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// Copyright Catch2 Authors
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
// https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#include <helpers/type_with_lit_0_comparisons.hpp>
#include <array>
#include <type_traits>
// Setup for #1403 -- look for global overloads of operator << for classes
// in a different namespace.
#include <ostream>
namespace foo {
struct helper_1403 {
bool operator==(helper_1403) const { return true; }
namespace bar {
template <typename... Ts>
struct TypeList {};
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-declarations"
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, foo::helper_1403 const&) {
return out << "[1403 helper]";
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <catch2/generators/catch_generators_range.hpp>
#include <catch2/matchers/catch_matchers_string.hpp>
#include <cstring>
// Comparison operators can return non-booleans.
// This is unusual, but should be supported.
struct logic_t {
logic_t operator< (logic_t) const { return {}; }
logic_t operator<=(logic_t) const { return {}; }
logic_t operator> (logic_t) const { return {}; }
logic_t operator>=(logic_t) const { return {}; }
logic_t operator==(logic_t) const { return {}; }
logic_t operator!=(logic_t) const { return {}; }
explicit operator bool() const { return true; }
static void throws_int(bool b) {
if (b) {
throw 1;
template<typename T>
bool templated_tests(T t) {
int a = 3;
REQUIRE(a == t);
CHECK(a == t);
CHECK_THROWS_AS(throws_int(true), int);
REQUIRE_THAT("aaa", Catch::Matchers::EndsWith("aaa"));
return true;
struct A {};
static std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const A &) { return o << 0; }
struct B : private A {
bool operator==(int) const { return true; }
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#ifdef __GNUC__
// Note that because -~GCC~-, this warning cannot be silenced temporarily, by pushing diagnostic stack...
// Luckily it is firing in test files and thus can be silenced for the whole file, without losing much.
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
B f();
std::ostream g();
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
template <typename, typename>
struct Fixture_1245 {};
// This is a minimal example for an issue we have found in 1.7.0
struct dummy_809 {
int i;
template<typename T>
bool operator==(const T& val, dummy_809 f) {
return val == f.i;
TEST_CASE("#809") {
dummy_809 f;
f.i = 42;
REQUIRE(42 == f);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Changes to REQUIRE_THROWS_AS made it stop working in a template in
// an unfixable way (as long as C++03 compatibility is being kept).
// To prevent these from happening in the future, this needs to compile
TEST_CASE("#833") {
// Test containing example where original stream insertable check breaks compilation
TEST_CASE("#872") {
A dummy;
B x;
REQUIRE (x == 4);
TEST_CASE("#1027: Bitfields can be captured") {
struct Y {
uint32_t v : 1;
Y y{ 0 };
REQUIRE(y.v == 0);
REQUIRE(0 == y.v);
// Comparison operators can return non-booleans.
// This is unusual, but should be supported.
TEST_CASE("#1147") {
logic_t t1, t2;
REQUIRE(t1 == t2);
REQUIRE(t1 != t2);
REQUIRE(t1 < t2);
REQUIRE(t1 > t2);
REQUIRE(t1 <= t2);
REQUIRE(t1 >= t2);
// unsigned array
TEST_CASE("#1238") {
unsigned char uarr[] = "123";
signed char sarr[] = "456";
REQUIRE(std::memcmp(uarr, "123", sizeof(uarr)) == 0);
REQUIRE(std::memcmp(sarr, "456", sizeof(sarr)) == 0);
TEST_CASE_METHOD((Fixture_1245<int, int>), "#1245", "[compilation]") {
TEST_CASE("#1403", "[compilation]") {
::foo::helper_1403 h1, h2;
REQUIRE(h1 == h2);
TEST_CASE("Optionally static assertions", "[compilation]") {
STATIC_REQUIRE( std::is_void<void>::value );
STATIC_REQUIRE_FALSE( std::is_void<int>::value );
STATIC_CHECK( std::is_void<void>::value );
STATIC_CHECK_FALSE( std::is_void<int>::value );
TEST_CASE("#1548", "[compilation]") {
using namespace bar;
REQUIRE(std::is_same<TypeList<int>, TypeList<int>>::value);
// #925
using signal_t = void (*) (void*);
struct TestClass {
signal_t testMethod_uponComplete_arg = nullptr;
namespace utility {
inline static void synchronizing_callback( void * ) { }
#if defined (_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(push)
// The function pointer comparison below triggers warning because of
// calling conventions
#pragma warning(disable:4244)
TEST_CASE("#925: comparing function pointer to function address failed to compile", "[!nonportable]" ) {
TestClass test;
REQUIRE(utility::synchronizing_callback != test.testMethod_uponComplete_arg);
#if defined (_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(pop)
TEST_CASE( "#1319: Sections can have description (even if it is not saved",
"[compilation]" ) {
SECTION( "SectionName", "This is a long form section description" ) {
TEST_CASE("Lambdas in assertions") {
REQUIRE([]() { return true; }());
namespace {
struct HasBitOperators {
int value;
friend HasBitOperators operator| (HasBitOperators lhs, HasBitOperators rhs) {
return { lhs.value | rhs.value };
friend HasBitOperators operator& (HasBitOperators lhs, HasBitOperators rhs) {
return { lhs.value & rhs.value };
