#==================================================================================================# # supported macros # # - TEST_CASE, # # - TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE # # - SCENARIO, # # - TEST_CASE_METHOD, # # - CATCH_TEST_CASE, # # - CATCH_TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE # # - CATCH_SCENARIO, # # - CATCH_TEST_CASE_METHOD. # # # # Usage # # 1. make sure this module is in the path or add this otherwise: # # set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake.modules/") # # 2. make sure that you've enabled testing option for the project by the call: # # enable_testing() # # 3. add the lines to the script for testing target (sample CMakeLists.txt): # # project(testing_target) # # set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake.modules/") # # enable_testing() # # # # find_path(CATCH_INCLUDE_DIR "catch.hpp") # # include_directories(${INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES} ${CATCH_INCLUDE_DIR}) # # # # file(GLOB SOURCE_FILES "*.cpp") # # add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SOURCE_FILES}) # # # # include(ParseAndAddCatchTests) # # ParseAndAddCatchTests(${PROJECT_NAME}) # # # # The following variables affect the behavior of the script: # # # # PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_VERBOSE (Default OFF) # # -- enables debug messages # # PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_NO_HIDDEN_TESTS (Default OFF) # # -- excludes tests marked with [!hide], [.] or [.foo] tags # # PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_ADD_FIXTURE_IN_TEST_NAME (Default ON) # # -- adds fixture class name to the test name # # PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_ADD_TARGET_IN_TEST_NAME (Default ON) # # -- adds cmake target name to the test name # # PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_ADD_TO_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS (Default OFF) # # -- causes CMake to rerun when file with tests changes so that new tests will be discovered # # # # One can also set (locally) the optional variable OptionalCatchTestLauncher to precise the way # # a test should be run. For instance to use test MPI, one can write # # set(OptionalCatchTestLauncher ${MPIEXEC} ${MPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG} ${NUMPROC}) # # just before calling this ParseAndAddCatchTests function # # # # The AdditionalCatchParameters optional variable can be used to pass extra argument to the test # # command. For example, to include successful tests in the output, one can write # # set(AdditionalCatchParameters --success) # # # # After the script, the ParseAndAddCatchTests_TESTS property for the target, and for each source # # file in the target is set, and contains the list of the tests extracted from that target, or # # from that file. This is useful, for example to add further labels or properties to the tests. # # # #==================================================================================================# if (CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION VERSION_LESS 2.8.8) message(FATAL_ERROR "ParseAndAddCatchTests requires CMake 2.8.8 or newer") endif() option(PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_VERBOSE "Print Catch to CTest parser debug messages" OFF) option(PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_NO_HIDDEN_TESTS "Exclude tests with [!hide], [.] or [.foo] tags" OFF) option(PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_ADD_FIXTURE_IN_TEST_NAME "Add fixture class name to the test name" ON) option(PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_ADD_TARGET_IN_TEST_NAME "Add target name to the test name" ON) option(PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_ADD_TO_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS "Add test file to CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS