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:312: PASSED: CHECK( matchHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./something" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp:314: PASSED: CHECK( filters.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp:315: PASSED: CHECK( filters.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./something" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp:316: PASSED: CHECK( filters.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./anything" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/filter/prefix wildcard ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:322: PASSED: CHECK( matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "big badger" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp:323: PASSED: CHECK( matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "little badgers" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/filter/wildcard at both ends ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:328: PASSED: CHECK( matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "big badger" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp:329: PASSED: CHECK( matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "little badgers" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp:330: PASSED: CHECK( matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "badgers are big" ) ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp:331: PASSED: CHECK( matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "hedgehogs" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/option parsers ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:351: PASSED: CHECK_NOTHROW( opt.parseIntoConfig( parser, config ) ) TestMain.cpp:353: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters.size() == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:354: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "notIncluded" ) ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp:355: PASSED: REQUIRE( config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/tags one tag ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:369: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.getTestCaseInfo().description == "" ) with expansion: "" == "" TestMain.cpp:370: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.hasTag( "one" ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp:371: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.getTags().size() == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:373: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.matchesTags( p1 ) == true ) with expansion: true == true TestMain.cpp:374: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.matchesTags( p2 ) == true ) with expansion: true == true TestMain.cpp:375: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.matchesTags( p3 ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp:376: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.matchesTags( p4 ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp:377: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.matchesTags( p5 ) == false ) with expansion: false == false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/tags two tags ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:383: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.getTestCaseInfo().description == "" ) with expansion: "" == "" TestMain.cpp:384: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.hasTag( "one" ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp:385: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.hasTag( "two" ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp:386: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.hasTag( "three" ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp:387: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.getTags().size() == 2 ) with expansion: 2 == 2 TestMain.cpp:389: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.matchesTags( p1 ) == true ) with expansion: true == true TestMain.cpp:390: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.matchesTags( p2 ) == true ) with expansion: true == true TestMain.cpp:391: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.matchesTags( p3 ) == true ) with expansion: true == true TestMain.cpp:392: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.matchesTags( p4 ) == true ) with expansion: true == true TestMain.cpp:393: PASSED: CHECK( twoTags.matchesTags( p5 ) == true ) with expansion: true == true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/tags one tag with characters either side ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:399: PASSED: CHECK( oneTagWithExtras.getTestCaseInfo().description == "1234" ) with expansion: "1234" == "1234" TestMain.cpp:400: PASSED: CHECK( oneTagWithExtras.hasTag( "one" ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp:401: PASSED: CHECK( oneTagWithExtras.hasTag( "two" ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp:402: PASSED: CHECK( oneTagWithExtras.getTags().size() == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/tags start of a tag, but not closed ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:409: PASSED: CHECK( oneTagOpen.getTestCaseInfo().description == "[one" ) with expansion: "[one" == "[one" TestMain.cpp:410: PASSED: CHECK( oneTagOpen.hasTag( "one" ) == false ) with expansion: false == false TestMain.cpp:411: PASSED: CHECK( oneTagOpen.getTags().size() == 0 ) with expansion: 0 == 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- selftest/tags hidden ............................................................................... TestMain.cpp:417: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.getTestCaseInfo().description == "" ) with expansion: "" == "" TestMain.cpp:418: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.hasTag( "hide" ) ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp:419: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.isHidden() ) with expansion: true TestMain.cpp:421: PASSED: CHECK( oneTag.matchesTags( "~[hide]" ) == false ) with expansion: false == false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Tricky/std::pair ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:37: PASSED: REQUIRE( (std::pair<int, int>( 1, 2 )) == aNicePair ) with expansion: std::pair( 1, 2 ) == std::pair( 1, 2 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./inprogress/failing/Tricky/trailing expression ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:55: warning: Uncomment the code in this test to check that it gives a sensible compiler error No assertions in test case, './inprogress/failing/Tricky/trailing expression' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./inprogress/failing/Tricky/compound lhs ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:71: warning: Uncomment the code in this test to check that it gives a sensible compiler error No assertions in test case, './inprogress/failing/Tricky/compound lhs' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/Tricky/non streamable type ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:95: FAILED: CHECK( &o1 == &o2 ) with expansion: 0x<hex digits> == 0x<hex digits> TrickyTests.cpp:96: FAILED: CHECK( o1 == o2 ) with expansion: {?} == {?} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/string literals ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:106: FAILED: REQUIRE( std::string( "first" ) == "second" ) with expansion: "first" == "second" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/side-effects ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:119: PASSED: REQUIRE( i++ == 7 ) with expansion: 7 == 7 TrickyTests.cpp:120: PASSED: REQUIRE( i++ == 8 ) with expansion: 8 == 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/koenig ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:186: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0x<hex digits> == o ) with expansion: 0x<hex digits> == {?} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/non-const== ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:212: PASSED: REQUIRE( t == 1u ) with expansion: {?} == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/enum/bits ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:224: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0x<hex digits> == bit30and31 ) with expansion: 0x<hex digits> == 3221225472 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/boolean member ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:239: PASSED: REQUIRE( obj.prop != __null ) with expansion: 0x<hex digits> != 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/unimplemented static bool compare to true ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:259: PASSED: REQUIRE( is_true<true>::value == true ) with expansion: true == true TrickyTests.cpp:260: PASSED: REQUIRE( true == is_true<true>::value ) with expansion: true == true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/unimplemented static bool compare to false ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:264: PASSED: REQUIRE( is_true<false>::value == false ) with expansion: false == false TrickyTests.cpp:265: PASSED: REQUIRE( false == is_true<false>::value ) with expansion: false == false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/unimplemented static bool negation ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:270: PASSED: REQUIRE( !is_true<false>::value ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/unimplemented static bool double negation ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:275: PASSED: REQUIRE( !!is_true<true>::value ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/unimplemented static bool direct ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:280: PASSED: REQUIRE( is_true<true>::value ) with expansion: true TrickyTests.cpp:281: PASSED: REQUIRE_FALSE( !is_true<false>::value ) with expansion: !false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/SafeBool ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:313: PASSED: CHECK( True ) with expansion: true TrickyTests.cpp:314: PASSED: CHECK( !False ) with expansion: true TrickyTests.cpp:315: PASSED: CHECK_FALSE( !False ) with expansion: !false ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assertions then sections ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:323: PASSED: REQUIRE( Catch::isTrue( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assertions then sections A section ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:327: PASSED: REQUIRE( Catch::isTrue( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assertions then sections A section Another section ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:331: PASSED: REQUIRE( Catch::isTrue( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assertions then sections ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:323: PASSED: REQUIRE( Catch::isTrue( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assertions then sections A section ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:327: PASSED: REQUIRE( Catch::isTrue( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assertions then sections A section Another other section ............................................................................... TrickyTests.cpp:335: PASSED: REQUIRE( Catch::isTrue( true ) ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Do that thing with the thing Given: This stuff exists When: I do this Then: it should do this ............................................................................... BDDTests.cpp:21: PASSED: REQUIRE( itDoesThis() ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario: Do that thing with the thing Given: This stuff exists When: I do this Then: it should do this And: do that ............................................................................... BDDTests.cpp:23: PASSED: REQUIRE( itDoesThat() ) with expansion: true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anonymous test case 1 ............................................................................... VariadicMacrosTests.cpp:14: PASSED: with message: anonymous test case ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test case with one argument ............................................................................... VariadicMacrosTests.cpp:19: PASSED: with message: no assertions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variadic macros Section with one argument ............................................................................... VariadicMacrosTests.cpp:26: PASSED: with message: no assertions =============================================================================== 104 test cases - 47 failed (628 assertions - 104 failed) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CatchSelfTest is a CATCH v0.9 b27 (integration) host application. Run with -? for options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Approx/simple ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:20: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == Approx( 1.23 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) ApproxTests.cpp:21: PASSED: REQUIRE( d != Approx( 1.22 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 != Approx( 1.22 ) ApproxTests.cpp:22: PASSED: REQUIRE( d != Approx( 1.24 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 != Approx( 1.24 ) ApproxTests.cpp:24: PASSED: REQUIRE( Approx( d ) == 1.23 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.23 ApproxTests.cpp:25: PASSED: REQUIRE( Approx( d ) != 1.22 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.22 ApproxTests.cpp:26: PASSED: REQUIRE( Approx( d ) != 1.24 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Approx/epsilon ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:38: PASSED: REQUIRE( d != Approx( 1.231 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 != Approx( 1.231 ) ApproxTests.cpp:39: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == Approx( 1.231 ).epsilon( 0.1 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.231 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Approx/float ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:49: PASSED: REQUIRE( 1.23f == Approx( 1.23f ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) ApproxTests.cpp:50: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0.0f == Approx( 0.0f ) ) with expansion: 0 == Approx( 0 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Approx/int ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:60: PASSED: REQUIRE( 1 == Approx( 1 ) ) ApproxTests.cpp:61: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0 == Approx( 0 ) ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Approx/mixed ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:75: PASSED: REQUIRE( 1.0f == Approx( 1 ) ) with expansion: 1 == Approx( 1 ) ApproxTests.cpp:76: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0 == Approx( dZero) ) with expansion: 0 == Approx( 0 ) ApproxTests.cpp:77: PASSED: REQUIRE( 0 == Approx( dSmall ).epsilon( 0.001 ) ) with expansion: 0 == Approx( 1e-05 ) ApproxTests.cpp:78: PASSED: REQUIRE( 1.234f == Approx( dMedium ) ) with expansion: 1.234 == Approx( 1.234 ) ApproxTests.cpp:79: PASSED: REQUIRE( dMedium == Approx( 1.234f ) ) with expansion: 1.234 == Approx( 1.234 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Approx/custom ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:93: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == approx( 1.23 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) ApproxTests.cpp:94: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == approx( 1.22 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.22 ) ApproxTests.cpp:95: PASSED: REQUIRE( d == approx( 1.24 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 == Approx( 1.24 ) ApproxTests.cpp:96: PASSED: REQUIRE( d != approx( 1.25 ) ) with expansion: 1.23 != Approx( 1.25 ) ApproxTests.cpp:98: PASSED: REQUIRE( approx( d ) == 1.23 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.23 ApproxTests.cpp:99: PASSED: REQUIRE( approx( d ) == 1.22 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.22 ApproxTests.cpp:100: PASSED: REQUIRE( approx( d ) == 1.24 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.24 ApproxTests.cpp:101: PASSED: REQUIRE( approx( d ) != 1.25 ) with expansion: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Approximate PI ............................................................................... ApproxTests.cpp:110: PASSED: REQUIRE( divide( 22, 7 ) == Approx( 3.141 ).epsilon( 0.001 ) ) with expansion: 3.142857142857143 == Approx( 3.141 ) ApproxTests.cpp:111: PASSED: REQUIRE( divide( 22, 7 ) != Approx( 3.141 ).epsilon( 0.0001 ) ) with expansion: 3.142857142857143 != Approx( 3.141 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/TestClass/succeedingCase ............................................................................... ClassTests.cpp:24: PASSED: REQUIRE( s == "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" == "hello" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/TestClass/failingCase ............................................................................... ClassTests.cpp:28: FAILED: REQUIRE( s == "world" ) with expansion: "hello" == "world" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/Fixture/succeedingCase ............................................................................... ClassTests.cpp:47: PASSED: REQUIRE( m_a == 1 ) with expansion: 1 == 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/Fixture/failingCase ............................................................................... ClassTests.cpp:55: FAILED: REQUIRE( m_a == 2 ) with expansion: 1 == 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./succeeding/conditions/equality ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:55: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.int_seven == 7 ) with expansion: 7 == 7 ConditionTests.cpp:56: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.1f ) ) with expansion: 9.1 == Approx( 9.1 ) ConditionTests.cpp:57: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.double_pi == Approx( 3.1415926535 ) ) with expansion: 3.1415926535 == Approx( 3.14159 ) ConditionTests.cpp:58: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello == "hello" ) with expansion: "hello" == "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:59: PASSED: REQUIRE( "hello" == data.str_hello ) with expansion: "hello" == "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:60: PASSED: REQUIRE( data.str_hello.size() == 5 ) with expansion: 5 == 5 ConditionTests.cpp:63: PASSED: REQUIRE( x == Approx( 1.3 ) ) with expansion: 1.3 == Approx( 1.3 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./failing/conditions/equality ............................................................................... ConditionTests.cpp:71: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven == 6 ) with expansion: 7 == 6 ConditionTests.cpp:72: FAILED: CHECK( data.int_seven == 8 ) with expansion: 7 == 8 =============================================================================== 13 test cases - 3 failed (40 assertions - 4 failed) <testsuites> <testsuite name="~dummy" errors="9" failures="77" tests="628" hostname="tbd" time="tbd" timestamp="tbd"> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/Approx/simple" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/Approx/epsilon" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/Approx/float" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/Approx/int" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/Approx/mixed" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/Approx/custom" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="Approximate PI" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="TestClass" name="./succeeding/TestClass/succeedingCase" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="TestClass" name="./failing/TestClass/failingCase" time="tbd"> <failure message=""hello" == "world"" type="REQUIRE"> ClassTests.cpp:28 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="Fixture" name="./succeeding/Fixture/succeedingCase" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="Fixture" name="./failing/Fixture/failingCase" time="tbd"> <failure message="1 == 2" type="REQUIRE"> ClassTests.cpp:55 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/conditions/equality" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/conditions/equality" time="tbd"> <failure message="7 == 6" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:71 </failure> <failure message="7 == 8" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:72 </failure> <failure message="7 == 0" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:73 </failure> <failure message="9.1 == Approx( 9.11 )" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:74 </failure> <failure message="9.1 == Approx( 9 )" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:75 </failure> <failure message="9.1 == Approx( 1 )" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:76 </failure> <failure message="9.1 == Approx( 0 )" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:77 </failure> <failure message="3.1415926535 == Approx( 3.1415 )" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:78 </failure> <failure message=""hello" == "goodbye"" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:79 </failure> <failure message=""hello" == "hell"" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:80 </failure> <failure message=""hello" == "hello1"" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:81 </failure> <failure message="5 == 6" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:82 </failure> <failure message="1.3 == Approx( 1.301 )" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:85 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/conditions/inequality" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/conditions/inequality" time="tbd"> <failure message="7 != 7" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:111 </failure> <failure message="9.1 != Approx( 9.1 )" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:112 </failure> <failure message="3.1415926535 != Approx( 3.14159 )" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:113 </failure> <failure message=""hello" != "hello"" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:114 </failure> <failure message="5 != 5" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:115 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/conditions/ordered" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/conditions/ordered" time="tbd"> <failure message="7 > 7" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:152 </failure> <failure message="7 < 7" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:153 </failure> <failure message="7 > 8" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:154 </failure> <failure message="7 < 6" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:155 </failure> <failure message="7 < 0" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:156 </failure> <failure message="7 < -1" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:157 </failure> <failure message="7 >= 8" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:159 </failure> <failure message="7 <= 6" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:160 </failure> <failure message="9.1 < 9" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:162 </failure> <failure message="9.1 > 10" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:163 </failure> <failure message="9.1 > 9.199999999999999" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:164 </failure> <failure message=""hello" > "hello"" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:166 </failure> <failure message=""hello" < "hello"" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:167 </failure> <failure message=""hello" > "hellp"" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:168 </failure> <failure message=""hello" > "z"" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:169 </failure> <failure message=""hello" < "hellm"" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:170 </failure> <failure message=""hello" < "a"" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:171 </failure> <failure message=""hello" >= "z"" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:173 </failure> <failure message=""hello" <= "a"" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:174 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/conditions/int literals" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/conditions//long_to_unsigned_x" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/conditions/const ints to int literal" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/conditions/negative ints" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/conditions/computed ints" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/conditions/ptr" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/conditions/not" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/conditions/not" time="tbd"> <failure message="false != false" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:334 </failure> <failure message="true != true" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:335 </failure> <failure message="false" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:336 </failure> <failure message="!true" type="CHECK_FALSE"> ConditionTests.cpp:337 </failure> <failure message="false" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:339 </failure> <failure message="!true" type="CHECK_FALSE"> ConditionTests.cpp:340 </failure> <failure message="false" type="CHECK"> ConditionTests.cpp:342 </failure> <failure message="!(1 == 1)" type="CHECK_FALSE"> ConditionTests.cpp:343 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/exceptions/explicit" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/exceptions/explicit" time="tbd"> <error message="thisThrows()" type="CHECK_THROWS_AS"> ExceptionTests.cpp:43 </error> < message="thisDoesntThrow()" type="CHECK_THROWS_AS"> ExceptionTests.cpp:44 </> <error message="thisThrows()" type="CHECK_NOTHROW"> ExceptionTests.cpp:45 </error> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/exceptions/implicit" time="tbd"> <error type="TEST_CASE"> ExceptionTests.cpp:48 </error> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/exceptions/implicit/2" time="tbd"> <error message="{Unknown expression after the reported line}"> ExceptionTests.cpp:56 </error> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/exceptions/implicit/3" time="tbd"> <error type="TEST_CASE"> ExceptionTests.cpp:62 </error> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/exceptions/implicit" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/exceptions/custom" time="tbd"> <error type="TEST_CASE"> ExceptionTests.cpp:106 </error> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/exceptions/custom/nothrow" time="tbd"> <error message="throw CustomException( "unexpected custom exception" )" type="REQUIRE_NOTHROW"> ExceptionTests.cpp:113 </error> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/exceptions/custom/throw" time="tbd"> <error message="throw CustomException( "custom exception - not std" )" type="REQUIRE_THROWS_AS"> ExceptionTests.cpp:118 </error> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/exceptions/custom/double" time="tbd"> <error type="TEST_CASE"> ExceptionTests.cpp:122 </error> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/exceptions/notimplemented" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/generators/1" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/generators/2" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/message" time="tbd"> <warning type="WARN"> MessageTests.cpp:14 </warning> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/succeed" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/message/info/1" time="tbd"> <failure message="2 == 1" type="REQUIRE"> MessageTests.cpp:26 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./mixed/message/info/2" time="tbd"> <failure message="2 == 1" type="CHECK"> MessageTests.cpp:37 </failure> <failure message="2 == 0" type="CHECK"> MessageTests.cpp:41 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/message/fail" time="tbd"> <failure type="FAIL"> MessageTests.cpp:51 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/message/sections" time="tbd"> <failure type="FAIL"> MessageTests.cpp:58 </failure> <failure type="FAIL"> MessageTests.cpp:63 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/message/sections/stdout" time="tbd"> <system-out> Message from section one Message from section two </system-out> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./mixed/message/scoped" time="tbd"> <failure message="10 < 10" type="REQUIRE"> MessageTests.cpp:86 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/nofail" time="tbd"> <failure message="1 == 2" type="CHECK_NOFAIL"> MessageTests.cpp:92 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="just info" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="just failure" time="tbd"> <failure type="FAIL"> MessageTests.cpp:101 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/Misc/Sections" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/Misc/Sections/nested" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./mixed/Misc/Sections/nested2" time="tbd"> <failure message="1 == 2" type="REQUIRE"> MiscTests.cpp:57 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./Sections/nested/a/b" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./mixed/Misc/Sections/loops" time="tbd"> <failure message="0 > 1" type="CHECK"> MiscTests.cpp:99 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./mixed/Misc/loops" time="tbd"> <failure message="1 == 0" type="CHECK"> MiscTests.cpp:111 </failure> <failure message="1 == 0" type="CHECK"> MiscTests.cpp:111 </failure> <failure message="1 == 0" type="CHECK"> MiscTests.cpp:111 </failure> <failure message="1 == 0" type="CHECK"> MiscTests.cpp:111 </failure> <failure message="1 == 0" type="CHECK"> MiscTests.cpp:111 </failure> <failure message="1 == 0" type="CHECK"> MiscTests.cpp:111 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/Misc/stdout,stderr" time="tbd"> <system-out> Some information </system-out> <system-err> An error </system-err> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/Misc/null strings" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/info" time="tbd"> <failure message="false" type="REQUIRE"> MiscTests.cpp:138 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/checkedif" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/checkedif" time="tbd"> <failure message="false" type="CHECKED_IF"> MiscTests.cpp:143 </failure> <failure message="false" type="REQUIRE"> MiscTests.cpp:156 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/checkedelse" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/checkedelse" time="tbd"> <failure message="false" type="CHECKED_ELSE"> MiscTests.cpp:161 </failure> <failure message="false" type="REQUIRE"> MiscTests.cpp:174 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./misc/xmlentitycheck" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./manual/onechar" time="tbd"> <failure message="false" type="REQUIRE"> MiscTests.cpp:192 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/atomic if" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/matchers" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/matchers/Contains" time="tbd"> <failure message=""this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "not there"" type="CHECK_THAT"> MiscTests.cpp:221 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/matchers/StartsWith" time="tbd"> <failure message=""this string contains 'abc' as a substring" starts with: "string"" type="CHECK_THAT"> MiscTests.cpp:226 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/matchers/EndsWith" time="tbd"> <failure message=""this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ends with: "this"" type="CHECK_THAT"> MiscTests.cpp:231 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/matchers/Equals" time="tbd"> <failure message=""this string contains 'abc' as a substring" equals: "something else"" type="CHECK_THAT"> MiscTests.cpp:236 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/matchers/AllOf" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/matchers/AnyOf" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/matchers/Equals" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="example/factorial" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="empty" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="Nice descriptive name" time="tbd"> <warning type="WARN"> MiscTests.cpp:278 </warning> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="first tag" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="second tag" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="selftest/main" time="tbd"> <system-out> Message from section one Message from section two Some information Message from section one Message from section two Some information </system-out> <system-err> An error An error </system-err> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="meta/Misc/Sections" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="selftest/parser/2" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="selftest/test filter" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="selftest/test filters" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="selftest/filter/prefix wildcard" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="selftest/filter/wildcard at both ends" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="selftest/option parsers" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="selftest/tags" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/Tricky/std::pair" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./inprogress/failing/Tricky/trailing expression" time="tbd"> <warning type="WARN"> TrickyTests.cpp:55 </warning> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./inprogress/failing/Tricky/compound lhs" time="tbd"> <warning type="WARN"> TrickyTests.cpp:71 </warning> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/Tricky/non streamable type" time="tbd"> <failure message="0x<hex digits> == 0x<hex digits>" type="CHECK"> TrickyTests.cpp:95 </failure> <failure message="{?} == {?}" type="CHECK"> TrickyTests.cpp:96 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./failing/string literals" time="tbd"> <failure message=""first" == "second"" type="REQUIRE"> TrickyTests.cpp:106 </failure> </testcase> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/side-effects" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/koenig" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/non-const==" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/enum/bits" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/boolean member" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/unimplemented static bool" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="./succeeding/SafeBool" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="Assertions then sections" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="Scenario: Do that thing with the thing" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="Anonymous test case 1" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="Test case with one argument" time="tbd"/> <testcase classname="global" name="Variadic macros" time="tbd"/> </testsuite> <system-out> Message from section one Message from section two Some information Message from section one Message from section two Some information Message from section one Message from section two Some information </system-out> <system-err> An error An error An error </system-err> </testsuites> <Catch name="CatchSelfTest"> <Group name="~dummy"> <TestCase name="./succeeding/Approx/simple"> ApproxTests.cpp" line="20"> <Original> d == Approx( 1.23 ) </Original> <Expanded> 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="21"> <Original> d != Approx( 1.22 ) </Original> <Expanded> 1.23 != Approx( 1.22 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="22"> <Original> d != Approx( 1.24 ) </Original> <Expanded> 1.23 != Approx( 1.24 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="24"> <Original> Approx( d ) == 1.23 </Original> <Expanded> Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.23 </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="25"> <Original> Approx( d ) != 1.22 </Original> <Expanded> Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.22 </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> Approx( d ) != 1.24 </Original> <Expanded> Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.24 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/Approx/epsilon"> ApproxTests.cpp" line="38"> <Original> d != Approx( 1.231 ) </Original> <Expanded> 1.23 != Approx( 1.231 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="39"> <Original> d == Approx( 1.231 ).epsilon( 0.1 ) </Original> <Expanded> 1.23 == Approx( 1.231 ) </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/Approx/float"> ApproxTests.cpp" line="49"> <Original> 1.23f == Approx( 1.23f ) </Original> <Expanded> 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="50"> <Original> 0.0f == Approx( 0.0f ) </Original> <Expanded> 0 == Approx( 0 ) </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/Approx/int"> ApproxTests.cpp" line="60"> <Original> 1 == Approx( 1 ) </Original> <Expanded> 1 == Approx( 1 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="61"> <Original> 0 == Approx( 0 ) </Original> <Expanded> 0 == Approx( 0 ) </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/Approx/mixed"> ApproxTests.cpp" line="75"> <Original> 1.0f == Approx( 1 ) </Original> <Expanded> 1 == Approx( 1 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="76"> <Original> 0 == Approx( dZero) </Original> <Expanded> 0 == Approx( 0 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="77"> <Original> 0 == Approx( dSmall ).epsilon( 0.001 ) </Original> <Expanded> 0 == Approx( 1e-05 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="78"> <Original> 1.234f == Approx( dMedium ) </Original> <Expanded> 1.234 == Approx( 1.234 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="79"> <Original> dMedium == Approx( 1.234f ) </Original> <Expanded> 1.234 == Approx( 1.234 ) </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/Approx/custom"> ApproxTests.cpp" line="93"> <Original> d == approx( 1.23 ) </Original> <Expanded> 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="94"> <Original> d == approx( 1.22 ) </Original> <Expanded> 1.23 == Approx( 1.22 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="95"> <Original> d == approx( 1.24 ) </Original> <Expanded> 1.23 == Approx( 1.24 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="96"> <Original> d != approx( 1.25 ) </Original> <Expanded> 1.23 != Approx( 1.25 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="98"> <Original> approx( d ) == 1.23 </Original> <Expanded> Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.23 </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="99"> <Original> approx( d ) == 1.22 </Original> <Expanded> Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.22 </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="100"> <Original> approx( d ) == 1.24 </Original> <Expanded> Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.24 </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="101"> <Original> approx( d ) != 1.25 </Original> <Expanded> Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.25 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="Approximate PI"> ApproxTests.cpp" line="110"> <Original> divide( 22, 7 ) == Approx( 3.141 ).epsilon( 0.001 ) </Original> <Expanded> 3.142857142857143 == Approx( 3.141 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ApproxTests.cpp" line="111"> <Original> divide( 22, 7 ) != Approx( 3.141 ).epsilon( 0.0001 ) </Original> <Expanded> 3.142857142857143 != Approx( 3.141 ) </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/TestClass/succeedingCase"> ClassTests.cpp" line="24"> <Original> s == "hello" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" == "hello" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/TestClass/failingCase"> ClassTests.cpp" line="28"> <Original> s == "world" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" == "world" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/Fixture/succeedingCase"> ClassTests.cpp" line="47"> <Original> m_a == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/Fixture/failingCase"> ClassTests.cpp" line="55"> <Original> m_a == 2 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/conditions/equality"> ConditionTests.cpp" line="55"> <Original> data.int_seven == 7 </Original> <Expanded> 7 == 7 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="56"> <Original> data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.1f ) </Original> <Expanded> 9.1 == Approx( 9.1 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="57"> <Original> data.double_pi == Approx( 3.1415926535 ) </Original> <Expanded> 3.1415926535 == Approx( 3.14159 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="58"> <Original> data.str_hello == "hello" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" == "hello" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="59"> <Original> "hello" == data.str_hello </Original> <Expanded> "hello" == "hello" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="60"> <Original> data.str_hello.size() == 5 </Original> <Expanded> 5 == 5 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="63"> <Original> x == Approx( 1.3 ) </Original> <Expanded> 1.3 == Approx( 1.3 ) </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/conditions/equality"> ConditionTests.cpp" line="71"> <Original> data.int_seven == 6 </Original> <Expanded> 7 == 6 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="72"> <Original> data.int_seven == 8 </Original> <Expanded> 7 == 8 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="73"> <Original> data.int_seven == 0 </Original> <Expanded> 7 == 0 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="74"> <Original> data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.11f ) </Original> <Expanded> 9.1 == Approx( 9.11 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="75"> <Original> data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.0f ) </Original> <Expanded> 9.1 == Approx( 9 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="76"> <Original> data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 1 ) </Original> <Expanded> 9.1 == Approx( 1 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="77"> <Original> data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 0 ) </Original> <Expanded> 9.1 == Approx( 0 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="78"> <Original> data.double_pi == Approx( 3.1415 ) </Original> <Expanded> 3.1415926535 == Approx( 3.1415 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="79"> <Original> data.str_hello == "goodbye" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" == "goodbye" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="80"> <Original> data.str_hello == "hell" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" == "hell" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="81"> <Original> data.str_hello == "hello1" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" == "hello1" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="82"> <Original> data.str_hello.size() == 