#include "catch.hpp" /* Demonstrate which version of toString/StringMaker is being used for various types */ struct has_operator { }; struct has_maker {}; struct has_maker_and_operator {}; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const has_operator&) { os << "operator<<( has_operator )"; return os; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const has_maker_and_operator&) { os << "operator<<( has_maker_and_operator )"; return os; } namespace Catch { template<> struct StringMaker { static std::string convert( const has_maker& ) { return "StringMaker"; } }; template<> struct StringMaker { static std::string convert( const has_maker_and_operator& ) { return "StringMaker"; } }; } // Call the operator TEST_CASE( "stringify( has_operator )", "[toString]" ) { has_operator item; REQUIRE( ::Catch::Detail::stringify( item ) == "operator<<( has_operator )" ); } // Call the stringmaker TEST_CASE( "stringify( has_maker )", "[toString]" ) { has_maker item; REQUIRE( ::Catch::Detail::stringify( item ) == "StringMaker" ); } // Call the stringmaker TEST_CASE( "stringify( has_maker_and_toString )", "[.][toString]" ) { has_maker_and_operator item; REQUIRE( ::Catch::Detail::stringify( item ) == "StringMaker" ); } // Vectors... // Don't run this in approval tests as it is sensitive to two phase lookup differences TEST_CASE( "toString( vectors )", "[toString]" ) { std::vector v(1); REQUIRE( ::Catch::Detail::stringify( v ) == "{ operator<<( has_operator ) }" ); } TEST_CASE( "toString( vectors )", "[toString]" ) { std::vector v(1); REQUIRE( ::Catch::Detail::stringify( v ) == "{ StringMaker }" ); } // Don't run this in approval tests as it is sensitive to two phase lookup differences TEST_CASE( "toString( vectors )", "[toString]" ) { std::vector v(1); REQUIRE( ::Catch::Detail::stringify( v ) == "{ StringMaker }" ); } // Conversion should go // StringMaker specialization, operator<<, range/enum detection, unprintable struct int_iterator { using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag; using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; using value_type = int; using reference = int&; using pointer = int*; int_iterator() = default; int_iterator(int i) :val(i) {} value_type operator*() const { return val; } bool operator==(int_iterator rhs) const { return val == rhs.val; } bool operator!=(int_iterator rhs) const { return val != rhs.val; } int_iterator operator++() { ++val; return *this; } int_iterator operator++(int) { auto temp(*this); ++val; return temp; } private: int val = 5; }; struct streamable_range { int_iterator begin() const { return int_iterator{ 1 }; } int_iterator end() const { return {}; } }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const streamable_range&) { os << "op<<(streamable_range)"; return os; } struct stringmaker_range { int_iterator begin() const { return int_iterator{ 1 }; } int_iterator end() const { return {}; } }; namespace Catch { template <> struct StringMaker { static std::string convert(stringmaker_range const&) { return "stringmaker(streamable_range)"; } }; } struct just_range { int_iterator begin() const { return int_iterator{ 1 }; } int_iterator end() const { return {}; } }; struct disabled_range { int_iterator begin() const { return int_iterator{ 1 }; } int_iterator end() const { return {}; } }; namespace Catch { template <> struct is_range { static const bool value = false; }; } TEST_CASE("toString streamable range", "[toString]") { REQUIRE(::Catch::Detail::stringify(streamable_range{}) == "op<<(streamable_range)"); REQUIRE(::Catch::Detail::stringify(stringmaker_range{}) == "stringmaker(streamable_range)"); REQUIRE(::Catch::Detail::stringify(just_range{}) == "{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }"); REQUIRE(::Catch::Detail::stringify(disabled_range{}) == "{?}"); }