friend HasBitOperators operator^ (HasBitOperators lhs, HasBitOperators rhs) {
return { lhs.value ^ rhs.value };
explicit operator bool() const {
return !!value;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, HasBitOperators val) {
out << "Val: " << val.value;
return out;
TEST_CASE("Assertion macros support bit operators and bool conversions", "[compilation][bitops]") {
HasBitOperators lhs{ 1 }, rhs{ 2 };
REQUIRE(lhs | rhs);
REQUIRE_FALSE(lhs & rhs);
REQUIRE(HasBitOperators{ 1 } & HasBitOperators{ 1 });
REQUIRE(lhs ^ rhs);
REQUIRE_FALSE(lhs ^ lhs);
namespace {
struct ImmovableType {
ImmovableType() = default;
ImmovableType(ImmovableType const&) = delete;
ImmovableType& operator=(ImmovableType const&) = delete;
ImmovableType(ImmovableType&&) = delete;
ImmovableType& operator=(ImmovableType&&) = delete;
friend bool operator==(ImmovableType const&, ImmovableType const&) {
return true;
TEST_CASE("Immovable types are supported in basic assertions", "[compilation][.approvals]") {
REQUIRE(ImmovableType{} == ImmovableType{});
namespace adl {
struct always_true {
explicit operator bool() const { return true; }
template <class T, class U> \
auto operator op (T&&, U&&) { \
return always_true{}; \
TEST_CASE("ADL universal operators don't hijack expression deconstruction", "[compilation][.approvals]") {
REQUIRE(0 == adl::always_true{});
REQUIRE(0 != adl::always_true{});
REQUIRE(0 < adl::always_true{});
REQUIRE(0 > adl::always_true{});
REQUIRE(0 <= adl::always_true{});
REQUIRE(0 >= adl::always_true{});
REQUIRE(0 | adl::always_true{});
REQUIRE(0 & adl::always_true{});
REQUIRE(0 ^ adl::always_true{});
TEST_CASE( "#2555 - types that can only be compared with 0 literal implemented as pointer conversion are supported",
"[compilation][approvals]" ) {
REQUIRE( TypeWithLit0Comparisons{} < 0 );
REQUIRE_FALSE( 0 < TypeWithLit0Comparisons{} );
REQUIRE( TypeWithLit0Comparisons{} <= 0 );
REQUIRE_FALSE( 0 <= TypeWithLit0Comparisons{} );
REQUIRE( TypeWithLit0Comparisons{} > 0 );
REQUIRE_FALSE( 0 > TypeWithLit0Comparisons{} );
REQUIRE( TypeWithLit0Comparisons{} >= 0 );
REQUIRE_FALSE( 0 >= TypeWithLit0Comparisons{} );
REQUIRE( TypeWithLit0Comparisons{} == 0 );
REQUIRE_FALSE( 0 == TypeWithLit0Comparisons{} );
REQUIRE( TypeWithLit0Comparisons{} != 0 );
REQUIRE_FALSE( 0 != TypeWithLit0Comparisons{} );
// These tests require `consteval` to propagate through `constexpr` calls
// which is a late DR against C++20.
#if defined( CATCH_CPP20_OR_GREATER ) && defined( __cpp_consteval ) && \
__cpp_consteval >= 202211L
// Can't have internal linkage to avoid warnings
void ZeroLiteralErrorFunc();
namespace {
struct ZeroLiteralConsteval {
template <class T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, int>, int> = 0>
consteval ZeroLiteralConsteval( T zero ) noexcept {
if ( zero != 0 ) { ZeroLiteralErrorFunc(); }
// Should only be constructible from literal 0. Uses the propagating
// consteval constructor trick (currently used by MSVC, might be used
// by libc++ in the future as well).
struct TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison {
# define DEFINE_COMP_OP( op ) \
constexpr friend bool operator op( TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison, \
ZeroLiteralConsteval ) { \
return true; \
} \
constexpr friend bool operator op( ZeroLiteralConsteval, \
TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison ) { \
return false; \
} \
/* std::orderings only have these for ==, but we add them for all \
operators so we can test all overloads for decomposer */ \
constexpr friend bool operator op( TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison, \
TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison ) { \
return true; \
} // namespace
namespace Catch {
template <>
struct capture_by_value<TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison> : std::true_type {};
TEST_CASE( "#2555 - types that can only be compared with 0 literal implemented as consteval check are supported",
"[compilation][approvals]" ) {
REQUIRE( TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison{} < 0 );
REQUIRE_FALSE( 0 < TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison{} );
REQUIRE( TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison{} <= 0 );
REQUIRE_FALSE( 0 <= TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison{} );
REQUIRE( TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison{} > 0 );
REQUIRE_FALSE( 0 > TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison{} );
REQUIRE( TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison{} >= 0 );
REQUIRE_FALSE( 0 >= TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison{} );
REQUIRE( TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison{} == 0 );
REQUIRE_FALSE( 0 == TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison{} );
REQUIRE( TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison{} != 0 );
REQUIRE_FALSE( 0 != TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison{} );
// We check all comparison ops to test, even though orderings, the primary
// motivation for this functionality, only have self-comparison (and thus
// have the ambiguity issue) for `==` and `!=`.
