// // CatchOCTestCase.mm // OCTest // // Created by Phil Nash on 13/11/2010. // Copyright 2010 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved. // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #import "CatchOCTestCase.h" @implementation TestFixture -(void) setUp { obj = [[TestObj alloc] init]; } -(void) tearDown { arcSafeRelease( obj ); } OC_TEST_CASE( "OCTest/test1", "This is a test case" ) { REQUIRE( obj.int_val == 0 ); obj.int_val = 1; REQUIRE( obj.int_val == 1 ); } OC_TEST_CASE( "OCTest/test2", "This is another test case" ) { REQUIRE( obj.int_val == 0 ); obj.int_val = 2; REQUIRE( obj.int_val == 2 ); } OC_TEST_CASE( "OCTest/BOOL", "tests a boolean value" ) { CHECK( [obj isTrue] == NO ); CHECK( [obj isFalse] == YES ); } OC_TEST_CASE( "OCTest/throws/objc", "throws an Objective-C exception" ) { @throw [[NSException alloc] initWithName: NSGenericException reason: @"Objective-C exception" userInfo: nil]; } OC_TEST_CASE( "OCTest/throws/stdc++", "throws a std c++ exception" ) { throw std::domain_error( "std C++ exception" ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void useObject( const T& object ){} template void useObject( const T* object ){} OC_TEST_CASE( "OCTest/matchers", "Matches work with OC types (NSString so far)" ) { REQUIRE_THAT( @"This is a string", Equals( @"This isnt a string" ) ); REQUIRE_THAT( @"This is a string", Contains( @"is a" ) ); REQUIRE_THAT( @"This is a string", StartsWith( @"This" ) ); REQUIRE_THAT( @"This is a string", EndsWith( @"string" ) ); } OC_TEST_CASE( "OCTest/matchers/nil", "nil NSString should not crash the test" ) { CHECK_THAT( (NSString*)nil, Equals( @"This should fail, but not crash" ) ); CHECK_THAT( (NSString*)nil, StartsWith( @"anything" ) ); } @end