# Assertion Macros

Most test frameworks have a large collection of assertion macros to capture all possible conditional forms (```_EQUALS```, ```_NOTEQUALS```, ```_GREATER_THAN``` etc).

Catch is different. Because it decomposes natural C-style conditional expressions most of these forms are reduced to one or two that you will use all the time. That said there are a rich set of auxilliary macros as well. We'll describe all of these here.

Most of these macros come in two forms:

## Natural Expressions

The ```REQUIRE``` family of macros tests an expression and aborts the test case if it fails.
The ```CHECK``` family are equivalent but execution continues in the same test case even if the assertion fails. This is useful if you have a series of essentially orthoginal assertions and it is useful to see all the results rather than stopping at the first failure.

* **REQUIRE(** _expression_ **)** and  
* **CHECK(** _expression_ **)**

Evaluates the expression and records the result. If an exception is thrown it is caught, reported, and counted as a failure. These are the macros you will use most of  the time


CHECK( str == "string value" );
CHECK( thisReturnsTrue() );
REQUIRE( i == 42 );
* **REQUIRE_FALSE(** _expression_ **)** and  
* **CHECK_FALSE(** _expression_ **)**

Evaluates the expression and records the _logical NOT_ of the result. If an exception is thrown it is caught, reported, and counted as a failure.
(these forms exist as a workaround for the fact that ! prefixed expressions cannot be decomposed).

REQUIRE_FALSE( thisReturnsFalse() );

## Exceptions

* **REQUIRE_THROWS(** _expression_ **)** and  
* **CHECK_THROWS(** _expression_ **)**

Expects that an exception (of any type) is be thrown during evaluation of the expression.

* **REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(** _expression_ and _exception type_ **)** and  
* **CHECK_THROWS_AS(** _expression_, _exception type_ **)**

Expects that an exception of the _specified type_ is thrown during evaluation of the expression.

* **REQUIRE_NOTHROW(** _expression_ **)** and  
* **CHECK_NOTHROW(** _expression_ **)**

Expects that no exception is thrown during evaluation of the expression.

## Matcher expressions

To support Matchers a slightly different form is used. Matchers will be more fully documented elsewhere. *Note that Matchers are still at early stage development and are subject to change.*

* **REQUIRE_THAT(** _lhs_, _matcher call_ **)** and  
* **CHECK_THAT(** _lhs_, _matcher call_ **)**  

