
263 lines
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// Copyright Catch2 Authors
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <catch2/catch_test_case_info.hpp>
#include <catch2/catch_config.hpp>
#include <catch2/interfaces/catch_interfaces_reporter.hpp>
#include <catch2/interfaces/catch_interfaces_reporter_factory.hpp>
#include <catch2/interfaces/catch_interfaces_reporter_registry.hpp>
#include <catch2/internal/catch_list.hpp>
#include <catch2/matchers/catch_matchers_string.hpp>
#include <catch2/reporters/catch_reporter_helpers.hpp>
#include <catch2/reporters/catch_reporter_event_listener.hpp>
#include <catch2/reporters/catch_reporter_streaming_base.hpp>
#include <catch2/reporters/catch_reporter_multi.hpp>
#include <sstream>
TEST_CASE( "The default listing implementation write to provided stream",
"[reporters][reporter-helpers]" ) {
using Catch::Matchers::ContainsSubstring;
using namespace std::string_literals;
std::stringstream sstream;
SECTION( "Listing tags" ) {
std::vector<Catch::TagInfo> tags(1);
Catch::defaultListTags(sstream, tags, false);
auto listingString = sstream.str();
REQUIRE_THAT(listingString, ContainsSubstring("[fakeTag]"s));
SECTION( "Listing reporters" ) {
std::vector<Catch::ReporterDescription> reporters(
{ { "fake reporter", "fake description" } } );
Catch::defaultListReporters(sstream, reporters, Catch::Verbosity::Normal);
auto listingString = sstream.str();
REQUIRE_THAT(listingString, ContainsSubstring("fake reporter"s));
SECTION( "Listing tests" ) {
Catch::TestCaseInfo fakeInfo{
{ "fake test name"_catch_sr, "[fakeTestTag]"_catch_sr },
{ "fake-file.cpp", 123456789 } };
std::vector<Catch::TestCaseHandle> tests({ {&fakeInfo, nullptr} });
Catch::defaultListTests(sstream, tests, false, Catch::Verbosity::Normal);
auto listingString = sstream.str();
REQUIRE_THAT( listingString,
ContainsSubstring( "fake test name"s ) &&
ContainsSubstring( "fakeTestTag"s ) );
TEST_CASE( "Reporter's write listings to provided stream", "[reporters]" ) {
using Catch::Matchers::ContainsSubstring;
using namespace std::string_literals;
auto const& factories = Catch::getRegistryHub().getReporterRegistry().getFactories();
// If there are no reporters, the test would pass falsely
// while there is something obviously broken
for (auto const& factory : factories) {
INFO("Tested reporter: " << factory.first);
std::stringstream sstream;
Catch::ConfigData config_data;
Catch::Config config( config_data );
Catch::ReporterConfig rep_config( &config, sstream );
auto reporter = factory.second->create( rep_config );
DYNAMIC_SECTION( factory.first << " reporter lists tags" ) {
std::vector<Catch::TagInfo> tags(1);
auto listingString = sstream.str();
REQUIRE_THAT(listingString, ContainsSubstring("fakeTag"s));
DYNAMIC_SECTION( factory.first << " reporter lists reporters" ) {
std::vector<Catch::ReporterDescription> reporters(
{ { "fake reporter", "fake description" } } );
auto listingString = sstream.str();
REQUIRE_THAT(listingString, ContainsSubstring("fake reporter"s));
DYNAMIC_SECTION( factory.first << " reporter lists tests" ) {
Catch::TestCaseInfo fakeInfo{
{ "fake test name"_catch_sr, "[fakeTestTag]"_catch_sr },
{ "fake-file.cpp", 123456789 } };
std::vector<Catch::TestCaseHandle> tests({ {&fakeInfo, nullptr} });
auto listingString = sstream.str();
REQUIRE_THAT( listingString,
ContainsSubstring( "fake test name"s ) &&
ContainsSubstring( "fakeTestTag"s ) );
TEST_CASE("Reproducer for #2309 - a very long description past 80 chars (default console width) with a late colon : blablabla", "[console-reporter]") {
namespace {
// A listener that writes provided string into destination,
// to record order of testRunStarting invocation.
class MockListener : public Catch::EventListenerBase {
std::string m_witness;
std::vector<std::string>& m_recorder;
MockListener( std::string witness,
std::vector<std::string>& recorder,
Catch::ReporterConfig const& config ):
EventListenerBase( config ),
m_witness( witness ),
m_recorder( recorder )
void testRunStarting( Catch::TestRunInfo const& ) override {
m_recorder.push_back( m_witness );
// A reporter that writes provided string into destination,
// to record order of testRunStarting invocation.