6 </Original> <Expanded> 5 == 6 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="85"> <Original> x == Approx( 1.301 ) </Original> <Expanded> 1.3 == Approx( 1.301 ) </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/conditions/inequality"> ConditionTests.cpp" line="93"> <Original> data.int_seven != 6 </Original> <Expanded> 7 != 6 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="94"> <Original> data.int_seven != 8 </Original> <Expanded> 7 != 8 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="95"> <Original> data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.11f ) </Original> <Expanded> 9.1 != Approx( 9.11 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="96"> <Original> data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.0f ) </Original> <Expanded> 9.1 != Approx( 9 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="97"> <Original> data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 1 ) </Original> <Expanded> 9.1 != Approx( 1 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="98"> <Original> data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 0 ) </Original> <Expanded> 9.1 != Approx( 0 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="99"> <Original> data.double_pi != Approx( 3.1415 ) </Original> <Expanded> 3.1415926535 != Approx( 3.1415 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="100"> <Original> data.str_hello != "goodbye" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" != "goodbye" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="101"> <Original> data.str_hello != "hell" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" != "hell" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="102"> <Original> data.str_hello != "hello1" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" != "hello1" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="103"> <Original> data.str_hello.size() != 6 </Original> <Expanded> 5 != 6 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/conditions/inequality"> ConditionTests.cpp" line="111"> <Original> data.int_seven != 7 </Original> <Expanded> 7 != 7 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="112"> <Original> data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.1f ) </Original> <Expanded> 9.1 != Approx( 9.1 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="113"> <Original> data.double_pi != Approx( 3.1415926535 ) </Original> <Expanded> 3.1415926535 != Approx( 3.14159 ) </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="114"> <Original> data.str_hello != "hello" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" != "hello" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="115"> <Original> data.str_hello.size() != 5 </Original> <Expanded> 5 != 5 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/conditions/ordered"> ConditionTests.cpp" line="124"> <Original> data.int_seven < 8 </Original> <Expanded> 7 < 8 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="125"> <Original> data.int_seven > 6 </Original> <Expanded> 7 > 6 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="126"> <Original> data.int_seven > 0 </Original> <Expanded> 7 > 0 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="127"> <Original> data.int_seven > -1 </Original> <Expanded> 7 > -1 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="129"> <Original> data.int_seven >= 7 </Original> <Expanded> 7 >= 7 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="130"> <Original> data.int_seven >= 6 </Original> <Expanded> 7 >= 6 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="131"> <Original> data.int_seven <= 7 </Original> <Expanded> 7 <= 7 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="132"> <Original> data.int_seven <= 8 </Original> <Expanded> 7 <= 8 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="134"> <Original> data.float_nine_point_one > 9 </Original> <Expanded> 9.1 > 9 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="135"> <Original> data.float_nine_point_one < 10 </Original> <Expanded> 9.1 < 10 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="136"> <Original> data.float_nine_point_one < 9.2 </Original> <Expanded> 9.1 < 9.199999999999999 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="138"> <Original> data.str_hello <= "hello" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" <= "hello" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="139"> <Original> data.str_hello >= "hello" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" >= "hello" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="141"> <Original> data.str_hello < "hellp" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" < "hellp" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="142"> <Original> data.str_hello < "zebra" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" < "zebra" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="143"> <Original> data.str_hello > "hellm" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" > "hellm" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="144"> <Original> data.str_hello > "a" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" > "a" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/conditions/ordered"> ConditionTests.cpp" line="152"> <Original> data.int_seven > 7 </Original> <Expanded> 7 > 7 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="153"> <Original> data.int_seven < 7 </Original> <Expanded> 7 < 7 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="154"> <Original> data.int_seven > 8 </Original> <Expanded> 7 > 8 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="155"> <Original> data.int_seven < 6 </Original> <Expanded> 7 < 6 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="156"> <Original> data.int_seven < 0 </Original> <Expanded> 7 < 0 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="157"> <Original> data.int_seven < -1 </Original> <Expanded> 7 < -1 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="159"> <Original> data.int_seven >= 8 </Original> <Expanded> 7 >= 8 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="160"> <Original> data.int_seven <= 6 </Original> <Expanded> 7 <= 6 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="162"> <Original> data.float_nine_point_one < 9 </Original> <Expanded> 9.1 < 9 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="163"> <Original> data.float_nine_point_one > 10 </Original> <Expanded> 9.1 > 10 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="164"> <Original> data.float_nine_point_one > 9.2 </Original> <Expanded> 9.1 > 9.199999999999999 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="166"> <Original> data.str_hello > "hello" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" > "hello" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="167"> <Original> data.str_hello < "hello" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" < "hello" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="168"> <Original> data.str_hello > "hellp" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" > "hellp" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="169"> <Original> data.str_hello > "z" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" > "z" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="170"> <Original> data.str_hello < "hellm" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" < "hellm" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="171"> <Original> data.str_hello < "a" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" < "a" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="173"> <Original> data.str_hello >= "z" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" >= "z" </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="174"> <Original> data.str_hello <= "a" </Original> <Expanded> "hello" <= "a" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/conditions/int literals"> ConditionTests.cpp" line="188"> <Original> i == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="189"> <Original> ui == 2 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="190"> <Original> l == 3 </Original> <Expanded> 3 == 3 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="191"> <Original> ul == 4 </Original> <Expanded> 4 == 4 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="192"> <Original> c == 5 </Original> <Expanded> 5 == 5 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="193"> <Original> uc == 6 </Original> <Expanded> 6 == 6 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="195"> <Original> 1 == i </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="196"> <Original> 2 == ui </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="197"> <Original> 3 == l </Original> <Expanded> 3 == 3 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="198"> <Original> 4 == ul </Original> <Expanded> 4 == 4 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="199"> <Original> 5 == c </Original> <Expanded> 5 == 5 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="200"> <Original> 6 == uc </Original> <Expanded> 6 == 6 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="202"> <Original> (std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max)() > ul </Original> <Expanded> 0x<hex digits> > 4 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/conditions//long_to_unsigned_x"> ConditionTests.cpp" line="223"> <Original> long_var == unsigned_char_var </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="224"> <Original> long_var == unsigned_short_var </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="225"> <Original> long_var == unsigned_int_var </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="226"> <Original> long_var == unsigned_long_var </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/conditions/const ints to int literal"> ConditionTests.cpp" line="237"> <Original> unsigned_char_var == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="238"> <Original> unsigned_short_var == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="239"> <Original> unsigned_int_var == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="240"> <Original> unsigned_long_var == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/conditions/negative ints"> ConditionTests.cpp" line="246"> <Original> ( -1 > 2u ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="247"> <Original> -1 > 2u </Original> <Expanded> -1 > 2 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="249"> <Original> ( 2u < -1 ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="250"> <Original> 2u < -1 </Original> <Expanded> 2 < -1 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="253"> <Original> ( minInt > 2u ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="254"> <Original> minInt > 2u </Original> <Expanded> -2147483648 > 2 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/conditions/computed ints"> ConditionTests.cpp" line="269"> <Original> 54 == 6*9 </Original> <Expanded> 54 == 54 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/conditions/ptr"> ConditionTests.cpp" line="285"> <Original> p == __null </Original> <Expanded> __null == 0 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="286"> <Original> p == pNULL </Original> <Expanded> __null == __null </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="291"> <Original> p != __null </Original> <Expanded> 0x<hex digits> != 0 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="294"> <Original> cp != __null </Original> <Expanded> 0x<hex digits> != 0 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="297"> <Original> cpc != __null </Original> <Expanded> 0x<hex digits> != 0 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="299"> <Original> returnsNull() == __null </Original> <Expanded> {null string} == 0 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="300"> <Original> returnsConstNull() == __null </Original> <Expanded> {null string} == 0 </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="302"> <Original> __null != p </Original> <Expanded> 0 != 0x<hex digits> </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/conditions/not"> ConditionTests.cpp" line="317"> <Original> false == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="318"> <Original> true == true </Original> <Expanded> true == true </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="319"> <Original> !false </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="320"> <Original> !false </Original> <Expanded> !false </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="322"> <Original> !falseValue </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="323"> <Original> !falseValue </Original> <Expanded> !false </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="325"> <Original> !(1 == 2) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="326"> <Original> !1 == 2 </Original> <Expanded> !(1 == 2) </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/conditions/not"> ConditionTests.cpp" line="334"> <Original> false != false </Original> <Expanded> false != false </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="335"> <Original> true != true </Original> <Expanded> true != true </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="336"> <Original> !true </Original> <Expanded> false </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="337"> <Original> !true </Original> <Expanded> !true </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="339"> <Original> !trueValue </Original> <Expanded> false </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="340"> <Original> !trueValue </Original> <Expanded> !true </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="342"> <Original> !(1 == 1) </Original> <Expanded> false </Expanded> </Expression> ConditionTests.cpp" line="343"> <Original> !1 == 1 </Original> <Expanded> !(1 == 1) </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/exceptions/explicit"> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="35"> <Original> thisThrows() </Original> <Expanded> thisThrows() </Expanded> </Expression> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="36"> <Original> thisDoesntThrow() </Original> <Expanded> thisDoesntThrow() </Expanded> </Expression> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="37"> <Original> thisThrows() </Original> <Expanded> thisThrows() </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/exceptions/explicit"> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="43"> <Original> thisThrows() </Original> <Expanded> thisThrows() </Expanded> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="43"> expected exception </Exception> </Expression> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="44"> <Original> thisDoesntThrow() </Original> <Expanded> thisDoesntThrow() </Expanded> </Expression> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="45"> <Original> thisThrows() </Original> <Expanded> thisThrows() </Expanded> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="45"> expected exception </Exception> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/exceptions/implicit"> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="48"> unexpected exception </Exception> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/exceptions/implicit/2"> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="56"> <Original> 1 == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="56"> <Original> {Unknown expression after the reported line} </Original> <Expanded> {Unknown expression after the reported line} </Expanded> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="56"> unexpected exception </Exception> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/exceptions/implicit/3"> <Section name="section name"> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="62"> unexpected exception </Exception> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="1"/> </Section> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/exceptions/implicit"> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/exceptions/custom"> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="106"> custom exception </Exception> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/exceptions/custom/nothrow"> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="113"> <Original> throw CustomException( "unexpected custom exception" ) </Original> <Expanded> throw CustomException( "unexpected custom exception" ) </Expanded> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="113"> unexpected custom exception </Exception> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/exceptions/custom/throw"> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="118"> <Original> throw CustomException( "custom exception - not std" ) </Original> <Expanded> throw CustomException( "custom exception - not std" ) </Expanded> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="118"> custom exception - not std </Exception> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/exceptions/custom/double"> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="122"> 3.14 </Exception> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/exceptions/notimplemented"> ExceptionTests.cpp" line="133"> <Original> thisFunctionNotImplemented( 7 ) </Original> <Expanded> thisFunctionNotImplemented( 7 ) </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/generators/1"> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 200 == 200 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 4 == 4 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 200 == 200 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 6 == 6 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 200 == 200 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 8 == 8 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 200 == 200 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 10 == 10 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 200 == 200 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 30 == 30 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 200 == 200 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 40 == 40 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 200 == 200 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 42 == 42 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 200 == 200 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 72 == 72 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 200 == 200 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 202 == 202 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 4 == 4 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 202 == 202 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 6 == 6 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 202 == 202 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 8 == 8 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 202 == 202 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 10 == 10 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 202 == 202 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 30 == 30 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 202 == 202 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 40 == 40 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 202 == 202 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 42 == 42 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 202 == 202 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 72 == 72 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 202 == 202 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 204 == 204 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 4 == 4 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 204 == 204 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 6 == 6 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 204 == 204 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 8 == 8 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 204 == 204 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 10 == 10 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 204 == 204 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 30 == 30 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 204 == 204 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 40 == 40 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 204 == 204 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 42 == 42 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 204 == 204 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 72 == 72 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 204 == 204 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 206 == 206 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 4 == 4 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 206 == 206 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 6 == 6 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 206 == 206 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 8 == 8 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 206 == 206 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 10 == 10 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 206 == 206 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 30 == 30 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 206 == 206 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 40 == 40 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 206 == 206 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 42 == 42 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 206 == 206 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 72 == 72 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 206 == 206 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 208 == 208 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 4 == 4 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 208 == 208 