/* * Created by Martin on 19/07/2017. * * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying * file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #include "catch_test_spec_parser.h" namespace Catch { TestSpecParser::TestSpecParser( ITagAliasRegistry const& tagAliases ) : m_tagAliases( &tagAliases ) {} TestSpecParser& TestSpecParser::parse( std::string const& arg ) { m_mode = None; m_exclusion = false; m_arg = m_tagAliases->expandAliases( arg ); m_escapeChars.clear(); m_substring.reserve(m_arg.size()); m_patternName.reserve(m_arg.size()); m_realPatternPos = 0; for( m_pos = 0; m_pos < m_arg.size(); ++m_pos ) //if visitChar fails if( !visitChar( m_arg[m_pos] ) ){ m_testSpec.m_invalidArgs.push_back(arg); break; } endMode(); return *this; } TestSpec TestSpecParser::testSpec() { addFilter(); return m_testSpec; } bool TestSpecParser::visitChar( char c ) { if( (m_mode != EscapedName) && (c == '\\') ) { escape(); addCharToPattern(c); return true; }else if((m_mode != EscapedName) && (c == ',') ) { return separate(); } switch( m_mode ) { case None: if( processNoneChar( c ) ) return true; break; case Name: processNameChar( c ); break; case EscapedName: endMode(); addCharToPattern(c); return true; default: case Tag: case QuotedName: if( processOtherChar( c ) ) return true; break; } m_substring += c; if( !isControlChar( c ) ) { m_patternName += c; m_realPatternPos++; } return true; } // Two of the processing methods return true to signal the caller to return // without adding the given character to the current pattern strings bool TestSpecParser::processNoneChar( char c ) { switch( c ) { case ' ': return true; case '~': m_exclusion = true; return false; case '[': startNewMode( Tag ); return false; case '"': startNewMode( QuotedName ); return false; default: startNewMode( Name ); return false; } } void TestSpecParser::processNameChar( char c ) { if( c == '[' ) { if( m_substring == "exclude:" ) m_exclusion = true; else endMode(); startNewMode( Tag ); } } bool TestSpecParser::processOtherChar( char c ) { if( !isControlChar( c ) ) return false; m_substring += c; endMode(); return true; } void TestSpecParser::startNewMode( Mode mode ) { m_mode = mode; } void TestSpecParser::endMode() { switch( m_mode ) { case Name: case QuotedName: return addNamePattern(); case Tag: return addTagPattern(); case EscapedName: revertBackToLastMode(); return; case None: default: return startNewMode( None ); } } void TestSpecParser::escape() { saveLastMode(); m_mode = EscapedName; m_escapeChars.push_back(m_realPatternPos); } bool TestSpecParser::isControlChar( char c ) const { switch( m_mode ) { default: return false; case None: return c == '~'; case Name: return c == '['; case EscapedName: return true; case QuotedName: return c == '"'; case Tag: return c == '[' || c == ']'; } } void TestSpecParser::addFilter() { if( !m_currentFilter.m_patterns.empty() ) { m_testSpec.m_filters.push_back( m_currentFilter ); m_currentFilter = TestSpec::Filter(); } } void TestSpecParser::saveLastMode() { lastMode = m_mode; } void TestSpecParser::revertBackToLastMode() { m_mode = lastMode; } bool TestSpecParser::separate() { if( (m_mode==QuotedName) || (m_mode==Tag) ){ //invalid argument, signal failure to previous scope. m_mode = None; m_pos = m_arg.size(); m_substring.clear(); m_patternName.clear(); m_realPatternPos = 0; return false; } endMode(); addFilter(); return true; //success } std::string TestSpecParser::preprocessPattern() { std::string token = m_patternName; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m_escapeChars.size(); ++i) token = token.substr(0, m_escapeChars[i] - i) + token.substr(m_escapeChars[i] - i + 1); m_escapeChars.clear(); if (startsWith(token, "exclude:")) { m_exclusion = true; token = token.substr(8); } m_patternName.clear(); m_realPatternPos = 0; return token; } void TestSpecParser::addNamePattern() { auto token = preprocessPattern(); if (!token.empty()) { TestSpec::PatternPtr pattern = std::make_shared<TestSpec::NamePattern>(token, m_substring); if (m_exclusion) pattern = std::make_shared<TestSpec::ExcludedPattern>(pattern); m_currentFilter.m_patterns.push_back(pattern); } m_substring.clear(); m_exclusion = false; m_mode = None; } void TestSpecParser::addTagPattern() { auto token = preprocessPattern(); if (!token.empty()) { // If the tag pattern is the "hide and tag" shorthand (e.g. [.foo]) // we have to create a separate hide tag and shorten the real one if (token.size() > 1 && token[0] == '.') { token.erase(token.begin()); TestSpec::PatternPtr pattern = std::make_shared<TestSpec::TagPattern>(".", m_substring); if (m_exclusion) { pattern = std::make_shared<TestSpec::ExcludedPattern>(pattern); } m_currentFilter.m_patterns.push_back(pattern); } TestSpec::PatternPtr pattern = std::make_shared<TestSpec::TagPattern>(token, m_substring); if (m_exclusion) { pattern = std::make_shared<TestSpec::ExcludedPattern>(pattern); } m_currentFilter.m_patterns.push_back(pattern); } m_substring.clear(); m_exclusion = false; m_mode = None; } TestSpec parseTestSpec( std::string const& arg ) { return TestSpecParser( ITagAliasRegistry::get() ).parse( arg ).testSpec(); } } // namespace Catch