/* * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying * file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef __clang__ # pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat" # pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat-pedantic" #endif #include #include #include #include #include namespace { static const char* makeString(bool makeNull) { return makeNull ? nullptr : "valid string"; } static bool testCheckedIf(bool flag) { CHECKED_IF(flag) return true; else return false; } static bool testCheckedElse(bool flag) { CHECKED_ELSE(flag) return false; return true; } static unsigned int Factorial(unsigned int number) { return number > 1 ? Factorial(number - 1) * number : 1; } static int f() { return 1; } static void manuallyRegisteredTestFunction() { SUCCEED("was called"); } struct AutoTestReg { AutoTestReg() { REGISTER_TEST_CASE(manuallyRegisteredTestFunction, "ManuallyRegistered"); } }; CATCH_INTERNAL_START_WARNINGS_SUPPRESSION CATCH_INTERNAL_SUPPRESS_GLOBALS_WARNINGS static AutoTestReg autoTestReg; CATCH_INTERNAL_STOP_WARNINGS_SUPPRESSION template struct Foo { size_t size() { return 0; } }; template struct Bar { size_t size() { return S; } }; } TEST_CASE( "random SECTION tests", "[.][sections][failing]" ) { int a = 1; int b = 2; SECTION( "doesn't equal" ) { REQUIRE( a != b ); REQUIRE( b != a ); } SECTION( "not equal" ) { REQUIRE( a != b); } } TEST_CASE( "nested SECTION tests", "[.][sections][failing]" ) { int a = 1; int b = 2; SECTION( "doesn't equal" ) { REQUIRE( a != b ); REQUIRE( b != a ); SECTION( "not equal" ) { REQUIRE( a != b); } } } TEST_CASE( "more nested SECTION tests", "[sections][failing][.]" ) { int a = 1; int b = 2; SECTION( "doesn't equal" ) { SECTION( "equal" ) { REQUIRE( a == b ); } SECTION( "not equal" ) { REQUIRE( a != b ); } SECTION( "less than" ) { REQUIRE( a < b ); } } } TEST_CASE( "even more nested SECTION tests", "[sections]" ) { SECTION( "c" ) { SECTION( "d (leaf)" ) { SUCCEED(); // avoid failing due to no tests } SECTION( "e (leaf)" ) { SUCCEED(); // avoid failing due to no tests } } SECTION( "f (leaf)" ) { SUCCEED(); // avoid failing due to no tests } } TEST_CASE( "looped SECTION tests", "[.][failing][sections]" ) { int a = 1; for( int b = 0; b < 10; ++b ) { DYNAMIC_SECTION( "b is currently: " << b ) { CHECK( b > a ); } } } TEST_CASE( "looped tests", "[.][failing]" ) { static const int fib[] = { 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 }; for( std::size_t i=0; i < sizeof(fib)/sizeof(int); ++i ) { INFO( "Testing if fib[" << i << "] (" << fib[i] << ") is even" ); CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 ); } } TEST_CASE( "Sends stuff to stdout and stderr", "[.]" ) { std::cout << "A string sent directly to stdout" << std::endl; std::cerr << "A string sent directly to stderr" << std::endl; std::clog << "A string sent to stderr via clog" << std::endl; } TEST_CASE( "null strings" ) { REQUIRE( makeString( false ) != static_cast(nullptr)); REQUIRE( makeString( true ) == static_cast(nullptr)); } TEST_CASE( "checkedIf" ) { REQUIRE( testCheckedIf( true ) ); } TEST_CASE( "checkedIf, failing", "[failing][.]" ) { REQUIRE( testCheckedIf( false ) ); } TEST_CASE( "checkedElse" ) { REQUIRE( testCheckedElse( true ) ); } TEST_CASE( "checkedElse, failing", "[failing][.]" ) { REQUIRE( testCheckedElse( false ) ); } TEST_CASE("Testing checked-if", "[checked-if]") { CHECKED_IF(true) { SUCCEED(); } CHECKED_IF(false) { FAIL(); } CHECKED_ELSE(true) { FAIL(); } CHECKED_ELSE(false) { SUCCEED(); } } TEST_CASE("Testing checked-if 2", "[checked-if][!shouldfail]") { CHECKED_IF(true) { FAIL(); } // If the checked if is not entered, this passes and the test // fails, because of the [!shouldfail] tag. SUCCEED(); } TEST_CASE("Testing checked-if 3", "[checked-if][!shouldfail]") { CHECKED_ELSE(false) { FAIL(); } // If the checked false is not entered, this passes and the test // fails, because of the [!shouldfail] tag. SUCCEED(); } TEST_CASE( "xmlentitycheck" ) { SECTION( "embedded xml: it should be possible to embed xml characters, such as <, \" or &, or even whole documents within an attribute" ) { SUCCEED(); // We need this here to stop it failing due to no tests } SECTION( "encoded chars: these should all be encoded: &&&\"\"\"<<<&\"<<&\"" ) { SUCCEED(); // We need this here to stop it failing due to no tests } } TEST_CASE( "send a single char to INFO", "[failing][.]" ) { INFO(3); REQUIRE(false); } TEST_CASE( "Factorials are computed", "[factorial]" ) { REQUIRE( Factorial(0) == 