# Deprecations and incoming changes **Contents**
[`--list-*` command line parameters](#--list--command-line-parameters)
[Types passed to the reporter interface](#types-passed-to-the-reporter-interface)
[Secondary description amongst tags](#secondary-description-amongst-tags)
This page documents current deprecations and upcoming changes inside Catch2. You can expect deprecated functionality to stick around until the next major release, but not for longer. ## Verbosities The current implementation of verbosities has been misguided and will be removed. Note that this does not mean verbosities will be gone, just that they will no longer be checked up-front, and a reporter can handle verbosity however it sees fit (including ignoring it). ## `--list-*` command line parameters There will be 3 large changes to the `--list-*` family of command line parameters. * Their return codes will no longer reflect the number of tests/tags/etc that were found, instead it will be 0 for success and non-zero for failure. * Their output will be piped through reporters, so that e.g. XML reporter will write the output as a machine-readable XML, while the console reporter will keep the current output. * `--list-test-names-only` will be completely removed. ## Types passed to the reporter interface To allow changes in internal representation, we are planning to change the arguments provided to functions in the reporter interface. ## Generators The current generator interface is not intended to be stable and will be changed. ## `ANON_TEST_CASE` `ANON_TEST_CASE` is scheduled for removal, as it can be fully replaced by a `TEST_CASE` with no arguments. ## Secondary description amongst tags Currently, the tags part of `TEST_CASE` (and others) macro can also contain text that is not part of tags. As it is not actually documented, or used, it will be removed. --- [Home](Readme.md#top)