# The builds in this file are more complex (e.g. they need custom CMake # configuration) and thus are unsuitable to the simple build matrix # approach used in simple-builds name: Linux builds (complex) on: [push, pull_request] jobs: build: name: ${{matrix.build_description}}, ${{matrix.cxx}}, C++${{matrix.std}} ${{matrix.build_type}} runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 strategy: matrix: # We add builds one by one in this case, because there are no # dimensions that are shared across the builds include: # Single surrogate header build - cxx: clang++-10 build_description: Surrogates build build_type: Debug std: 14 other_pkgs: clang-10 cmake_configurations: -DCATCH_BUILD_SURROGATES=ON # Extras and examples with gcc-7 - cxx: g++-7 build_description: Extras + Examples build_type: Debug std: 14 other_pkgs: g++-7 cmake_configurations: -DCATCH_BUILD_EXTRA_TESTS=ON -DCATCH_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON - cxx: g++-7 build_description: Extras + Examples build_type: Release std: 14 other_pkgs: g++-7 cmake_configurations: -DCATCH_BUILD_EXTRA_TESTS=ON -DCATCH_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON # Extras and examples with Clang-10 - cxx: clang++-10 build_description: Extras + Examples build_type: Debug std: 17 other_pkgs: clang-10 cmake_configurations: -DCATCH_BUILD_EXTRA_TESTS=ON -DCATCH_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON - cxx: clang++-10 build_description: Extras + Examples build_type: Release std: 17 other_pkgs: clang-10 cmake_configurations: -DCATCH_BUILD_EXTRA_TESTS=ON -DCATCH_BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON # Configure tests with Clang-10 - cxx: clang++-10 build_description: CMake configuration tests build_type: Debug std: 14 other_pkgs: clang-10 cmake_configurations: -DCATCH_ENABLE_CONFIGURE_TESTS=ON # Valgrind test Clang-10 - cxx: clang++-10 build_description: Valgrind tests build_type: Debug std: 14 other_pkgs: clang-10 valgrind cmake_configurations: -DMEMORYCHECK_COMMAND=`which valgrind` -DMEMORYCHECK_COMMAND_OPTIONS="-q --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full --num-callers=50 --show-leak-kinds=definite --error-exitcode=1" other_ctest_args: -T memcheck -LE uses-python steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Prepare environment run: sudo apt-get install -y ninja-build ${{matrix.other_pkgs}} - name: Configure build working-directory: ${{runner.workspace}} env: CXX: ${{matrix.cxx}} CXXFLAGS: ${{matrix.cxxflags}} # Note: $GITHUB_WORKSPACE is distinct from ${{runner.workspace}}. # This is important run: | cmake -Bbuild -H$GITHUB_WORKSPACE \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{matrix.build_type}} \ -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=${{matrix.std}} \ -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED=ON \ -DCMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS=OFF \ -DCATCH_DEVELOPMENT_BUILD=ON \ ${{matrix.cmake_configurations}} \ -G Ninja - name: Build tests + lib working-directory: ${{runner.workspace}}/build run: ninja - name: Run tests env: CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE: 1 working-directory: ${{runner.workspace}}/build # Hardcode 2 cores we know are there run: ctest -C ${{matrix.build_type}} -j 2 ${{matrix.other_ctest_args}}