1 ); REQUIRE( Factorial(1) == 1 ); REQUIRE( Factorial(2) == 2 ); REQUIRE( Factorial(3) == 6 ); REQUIRE( Factorial(10) == 3628800 ); } TEST_CASE( "An empty test with no assertions", "[empty]" ) {} TEST_CASE( "Nice descriptive name", "[tag1][tag2][tag3][.]" ) { WARN( "This one ran" ); } TEST_CASE( "first tag", "[tag1]" ) {} TEST_CASE( "second tag", "[tag2]" ) {} TEST_CASE( "vectors can be sized and resized", "[vector]" ) { std::vector v( 5 ); REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 ); REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 ); SECTION( "resizing bigger changes size and capacity" ) { v.resize( 10 ); REQUIRE( v.size() == 10 ); REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 10 ); } SECTION( "resizing smaller changes size but not capacity" ) { v.resize( 0 ); REQUIRE( v.size() == 0 ); REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 ); SECTION( "We can use the 'swap trick' to reset the capacity" ) { std::vector empty; empty.swap( v ); REQUIRE( v.capacity() == 0 ); } } SECTION( "reserving bigger changes capacity but not size" ) { v.reserve( 10 ); REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 ); REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 10 ); } SECTION( "reserving smaller does not change size or capacity" ) { v.reserve( 0 ); REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 ); REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 ); } } TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE( "TemplateTest: vectors can be sized and resized", "[vector][template]", int, float, std::string, (std::tuple) ) { std::vector v( 5 ); REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 ); REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 ); SECTION( "resizing bigger changes size and capacity" ) { v.resize( 10 ); REQUIRE( v.size() == 10 ); REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 10 ); } SECTION( "resizing smaller changes size but not capacity" ) { v.resize( 0 ); REQUIRE( v.size() == 0 ); REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 ); SECTION( "We can use the 'swap trick' to reset the capacity" ) { std::vector empty; empty.swap( v ); REQUIRE( v.capacity() == 0 ); } } SECTION( "reserving bigger changes capacity but not size" ) { v.reserve( 10 ); REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 ); REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 10 ); } SECTION( "reserving smaller does not change size or capacity" ) { v.reserve( 0 ); REQUIRE( v.size() == 5 ); REQUIRE( v.capacity() >= 5 ); } } TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE_SIG("TemplateTestSig: vectors can be sized and resized", "[vector][template][nttp]", ((typename TestType, int V), TestType, V), (int,5), (float,4), (std::string,15), ((std::tuple), 6)) { std::vector v(V); REQUIRE(v.size() == V); REQUIRE(v.capacity() >= V); SECTION("resizing bigger changes size and capacity") { v.resize(2 * V); REQUIRE(v.size() == 2 * V); REQUIRE(v.capacity() >= 2 * V); } SECTION("resizing smaller changes size but not capacity") { v.resize(0); REQUIRE(v.size() == 0); REQUIRE(v.capacity() >= V); SECTION("We can use the 'swap trick' to reset the capacity") { std::vector empty; empty.swap(v); REQUIRE(v.capacity() == 0); } } SECTION("reserving bigger changes capacity but not size") { v.reserve(2 * V); REQUIRE(v.size() == V); REQUIRE(v.capacity() >= 2 * V); } SECTION("reserving smaller does not change size or capacity") { v.reserve(0); REQUIRE(v.size() == V); REQUIRE(v.capacity() >= V); } } TEMPLATE_PRODUCT_TEST_CASE("A Template product test case", "[template][product]", (std::vector, Foo), (int, float)) { TestType x; REQUIRE(x.size() == 0); } TEMPLATE_PRODUCT_TEST_CASE_SIG("A Template product test case with array signature", "[template][product][nttp]", ((typename T, size_t S), T, S), (std::array, Bar), ((int, 9), (float, 42))) { TestType x; REQUIRE(x.size() > 0); } TEMPLATE_PRODUCT_TEST_CASE("Product with differing arities", "[template][product]", std::tuple, (int, (int, double), (int, double, float))) { REQUIRE(std::tuple_size::value >= 1); } using MyTypes = std::tuple; TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE("Template test case with test types specified inside std::tuple", "[template][list]", MyTypes) { REQUIRE(sizeof(TestType) > 0); } struct NonDefaultConstructibleType { NonDefaultConstructibleType() = delete; }; using MyNonDefaultConstructibleTypes = std::tuple; TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE("Template