TEST_CASE( "Comparing const instances of type registered with capture_by_value",
"[regression][approvals][compilation]" ) {
SECTION("Type with consteval-int constructor") {
auto const const_Lit0Type_1 = TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison{};
auto const const_Lit0Type_2 = TypeWithConstevalLit0Comparison{};
REQUIRE( const_Lit0Type_1 == const_Lit0Type_2 );
REQUIRE( const_Lit0Type_1 <= const_Lit0Type_2 );
REQUIRE( const_Lit0Type_1 < const_Lit0Type_2 );
REQUIRE( const_Lit0Type_1 >= const_Lit0Type_2 );
REQUIRE( const_Lit0Type_1 > const_Lit0Type_2 );
REQUIRE( const_Lit0Type_1 != const_Lit0Type_2 );
SECTION("Type with constexpr-int constructor") {
auto const const_Lit0Type_1 = TypeWithLit0Comparisons{};
auto const const_Lit0Type_2 = TypeWithLit0Comparisons{};
REQUIRE( const_Lit0Type_1 == const_Lit0Type_2 );
REQUIRE( const_Lit0Type_1 <= const_Lit0Type_2 );
REQUIRE( const_Lit0Type_1 < const_Lit0Type_2 );
REQUIRE( const_Lit0Type_1 >= const_Lit0Type_2 );
REQUIRE( const_Lit0Type_1 > const_Lit0Type_2 );
REQUIRE( const_Lit0Type_1 != const_Lit0Type_2 );
#endif // C++20 consteval
namespace {
struct MultipleImplicitConstructors {
MultipleImplicitConstructors( double ) {}
MultipleImplicitConstructors( int64_t ) {}
bool operator==( MultipleImplicitConstructors ) const { return true; }
bool operator!=( MultipleImplicitConstructors ) const { return true; }
bool operator<( MultipleImplicitConstructors ) const { return true; }
bool operator<=( MultipleImplicitConstructors ) const { return true; }
bool operator>( MultipleImplicitConstructors ) const { return true; }
bool operator>=( MultipleImplicitConstructors ) const { return true; }
TEST_CASE("#2571 - tests compile types that have multiple implicit constructors from lit 0",
"[compilation][approvals]") {
MultipleImplicitConstructors mic1( 0.0 );
MultipleImplicitConstructors mic2( 0.0 );
REQUIRE( mic1 == mic2 );
REQUIRE( mic1 != mic2 );
REQUIRE( mic1 < mic2 );
REQUIRE( mic1 <= mic2 );
REQUIRE( mic1 > mic2 );
REQUIRE( mic1 >= mic2 );
// This test does not test all the related codepaths, but it is the original
// reproducer
TEST_CASE( "Comparing const std::weak_ordering instances must compile",
"[compilation][approvals][regression]" ) {
auto const const_ordering_1 = std::weak_ordering::less;
auto const const_ordering_2 = std::weak_ordering::less;
auto plain_ordering_1 = std::weak_ordering::less;
REQUIRE( const_ordering_1 == plain_ordering_1 );
REQUIRE( const_ordering_1 == const_ordering_2 );
REQUIRE( plain_ordering_1 == const_ordering_1 );
// Reproduce issue with yaml-cpp iterators, where the `const_iterator`
// for Node type has `const T` as the value_type. This is wrong for
// multitude of reasons, but there might be other libraries in the wild
// that share this issue, and the workaround needed to support
// `from_range(iter, iter)` helper with those libraries is easy enough.
class HasBadIterator {
std::array<int, 10> m_arr{};
class iterator {
const int* m_ptr = nullptr;
iterator( const int* ptr ): m_ptr( ptr ) {}
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = const int;
using pointer = const int*;
using reference = const int&;
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
iterator& operator++() {
return *this;
iterator operator++( int ) {
auto ret( *this );
++( *this );
return ret;
friend bool operator==( iterator lhs, iterator rhs ) {
return lhs.m_ptr == rhs.m_ptr;
friend bool operator!=( iterator lhs, iterator rhs ) {
return !( lhs == rhs );
int operator*() const { return *m_ptr; }
iterator cbegin() const { return { m_arr.data() }; }
iterator cend() const { return { m_arr.data() + m_arr.size() }; }
TEST_CASE("from_range(iter, iter) supports const_iterators", "[generators][from-range][approvals]") {
using namespace Catch::Generators;
HasBadIterator data;
auto gen = from_range(data.cbegin(), data.cend());