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 6 == 6 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 208 == 208 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 8 == 8 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 208 == 208 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 10 == 10 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 208 == 208 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 30 == 30 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 208 == 208 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 40 == 40 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 208 == 208 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 42 == 42 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 208 == 208 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 72 == 72 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 208 == 208 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 210 == 210 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 4 == 4 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 210 == 210 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 6 == 6 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 210 == 210 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 8 == 8 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 210 == 210 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 10 == 10 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 210 == 210 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 30 == 30 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 210 == 210 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 40 == 40 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 210 == 210 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 42 == 42 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 210 == 210 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 72 == 72 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 210 == 210 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 212 == 212 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 4 == 4 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 212 == 212 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 6 == 6 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 212 == 212 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 8 == 8 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 212 == 212 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 10 == 10 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 212 == 212 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 30 == 30 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 212 == 212 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 40 == 40 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 212 == 212 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 42 == 42 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 212 == 212 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 72 == 72 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 212 == 212 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 214 == 214 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 4 == 4 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 214 == 214 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 6 == 6 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 214 == 214 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 8 == 8 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 214 == 214 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 10 == 10 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 214 == 214 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 30 == 30 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 214 == 214 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 40 == 40 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 214 == 214 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 42 == 42 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 214 == 214 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 </Original> <Expanded> 72 == 72 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 </Original> <Expanded> 214 == 214 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/generators/2"> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="40"> <Original> i->first == i->second-1 </Original> <Expanded> 0 == 0 </Expanded> </Expression> GeneratorTests.cpp" line="40"> <Original> i->first == i->second-1 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/message"> <Warning> this is a warning </Warning> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/succeed"> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/message/info/1"> MessageTests.cpp" line="26"> <Original> a == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./mixed/message/info/2"> MessageTests.cpp" line="33"> <Original> a == 2 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> MessageTests.cpp" line="37"> <Original> a == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> MessageTests.cpp" line="41"> <Original> a == 0 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 0 </Expanded> </Expression> MessageTests.cpp" line="45"> <Original> a == 2 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/message/fail"> <Failure> This is a failure </Failure> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/message/sections"> <Section name="one"> <Failure> Message from section one </Failure> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="1"/> </Section> <Section name="two"> <Failure> Message from section two </Failure> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="1"/> </Section> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/message/sections/stdout"> <Section name="one"> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="1"/> </Section> <Section name="two"> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="1"/> </Section> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./mixed/message/scoped"> MessageTests.cpp" line="86"> <Original> i < 10 </Original> <Expanded> 0 < 10 </Expanded> </Expression> MessageTests.cpp" line="86"> <Original> i < 10 </Original> <Expanded> 1 < 10 </Expanded> </Expression> MessageTests.cpp" line="86"> <Original> i < 10 </Original> <Expanded> 2 < 10 </Expanded> </Expression> MessageTests.cpp" line="86"> <Original> i < 10 </Original> <Expanded> 3 < 10 </Expanded> </Expression> MessageTests.cpp" line="86"> <Original> i < 10 </Original> <Expanded> 4 < 10 </Expanded> </Expression> MessageTests.cpp" line="86"> <Original> i < 10 </Original> <Expanded> 5 < 10 </Expanded> </Expression> MessageTests.cpp" line="86"> <Original> i < 10 </Original> <Expanded> 6 < 10 </Expanded> </Expression> MessageTests.cpp" line="86"> <Original> i < 10 </Original> <Expanded> 7 < 10 </Expanded> </Expression> MessageTests.cpp" line="86"> <Original> i < 10 </Original> <Expanded> 8 < 10 </Expanded> </Expression> MessageTests.cpp" line="86"> <Original> i < 10 </Original> <Expanded> 9 < 10 </Expanded> </Expression> MessageTests.cpp" line="86"> <Original> i < 10 </Original> <Expanded> 10 < 10 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/nofail"> MessageTests.cpp" line="92"> <Original> 1 == 2 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="just info"> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="just failure"> <Failure> Previous info should not be seen </Failure> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/Misc/Sections"> <Section name="s1" description="doesn't equal"> MiscTests.cpp" line="21"> <Original> a != b </Original> <Expanded> 1 != 2 </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="22"> <Original> b != a </Original> <Expanded> 2 != 1 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="s2" description="not equal"> MiscTests.cpp" line="27"> <Original> a != b </Original> <Expanded> 1 != 2 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/Misc/Sections/nested"> <Section name="s1" description="doesn't equal"> MiscTests.cpp" line="38"> <Original> a != b </Original> <Expanded> 1 != 2 </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="39"> <Original> b != a </Original> <Expanded> 2 != 1 </Expanded> </Expression> <Section name="s2" description="not equal"> MiscTests.cpp" line="43"> <Original> a != b </Original> <Expanded> 1 != 2 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="3" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./mixed/Misc/Sections/nested2"> <Section name="s1" description="doesn't equal"> <Section name="s2" description="equal"> MiscTests.cpp" line="57"> <Original> a == b </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="1"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="1"/> </Section> <Section name="s1" description="doesn't equal"> <Section name="s3" description="not equal"> MiscTests.cpp" line="62"> <Original> a != b </Original> <Expanded> 1 != 2 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="s1" description="doesn't equal"> <Section name="s4" description="less than"> MiscTests.cpp" line="66"> <Original> a < b </Original> <Expanded> 1 < 2 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./Sections/nested/a/b"> <Section name="c"> <Section name="d (leaf)"> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="1"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="1"/> </Section> <Section name="c"> <Section name="e (leaf)"> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="1"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="1"/> </Section> <Section name="c"> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="f (leaf)"> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="1"/> </Section> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./mixed/Misc/Sections/loops"> <Section name="s1" description="b is currently: 0"> MiscTests.cpp" line="99"> <Original> b > a </Original> <Expanded> 0 > 1 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="1"/> </Section> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./mixed/Misc/loops"> MiscTests.cpp" line="111"> <Original> ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 0 </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="111"> <Original> ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 0 </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="111"> <Original> ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 </Original> <Expanded> 0 == 0 </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="111"> <Original> ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 0 </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="111"> <Original> ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 0 </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="111"> <Original> ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 </Original> <Expanded> 0 == 0 </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="111"> <Original> ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 0 </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="111"> <Original> ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 0 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/Misc/stdout,stderr"> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/Misc/null strings"> MiscTests.cpp" line="129"> <Original> makeString( false ) != static_cast<char*>(__null) </Original> <Expanded> "valid string" != {null string} </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="130"> <Original> makeString( true ) == static_cast<char*>(__null) </Original> <Expanded> {null string} == {null string} </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/info"> MiscTests.cpp" line="138"> <Original> false </Original> <Expanded> false </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/checkedif"> MiscTests.cpp" line="143"> <Original> flag </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="151"> <Original> testCheckedIf( true ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/checkedif"> MiscTests.cpp" line="143"> <Original> flag </Original> <Expanded> false </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="156"> <Original> testCheckedIf( false ) </Original> <Expanded> false </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/checkedelse"> MiscTests.cpp" line="161"> <Original> flag </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="169"> <Original> testCheckedElse( true ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/checkedelse"> MiscTests.cpp" line="161"> <Original> flag </Original> <Expanded> false </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="174"> <Original> testCheckedElse( false ) </Original> <Expanded> false </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./misc/xmlentitycheck"> <Section name="embedded xml" description="<test>it should be possible to embed xml characters, such as <, " or &, or even whole <xml>documents</xml> within an attribute</test>"> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="1"/> </Section> <Section name="encoded chars" description="these should all be encoded: &&&"""<<<&"<<&""> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="1"/> </Section> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./manual/onechar"> MiscTests.cpp" line="192"> <Original> false </Original> <Expanded> false </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/atomic if"> MiscTests.cpp" line="202"> <Original> x == 0 </Original> <Expanded> 0 == 0 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/matchers"> MiscTests.cpp" line="212"> <Original> testStringForMatching() Contains( "string" ) </Original> <Expanded> "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "string" </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="213"> <Original> testStringForMatching() Contains( "abc" ) </Original> <Expanded> "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "abc" </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="215"> <Original> testStringForMatching() StartsWith( "this" ) </Original> <Expanded> "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" starts with: "this" </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="216"> <Original> testStringForMatching() EndsWith( "substring" ) </Original> <Expanded> "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ends with: "substring" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/matchers/Contains"> MiscTests.cpp" line="221"> <Original> testStringForMatching() Contains( "not there" ) </Original> <Expanded> "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "not there" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/matchers/StartsWith"> MiscTests.cpp" line="226"> <Original> testStringForMatching() StartsWith( "string" ) </Original> <Expanded> "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" starts with: "string" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/matchers/EndsWith"> MiscTests.cpp" line="231"> <Original> testStringForMatching() EndsWith( "this" ) </Original> <Expanded> "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ends with: "this" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/matchers/Equals"> MiscTests.cpp" line="236"> <Original> testStringForMatching() Equals( "something else" ) </Original> <Expanded> "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" equals: "something else" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/matchers/AllOf"> MiscTests.cpp" line="244"> <Original> testStringForMatching() AllOf( Catch::Contains( "string" ), Catch::Contains( "abc" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ( contains: "string" and contains: "abc" ) </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/matchers/AnyOf"> MiscTests.cpp" line="248"> <Original> testStringForMatching() AnyOf( Catch::Contains( "string" ), Catch::Contains( "not there" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ( contains: "string" or contains: "not there" ) </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="249"> <Original> testStringForMatching() AnyOf( Catch::Contains( "not there" ), Catch::Contains( "string" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ( contains: "not there" or contains: "string" ) </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/matchers/Equals"> MiscTests.cpp" line="254"> <Original> testStringForMatching() Equals( "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ) </Original> <Expanded> "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" equals: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="example/factorial"> MiscTests.cpp" line="265"> <Original> Factorial(0) == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="266"> <Original> Factorial(1) == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="267"> <Original> Factorial(2) == 2 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="268"> <Original> Factorial(3) == 6 </Original> <Expanded> 6 == 6 </Expanded> </Expression> MiscTests.cpp" line="269"> <Original> Factorial(10) == 3628800 </Original> <Expanded> 0x<hex digits> == 3628800 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="empty"> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="Nice descriptive name"> <Warning> This one ran </Warning> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="first tag"> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="second tag"> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="selftest/main"> <Section name="selftest/expected result" description="Tests do what they claim"> <Section name="selftest/expected result/failing tests" description="Tests in the 'failing' branch fail"> <OverallResults successes="26" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="26" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="selftest/expected result" description="Tests do what they claim"> <Section name="selftest/expected result/succeeding tests" description="Tests in the 'succeeding' branch succeed"> <OverallResults successes="46" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="46" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="selftest/expected result" description="Tests do what they claim"> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="selftest/test counts" description="Number of test cases that run is fixed"> <Section name="selftest/test counts/succeeding tests" description="Number of 'succeeding' tests is fixed"> TestMain.cpp" line="40"> <Original> totals.assertions.passed == 296 </Original> <Expanded> 296 == 296 </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="41"> <Original> totals.assertions.failed == 0 </Original> <Expanded> 0 == 0 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="selftest/test counts" description="Number of test cases that run is fixed"> <Section name="selftest/test counts/failing tests" description="Number of 'failing' tests is fixed"> TestMain.cpp" line="47"> <Original> totals.assertions.passed == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="48"> <Original> totals.assertions.failed == 73 </Original> <Expanded> 73 == 73 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="meta/Misc/Sections"> TestMain.cpp" line="57"> <Original> totals.assertions.passed == 2 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="58"> <Original> totals.assertions.failed == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="selftest/parser/2"> <Section name="default"> TestMain.cpp" line="97"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="99"> <Original> config.shouldDebugBreak == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="100"> <Original> config.cutoff == -1 </Original> <Expanded> -1 == -1 </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="101"> <Original> config.allowThrows == true </Original> <Expanded> true == true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="102"> <Original> config.reporter.empty() </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="5" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="test lists"> <Section name="-t/1" description="Specify one test case using -t"> TestMain.cpp" line="108"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="110"> <Original> config.filters.size() == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="111"> <Original> config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "notIncluded" ) ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="112"> <Original> config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="4" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="4" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="test lists"> <Section name="-t/exclude:1" description="Specify one test case exclusion using -t exclude:"> TestMain.cpp" line="116"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="118"> <Original> config.filters.size() == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="119"> <Original> config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="120"> <Original> config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "alwaysIncluded" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="4" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="4" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="test lists"> <Section name="--test/1" description="Specify one test case using --test"> TestMain.cpp" line="125"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="127"> <Original> config.filters.size() == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="128"> <Original> config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "notIncluded" ) ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="129"> <Original> config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="4" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="4" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="test lists"> <Section name="--test/exclude:1" description="Specify one test case exclusion using --test