test case with test types specified inside non-default-constructible std::tuple", "[template][list]", MyNonDefaultConstructibleTypes) { REQUIRE(sizeof(TestType) > 0); } struct NonCopyableAndNonMovableType { NonCopyableAndNonMovableType() = default; NonCopyableAndNonMovableType(NonCopyableAndNonMovableType const &) = delete; NonCopyableAndNonMovableType(NonCopyableAndNonMovableType &&) = delete; auto operator=(NonCopyableAndNonMovableType const &) -> NonCopyableAndNonMovableType & = delete; auto operator=(NonCopyableAndNonMovableType &&) -> NonCopyableAndNonMovableType & = delete; }; using NonCopyableAndNonMovableTypes = std::tuple; TEMPLATE_LIST_TEST_CASE("Template test case with test types specified inside non-copyable and non-movable std::tuple", "[template][list]", NonCopyableAndNonMovableTypes) { REQUIRE(sizeof(TestType) > 0); } // https://github.com/philsquared/Catch/issues/166 TEST_CASE("A couple of nested sections followed by a failure", "[failing][.]") { SECTION("Outer") SECTION("Inner") SUCCEED("that's not flying - that's failing in style"); FAIL("to infinity and beyond"); } TEST_CASE("not allowed", "[!throws]") { // This test case should not be included if you run with -e on the command line SUCCEED(); } TEST_CASE( "Tabs and newlines show in output", "[.][whitespace][failing]" ) { // Based on issue #242 std::string s1 = "if ($b == 10) {\n\t\t$a\t= 20;\n}"; std::string s2 = "if ($b == 10) {\n\t$a = 20;\n}\n"; CHECK( s1 == s2 ); } #if defined(CATCH_CONFIG_WCHAR) TEST_CASE( "toString on const wchar_t const pointer returns the string contents", "[toString]" ) { const wchar_t * const s = L"wide load"; std::string result = ::Catch::Detail::stringify( s ); CHECK( result == "\"wide load\"" ); } TEST_CASE( "toString on const wchar_t pointer returns the string contents", "[toString]" ) { const wchar_t * s = L"wide load"; std::string result = ::Catch::Detail::stringify( s ); CHECK( result == "\"wide load\"" ); } TEST_CASE( "toString on wchar_t const pointer returns the string contents", "[toString]" ) { auto const s = const_cast( L"wide load" ); std::string result = ::Catch::Detail::stringify( s ); CHECK( result == "\"wide load\"" ); } TEST_CASE( "toString on wchar_t returns the string contents", "[toString]" ) { auto s = const_cast( L"wide load" ); std::string result = ::Catch::Detail::stringify( s ); CHECK( result == "\"wide load\"" ); } #endif // CATCH_CONFIG_WCHAR TEST_CASE( "long long" ) { constexpr long long l = std::numeric_limits::max(); REQUIRE( l == std::numeric_limits::max() ); } TEST_CASE( "This test 'should' fail but doesn't", "[.][failing][!shouldfail]" ) { SUCCEED( "oops!" ); } TEST_CASE( "# A test name that starts with a #" ) { SUCCEED( "yay" ); } TEST_CASE( "#835 -- errno should not be touched by Catch", "[.][failing][!shouldfail]" ) { errno = 1; CHECK(f() == 0); REQUIRE(errno == 1); // Check that f() doesn't touch errno. } TEST_CASE( "#961 -- Dynamically created sections should all be reported", "[.]" ) { for (char i = '0'; i < '5'; ++i) { SECTION(std::string("Looped section ") + i) { SUCCEED( "Everything is OK" ); } } } TEST_CASE( "#1175 - Hidden Test", "[.]" ) { // Just for checking that hidden test is not listed by default SUCCEED(); } TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE_SIG("#1954 - 7 arg template test case sig compiles", "[regression][.compilation]", ((int Tnx, int Tnu, int Tny, int Tph, int Tch, int Tineq, int Teq), Tnx, Tnu, Tny, Tph, Tch, Tineq, Teq), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0), (5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0), (5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0)) { SUCCEED(); } TEST_CASE("Same test name but with different tags is fine", "[.approvals][some-tag]") {} TEST_CASE("Same test name but with different tags is fine", "[.approvals][other-tag]") {} #if defined(CATCH_PLATFORM_WINDOWS) void throw_and_catch() { __try { RaiseException(0xC0000005, 0, 0, NULL); } __except (1) { } } TEST_CASE("Validate SEH behavior - handled", "[approvals][FatalConditionHandler][CATCH_PLATFORM_WINDOWS]") { // Validate that Catch2 framework correctly handles tests raising and handling SEH exceptions. throw_and_catch(); } void throw_no_catch() { RaiseException(0xC0000005, 0, 0, NULL); } TEST_CASE("Validate SEH behavior - unhandled", "[.approvals][FatalConditionHandler][CATCH_PLATFORM_WINDOWS]") { // Validate that Catch2 framework correctly handles tests raising and not handling SEH exceptions. throw_no_catch(); } #endif