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synced 2025-03-13 22:34:45 +01:00

This allows us to provide machine-readable listings through the XMLReporter and it will also allow users to define their own listing format that does whatever their own tools need.
318 lines
11 KiB
318 lines
11 KiB
* Created by Martin on 31/08/2017.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include "catch_session.h"
#include "catch_commandline.h"
#include "catch_console_colour.h"
#include "catch_enforce.h"
#include "catch_list.h"
#include "catch_context.h"
#include "catch_run_context.h"
#include "catch_stream.h"
#include "catch_test_spec.h"
#include "catch_version.h"
#include "catch_interfaces_reporter.h"
#include "catch_random_number_generator.h"
#include "catch_startup_exception_registry.h"
#include "catch_text.h"
#include "catch_stream.h"
#include "catch_windows_h_proxy.h"
#include "../reporters/catch_reporter_listening.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <set>
#include <iterator>
namespace Catch {
namespace {
const int MaxExitCode = 255;
IStreamingReporterPtr createReporter(std::string const& reporterName, IConfigPtr const& config) {
auto reporter = Catch::getRegistryHub().getReporterRegistry().create(reporterName, config);
CATCH_ENFORCE(reporter, "No reporter registered with name: '" << reporterName << "'");
return reporter;
IStreamingReporterPtr makeReporter(std::shared_ptr<Config> const& config) {
if (Catch::getRegistryHub().getReporterRegistry().getListeners().empty()) {
return createReporter(config->getReporterName(), config);
// On older platforms, returning std::unique_ptr<ListeningReporter>
// when the return type is std::unique_ptr<IStreamingReporter>
// doesn't compile without a std::move call. However, this causes
// a warning on newer platforms. Thus, we have to work around
// it a bit and downcast the pointer manually.
auto ret = std::unique_ptr<IStreamingReporter>(new ListeningReporter);
auto& multi = static_cast<ListeningReporter&>(*ret);
auto const& listeners = Catch::getRegistryHub().getReporterRegistry().getListeners();
for (auto const& listener : listeners) {
multi.addReporter(createReporter(config->getReporterName(), config));
return ret;
class TestGroup {
explicit TestGroup(IStreamingReporterPtr&& reporter, std::shared_ptr<Config> const& config)
: m_config{config}
, m_context{config, std::move(reporter)}
auto const& allTestCases = getAllTestCasesSorted(*m_config);
m_matches = m_config->testSpec().matchesByFilter(allTestCases, *m_config);
auto const& invalidArgs = m_config->testSpec().getInvalidArgs();
if (m_matches.empty() && invalidArgs.empty()) {
for (auto const& test : allTestCases)
if (!test.isHidden())
} else {
for (auto const& match : m_matches)
m_tests.insert(match.tests.begin(), match.tests.end());
Totals execute() {
auto const& invalidArgs = m_config->testSpec().getInvalidArgs();
Totals totals;
m_context.testGroupStarting(m_config->name(), 1, 1);
for (auto const& testCase : m_tests) {
if (!m_context.aborting())
totals += m_context.runTest(*testCase);
for (auto const& match : m_matches) {
if (match.tests.empty()) {
totals.error = -1;
if (!invalidArgs.empty()) {
for (auto const& invalidArg: invalidArgs)
m_context.testGroupEnded(m_config->name(), totals, 1, 1);
return totals;
using Tests = std::set<TestCase const*>;
std::shared_ptr<Config> m_config;
RunContext m_context;
Tests m_tests;
TestSpec::Matches m_matches;
void applyFilenamesAsTags(Catch::IConfig const& config) {
auto& tests = const_cast<std::vector<TestCase>&>(getAllTestCasesSorted(config));
for (auto& testCase : tests) {
auto tags = testCase.tags;
std::string filename = testCase.lineInfo.file;
auto lastSlash = filename.find_last_of("\\/");
if (lastSlash != std::string::npos) {
filename.erase(0, lastSlash);
filename[0] = '#';
auto lastDot = filename.find_last_of('.');
if (lastDot != std::string::npos) {
setTags(testCase, tags);
} // anon namespace
Session::Session() {
static bool alreadyInstantiated = false;
if( alreadyInstantiated ) {
CATCH_TRY { CATCH_INTERNAL_ERROR( "Only one instance of Catch::Session can ever be used" ); }
CATCH_CATCH_ALL { getMutableRegistryHub().registerStartupException(); }
// There cannot be exceptions at startup in no-exception mode.