exclude:"> TestMain.cpp" line="134"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="136"> <Original> config.filters.size() == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="137"> <Original> config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="138"> <Original> config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "alwaysIncluded" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="4" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="4" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="test lists"> <Section name="--test/exclude:2" description="Specify one test case exclusion using --test ~"> TestMain.cpp" line="143"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="145"> <Original> config.filters.size() == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="146"> <Original> config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="147"> <Original> config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "alwaysIncluded" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="4" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="4" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="test lists"> <Section name="-t/2" description="Specify two test cases using -t"> TestMain.cpp" line="152"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="154"> <Original> config.filters.size() == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="155"> <Original> config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "notIncluded" ) ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="156"> <Original> config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="157"> <Original> config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test2" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="5" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="5" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="test lists"> <Section name="-t/0" description="When no test names are supplied it is an error"> TestMain.cpp" line="162"> <Original> parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "at least 1" ) </Original> <Expanded> "Error while parsing arguments. Expected at least 1 argument." contains: "at least 1" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="test lists"> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="reporter"> <Section name="-r/console"> TestMain.cpp" line="169"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="171"> <Original> config.reporter == "console" </Original> <Expanded> "console" == "console" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="reporter"> <Section name="-r/xml"> TestMain.cpp" line="175"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="177"> <Original> config.reporter == "xml" </Original> <Expanded> "xml" == "xml" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="reporter"> <Section name="--reporter/junit"> TestMain.cpp" line="181"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="183"> <Original> config.reporter == "junit" </Original> <Expanded> "junit" == "junit" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="reporter"> <Section name="-r/error" description="reporter config only accepts one argument"> TestMain.cpp" line="187"> <Original> parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "1 argument" ) </Original> <Expanded> "Error while parsing arguments. Expected 1 argument. Arguments were: one two" contains: "1 argument" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="reporter"> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="debugger"> <Section name="-b"> TestMain.cpp" line="194"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="196"> <Original> config.shouldDebugBreak == true </Original> <Expanded> true == true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="debugger"> <Section name="--break"> TestMain.cpp" line="200"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="202"> <Original> config.shouldDebugBreak </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="debugger"> <Section name="-b" description="break option has no arguments"> TestMain.cpp" line="206"> <Original> parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "0 arguments" ) </Original> <Expanded> "Error while parsing arguments. Expected 0 arguments. Arguments were: unexpected" contains: "0 arguments" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="debugger"> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="abort"> <Section name="-a"> TestMain.cpp" line="213"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="215"> <Original> config.cutoff == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="abort"> <Section name="-a/2"> TestMain.cpp" line="219"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="221"> <Original> config.cutoff == 2 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="abort"> <Section name="-a/error/0"> TestMain.cpp" line="225"> <Original> parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "greater than zero" ) </Original> <Expanded> "Error while parsing arguments. threshold must be a number greater than zero. Arguments were: 0" contains: "greater than zero" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="abort"> <Section name="-a/error/non numeric"> TestMain.cpp" line="229"> <Original> parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "greater than zero" ) </Original> <Expanded> "Error while parsing arguments. threshold must be a number greater than zero. Arguments were: oops" contains: "greater than zero" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="abort"> <Section name="-a/error/two args" description="cutoff only takes one argument"> TestMain.cpp" line="233"> <Original> parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "0 and 1 argument" ) </Original> <Expanded> "Error while parsing arguments. Expected between 0 and 1 argument. Arguments were: 1 2" contains: "0 and 1 argument" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="abort"> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="nothrow"> <Section name="-nt"> TestMain.cpp" line="240"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="242"> <Original> config.allowThrows == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="nothrow"> <Section name="--nothrow"> TestMain.cpp" line="246"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="248"> <Original> config.allowThrows == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="nothrow"> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="streams"> <Section name="-o filename"> TestMain.cpp" line="255"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="257"> <Original> config.outputFilename == "filename.ext" </Original> <Expanded> "filename.ext" == "filename.ext" </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="258"> <Original> config.stream.empty() </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="3" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="3" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="streams"> <Section name="-o %stdout"> TestMain.cpp" line="262"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="264"> <Original> config.stream == "stdout" </Original> <Expanded> "stdout" == "stdout" </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="265"> <Original> config.outputFilename.empty() </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="3" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="3" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="streams"> <Section name="--out"> TestMain.cpp" line="269"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="271"> <Original> config.outputFilename == "filename.ext" </Original> <Expanded> "filename.ext" == "filename.ext" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="streams"> <OverallResults successes="0" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="combinations"> <Section name="-a -b"> TestMain.cpp" line="278"> <Original> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Original> <Expanded> parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="280"> <Original> config.cutoff == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="281"> <Original> config.shouldDebugBreak </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="282"> <Original> config.allowThrows == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="4" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="4" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="selftest/test filter"> TestMain.cpp" line="291"> <Original> matchAny.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="292"> <Original> matchNone.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="297"> <Original> matchHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="298"> <Original> matchNonHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="300"> <Original> matchHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./any" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="301"> <Original> matchNonHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./any" ) ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="selftest/test filters"> TestMain.cpp" line="312"> <Original> matchHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./something" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="314"> <Original> filters.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="315"> <Original> filters.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./something" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="316"> <Original> filters.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./anything" ) ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="selftest/filter/prefix wildcard"> TestMain.cpp" line="322"> <Original> matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "big badger" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="323"> <Original> matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "little badgers" ) ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="selftest/filter/wildcard at both ends"> TestMain.cpp" line="328"> <Original> matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "big badger" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="329"> <Original> matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "little badgers" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="330"> <Original> matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "badgers are big" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="331"> <Original> matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "hedgehogs" ) ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="selftest/option parsers"> TestMain.cpp" line="351"> <Original> opt.parseIntoConfig( parser, config ) </Original> <Expanded> opt.parseIntoConfig( parser, config ) </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="353"> <Original> config.filters.size() == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="354"> <Original> config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "notIncluded" ) ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="355"> <Original> config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="selftest/tags"> <Section name="one tag"> TestMain.cpp" line="369"> <Original> oneTag.getTestCaseInfo().description == "" </Original> <Expanded> "" == "" </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="370"> <Original> oneTag.hasTag( "one" ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="371"> <Original> oneTag.getTags().size() == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="373"> <Original> oneTag.matchesTags( p1 ) == true </Original> <Expanded> true == true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="374"> <Original> oneTag.matchesTags( p2 ) == true </Original> <Expanded> true == true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="375"> <Original> oneTag.matchesTags( p3 ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="376"> <Original> oneTag.matchesTags( p4 ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="377"> <Original> oneTag.matchesTags( p5 ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="8" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="two tags"> TestMain.cpp" line="383"> <Original> twoTags.getTestCaseInfo().description == "" </Original> <Expanded> "" == "" </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="384"> <Original> twoTags.hasTag( "one" ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="385"> <Original> twoTags.hasTag( "two" ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="386"> <Original> twoTags.hasTag( "three" ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="387"> <Original> twoTags.getTags().size() == 2 </Original> <Expanded> 2 == 2 </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="389"> <Original> twoTags.matchesTags( p1 ) == true </Original> <Expanded> true == true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="390"> <Original> twoTags.matchesTags( p2 ) == true </Original> <Expanded> true == true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="391"> <Original> twoTags.matchesTags( p3 ) == true </Original> <Expanded> true == true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="392"> <Original> twoTags.matchesTags( p4 ) == true </Original> <Expanded> true == true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="393"> <Original> twoTags.matchesTags( p5 ) == true </Original> <Expanded> true == true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="10" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="one tag with characters either side"> TestMain.cpp" line="399"> <Original> oneTagWithExtras.getTestCaseInfo().description == "1234" </Original> <Expanded> "1234" == "1234" </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="400"> <Original> oneTagWithExtras.hasTag( "one" ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="401"> <Original> oneTagWithExtras.hasTag( "two" ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="402"> <Original> oneTagWithExtras.getTags().size() == 1 </Original> <Expanded> 1 == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="4" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="start of a tag, but not closed"> TestMain.cpp" line="409"> <Original> oneTagOpen.getTestCaseInfo().description == "[one" </Original> <Expanded> "[one" == "[one" </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="410"> <Original> oneTagOpen.hasTag( "one" ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="411"> <Original> oneTagOpen.getTags().size() == 0 </Original> <Expanded> 0 == 0 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="3" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="hidden"> TestMain.cpp" line="417"> <Original> oneTag.getTestCaseInfo().description == "" </Original> <Expanded> "" == "" </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="418"> <Original> oneTag.hasTag( "hide" ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="419"> <Original> oneTag.isHidden() </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TestMain.cpp" line="421"> <Original> oneTag.matchesTags( "~[hide]" ) == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="4" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/Tricky/std::pair"> TrickyTests.cpp" line="37"> <Original> (std::pair<int, int>( 1, 2 )) == aNicePair </Original> <Expanded> std::pair( 1, 2 ) == std::pair( 1, 2 ) </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./inprogress/failing/Tricky/trailing expression"> <Warning> Uncomment the code in this test to check that it gives a sensible compiler error </Warning> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./inprogress/failing/Tricky/compound lhs"> <Warning> Uncomment the code in this test to check that it gives a sensible compiler error </Warning> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/Tricky/non streamable type"> TrickyTests.cpp" line="95"> <Original> &o1 == &o2 </Original> <Expanded> 0x<hex digits> == 0x<hex digits> </Expanded> </Expression> TrickyTests.cpp" line="96"> <Original> o1 == o2 </Original> <Expanded> {?} == {?} </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./failing/string literals"> TrickyTests.cpp" line="106"> <Original> std::string( "first" ) == "second" </Original> <Expanded> "first" == "second" </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="false"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/side-effects"> TrickyTests.cpp" line="119"> <Original> i++ == 7 </Original> <Expanded> 7 == 7 </Expanded> </Expression> TrickyTests.cpp" line="120"> <Original> i++ == 8 </Original> <Expanded> 8 == 8 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/koenig"> TrickyTests.cpp" line="186"> <Original> 0x<hex digits> == o </Original> <Expanded> 0x<hex digits> == {?} </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/non-const=="> TrickyTests.cpp" line="212"> <Original> t == 1u </Original> <Expanded> {?} == 1 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/enum/bits"> TrickyTests.cpp" line="224"> <Original> 0x<hex digits> == bit30and31 </Original> <Expanded> 0x<hex digits> == 3221225472 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/boolean member"> TrickyTests.cpp" line="239"> <Original> obj.prop != __null </Original> <Expanded> 0x<hex digits> != 0 </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/unimplemented static bool"> <Section name="compare to true"> TrickyTests.cpp" line="259"> <Original> is_true<true>::value == true </Original> <Expanded> true == true </Expanded> </Expression> TrickyTests.cpp" line="260"> <Original> true == is_true<true>::value </Original> <Expanded> true == true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="compare to false"> TrickyTests.cpp" line="264"> <Original> is_true<false>::value == false </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> TrickyTests.cpp" line="265"> <Original> false == is_true<false>::value </Original> <Expanded> false == false </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="negation"> TrickyTests.cpp" line="270"> <Original> !is_true<false>::value </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="double negation"> TrickyTests.cpp" line="275"> <Original> !!is_true<true>::value </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <Section name="direct"> TrickyTests.cpp" line="280"> <Original> is_true<true>::value </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TrickyTests.cpp" line="281"> <Original> !is_true<false>::value </Original> <Expanded> !false </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="./succeeding/SafeBool"> TrickyTests.cpp" line="313"> <Original> True </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TrickyTests.cpp" line="314"> <Original> !False </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> TrickyTests.cpp" line="315"> <Original> !False </Original> <Expanded> !false </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="Assertions then sections"> TrickyTests.cpp" line="323"> <Original> Catch::isTrue( true ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <Section name="A section"> TrickyTests.cpp" line="327"> <Original> Catch::isTrue( true ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <Section name="Another section"> TrickyTests.cpp" line="331"> <Original> Catch::isTrue( true ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> TrickyTests.cpp" line="323"> <Original> Catch::isTrue( true ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <Section name="A section"> TrickyTests.cpp" line="327"> <Original> Catch::isTrue( true ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <Section name="Another other section"> TrickyTests.cpp" line="335"> <Original> Catch::isTrue( true ) </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="Scenario: Do that thing with the thing"> <Section name="Given: This stuff exists"> <Section name=" When: I do this"> <Section name=" Then: it should do this"> BDDTests.cpp" line="21"> <Original> itDoesThis() </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <Section name=" And: do that"> BDDTests.cpp" line="23"> <Original> itDoesThat() </Original> <Expanded> true </Expanded> </Expression> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResults successes="2" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="Anonymous test case 1"> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="Test case with one argument"> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <TestCase name="Variadic macros"> <Section name="Section with one argument"> <OverallResults successes="1" failures="0"/> </Section> <OverallResult success="true"/> </TestCase> <OverallResults successes="524" failures="104"/> </Group> <OverallResults successes="524" failures="104"/> </Catch> [Started testing: CatchSelfTest] [Started group: '~dummy'] [Running: ./succeeding/Approx/simple] ApproxTests.cpp:20: d == Approx( 1.23 ) succeeded for: 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) ApproxTests.cpp:21: d != Approx( 1.22 ) succeeded for: 1.23 != Approx( 1.22 ) ApproxTests.cpp:22: d != Approx( 1.24 ) succeeded for: 1.23 != Approx( 1.24 ) ApproxTests.cpp:24: Approx( d ) == 1.23 succeeded for: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.23 ApproxTests.cpp:25: Approx( d ) != 1.22 succeeded for: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.22 ApproxTests.cpp:26: Approx( d ) != 1.24 succeeded for: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.24 [Finished: './succeeding/Approx/simple' All tests passed (6 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/Approx/epsilon] ApproxTests.cpp:38: d != Approx( 1.231 ) succeeded for: 1.23 != Approx( 1.231 ) ApproxTests.cpp:39: d == Approx( 1.231 ).epsilon( 0.1 ) succeeded for: 1.23 == Approx( 1.231 ) [Finished: './succeeding/Approx/epsilon' All tests passed (2 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/Approx/float] ApproxTests.cpp:49: 1.23f == Approx( 1.23f ) succeeded for: 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) ApproxTests.cpp:50: 0.0f == Approx( 0.0f ) succeeded for: 0 == Approx( 0 ) [Finished: './succeeding/Approx/float' All tests passed (2 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/Approx/int] ApproxTests.cpp:60: 1 == Approx( 1 ) succeeded ApproxTests.cpp:61: 0 == Approx( 0 ) succeeded [Finished: './succeeding/Approx/int' All tests passed (2 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/Approx/mixed] ApproxTests.cpp:75: 1.0f == Approx( 1 ) succeeded for: 1 == Approx( 1 ) ApproxTests.cpp:76: 0 == Approx( dZero) succeeded for: 0 == Approx( 0 ) ApproxTests.cpp:77: 0 == Approx( dSmall ).epsilon( 0.001 ) succeeded for: 0 == Approx( 1e-05 ) ApproxTests.cpp:78: 1.234f == Approx( dMedium ) succeeded for: 1.234 == Approx( 1.234 ) ApproxTests.cpp:79: dMedium == Approx( 1.234f ) succeeded for: 1.234 == Approx( 1.234 ) [Finished: './succeeding/Approx/mixed' All tests passed (5 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/Approx/custom] ApproxTests.cpp:93: d == approx( 1.23 ) succeeded for: 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) ApproxTests.cpp:94: d == approx( 1.22 ) succeeded for: 1.23 == Approx( 1.22 ) ApproxTests.cpp:95: d == approx( 1.24 ) succeeded for: 1.23 == Approx( 1.24 ) ApproxTests.cpp:96: d != approx( 1.25 ) succeeded for: 1.23 != Approx( 1.25 ) ApproxTests.cpp:98: approx( d ) == 1.23 succeeded for: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.23 ApproxTests.cpp:99: approx( d ) == 1.22 succeeded for: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.22 ApproxTests.cpp:100: approx( d ) == 1.24 succeeded for: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.24 ApproxTests.cpp:101: approx( d ) != 1.25 succeeded for: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.25 [Finished: './succeeding/Approx/custom' All tests passed (8 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: Approximate PI] ApproxTests.cpp:110: divide( 22, 7 ) == Approx( 3.141 ).epsilon( 0.001 ) succeeded for: 3.142857142857143 == Approx( 3.141 ) ApproxTests.cpp:111: divide( 22, 7 ) != Approx( 3.141 ).epsilon( 0.0001 ) succeeded for: 3.142857142857143 != Approx( 3.141 ) [Finished: 'Approximate PI' All tests passed (2 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/TestClass/succeedingCase] ClassTests.cpp:24: s == "hello" succeeded for: "hello" == "hello" [Finished: './succeeding/TestClass/succeedingCase' All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)] [Running: ./failing/TestClass/failingCase] ClassTests.cpp:28: s == "world" failed for: "hello" == "world" [Finished: './failing/TestClass/failingCase' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/Fixture/succeedingCase] ClassTests.cpp:47: m_a == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 [Finished: './succeeding/Fixture/succeedingCase' All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)] [Running: ./failing/Fixture/failingCase] ClassTests.cpp:55: m_a == 2 failed for: 1 == 2 [Finished: './failing/Fixture/failingCase' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/conditions/equality] ConditionTests.cpp:55: data.int_seven == 7 succeeded for: 7 == 7 ConditionTests.cpp:56: data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.1f ) succeeded for: 9.1 == Approx( 9.1 ) ConditionTests.cpp:57: data.double_pi == Approx( 3.1415926535 ) succeeded for: 3.1415926535 == Approx( 3.14159 ) ConditionTests.cpp:58: data.str_hello == "hello" succeeded for: "hello" == "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:59: "hello" == data.str_hello succeeded for: "hello" == "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:60: data.str_hello.size() == 5 succeeded for: 5 == 5 ConditionTests.cpp:63: x == Approx( 1.3 ) succeeded for: 1.3 == Approx( 1.3 ) [Finished: './succeeding/conditions/equality' All tests passed (7 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./failing/conditions/equality] ConditionTests.cpp:71: data.int_seven == 6 failed for: 7 == 6 ConditionTests.cpp:72: data.int_seven == 8 failed for: 7 == 8 ConditionTests.cpp:73: data.int_seven == 0 failed for: 7 == 0 ConditionTests.cpp:74: data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.11f ) failed for: 9.1 == Approx( 9.11 ) ConditionTests.cpp:75: data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.0f ) failed for: 9.1 == Approx( 9 ) ConditionTests.cpp:76: data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 1 ) failed for: 9.1 == Approx( 1 ) ConditionTests.cpp:77: data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 0 ) failed for: 9.1 == Approx( 0 ) ConditionTests.cpp:78: data.double_pi == Approx( 3.1415 ) failed for: 3.1415926535 == Approx( 3.1415 ) ConditionTests.cpp:79: data.str_hello == "goodbye" failed for: "hello" == "goodbye" ConditionTests.cpp:80: data.str_hello == "hell" failed for: "hello" == "hell" ConditionTests.cpp:81: data.str_hello == "hello1" failed for: "hello" == "hello1" ConditionTests.cpp:82: data.str_hello.size() == 6 failed for: 5 == 6 ConditionTests.cpp:85: x == Approx( 1.301 ) failed for: 1.3 == Approx( 1.301 ) [Finished: './failing/conditions/equality' 1 test case failed (All 13 assertions failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/conditions/inequality] ConditionTests.cpp:93: data.int_seven != 6 succeeded for: 7 != 6 ConditionTests.cpp:94: data.int_seven != 8 succeeded for: 7 != 8 ConditionTests.cpp:95: data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.11f ) succeeded for: 9.1 != Approx( 9.11 ) ConditionTests.cpp:96: data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.0f ) succeeded for: 9.1 != Approx( 9 ) ConditionTests.cpp:97: data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 1 ) succeeded for: 9.1 != Approx( 1 ) ConditionTests.cpp:98: data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 0 ) succeeded for: 9.1 != Approx( 0 ) ConditionTests.cpp:99: data.double_pi != Approx( 3.1415 ) succeeded for: 3.1415926535 != Approx( 3.1415 ) ConditionTests.cpp:100: data.str_hello != "goodbye" succeeded for: "hello" != "goodbye" ConditionTests.cpp:101: data.str_hello != "hell" succeeded for: "hello" != "hell" ConditionTests.cpp:102: data.str_hello != "hello1" succeeded for: "hello" != "hello1" ConditionTests.cpp:103: data.str_hello.size() != 6 succeeded for: 5 != 6 [Finished: './succeeding/conditions/inequality' All tests passed (11 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./failing/conditions/inequality] ConditionTests.cpp:111: data.int_seven != 7 failed for: 7 != 7 ConditionTests.cpp:112: data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.1f ) failed for: 9.1 != Approx( 9.1 ) ConditionTests.cpp:113: data.double_pi != Approx( 3.1415926535 ) failed for: 3.1415926535 != Approx( 3.14159 ) ConditionTests.cpp:114: data.str_hello != "hello" failed for: "hello" != "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:115: data.str_hello.size() != 5 failed for: 5 != 5 [Finished: './failing/conditions/inequality' 1 test case failed (All 5 assertions failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/conditions/ordered] ConditionTests.cpp:124: data.int_seven < 8 succeeded for: 7 < 8 ConditionTests.cpp:125: data.int_seven > 6 succeeded for: 7 > 6 ConditionTests.cpp:126: data.int_seven > 0 succeeded for: 7 > 0 ConditionTests.cpp:127: data.int_seven > -1 succeeded for: 7 > -1 ConditionTests.cpp:129: data.int_seven >= 7 succeeded for: 7 >= 7 ConditionTests.cpp:130: data.int_seven >= 6 succeeded for: 7 >= 6 ConditionTests.cpp:131: data.int_seven <= 7 succeeded for: 7 <= 7 ConditionTests.cpp:132: data.int_seven <= 8 succeeded for: 7 <= 8 ConditionTests.cpp:134: data.float_nine_point_one > 9 succeeded for: 9.1 > 9 ConditionTests.cpp:135: data.float_nine_point_one < 10 succeeded for: 9.1 < 10 ConditionTests.cpp:136: data.float_nine_point_one < 9.2 succeeded for: 9.1 < 9.199999999999999 ConditionTests.cpp:138: data.str_hello <= "hello" succeeded for: "hello" <= "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:139: data.str_hello >= "hello" succeeded for: "hello" >= "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:141: data.str_hello < "hellp" succeeded for: "hello" < "hellp" ConditionTests.cpp:142: data.str_hello < "zebra" succeeded for: "hello" < "zebra" ConditionTests.cpp:143: data.str_hello > "hellm" succeeded for: "hello" > "hellm" ConditionTests.cpp:144: data.str_hello > "a" succeeded for: "hello" > "a" [Finished: './succeeding/conditions/ordered' All tests passed (17 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./failing/conditions/ordered] ConditionTests.cpp:152: data.int_seven > 7 failed for: 7 > 7 ConditionTests.cpp:153: data.int_seven < 7 failed for: 7 < 7 ConditionTests.cpp:154: data.int_seven > 8 failed for: 7 > 8 ConditionTests.cpp:155: data.int_seven < 6 failed for: 7 < 6 ConditionTests.cpp:156: data.int_seven < 0 failed for: 7 < 0 ConditionTests.cpp:157: data.int_seven < -1 failed for: 7 < -1 ConditionTests.cpp:159: data.int_seven >= 8 failed for: 7 >= 8 ConditionTests.cpp:160: data.int_seven <= 6 failed for: 7 <= 6 ConditionTests.cpp:162: data.float_nine_point_one < 9 failed for: 9.1 < 9 ConditionTests.cpp:163: data.float_nine_point_one > 10 failed for: 9.1 > 10 ConditionTests.cpp:164: data.float_nine_point_one > 9.2 failed for: 9.1 > 9.199999999999999 ConditionTests.cpp:166: data.str_hello > "hello" failed for: "hello" > "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:167: data.str_hello < "hello" failed for: "hello" < "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:168: data.str_hello > "hellp" failed for: "hello" > "hellp" ConditionTests.cpp:169: data.str_hello > "z" failed for: "hello" > "z" ConditionTests.cpp:170: data.str_hello < "hellm" failed for: "hello" < "hellm" ConditionTests.cpp:171: data.str_hello < "a" failed for: "hello" < "a" ConditionTests.cpp:173: data.str_hello >= "z" failed for: "hello" >= "z" ConditionTests.cpp:174: data.str_hello <= "a" failed for: "hello" <= "a" [Finished: './failing/conditions/ordered' 1 test case failed (All 19 assertions failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/conditions/int literals] ConditionTests.cpp:188: i == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp:189: ui == 2 succeeded for: 2 == 2 ConditionTests.cpp:190: l == 3 succeeded for: 3 == 3 ConditionTests.cpp:191: ul == 4 succeeded for: 4 == 4 ConditionTests.cpp:192: c == 5 succeeded for: 5 == 5 ConditionTests.cpp:193: uc == 6 succeeded for: 6 == 6 ConditionTests.cpp:195: 1 == i succeeded for: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp:196: 2 == ui succeeded for: 2 == 2 ConditionTests.cpp:197: 3 == l succeeded for: 3 == 3 ConditionTests.cpp:198: 4 == ul succeeded for: 4 == 4 ConditionTests.cpp:199: 5 == c succeeded for: 5 == 5 ConditionTests.cpp:200: 6 == uc succeeded for: 6 == 6 ConditionTests.cpp:202: (std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max)() > ul succeeded for: 0x<hex digits> > 4 [Finished: './succeeding/conditions/int literals' All tests passed (13 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/conditions//long_to_unsigned_x] ConditionTests.cpp:223: long_var == unsigned_char_var succeeded for: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp:224: long_var == unsigned_short_var succeeded for: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp:225: long_var == unsigned_int_var succeeded for: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp:226: long_var == unsigned_long_var succeeded for: 1 == 1 [Finished: './succeeding/conditions//long_to_unsigned_x' All tests passed (4 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/conditions/const ints to int literal] ConditionTests.cpp:237: unsigned_char_var == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp:238: unsigned_short_var == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp:239: unsigned_int_var == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 ConditionTests.cpp:240: unsigned_long_var == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 [Finished: './succeeding/conditions/const ints to int literal' All tests passed (4 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/conditions/negative ints] ConditionTests.cpp:246: ( -1 > 2u ) succeeded for: true ConditionTests.cpp:247: -1 > 2u succeeded for: -1 > 2 ConditionTests.cpp:249: ( 2u < -1 ) succeeded for: true ConditionTests.cpp:250: 2u < -1 succeeded for: 2 < -1 ConditionTests.cpp:253: ( minInt > 2u ) succeeded for: true ConditionTests.cpp:254: minInt > 2u succeeded for: -2147483648 > 2 [Finished: './succeeding/conditions/negative ints' All tests passed (6 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/conditions/computed ints] ConditionTests.cpp:269: 54 == 6*9 succeeded for: 54 == 54 [Finished: './succeeding/conditions/computed ints' All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/conditions/ptr] ConditionTests.cpp:285: p == __null succeeded for: __null == 0 ConditionTests.cpp:286: p == pNULL succeeded for: __null == __null ConditionTests.cpp:291: p != __null succeeded for: 0x<hex digits> != 0 ConditionTests.cpp:294: cp != __null succeeded for: 0x<hex digits> != 0 ConditionTests.cpp:297: cpc != __null succeeded for: 0x<hex digits> != 0 ConditionTests.cpp:299: returnsNull() == __null succeeded for: {null string} == 0 ConditionTests.cpp:300: returnsConstNull() == __null succeeded for: {null string} == 0 ConditionTests.cpp:302: __null != p succeeded for: 0 != 0x<hex digits> [Finished: './succeeding/conditions/ptr' All tests passed (8 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/conditions/not] ConditionTests.cpp:317: false == false succeeded ConditionTests.cpp:318: true == true succeeded ConditionTests.cpp:319: !false succeeded for: true ConditionTests.cpp:320: !false succeeded ConditionTests.cpp:322: !falseValue succeeded for: true ConditionTests.cpp:323: !falseValue succeeded for: !false ConditionTests.cpp:325: !(1 == 2) succeeded for: true ConditionTests.cpp:326: !1 == 2 succeeded for: !(1 == 2) [Finished: './succeeding/conditions/not' All tests passed (8 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./failing/conditions/not] ConditionTests.cpp:334: false != false failed ConditionTests.cpp:335: true != true failed ConditionTests.cpp:336: !true failed for: false ConditionTests.cpp:337: !true failed ConditionTests.cpp:339: !trueValue failed for: false ConditionTests.cpp:340: !trueValue failed for: !true ConditionTests.cpp:342: !(1 == 1) failed for: false ConditionTests.cpp:343: !1 == 1 failed for: !(1 == 1) [Finished: './failing/conditions/not' 1 test case failed (All 8 assertions failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/exceptions/explicit] ExceptionTests.cpp:35: thisThrows() succeeded ExceptionTests.cpp:36: thisDoesntThrow() succeeded ExceptionTests.cpp:37: thisThrows() succeeded [Finished: './succeeding/exceptions/explicit' All tests passed (3 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./failing/exceptions/explicit] ExceptionTests.cpp:43: thisThrows() failed with unexpected exception with message: 'expected exception' ExceptionTests.cpp:44: thisDoesntThrow() failed because no exception was thrown where one was expected ExceptionTests.cpp:45: thisThrows() failed with unexpected exception with message: 'expected exception' [Finished: './failing/exceptions/explicit' 1 test case failed (All 3 assertions failed)] [Running: ./failing/exceptions/implicit] ExceptionTests.cpp:48: Unexpected exception with message: 'unexpected exception' [Finished: './failing/exceptions/implicit' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./failing/exceptions/implicit/2] ExceptionTests.cpp:56: 1 == 1 succeeded ExceptionTests.cpp:56: {Unknown expression after the reported line} failed with unexpected exception with message: 'unexpected exception' [Finished: './failing/exceptions/implicit/2' 1 test case failed (1 of 2 assertions failed)] [Running: ./failing/exceptions/implicit/3] [Started section: 'section name'] ExceptionTests.cpp:62: Unexpected exception with message: 'unexpected exception' [End of section: 'section name' 1 assertion failed] [Finished: './failing/exceptions/implicit/3' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/exceptions/implicit] No assertions in test case, './succeeding/exceptions/implicit' [Finished: './succeeding/exceptions/implicit' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./failing/exceptions/custom] ExceptionTests.cpp:106: Unexpected exception with message: 'custom exception' [Finished: './failing/exceptions/custom' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./failing/exceptions/custom/nothrow] ExceptionTests.cpp:113: throw CustomException( "unexpected custom exception" ) failed with unexpected exception with message: 'unexpected custom exception' [Finished: './failing/exceptions/custom/nothrow' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./failing/exceptions/custom/throw] ExceptionTests.cpp:118: throw CustomException( "custom exception - not std" ) failed with unexpected exception with message: 'custom exception - not std' [Finished: './failing/exceptions/custom/throw' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./failing/exceptions/custom/double] ExceptionTests.cpp:122: Unexpected exception with message: '3.14' [Finished: './failing/exceptions/custom/double' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/exceptions/notimplemented] ExceptionTests.cpp:133: thisFunctionNotImplemented( 7 ) succeeded [Finished: './succeeding/exceptions/notimplemented' All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/generators/1] GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 200 == 200 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 200 == 200 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 200 == 200 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 200 == 200 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 200 == 200 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 200 == 200 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 200 == 200 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 200 == 200 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 200 == 200 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 202 == 202 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 202 == 202 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 202 == 202 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 202 == 202 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 202 == 202 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 202 == 202 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 202 == 202 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 202 == 202 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 202 == 202 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 204 == 204 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 204 == 204 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 204 == 204 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 204 == 204 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 204 == 204 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 204 == 204 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 204 == 204 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 204 == 204 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 204 == 204 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 206 == 206 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 206 == 206 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 206 == 206 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 206 == 206 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 206 == 206 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 206 == 206 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 206 == 206 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 206 == 206 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 206 == 206 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 208 == 208 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 208 == 208 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 208 == 208 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 208 == 208 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 208 == 208 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 208 == 208 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 208 == 208 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 208 == 208 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 208 == 208 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 210 == 210 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 210 == 210 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 210 == 210 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 210 == 210 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 210 == 210 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 210 == 210 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 210 == 210 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 210 == 210 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 210 == 210 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 212 == 212 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 212 == 212 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 212 == 212 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 212 == 212 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 212 == 212 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 212 == 212 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 212 == 212 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 212 == 212 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 212 == 212 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 2 == 2 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 214 == 214 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 4 == 4 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 214 == 214 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 6 == 6 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 214 == 214 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 8 == 8 