property" OFF) function(ParseAndAddCatchTests_PrintDebugMessage) if(PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_VERBOSE) message(STATUS "ParseAndAddCatchTests: ${ARGV}") endif() endfunction() # This removes the contents between # - block comments (i.e. /* ... */) # - full line comments (i.e. // ... ) # contents have been read into '${CppCode}'. # !keep partial line comments function(ParseAndAddCatchTests_RemoveComments CppCode) string(ASCII 2 CMakeBeginBlockComment) string(ASCII 3 CMakeEndBlockComment) string(REGEX REPLACE "/\\*" "${CMakeBeginBlockComment}" ${CppCode} "${${CppCode}}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\\*/" "${CMakeEndBlockComment}" ${CppCode} "${${CppCode}}") string(REGEX REPLACE "${CMakeBeginBlockComment}[^${CMakeEndBlockComment}]*${CMakeEndBlockComment}" "" ${CppCode} "${${CppCode}}") string(REGEX REPLACE "\n[ \t]*//+[^\n]+" "\n" ${CppCode} "${${CppCode}}") set(${CppCode} "${${CppCode}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Worker function function(ParseAndAddCatchTests_ParseFile SourceFile TestTarget) # If SourceFile is an object library, do not scan it (as it is not a file). Exit without giving a warning about a missing file. if(SourceFile MATCHES "\\\$<TARGET_OBJECTS:.+>") ParseAndAddCatchTests_PrintDebugMessage("Detected OBJECT library: ${SourceFile} this will not be scanned for tests.") return() endif() # According to CMake docs EXISTS behavior is well-defined only for full paths. get_filename_component(SourceFile ${SourceFile} ABSOLUTE) if(NOT EXISTS ${SourceFile}) message(WARNING "Cannot find source file: ${SourceFile}") return() endif() ParseAndAddCatchTests_PrintDebugMessage("parsing ${SourceFile}") file(STRINGS ${SourceFile} Contents NEWLINE_CONSUME) # Remove block and fullline comments ParseAndAddCatchTests_RemoveComments(Contents) # Find definition of test names # https://regex101.com/r/JygOND/1 string(REGEX MATCHALL "[ \t]*(CATCH_)?(TEMPLATE_)?(TEST_CASE_METHOD|SCENARIO|TEST_CASE)[ \t]*\\([ \t\n]*\"[^\"]*\"[ \t\n]*(,[ \t\n]*\"[^\"]*\")?(,[ \t\n]*[^\,\)]*)*\\)[ \t\n]*\{+[ \t]*(//[^\n]*[Tt][Ii][Mm][Ee][Oo][Uu][Tt][ \t]*[0-9]+)*" Tests "${Contents}") if(PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_ADD_TO_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS AND Tests) ParseAndAddCatchTests_PrintDebugMessage("Adding ${SourceFile} to CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS property") set_property( DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${SourceFile} ) endif() # check CMP0110 policy for new add_test() behavior if(POLICY CMP0110) cmake_policy(GET CMP0110 _cmp0110_value) # new add_test() behavior else() # just to be thorough explicitly set the variable set(_cmp0110_value) endif() foreach(TestName ${Tests}) # Strip newlines string(REGEX REPLACE "\\\\\n|\n" "" TestName "${TestName}") # Get test type and fixture if applicable string(REGEX MATCH "(CATCH_)?(TEMPLATE_)?(TEST_CASE_METHOD|SCENARIO|TEST_CASE)[ \t]*\\([^,^\"]*" TestTypeAndFixture "${TestName}") string(REGEX MATCH "(CATCH_)?(TEMPLATE_)?(TEST_CASE_METHOD|SCENARIO|TEST_CASE)" TestType "${TestTypeAndFixture}") string(REGEX REPLACE "${TestType}\\([ \t]*" "" TestFixture "${TestTypeAndFixture}") # Get string parts of test definition string(REGEX MATCHALL "\"+([^\\^\"]|\\\\\")+\"+" TestStrings "${TestName}") # Strip wrapping quotation marks string(REGEX REPLACE "^\"(.