# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. function(add_command NAME) set(_args "") # use ARGV* instead of ARGN, because ARGN splits arrays into multiple arguments math(EXPR _last_arg ${ARGC}-1) foreach(_n RANGE 1 ${_last_arg}) set(_arg "${ARGV${_n}}") if(_arg MATCHES "[^-./:a-zA-Z0-9_]") set(_args "${_args} [==[${_arg}]==]") # form a bracket_argument else() set(_args "${_args} ${_arg}") endif() endforeach() set(script "${script}${NAME}(${_args})\n" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(catch_discover_tests_impl) cmake_parse_arguments( "" "" "TEST_EXECUTABLE;TEST_WORKING_DIR;TEST_DL_PATHS;TEST_OUTPUT_DIR;TEST_OUTPUT_PREFIX;TEST_OUTPUT_SUFFIX;TEST_PREFIX;TEST_REPORTER;TEST_SPEC;TEST_SUFFIX;TEST_LIST;CTEST_FILE" "TEST_EXTRA_ARGS;TEST_PROPERTIES;TEST_EXECUTOR" ${ARGN} ) set(prefix "${_TEST_PREFIX}") set(suffix "${_TEST_SUFFIX}") set(spec ${_TEST_SPEC}) set(extra_args ${_TEST_EXTRA_ARGS}) set(properties ${_TEST_PROPERTIES}) set(reporter ${_TEST_REPORTER}) set(output_dir ${_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR}) set(output_prefix ${_TEST_OUTPUT_PREFIX}) set(output_suffix ${_TEST_OUTPUT_SUFFIX}) set(dl_paths ${_TEST_DL_PATHS}) set(script) set(suite) set(tests) if(WIN32) set(dl_paths_variable_name PATH) elseif(APPLE) set(dl_paths_variable_name DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH) else() set(dl_paths_variable_name LD_LIBRARY_PATH) endif() # Run test executable to get list of available tests if(NOT EXISTS "${_TEST_EXECUTABLE}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Specified test executable '${_TEST_EXECUTABLE}' does not exist" ) endif() if(dl_paths) cmake_path(CONVERT "${dl_paths}" TO_NATIVE_PATH_LIST paths) set(ENV{${dl_paths_variable_name}} "${paths}") endif() execute_process( COMMAND ${_TEST_EXECUTOR} "${_TEST_EXECUTABLE}" ${spec} --list-tests --reporter JSON OUTPUT_VARIABLE output RESULT_VARIABLE result WORKING_DIRECTORY "${_TEST_WORKING_DIR}" ) if(NOT ${result} EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error running test executable '${_TEST_EXECUTABLE}':\n" " Result: ${result}\n" " Output: ${output}\n" ) endif() # Prepare reporter if(reporter) set(reporter_arg "--reporter ${reporter}") # Run test executable to check whether reporter is available # note that the use of --list-reporters is not the important part, # we only want to check whether the execution succeeds with ${reporter_arg} execute_process( COMMAND ${_TEST_EXECUTOR} "${_TEST_EXECUTABLE}" ${spec} ${reporter_arg} --list-reporters OUTPUT_VARIABLE reporter_check_output RESULT_VARIABLE reporter_check_result WORKING_DIRECTORY "${_TEST_WORKING_DIR}" ) if(${reporter_check_result} EQUAL 255) message(FATAL_ERROR "\"${reporter}\" is not a valid reporter!\n" ) elseif(NOT ${reporter_check_result} EQUAL 0) message(FATAL_ERROR "Error running test executable '${_TEST_EXECUTABLE}':\n" " Result: ${reporter_check_result}\n" " Output: ${reporter_check_output}\n" ) endif() endif() # Prepare output dir if(output_dir AND NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${output_dir}) set(output_dir "${_TEST_WORKING_DIR}/${output_dir}") if(NOT EXISTS ${output_dir}) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${output_dir}) endif() endif() if(dl_paths) foreach(path ${dl_paths}) cmake_path(NATIVE_PATH path native_path) list(APPEND environment_modifications "${dl_paths_variable_name}=path_list_prepend:${native_path}") endforeach() endif() # Catch2 string escape logic is a bit funky, double quotes are escaped but single # slash is not, the following line of code tries to handle it but it can be brittle. string(REGEX REPLACE [[\\([^"])]] [[\\\\\1]] output "${output}") string(JSON listings GET "${output}" "listings") string(JSON tests GET "${listings}" "tests") string(JSON tests_length LENGTH "${tests}") # CMake foreach loop is inclusive math(EXPR test_end "${tests_length} - 1") # Parse output foreach(index RANGE "${test_end}") string(JSON test_spec GET "${tests}" "${index}") string(JSON test GET "${test_spec}" "name") # Escape characters in test case names that would be parsed by Catch2 # Note that the \ escaping must happen FIRST! Do not change the order. set(test_name "${test}") foreach(char \\ , [ ]) string(REPLACE ${char} "\\${char}" test_name "${test_name}") endforeach(char) # ...add output dir if(output_dir) string(REGEX REPLACE "[^A-Za-z0-9_]" "_" test_name_clean ${test_name}) set(output_dir_arg "--out ${output_dir}/${output_prefix}${test_name_clean}${output_suffix}") endif() # ...and add to script add_command(add_test "${prefix}${test}${suffix}" ${_TEST_EXECUTOR} "${_TEST_EXECUTABLE}" "${test_name}" ${extra_args} "${reporter_arg}" "${output_dir_arg}" ) add_command(set_tests_properties "${prefix}${test}${suffix}" PROPERTIES WORKING_DIRECTORY "${_TEST_WORKING_DIR}" ${properties} ) if(environment_modifications) add_command(set_tests_properties "${prefix}${test}${suffix}" PROPERTIES ENVIRONMENT_MODIFICATION "${environment_modifications}" ) endif() list(APPEND tests "${prefix}${test}${suffix}") string(JSON tags GET "${test_spec}" "tags") string(JSON tags_length LENGTH "${tags}") if("${tags_length}" GREATER 0) math(EXPR tag_end "${tags_length} - 1") foreach(tag_index RANGE "${tag_end}") string(JSON tag GET "${tags}" "${tag_index}") add_command(set_tests_properties "${prefix}${test}${suffix}" PROPERTIES LABELS "${tags}" ) endforeach() endif() endforeach() # Create a list of all discovered tests, which users may use to e.g. set # properties on the tests add_command(set ${_TEST_LIST} ${tests}) # Write CTest script file(WRITE "${_CTEST_FILE}" "${script}") endfunction() if(CMAKE_SCRIPT_MODE_FILE) catch_discover_tests_impl( TEST_EXECUTABLE ${TEST_EXECUTABLE} TEST_EXECUTOR ${TEST_EXECUTOR} TEST_WORKING_DIR ${TEST_WORKING_DIR} TEST_SPEC ${TEST_SPEC} TEST_EXTRA_ARGS ${TEST_EXTRA_ARGS} TEST_PROPERTIES ${TEST_PROPERTIES} TEST_PREFIX ${TEST_PREFIX} TEST_SUFFIX ${TEST_SUFFIX} TEST_LIST ${TEST_LIST} TEST_REPORTER ${TEST_REPORTER} TEST_OUTPUT_DIR ${TEST_OUTPUT_DIR} TEST_OUTPUT_PREFIX ${TEST_OUTPUT_PREFIX} TEST_OUTPUT_SUFFIX ${TEST_OUTPUT_SUFFIX} TEST_DL_PATHS ${TEST_DL_PATHS} CTEST_FILE ${CTEST_FILE} ) endif()