
66 lines
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* Created by Joachim on 16/04/2019.
* Adapted from donated nonius code.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// Run a function for a minimum amount of time
#include "../catch_clock.hpp"
#include "../catch_chronometer.hpp"
#include "catch_measure.hpp"
#include "catch_complete_invoke.hpp"
#include "catch_timing.hpp"
#include "../../catch_meta.hpp"
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
namespace Catch {
namespace Benchmark {
namespace Detail {
template <typename Clock, typename Fun>
TimingOf<Clock, Fun(int)> measure_one(Fun&& fun, int iters, std::false_type) {
return Detail::measure<Clock>(fun, iters);
template <typename Clock, typename Fun>
TimingOf<Clock, Fun(Chronometer)> measure_one(Fun&& fun, int iters, std::true_type) {
Detail::ChronometerModel<Clock> meter;
auto&& result = Detail::complete_invoke(fun, Chronometer(meter, iters));
return { meter.elapsed(), std::move(result), iters };
template <typename Clock, typename Fun>
using run_for_at_least_argument_t = typename std::conditional<is_callable<Fun(Chronometer)>::value, Chronometer, int>::type;
struct optimized_away_error : std::exception {
const char* what() const noexcept override {
return "could not measure benchmark, maybe it was optimized away";
template <typename Clock, typename Fun>
TimingOf<Clock, Fun(run_for_at_least_argument_t<Clock, Fun>)> run_for_at_least(ClockDuration<Clock> how_long, int seed, Fun&& fun) {
auto iters = seed;
while (iters < (1 << 30)) {
auto&& Timing = measure_one<Clock>(fun, iters, is_callable<Fun(Chronometer)>());
if (Timing.elapsed >= how_long) {
return { Timing.elapsed, std::move(Timing.result), iters };
iters *= 2;
throw optimized_away_error{};
} // namespace Detail
} // namespace Benchmark
} // namespace Catch