*)\"$" "\\1" TestStrings "${TestStrings}") string(REPLACE "\";\"" ";" TestStrings "${TestStrings}") # Validate that a test name and tags have been provided list(LENGTH TestStrings TestStringsLength) if(TestStringsLength GREATER 2 OR TestStringsLength LESS 1) message(FATAL_ERROR "You must provide a valid test name and tags for all tests in ${SourceFile}") endif() # Assign name and tags list(GET TestStrings 0 Name) if("${TestType}" STREQUAL "SCENARIO") set(Name "Scenario: ${Name}") endif() if(PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_ADD_FIXTURE_IN_TEST_NAME AND "${TestType}" MATCHES "(CATCH_)?TEST_CASE_METHOD" AND TestFixture ) set(CTestName "${TestFixture}:${Name}") else() set(CTestName "${Name}") endif() if(PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_ADD_TARGET_IN_TEST_NAME) set(CTestName "${TestTarget}:${CTestName}") endif() # add target to labels to enable running all tests added from this target set(Labels ${TestTarget}) if(TestStringsLength EQUAL 2) list(GET TestStrings 1 Tags) string(TOLOWER "${Tags}" Tags) # remove target from labels if the test is hidden if("${Tags}" MATCHES ".*\\[!?(hide|\\.)\\].*") list(REMOVE_ITEM Labels ${TestTarget}) endif() string(REPLACE "]" ";" Tags "${Tags}") string(REPLACE "[" "" Tags "${Tags}") else() # unset tags variable from previous loop unset(Tags) endif() list(APPEND Labels ${Tags}) set(HiddenTagFound OFF) foreach(label ${Labels}) string(REGEX MATCH "^!hide|^\\." result ${label}) if(result) set(HiddenTagFound ON) break() endif() endforeach(label) if(PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_NO_HIDDEN_TESTS AND ${HiddenTagFound} AND ${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.9") ParseAndAddCatchTests_PrintDebugMessage("Skipping test \"${CTestName}\" as it has [!hide], [.] or [.foo] label") else() ParseAndAddCatchTests_PrintDebugMessage("Adding test \"${CTestName}\"") if(Labels) ParseAndAddCatchTests_PrintDebugMessage("Setting labels to ${Labels}") endif() # Escape commas in the test spec string(REPLACE "," "\\," Name ${Name}) # Work around CMake 3.18.0 change in `add_test()`, before the escaped quotes were necessary, # only with CMake 3.18.0 the escaped double quotes confuse the call. This change is reverted in 3.18.1 # And properly introduced in 3.19 with the CMP0110 policy if(_cmp0110_value STREQUAL "NEW" OR ${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_EQUAL "3.18") ParseAndAddCatchTests_PrintDebugMessage("CMP0110 set to NEW, no need for add_test(\"\") workaround") else() ParseAndAddCatchTests_PrintDebugMessage("CMP0110 set to OLD adding \"\" for add_test() workaround") set(CTestName "\"${CTestName}\"") endif() # Handle template test cases if("${TestTypeAndFixture}" MATCHES ".*TEMPLATE_.*") set(Name "${Name} - *") endif() # Add the test and set its properties add_test(NAME "${CTestName}" COMMAND ${OptionalCatchTestLauncher} $<TARGET_FILE:${TestTarget}> ${Name} ${AdditionalCatchParameters}) # Old CMake versions do not document VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL, so we use VERSION_GREATER with 3.8 instead if(PARSE_CATCH_TESTS_NO_HIDDEN_TESTS AND ${HiddenTagFound} AND ${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER "3.8") ParseAndAddCatchTests_PrintDebugMessage("Setting DISABLED test property") set_tests_properties("${CTestName}" PROPERTIES DISABLED ON) else() set_tests_properties("${CTestName}" PROPERTIES FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "No tests ran" LABELS "${Labels}") endif() set_property( TARGET ${TestTarget} APPEND PROPERTY ParseAndAddCatchTests_TESTS "${CTestName}") set_property( SOURCE ${SourceFile} APPEND PROPERTY ParseAndAddCatchTests_TESTS "${CTestName}") endif() endforeach() endfunction() # entry point function(ParseAndAddCatchTests TestTarget) message(DEPRECATION "ParseAndAddCatchTest: function deprecated because of possibility of missed test cases. Consider using 'catch_discover_tests' from 'Catch.cmake'") ParseAndAddCatchTests_PrintDebugMessage("Started parsing ${TestTarget}") get_target_property(SourceFiles ${TestTarget} SOURCES) ParseAndAddCatchTests_PrintDebugMessage("Found the following sources: ${SourceFiles}") foreach(SourceFile ${SourceFiles}) ParseAndAddCatchTests_ParseFile(${SourceFile} ${TestTarget}) endforeach() ParseAndAddCatchTests_PrintDebugMessage("Finished parsing ${TestTarget}") endfunction()