const auto& exceptions = getRegistryHub().getStartupExceptionRegistry().getExceptions();
if ( !exceptions.empty() ) {
m_startupExceptions = true;
Colour colourGuard( Colour::Red );
Catch::cerr() << "Errors occurred during startup!" << '\n';
// iterate over all exceptions and notify user
for ( const auto& ex_ptr : exceptions ) {
try {
} catch ( std::exception const& ex ) {
Catch::cerr() << Column( ex.what() ).indent(2) << '\n';
alreadyInstantiated = true;
m_cli = makeCommandLineParser( m_configData );
Session::~Session() {
void Session::showHelp() const {
<< "\nCatch v" << libraryVersion() << "\n"
<< m_cli << std::endl
<< "For more detailed usage please see the project docs\n" << std::endl;
void Session::libIdentify() {
<< std::left << std::setw(16) << "description: " << "A Catch2 test executable\n"
<< std::left << std::setw(16) << "category: " << "testframework\n"
<< std::left << std::setw(16) << "framework: " << "Catch Test\n"
<< std::left << std::setw(16) << "version: " << libraryVersion() << std::endl;
int Session::applyCommandLine( int argc, char const * const * argv ) {
if( m_startupExceptions )
return 1;
auto result = m_cli.parse( clara::Args( argc, argv ) );
if( !result ) {
<< Colour( Colour::Red )
<< "\nError(s) in input:\n"
<< Column( result.errorMessage() ).indent( 2 )
<< "\n\n";
Catch::cerr() << "Run with -? for usage\n" << std::endl;
return MaxExitCode;
if( m_configData.showHelp )
if( m_configData.libIdentify )
return 0;
#if defined(CATCH_CONFIG_WCHAR) && defined(_WIN32) && defined(UNICODE)
int Session::applyCommandLine( int argc, wchar_t const * const * argv ) {
char **utf8Argv = new char *[ argc ];
for ( int i = 0; i < argc; ++i ) {
int bufSize = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, argv[i], -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
utf8Argv[ i ] = new char[ bufSize ];
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_UTF8, 0, argv[i], -1, utf8Argv[i], bufSize, NULL, NULL );
int returnCode = applyCommandLine( argc, utf8Argv );
for ( int i = 0; i < argc; ++i )
delete [] utf8Argv[ i ];
delete [] utf8Argv;
return returnCode;
void Session::useConfigData( ConfigData const& configData ) {
m_configData = configData;
int Session::run() {
if( ( m_configData.waitForKeypress & WaitForKeypress::BeforeStart ) != 0 ) {
Catch::cout() << "...waiting for enter/ return before starting" << std::endl;
int exitCode = runInternal();
if( ( m_configData.waitForKeypress & WaitForKeypress::BeforeExit ) != 0 ) {
Catch::cout() << "...waiting for enter/ return before exiting, with code: " << exitCode << std::endl;
return exitCode;
clara::Parser const& Session::cli() const {
return m_cli;
void Session::cli( clara::Parser const& newParser ) {
m_cli = newParser;
ConfigData& Session::configData() {
return m_configData;
Config& Session::config() {
if( !m_config )
m_config = std::make_shared<Config>( m_configData );
return *m_config;
int Session::runInternal() {
if( m_startupExceptions )
return 1;
if (m_configData.showHelp || m_configData.libIdentify) {
return 0;
config(); // Force config to be constructed
seedRng( *m_config );
if( m_configData.filenamesAsTags )
applyFilenamesAsTags( *m_config );
// Create reporter(s) so we can route listings through them
auto reporter = makeReporter(m_config);
// Handle list request
if (list(*reporter, m_config)) {
return 0;
TestGroup tests { std::move(reporter), m_config };
auto const totals = tests.execute();
if( m_config->warnAboutNoTests() && totals.error == -1 )
return 2;
// Note that on unices only the lower 8 bits are usually used, clamping
// the return value to 255 prevents false negative when some multiple
// of 256 tests has failed
return (std::min) (MaxExitCode, (std::max) (totals.error, static_cast<int>(totals.assertions.failed)));
catch( std::exception& ex ) {
Catch::cerr() << ex.what() << std::endl;
return MaxExitCode;
} // end namespace Catch