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 214 == 214 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 10 == 10 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 214 == 214 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 30 == 30 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 214 == 214 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 40 == 40 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 214 == 214 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 42 == 42 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 214 == 214 GeneratorTests.cpp:26: multiply( i, 2 ) == i*2 succeeded for: 72 == 72 GeneratorTests.cpp:27: multiply( j, 2 ) == j*2 succeeded for: 214 == 214 [Finished: './succeeding/generators/1' All tests passed (144 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/generators/2] GeneratorTests.cpp:40: i->first == i->second-1 succeeded for: 0 == 0 GeneratorTests.cpp:40: i->first == i->second-1 succeeded for: 2 == 2 [Finished: './succeeding/generators/2' All tests passed (2 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/message] MessageTests.cpp:14: [warning: this is a warning] No assertions in test case, './succeeding/message' [Finished: './succeeding/message' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/succeed] MessageTests.cpp:18: succeeded [with message: this is a success] [Finished: './succeeding/succeed' All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)] [Running: ./failing/message/info/1] MessageTests.cpp:26: a == 1 failed for: 2 == 1 [Finished: './failing/message/info/1' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./mixed/message/info/2] MessageTests.cpp:33: a == 2 succeeded for: 2 == 2 MessageTests.cpp:37: a == 1 failed for: 2 == 1 MessageTests.cpp:41: a == 0 failed for: 2 == 0 MessageTests.cpp:45: a == 2 succeeded for: 2 == 2 [Finished: './mixed/message/info/2' 1 test case failed (2 of 4 assertions failed)] [Running: ./failing/message/fail] MessageTests.cpp:51: failed with message: 'This is a failure' [Finished: './failing/message/fail' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./failing/message/sections] [Started section: 'one'] MessageTests.cpp:58: failed with message: 'Message from section one' [End of section: 'one' 1 assertion failed] [Started section: 'two'] MessageTests.cpp:63: failed with message: 'Message from section two' [End of section: 'two' 1 assertion failed] [Finished: './failing/message/sections' 1 test case failed (All 2 assertions failed)] Message from section one [Running: ./succeeding/message/sections/stdout] [Started section: 'one'] No assertions in section, 'one' [End of section: 'one' 1 assertion failed] Message from section two [Started section: 'two'] No assertions in section, 'two' [End of section: 'two' 1 assertion failed] [Finished: './succeeding/message/sections/stdout' 1 test case failed (All 2 assertions failed)] [Running: ./mixed/message/scoped] MessageTests.cpp:86: i < 10 succeeded for: 0 < 10 MessageTests.cpp:86: i < 10 succeeded for: 1 < 10 MessageTests.cpp:86: i < 10 succeeded for: 2 < 10 MessageTests.cpp:86: i < 10 succeeded for: 3 < 10 MessageTests.cpp:86: i < 10 succeeded for: 4 < 10 MessageTests.cpp:86: i < 10 succeeded for: 5 < 10 MessageTests.cpp:86: i < 10 succeeded for: 6 < 10 MessageTests.cpp:86: i < 10 succeeded for: 7 < 10 MessageTests.cpp:86: i < 10 succeeded for: 8 < 10 MessageTests.cpp:86: i < 10 succeeded for: 9 < 10 MessageTests.cpp:86: i < 10 failed for: 10 < 10 [Finished: './mixed/message/scoped' 1 test case failed (1 of 11 assertions failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/nofail] MessageTests.cpp:92: 1 == 2 failed - but was ok No assertions in test case, './succeeding/nofail' [Finished: './succeeding/nofail' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: just info] No assertions in test case, 'just info' [Finished: 'just info' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: just failure] MessageTests.cpp:101: failed with message: 'Previous info should not be seen' [Finished: 'just failure' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/Misc/Sections] [Started section: 's1'] MiscTests.cpp:21: a != b succeeded for: 1 != 2 MiscTests.cpp:22: b != a succeeded for: 2 != 1 [End of section: 's1' All 2 assertions passed] [Started section: 's2'] MiscTests.cpp:27: a != b succeeded for: 1 != 2 [End of section: 's2' 1 assertion passed] [Finished: './succeeding/Misc/Sections' All tests passed (3 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/Misc/Sections/nested] [Started section: 's1'] MiscTests.cpp:38: a != b succeeded for: 1 != 2 MiscTests.cpp:39: b != a succeeded for: 2 != 1 [Started section: 's2'] MiscTests.cpp:43: a != b succeeded for: 1 != 2 [End of section: 's2' 1 assertion passed] [End of section: 's1' All 3 assertions passed] [Finished: './succeeding/Misc/Sections/nested' All tests passed (3 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./mixed/Misc/Sections/nested2] [Started section: 's1'] [Started section: 's2'] MiscTests.cpp:57: a == b failed for: 1 == 2 [End of section: 's2' 1 assertion failed] [End of section: 's1' 1 assertion failed] [Started section: 's1'] [Started section: 's3'] MiscTests.cpp:62: a != b succeeded for: 1 != 2 [End of section: 's3' 1 assertion passed] [End of section: 's1' 1 assertion passed] [Started section: 's1'] [Started section: 's4'] MiscTests.cpp:66: a < b succeeded for: 1 < 2 [End of section: 's4' 1 assertion passed] [End of section: 's1' 1 assertion passed] [Finished: './mixed/Misc/Sections/nested2' 1 test case failed (1 of 3 assertions failed)] [Running: ./Sections/nested/a/b] [Started section: 'c'] [Started section: 'd (leaf)'] No assertions in section, 'd (leaf)' [End of section: 'd (leaf)' 1 assertion failed] [End of section: 'c' 1 assertion failed] [Started section: 'c'] [Started section: 'e (leaf)'] No assertions in section, 'e (leaf)' [End of section: 'e (leaf)' 1 assertion failed] [End of section: 'c' 1 assertion failed] [Started section: 'f (leaf)'] No assertions in section, 'f (leaf)' [End of section: 'f (leaf)' 1 assertion failed] [Finished: './Sections/nested/a/b' 1 test case failed (All 3 assertions failed)] [Running: ./mixed/Misc/Sections/loops] [Started section: 's1'] MiscTests.cpp:99: b > a failed for: 0 > 1 [End of section: 's1' 1 assertion failed] [Finished: './mixed/Misc/Sections/loops' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./mixed/Misc/loops] MiscTests.cpp:111: ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 failed for: 1 == 0 MiscTests.cpp:111: ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 failed for: 1 == 0 MiscTests.cpp:111: ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 succeeded for: 0 == 0 MiscTests.cpp:111: ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 failed for: 1 == 0 MiscTests.cpp:111: ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 failed for: 1 == 0 MiscTests.cpp:111: ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 succeeded for: 0 == 0 MiscTests.cpp:111: ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 failed for: 1 == 0 MiscTests.cpp:111: ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 failed for: 1 == 0 [Finished: './mixed/Misc/loops' 1 test case failed (6 of 8 assertions failed)] Some information An error [Running: ./succeeding/Misc/stdout,stderr] No assertions in test case, './succeeding/Misc/stdout,stderr' [Finished: './succeeding/Misc/stdout,stderr' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/Misc/null strings] MiscTests.cpp:129: makeString( false ) != static_cast<char*>(__null) succeeded for: "valid string" != {null string} MiscTests.cpp:130: makeString( true ) == static_cast<char*>(__null) succeeded for: {null string} == {null string} [Finished: './succeeding/Misc/null strings' All tests passed (2 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./failing/info] MiscTests.cpp:138: false failed [Finished: './failing/info' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/checkedif] MiscTests.cpp:143: flag succeeded for: true MiscTests.cpp:151: testCheckedIf( true ) succeeded for: true [Finished: './succeeding/checkedif' All tests passed (2 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./failing/checkedif] MiscTests.cpp:143: flag failed for: false MiscTests.cpp:156: testCheckedIf( false ) failed for: false [Finished: './failing/checkedif' 1 test case failed (All 2 assertions failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/checkedelse] MiscTests.cpp:161: flag succeeded for: true MiscTests.cpp:169: testCheckedElse( true ) succeeded for: true [Finished: './succeeding/checkedelse' All tests passed (2 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./failing/checkedelse] MiscTests.cpp:161: flag failed for: false MiscTests.cpp:174: testCheckedElse( false ) failed for: false [Finished: './failing/checkedelse' 1 test case failed (All 2 assertions failed)] [Running: ./misc/xmlentitycheck] [Started section: 'embedded xml'] No assertions in section, 'embedded xml' [End of section: 'embedded xml' 1 assertion failed] [Started section: 'encoded chars'] No assertions in section, 'encoded chars' [End of section: 'encoded chars' 1 assertion failed] [Finished: './misc/xmlentitycheck' 1 test case failed (All 2 assertions failed)] [Running: ./manual/onechar] MiscTests.cpp:192: false failed [Finished: './manual/onechar' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/atomic if] MiscTests.cpp:202: x == 0 succeeded for: 0 == 0 [Finished: './succeeding/atomic if' All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/matchers] MiscTests.cpp:212: testStringForMatching() Contains( "string" ) succeeded for: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "string" MiscTests.cpp:213: testStringForMatching() Contains( "abc" ) succeeded for: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "abc" MiscTests.cpp:215: testStringForMatching() StartsWith( "this" ) succeeded for: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" starts with: "this" MiscTests.cpp:216: testStringForMatching() EndsWith( "substring" ) succeeded for: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ends with: "substring" [Finished: './succeeding/matchers' All tests passed (4 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./failing/matchers/Contains] MiscTests.cpp:221: testStringForMatching() Contains( "not there" ) failed for: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "not there" [Finished: './failing/matchers/Contains' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./failing/matchers/StartsWith] MiscTests.cpp:226: testStringForMatching() StartsWith( "string" ) failed for: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" starts with: "string" [Finished: './failing/matchers/StartsWith' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./failing/matchers/EndsWith] MiscTests.cpp:231: testStringForMatching() EndsWith( "this" ) failed for: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ends with: "this" [Finished: './failing/matchers/EndsWith' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./failing/matchers/Equals] MiscTests.cpp:236: testStringForMatching() Equals( "something else" ) failed for: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" equals: "something else" [Finished: './failing/matchers/Equals' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/matchers/AllOf] MiscTests.cpp:244: testStringForMatching() AllOf( Catch::Contains( "string" ), Catch::Contains( "abc" ) ) succeeded for: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ( contains: "string" and contains: "abc" ) [Finished: './succeeding/matchers/AllOf' All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/matchers/AnyOf] MiscTests.cpp:248: testStringForMatching() AnyOf( Catch::Contains( "string" ), Catch::Contains( "not there" ) ) succeeded for: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ( contains: "string" or contains: "not there" ) MiscTests.cpp:249: testStringForMatching() AnyOf( Catch::Contains( "not there" ), Catch::Contains( "string" ) ) succeeded for: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ( contains: "not there" or contains: "string" ) [Finished: './succeeding/matchers/AnyOf' All tests passed (2 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/matchers/Equals] MiscTests.cpp:254: testStringForMatching() Equals( "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ) succeeded for: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" equals: "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" [Finished: './succeeding/matchers/Equals' All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)] [Running: example/factorial] MiscTests.cpp:265: Factorial(0) == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 MiscTests.cpp:266: Factorial(1) == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 MiscTests.cpp:267: Factorial(2) == 2 succeeded for: 2 == 2 MiscTests.cpp:268: Factorial(3) == 6 succeeded for: 6 == 6 MiscTests.cpp:269: Factorial(10) == 3628800 succeeded for: 0x<hex digits> == 3628800 [Finished: 'example/factorial' All tests passed (5 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: empty] No assertions in test case, 'empty' [Finished: 'empty' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: Nice descriptive name] MiscTests.cpp:278: [warning: This one ran] No assertions in test case, 'Nice descriptive name' [Finished: 'Nice descriptive name' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: first tag] No assertions in test case, 'first tag' [Finished: 'first tag' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: second tag] No assertions in test case, 'second tag' [Finished: 'second tag' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: selftest/main] [Started section: 'selftest/expected result'] [Started section: 'selftest/expected result/failing tests'] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:120: succeeded [with message: Tests failed, as expected] [End of section: 'selftest/expected result/failing tests' All 26 assertions passed] [End of section: 'selftest/expected result' All 26 assertions passed] [Started section: 'selftest/expected result'] [Started section: 'selftest/expected result/succeeding tests'] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] Message from section one Message from section two catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] Some information An error catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] catch_self_test.hpp:109: succeeded [with message: Tests passed, as expected] [End of section: 'selftest/expected result/succeeding tests' All 46 assertions passed] [End of section: 'selftest/expected result' All 46 assertions passed] Message from section one Message from section two Some information An error [Started section: 'selftest/test counts'] [Started section: 'selftest/test counts/succeeding tests'] TestMain.cpp:40: totals.assertions.passed == 296 succeeded for: 296 == 296 TestMain.cpp:41: totals.assertions.failed == 0 succeeded for: 0 == 0 [End of section: 'selftest/test counts/succeeding tests' All 2 assertions passed] [End of section: 'selftest/test counts' All 2 assertions passed] [Started section: 'selftest/test counts'] [Started section: 'selftest/test counts/failing tests'] TestMain.cpp:47: totals.assertions.passed == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:48: totals.assertions.failed == 73 succeeded for: 73 == 73 [End of section: 'selftest/test counts/failing tests' All 2 assertions passed] [End of section: 'selftest/test counts' All 2 assertions passed] [Finished: 'selftest/main' All tests passed (76 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: meta/Misc/Sections] TestMain.cpp:57: totals.assertions.passed == 2 succeeded for: 2 == 2 TestMain.cpp:58: totals.assertions.failed == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 [Finished: 'meta/Misc/Sections' All tests passed (2 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: selftest/parser/2] [Started section: 'default'] TestMain.cpp:97: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:99: config.shouldDebugBreak == false succeeded for: false == false TestMain.cpp:100: config.cutoff == -1 succeeded for: -1 == -1 TestMain.cpp:101: config.allowThrows == true succeeded for: true == true TestMain.cpp:102: config.reporter.empty() succeeded for: true [End of section: 'default' All 5 assertions passed] [Started section: 'test lists'] [Started section: '-t/1'] TestMain.cpp:108: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:110: config.filters.size() == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:111: config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "notIncluded" ) ) == false succeeded for: false == false TestMain.cpp:112: config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) succeeded for: true [End of section: '-t/1' All 4 assertions passed] [End of section: 'test lists' All 4 assertions passed] [Started section: 'test lists'] [Started section: '-t/exclude:1'] TestMain.cpp:116: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:118: config.filters.size() == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:119: config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) == false succeeded for: false == false TestMain.cpp:120: config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "alwaysIncluded" ) ) succeeded for: true [End of section: '-t/exclude:1' All 4 assertions passed] [End of section: 'test lists' All 4 assertions passed] [Started section: 'test lists'] [Started section: '--test/1'] TestMain.cpp:125: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:127: config.filters.size() == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:128: config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "notIncluded" ) ) == false succeeded for: false == false TestMain.cpp:129: config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) succeeded for: true [End of section: '--test/1' All 4 assertions passed] [End of section: 'test lists' All 4 assertions passed] [Started section: 'test lists'] [Started section: '--test/exclude:1'] TestMain.cpp:134: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:136: config.filters.size() == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:137: config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) == false succeeded for: false == false TestMain.cpp:138: config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "alwaysIncluded" ) ) succeeded for: true [End of section: '--test/exclude:1' All 4 assertions passed] [End of section: 'test lists' All 4 assertions passed] [Started section: 'test lists'] [Started section: '--test/exclude:2'] TestMain.cpp:143: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:145: config.filters.size() == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:146: config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) == false succeeded for: false == false TestMain.cpp:147: config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "alwaysIncluded" ) ) succeeded for: true [End of section: '--test/exclude:2' All 4 assertions passed] [End of section: 'test lists' All 4 assertions passed] [Started section: 'test lists'] [Started section: '-t/2'] TestMain.cpp:152: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:154: config.filters.size() == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:155: config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "notIncluded" ) ) == false succeeded for: false == false TestMain.cpp:156: config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) succeeded for: true TestMain.cpp:157: config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test2" ) ) succeeded for: true [End of section: '-t/2' All 5 assertions passed] [End of section: 'test lists' All 5 assertions passed] [Started section: 'test lists'] [Started section: '-t/0'] TestMain.cpp:162: parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "at least 1" ) succeeded for: "Error while parsing arguments. Expected at least 1 argument." contains: "at least 1" [End of section: '-t/0' 1 assertion passed] [End of section: 'test lists' 1 assertion passed] [Started section: 'reporter'] [Started section: '-r/console'] TestMain.cpp:169: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:171: config.reporter == "console" succeeded for: "console" == "console" [End of section: '-r/console' All 2 assertions passed] [End of section: 'reporter' All 2 assertions passed] [Started section: 'reporter'] [Started section: '-r/xml'] TestMain.cpp:175: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:177: config.reporter == "xml" succeeded for: "xml" == "xml" [End of section: '-r/xml' All 2 assertions passed] [End of section: 'reporter' All 2 assertions passed] [Started section: 'reporter'] [Started section: '--reporter/junit'] TestMain.cpp:181: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:183: config.reporter == "junit" succeeded for: "junit" == "junit" [End of section: '--reporter/junit' All 2 assertions passed] [End of section: 'reporter' All 2 assertions passed] [Started section: 'reporter'] [Started section: '-r/error'] TestMain.cpp:187: parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "1 argument" ) succeeded for: "Error while parsing arguments. Expected 1 argument. Arguments were: one two" contains: "1 argument" [End of section: '-r/error' 1 assertion passed] [End of section: 'reporter' 1 assertion passed] [Started section: 'debugger'] [Started section: '-b'] TestMain.cpp:194: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:196: config.shouldDebugBreak == true succeeded for: true == true [End of section: '-b' All 2 assertions passed] [End of section: 'debugger' All 2 assertions passed] [Started section: 'debugger'] [Started section: '--break'] TestMain.cpp:200: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:202: config.shouldDebugBreak succeeded for: true [End of section: '--break' All 2 assertions passed] [End of section: 