/* * Created by Phil on 28/10/2010. * Copyright 2010 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying * file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #include "catch_reporter_bases.hpp" #include "../internal/catch_capture.hpp" #include "../internal/catch_reporter_registrars.hpp" #include "../internal/catch_xmlwriter.hpp" #include "../internal/catch_timer.h" namespace Catch { class XmlReporter : public StreamingReporterBase<XmlReporter> { public: XmlReporter( ReporterConfig const& _config ) : StreamingReporterBase( _config ), m_xml(_config.stream()) { m_reporterPrefs.shouldRedirectStdOut = true; } ~XmlReporter() override; static std::string getDescription() { return "Reports test results as an XML document"; } virtual std::string getStylesheetRef() const { return std::string(); } void writeSourceInfo( SourceLineInfo const& sourceInfo ) { m_xml .writeAttribute( "filename", sourceInfo.file ) .writeAttribute( "line", sourceInfo.line ); } public: // StreamingReporterBase void noMatchingTestCases( std::string const& s ) override { StreamingReporterBase::noMatchingTestCases( s ); } void testRunStarting( TestRunInfo const& testInfo ) override { StreamingReporterBase::testRunStarting( testInfo ); std::string stylesheetRef = getStylesheetRef(); if( !stylesheetRef.empty() ) m_xml.writeStylesheetRef( stylesheetRef ); m_xml.startElement( "Catch" ); if( !m_config->name().empty() ) m_xml.writeAttribute( "name", m_config->name() ); } void testGroupStarting( GroupInfo const& groupInfo ) override { StreamingReporterBase::testGroupStarting( groupInfo ); m_xml.startElement( "Group" ) .writeAttribute( "name", groupInfo.name ); } void testCaseStarting( TestCaseInfo const& testInfo ) override { StreamingReporterBase::testCaseStarting(testInfo); m_xml.startElement( "TestCase" ) .writeAttribute( "name", trim( testInfo.name ) ) .writeAttribute( "description", testInfo.description ) .writeAttribute( "tags", testInfo.tagsAsString ); writeSourceInfo( testInfo.lineInfo ); if ( m_config->showDurations() == ShowDurations::Always ) m_testCaseTimer.start(); m_xml.ensureTagClosed(); } void sectionStarting( SectionInfo const& sectionInfo ) override { StreamingReporterBase::sectionStarting( sectionInfo ); if( m_sectionDepth++ > 0 ) { m_xml.startElement( "Section" ) .writeAttribute( "name", trim( sectionInfo.name ) ) .writeAttribute( "description", sectionInfo.description ); writeSourceInfo( sectionInfo.lineInfo ); m_xml.ensureTagClosed(); } } void assertionStarting( AssertionInfo const& ) override { } bool assertionEnded( AssertionStats const& assertionStats ) override { AssertionResult const& result = assertionStats.assertionResult; bool includeResults = m_config->includeSuccessfulResults() || !result.isOk(); if( includeResults ) { // Print any info messages in <Info> tags. for( auto const& msg : assertionStats.infoMessages ) { if( msg.type == ResultWas::Info ) { m_xml.scopedElement( "Info" ) .writeText( msg.message ); } else if ( msg.type == ResultWas::Warning ) { m_xml.scopedElement( "Warning" ) .writeText( msg.message ); } } } // Drop out if result was successful but we're not printing them. if( !includeResults && result.getResultType() != ResultWas::Warning ) return true; // Print the expression if there is one. if( result.hasExpression() ) { m_xml.startElement( "Expression" ) .writeAttribute( "success", result.succeeded() ) .writeAttribute( "type", result.getTestMacroName() ); writeSourceInfo( result.getSourceInfo() ); m_xml.scopedElement( "Original" ) .writeText( result.getExpression() ); m_xml.scopedElement( "Expanded" ) .writeText( result.getExpandedExpression() ); } // And... Print a result applicable to each result type. switch( result.getResultType() ) { case ResultWas::ThrewException: m_xml.startElement( "Exception" ); writeSourceInfo( result.getSourceInfo() ); m_xml.writeText( result.getMessage() ); m_xml.endElement(); break; case ResultWas::FatalErrorCondition: m_xml.startElement( "FatalErrorCondition" ); writeSourceInfo( result.getSourceInfo() ); m_xml.writeText( result.getMessage() ); m_xml.endElement(); break; case ResultWas::Info: m_xml.scopedElement( "Info" ) .writeText( result.getMessage() ); break; case ResultWas::Warning: // Warning will already have been written break; case ResultWas::ExplicitFailure: m_xml.startElement( "Failure" ); writeSourceInfo( result.getSourceInfo() ); m_xml.writeText( result.getMessage() ); m_xml.endElement(); break; default: break; } if( result.hasExpression() ) m_xml.endElement(); return true; } void sectionEnded( SectionStats const& sectionStats ) override { StreamingReporterBase::sectionEnded( sectionStats ); if( --m_sectionDepth > 0 ) { XmlWriter::ScopedElement e = m_xml.scopedElement( "OverallResults" ); e.writeAttribute( "successes", sectionStats.assertions.passed ); e.writeAttribute( "failures", sectionStats.assertions.failed ); e.writeAttribute( "expectedFailures", sectionStats.assertions.failedButOk ); if ( m_config->showDurations() == ShowDurations::Always ) e.writeAttribute( "durationInSeconds", sectionStats.durationInSeconds ); m_xml.endElement(); } } void testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats const& testCaseStats ) override { StreamingReporterBase::testCaseEnded( testCaseStats ); XmlWriter::ScopedElement e = m_xml.scopedElement( "OverallResult" ); e.writeAttribute( "success", testCaseStats.totals.assertions.allOk() ); if ( m_config->showDurations() == ShowDurations::Always ) e.writeAttribute( "durationInSeconds", m_testCaseTimer.getElapsedSeconds() ); if( !testCaseStats.stdOut.empty() ) m_xml.scopedElement( "StdOut" ).writeText( trim( testCaseStats.stdOut ), false ); if( !testCaseStats.stdErr.empty() ) m_xml.scopedElement( "StdErr" ).writeText( trim( testCaseStats.stdErr ), false ); m_xml.endElement(); } void testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats const& testGroupStats ) override { StreamingReporterBase::testGroupEnded( testGroupStats ); // TODO: Check testGroupStats.aborting and act accordingly. m_xml.scopedElement( "OverallResults" ) .writeAttribute( "successes", testGroupStats.totals.assertions.passed ) .writeAttribute( "failures", testGroupStats.totals.assertions.failed ) .writeAttribute( "expectedFailures", testGroupStats.totals.assertions.failedButOk ); m_xml.endElement(); } void testRunEnded( TestRunStats const& testRunStats ) override { StreamingReporterBase::testRunEnded( testRunStats ); m_xml.scopedElement( "OverallResults" ) .writeAttribute( "successes", testRunStats.totals.assertions.passed ) .writeAttribute( "failures", testRunStats.totals.assertions.failed ) .writeAttribute( "expectedFailures", testRunStats.totals.assertions.failedButOk ); m_xml.endElement(); } private: Timer m_testCaseTimer; XmlWriter m_xml; int m_sectionDepth = 0; }; XmlReporter::~XmlReporter() {} INTERNAL_CATCH_REGISTER_REPORTER( "xml", XmlReporter ) } // end namespace Catch