class MockReporter : public Catch::StreamingReporterBase {
std::string m_witness;
std::vector<std::string>& m_recorder;
MockReporter( std::string witness,
std::vector<std::string>& recorder,
Catch::ReporterConfig const& config ):
StreamingReporterBase( config ),
m_witness( witness ),
m_recorder( recorder )
void testRunStarting( Catch::TestRunInfo const& ) override {
m_recorder.push_back( m_witness );
} // namespace
TEST_CASE("Multireporter calls reporters and listeners in correct order",
"[reporters][multi-reporter]") {
Catch::ConfigData config_data;
Catch::Config config( config_data );
std::stringstream sstream;
Catch::ReporterConfig rep_config( &config, sstream );
// We add reporters before listeners, to check that internally they
// get sorted properly, and listeners are called first anyway.
Catch::MultiReporter multiReporter( &config );
std::vector<std::string> records;
multiReporter.addReporter( Catch::Detail::make_unique<MockReporter>(
"Goodbye", records, rep_config ) );
multiReporter.addListener( Catch::Detail::make_unique<MockListener>(
"Hello", records, rep_config ) );
multiReporter.addListener( Catch::Detail::make_unique<MockListener>(
"world", records, rep_config ) );
multiReporter.addReporter( Catch::Detail::make_unique<MockReporter>(
"world", records, rep_config ) );
multiReporter.testRunStarting( { "" } );
std::vector<std::string> expected( { "Hello", "world", "Goodbye", "world" } );
REQUIRE( records == expected );
namespace {
// A listener that sets it preferences to test that multireporter,
// properly sets up its own preferences
class PreferenceListener : public Catch::EventListenerBase {
PreferenceListener( bool redirectStdout,
bool reportAllAssertions,
Catch::ReporterConfig const& config ):
EventListenerBase( config ) {
m_preferences.shouldRedirectStdOut = redirectStdout;
m_preferences.shouldReportAllAssertions = reportAllAssertions;
// A reporter that sets it preferences to test that multireporter,
// properly sets up its own preferences
class PreferenceReporter : public Catch::StreamingReporterBase {
PreferenceReporter( bool redirectStdout,
bool reportAllAssertions,
Catch::ReporterConfig const& config ):
StreamingReporterBase( config ) {
m_preferences.shouldRedirectStdOut = redirectStdout;
m_preferences.shouldReportAllAssertions = reportAllAssertions;
} // namespace
TEST_CASE("Multireporter updates ReporterPreferences properly",
"[reporters][multi-reporter]") {
Catch::ConfigData config_data;
Catch::Config config( config_data );
std::stringstream sstream;
Catch::ReporterConfig rep_config( &config, sstream );
Catch::MultiReporter multiReporter( &config );
// Post init defaults
REQUIRE( multiReporter.getPreferences().shouldRedirectStdOut == false );
REQUIRE( multiReporter.getPreferences().shouldReportAllAssertions == false );
SECTION( "Adding listeners" ) {
true, false, rep_config ) );
REQUIRE( multiReporter.getPreferences().shouldRedirectStdOut == true );
REQUIRE( multiReporter.getPreferences().shouldReportAllAssertions == false );
false, true, rep_config ) );
REQUIRE( multiReporter.getPreferences().shouldRedirectStdOut == true );
REQUIRE( multiReporter.getPreferences().shouldReportAllAssertions == true);
false, false, rep_config ) );
REQUIRE( multiReporter.getPreferences().shouldRedirectStdOut == true );
REQUIRE( multiReporter.getPreferences().shouldReportAllAssertions == true );
SECTION( "Adding reporters" ) {
true, false, rep_config ) );
REQUIRE( multiReporter.getPreferences().shouldRedirectStdOut == true );
REQUIRE( multiReporter.getPreferences().shouldReportAllAssertions == false );
false, true, rep_config ) );
REQUIRE( multiReporter.getPreferences().shouldRedirectStdOut == true );
REQUIRE( multiReporter.getPreferences().shouldReportAllAssertions == true );
false, false, rep_config ) );
REQUIRE( multiReporter.getPreferences().shouldRedirectStdOut == true );
REQUIRE( multiReporter.getPreferences().shouldReportAllAssertions == true );