'debugger' All 2 assertions passed] [Started section: 'debugger'] [Started section: '-b'] TestMain.cpp:206: parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "0 arguments" ) succeeded for: "Error while parsing arguments. Expected 0 arguments. Arguments were: unexpected" contains: "0 arguments" [End of section: '-b' 1 assertion passed] [End of section: 'debugger' 1 assertion passed] [Started section: 'abort'] [Started section: '-a'] TestMain.cpp:213: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:215: config.cutoff == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 [End of section: '-a' All 2 assertions passed] [End of section: 'abort' All 2 assertions passed] [Started section: 'abort'] [Started section: '-a/2'] TestMain.cpp:219: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:221: config.cutoff == 2 succeeded for: 2 == 2 [End of section: '-a/2' All 2 assertions passed] [End of section: 'abort' All 2 assertions passed] [Started section: 'abort'] [Started section: '-a/error/0'] TestMain.cpp:225: parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "greater than zero" ) succeeded for: "Error while parsing arguments. threshold must be a number greater than zero. Arguments were: 0" contains: "greater than zero" [End of section: '-a/error/0' 1 assertion passed] [End of section: 'abort' 1 assertion passed] [Started section: 'abort'] [Started section: '-a/error/non numeric'] TestMain.cpp:229: parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "greater than zero" ) succeeded for: "Error while parsing arguments. threshold must be a number greater than zero. Arguments were: oops" contains: "greater than zero" [End of section: '-a/error/non numeric' 1 assertion passed] [End of section: 'abort' 1 assertion passed] [Started section: 'abort'] [Started section: '-a/error/two args'] TestMain.cpp:233: parseIntoConfigAndReturnError( argv, config ) Contains( "0 and 1 argument" ) succeeded for: "Error while parsing arguments. Expected between 0 and 1 argument. Arguments were: 1 2" contains: "0 and 1 argument" [End of section: '-a/error/two args' 1 assertion passed] [End of section: 'abort' 1 assertion passed] [Started section: 'nothrow'] [Started section: '-nt'] TestMain.cpp:240: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:242: config.allowThrows == false succeeded for: false == false [End of section: '-nt' All 2 assertions passed] [End of section: 'nothrow' All 2 assertions passed] [Started section: 'nothrow'] [Started section: '--nothrow'] TestMain.cpp:246: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:248: config.allowThrows == false succeeded for: false == false [End of section: '--nothrow' All 2 assertions passed] [End of section: 'nothrow' All 2 assertions passed] [Started section: 'streams'] [Started section: '-o filename'] TestMain.cpp:255: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:257: config.outputFilename == "filename.ext" succeeded for: "filename.ext" == "filename.ext" TestMain.cpp:258: config.stream.empty() succeeded for: true [End of section: '-o filename' All 3 assertions passed] [End of section: 'streams' All 3 assertions passed] [Started section: 'streams'] [Started section: '-o %stdout'] TestMain.cpp:262: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:264: config.stream == "stdout" succeeded for: "stdout" == "stdout" TestMain.cpp:265: config.outputFilename.empty() succeeded for: true [End of section: '-o %stdout' All 3 assertions passed] [End of section: 'streams' All 3 assertions passed] [Started section: 'streams'] [Started section: '--out'] TestMain.cpp:269: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:271: config.outputFilename == "filename.ext" succeeded for: "filename.ext" == "filename.ext" [End of section: '--out' All 2 assertions passed] [End of section: 'streams' All 2 assertions passed] [Started section: 'combinations'] [Started section: '-a -b'] TestMain.cpp:278: parseIntoConfig( argv, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:280: config.cutoff == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:281: config.shouldDebugBreak succeeded for: true TestMain.cpp:282: config.allowThrows == false succeeded for: false == false [End of section: '-a -b' All 4 assertions passed] [End of section: 'combinations' All 4 assertions passed] [Finished: 'selftest/parser/2' All tests passed (66 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: selftest/test filter] TestMain.cpp:291: matchAny.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) succeeded for: true TestMain.cpp:292: matchNone.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) == false succeeded for: false == false TestMain.cpp:297: matchHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) == false succeeded for: false == false TestMain.cpp:298: matchNonHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) succeeded for: true TestMain.cpp:300: matchHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./any" ) ) succeeded for: true TestMain.cpp:301: matchNonHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./any" ) ) == false succeeded for: false == false [Finished: 'selftest/test filter' All tests passed (6 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: selftest/test filters] TestMain.cpp:312: matchHidden.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./something" ) ) succeeded for: true TestMain.cpp:314: filters.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "any" ) ) == false succeeded for: false == false TestMain.cpp:315: filters.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./something" ) ) succeeded for: true TestMain.cpp:316: filters.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "./anything" ) ) == false succeeded for: false == false [Finished: 'selftest/test filters' All tests passed (4 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: selftest/filter/prefix wildcard] TestMain.cpp:322: matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "big badger" ) ) succeeded for: true TestMain.cpp:323: matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "little badgers" ) ) == false succeeded for: false == false [Finished: 'selftest/filter/prefix wildcard' All tests passed (2 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: selftest/filter/wildcard at both ends] TestMain.cpp:328: matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "big badger" ) ) succeeded for: true TestMain.cpp:329: matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "little badgers" ) ) succeeded for: true TestMain.cpp:330: matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "badgers are big" ) ) succeeded for: true TestMain.cpp:331: matchBadgers.shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "hedgehogs" ) ) == false succeeded for: false == false [Finished: 'selftest/filter/wildcard at both ends' All tests passed (4 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: selftest/option parsers] TestMain.cpp:351: opt.parseIntoConfig( parser, config ) succeeded TestMain.cpp:353: config.filters.size() == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:354: config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "notIncluded" ) ) == false succeeded for: false == false TestMain.cpp:355: config.filters[0].shouldInclude( fakeTestCase( "test1" ) ) succeeded for: true [Finished: 'selftest/option parsers' All tests passed (4 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: selftest/tags] [Started section: 'one tag'] TestMain.cpp:369: oneTag.getTestCaseInfo().description == "" succeeded for: "" == "" TestMain.cpp:370: oneTag.hasTag( "one" ) succeeded for: true TestMain.cpp:371: oneTag.getTags().size() == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 TestMain.cpp:373: oneTag.matchesTags( p1 ) == true succeeded for: true == true TestMain.cpp:374: oneTag.matchesTags( p2 ) == true succeeded for: true == true TestMain.cpp:375: oneTag.matchesTags( p3 ) == false succeeded for: false == false TestMain.cpp:376: oneTag.matchesTags( p4 ) == false succeeded for: false == false TestMain.cpp:377: oneTag.matchesTags( p5 ) == false succeeded for: false == false [End of section: 'one tag' All 8 assertions passed] [Started section: 'two tags'] TestMain.cpp:383: twoTags.getTestCaseInfo().description == "" succeeded for: "" == "" TestMain.cpp:384: twoTags.hasTag( "one" ) succeeded for: true TestMain.cpp:385: twoTags.hasTag( "two" ) succeeded for: true TestMain.cpp:386: twoTags.hasTag( "three" ) == false succeeded for: false == false TestMain.cpp:387: twoTags.getTags().size() == 2 succeeded for: 2 == 2 TestMain.cpp:389: twoTags.matchesTags( p1 ) == true succeeded for: true == true TestMain.cpp:390: twoTags.matchesTags( p2 ) == true succeeded for: true == true TestMain.cpp:391: twoTags.matchesTags( p3 ) == true succeeded for: true == true TestMain.cpp:392: twoTags.matchesTags( p4 ) == true succeeded for: true == true TestMain.cpp:393: twoTags.matchesTags( p5 ) == true succeeded for: true == true [End of section: 'two tags' All 10 assertions passed] [Started section: 'one tag with characters either side'] TestMain.cpp:399: oneTagWithExtras.getTestCaseInfo().description == "1234" succeeded for: "1234" == "1234" TestMain.cpp:400: oneTagWithExtras.hasTag( "one" ) succeeded for: true TestMain.cpp:401: oneTagWithExtras.hasTag( "two" ) == false succeeded for: false == false TestMain.cpp:402: oneTagWithExtras.getTags().size() == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 [End of section: 'one tag with characters either side' All 4 assertions passed] [Started section: 'start of a tag, but not closed'] TestMain.cpp:409: oneTagOpen.getTestCaseInfo().description == "[one" succeeded for: "[one" == "[one" TestMain.cpp:410: oneTagOpen.hasTag( "one" ) == false succeeded for: false == false TestMain.cpp:411: oneTagOpen.getTags().size() == 0 succeeded for: 0 == 0 [End of section: 'start of a tag, but not closed' All 3 assertions passed] [Started section: 'hidden'] TestMain.cpp:417: oneTag.getTestCaseInfo().description == "" succeeded for: "" == "" TestMain.cpp:418: oneTag.hasTag( "hide" ) succeeded for: true TestMain.cpp:419: oneTag.isHidden() succeeded for: true TestMain.cpp:421: oneTag.matchesTags( "~[hide]" ) == false succeeded for: false == false [End of section: 'hidden' All 4 assertions passed] [Finished: 'selftest/tags' All tests passed (29 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/Tricky/std::pair] TrickyTests.cpp:37: (std::pair<int, int>( 1, 2 )) == aNicePair succeeded for: std::pair( 1, 2 ) == std::pair( 1, 2 ) [Finished: './succeeding/Tricky/std::pair' All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)] [Running: ./inprogress/failing/Tricky/trailing expression] TrickyTests.cpp:55: [warning: Uncomment the code in this test to check that it gives a sensible compiler error] No assertions in test case, './inprogress/failing/Tricky/trailing expression' [Finished: './inprogress/failing/Tricky/trailing expression' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./inprogress/failing/Tricky/compound lhs] TrickyTests.cpp:71: [warning: Uncomment the code in this test to check that it gives a sensible compiler error] No assertions in test case, './inprogress/failing/Tricky/compound lhs' [Finished: './inprogress/failing/Tricky/compound lhs' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./failing/Tricky/non streamable type] TrickyTests.cpp:95: &o1 == &o2 failed for: 0x<hex digits> == 0x<hex digits> TrickyTests.cpp:96: o1 == o2 failed for: {?} == {?} [Finished: './failing/Tricky/non streamable type' 1 test case failed (All 2 assertions failed)] [Running: ./failing/string literals] TrickyTests.cpp:106: std::string( "first" ) == "second" failed for: "first" == "second" [Finished: './failing/string literals' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/side-effects] TrickyTests.cpp:119: i++ == 7 succeeded for: 7 == 7 TrickyTests.cpp:120: i++ == 8 succeeded for: 8 == 8 [Finished: './succeeding/side-effects' All tests passed (2 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/koenig] TrickyTests.cpp:186: 0x<hex digits> == o succeeded for: 0x<hex digits> == {?} [Finished: './succeeding/koenig' All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/non-const==] TrickyTests.cpp:212: t == 1u succeeded for: {?} == 1 [Finished: './succeeding/non-const==' All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/enum/bits] TrickyTests.cpp:224: 0x<hex digits> == bit30and31 succeeded for: 0x<hex digits> == 3221225472 [Finished: './succeeding/enum/bits' All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/boolean member] TrickyTests.cpp:239: obj.prop != __null succeeded for: 0x<hex digits> != 0 [Finished: './succeeding/boolean member' All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/unimplemented static bool] [Started section: 'compare to true'] TrickyTests.cpp:259: is_true<true>::value == true succeeded for: true == true TrickyTests.cpp:260: true == is_true<true>::value succeeded for: true == true [End of section: 'compare to true' All 2 assertions passed] [Started section: 'compare to false'] TrickyTests.cpp:264: is_true<false>::value == false succeeded for: false == false TrickyTests.cpp:265: false == is_true<false>::value succeeded for: false == false [End of section: 'compare to false' All 2 assertions passed] [Started section: 'negation'] TrickyTests.cpp:270: !is_true<false>::value succeeded for: true [End of section: 'negation' 1 assertion passed] [Started section: 'double negation'] TrickyTests.cpp:275: !!is_true<true>::value succeeded for: true [End of section: 'double negation' 1 assertion passed] [Started section: 'direct'] TrickyTests.cpp:280: is_true<true>::value succeeded for: true TrickyTests.cpp:281: !is_true<false>::value succeeded for: !false [End of section: 'direct' All 2 assertions passed] [Finished: './succeeding/unimplemented static bool' All tests passed (8 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/SafeBool] TrickyTests.cpp:313: True succeeded for: true TrickyTests.cpp:314: !False succeeded for: true TrickyTests.cpp:315: !False succeeded for: !false [Finished: './succeeding/SafeBool' All tests passed (3 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: Assertions then sections] TrickyTests.cpp:323: Catch::isTrue( true ) succeeded for: true [Started section: 'A section'] TrickyTests.cpp:327: Catch::isTrue( true ) succeeded for: true [Started section: 'Another section'] TrickyTests.cpp:331: Catch::isTrue( true ) succeeded for: true [End of section: 'Another section' 1 assertion passed] [End of section: 'A section' All 2 assertions passed] TrickyTests.cpp:323: Catch::isTrue( true ) succeeded for: true [Started section: 'A section'] TrickyTests.cpp:327: Catch::isTrue( true ) succeeded for: true [Started section: 'Another other section'] TrickyTests.cpp:335: Catch::isTrue( true ) succeeded for: true [End of section: 'Another other section' 1 assertion passed] [End of section: 'A section' All 2 assertions passed] [Finished: 'Assertions then sections' All tests passed (6 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: Scenario: Do that thing with the thing] [Started section: 'Given: This stuff exists'] [Started section: ' When: I do this'] [Started section: ' Then: it should do this'] BDDTests.cpp:21: itDoesThis() succeeded for: true [Started section: ' And: do that'] BDDTests.cpp:23: itDoesThat() succeeded for: true [End of section: ' And: do that' 1 assertion passed] [End of section: ' Then: it should do this' All 2 assertions passed] [End of section: ' When: I do this' All 2 assertions passed] [End of section: 'Given: This stuff exists' All 2 assertions passed] [Finished: 'Scenario: Do that thing with the thing' All tests passed (2 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: Anonymous test case 1] VariadicMacrosTests.cpp:14: succeeded [with message: anonymous test case] [Finished: 'Anonymous test case 1' All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)] [Running: Test case with one argument] VariadicMacrosTests.cpp:19: succeeded [with message: no assertions] [Finished: 'Test case with one argument' All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)] [Running: Variadic macros] [Started section: 'Section with one argument'] VariadicMacrosTests.cpp:26: succeeded [with message: no assertions] [End of section: 'Section with one argument' 1 assertion passed] [Finished: 'Variadic macros' All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)] [End of group: '~dummy'. 47 of 104 test cases failed (104 of 628 assertions failed)] [Testing completed. 47 of 104 test cases failed (104 of 628 assertions failed)] [Started testing: CatchSelfTest] [Started group: '~dummy'] [Running: ./succeeding/Approx/simple] ApproxTests.cpp:20: d == Approx( 1.23 ) succeeded for: 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) ApproxTests.cpp:21: d != Approx( 1.22 ) succeeded for: 1.23 != Approx( 1.22 ) ApproxTests.cpp:22: d != Approx( 1.24 ) succeeded for: 1.23 != Approx( 1.24 ) ApproxTests.cpp:24: Approx( d ) == 1.23 succeeded for: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.23 ApproxTests.cpp:25: Approx( d ) != 1.22 succeeded for: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.22 ApproxTests.cpp:26: Approx( d ) != 1.24 succeeded for: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.24 [Finished: './succeeding/Approx/simple' All tests passed (6 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/Approx/epsilon] ApproxTests.cpp:38: d != Approx( 1.231 ) succeeded for: 1.23 != Approx( 1.231 ) ApproxTests.cpp:39: d == Approx( 1.231 ).epsilon( 0.1 ) succeeded for: 1.23 == Approx( 1.231 ) [Finished: './succeeding/Approx/epsilon' All tests passed (2 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/Approx/float] ApproxTests.cpp:49: 1.23f == Approx( 1.23f ) succeeded for: 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) ApproxTests.cpp:50: 0.0f == Approx( 0.0f ) succeeded for: 0 == Approx( 0 ) [Finished: './succeeding/Approx/float' All tests passed (2 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/Approx/int] ApproxTests.cpp:60: 1 == Approx( 1 ) succeeded ApproxTests.cpp:61: 0 == Approx( 0 ) succeeded [Finished: './succeeding/Approx/int' All tests passed (2 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/Approx/mixed] ApproxTests.cpp:75: 1.0f == Approx( 1 ) succeeded for: 1 == Approx( 1 ) ApproxTests.cpp:76: 0 == Approx( dZero) succeeded for: 0 == Approx( 0 ) ApproxTests.cpp:77: 0 == Approx( dSmall ).epsilon( 0.001 ) succeeded for: 0 == Approx( 1e-05 ) ApproxTests.cpp:78: 1.234f == Approx( dMedium ) succeeded for: 1.234 == Approx( 1.234 ) ApproxTests.cpp:79: dMedium == Approx( 1.234f ) succeeded for: 1.234 == Approx( 1.234 ) [Finished: './succeeding/Approx/mixed' All tests passed (5 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/Approx/custom] ApproxTests.cpp:93: d == approx( 1.23 ) succeeded for: 1.23 == Approx( 1.23 ) ApproxTests.cpp:94: d == approx( 1.22 ) succeeded for: 1.23 == Approx( 1.22 ) ApproxTests.cpp:95: d == approx( 1.24 ) succeeded for: 1.23 == Approx( 1.24 ) ApproxTests.cpp:96: d != approx( 1.25 ) succeeded for: 1.23 != Approx( 1.25 ) ApproxTests.cpp:98: approx( d ) == 1.23 succeeded for: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.23 ApproxTests.cpp:99: approx( d ) == 1.22 succeeded for: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.22 ApproxTests.cpp:100: approx( d ) == 1.24 succeeded for: Approx( 1.23 ) == 1.24 ApproxTests.cpp:101: approx( d ) != 1.25 succeeded for: Approx( 1.23 ) != 1.25 [Finished: './succeeding/Approx/custom' All tests passed (8 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: Approximate PI] ApproxTests.cpp:110: divide( 22, 7 ) == Approx( 3.141 ).epsilon( 0.001 ) succeeded for: 3.142857142857143 == Approx( 3.141 ) ApproxTests.cpp:111: divide( 22, 7 ) != Approx( 3.141 ).epsilon( 0.0001 ) succeeded for: 3.142857142857143 != Approx( 3.141 ) [Finished: 'Approximate PI' All tests passed (2 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./succeeding/TestClass/succeedingCase] ClassTests.cpp:24: s == "hello" succeeded for: "hello" == "hello" [Finished: './succeeding/TestClass/succeedingCase' All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)] [Running: ./failing/TestClass/failingCase] ClassTests.cpp:28: s == "world" failed for: "hello" == "world" [Finished: './failing/TestClass/failingCase' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/Fixture/succeedingCase] ClassTests.cpp:47: m_a == 1 succeeded for: 1 == 1 [Finished: './succeeding/Fixture/succeedingCase' All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)] [Running: ./failing/Fixture/failingCase] ClassTests.cpp:55: m_a == 2 failed for: 1 == 2 [Finished: './failing/Fixture/failingCase' 1 test case failed (1 assertion failed)] [Running: ./succeeding/conditions/equality] ConditionTests.cpp:55: data.int_seven == 7 succeeded for: 7 == 7 ConditionTests.cpp:56: data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.1f ) succeeded for: 9.1 == Approx( 9.1 ) ConditionTests.cpp:57: data.double_pi == Approx( 3.1415926535 ) succeeded for: 3.1415926535 == Approx( 3.14159 ) ConditionTests.cpp:58: data.str_hello == "hello" succeeded for: "hello" == "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:59: "hello" == data.str_hello succeeded for: "hello" == "hello" ConditionTests.cpp:60: data.str_hello.size() == 5 succeeded for: 5 == 5 ConditionTests.cpp:63: x == Approx( 1.3 ) succeeded for: 1.3 == Approx( 1.3 ) [Finished: './succeeding/conditions/equality' All tests passed (7 assertions in 1 test case)] [Running: ./failing/conditions/equality] ConditionTests.cpp:71: data.int_seven == 6 failed for: 7 == 6 ConditionTests.cpp:72: data.int_seven == 8 failed for: 7 == 8 [Finished: './failing/conditions/equality' 1 test case failed (All 2 assertions failed)] [End of group: '~dummy'. 3 of 13 test cases failed (4 of 40 assertions failed)] [Testing aborted. 3 of 13 test cases failed (4 of 40 assertions failed)]