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synced 2025-03-13 22:34:45 +01:00

When the section tracking code was rewritten a while back to simplify and iron out some bugs the order of evaluation was changed so that each new section was skipped on the first run through. This had unwelcome consequences for some people. This commit restores the original semantics (while maintaining the simpler, less buggy, new code).
320 lines
12 KiB
320 lines
12 KiB
* Created by Phil on 22/10/2010.
* Copyright 2010 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include "catch_interfaces_runner.h"
#include "catch_interfaces_reporter.h"
#include "catch_interfaces_exception.h"
#include "catch_config.hpp"
#include "catch_test_registry.hpp"
#include "catch_test_case_info.h"
#include "catch_capture.hpp"
#include "catch_totals.hpp"
#include "catch_test_spec.h"
#include "catch_test_case_tracker.hpp"
#include "catch_timer.h"
#include <set>
#include <string>
namespace Catch {
class StreamRedirect {
StreamRedirect( std::ostream& stream, std::string& targetString )
: m_stream( stream ),
m_prevBuf( stream.rdbuf() ),
m_targetString( targetString )
stream.rdbuf( m_oss.rdbuf() );
~StreamRedirect() {
m_targetString += m_oss.str();
m_stream.rdbuf( m_prevBuf );
std::ostream& m_stream;
std::streambuf* m_prevBuf;
std::ostringstream m_oss;
std::string& m_targetString;
class RunContext : public IResultCapture, public IRunner {
RunContext( RunContext const& );
void operator =( RunContext const& );
explicit RunContext( Ptr<IConfig const> const& config, Ptr<IStreamingReporter> const& reporter )
: m_runInfo( config->name() ),
m_context( getCurrentMutableContext() ),
m_activeTestCase( NULL ),
m_config( config ),
m_reporter( reporter ),
m_prevRunner( &m_context.getRunner() ),
m_prevResultCapture( &m_context.getResultCapture() ),
m_prevConfig( m_context.getConfig() )
m_context.setRunner( this );
m_context.setConfig( m_config );
m_context.setResultCapture( this );
m_reporter->testRunStarting( m_runInfo );
virtual ~RunContext() {
m_reporter->testRunEnded( TestRunStats( m_runInfo, m_totals, aborting() ) );
m_context.setRunner( m_prevRunner );
m_context.setConfig( NULL );
m_context.setResultCapture( m_prevResultCapture );
m_context.setConfig( m_prevConfig );
void testGroupStarting( std::string const& testSpec, std::size_t groupIndex, std::size_t groupsCount ) {
m_reporter->testGroupStarting( GroupInfo( testSpec, groupIndex, groupsCount ) );
void testGroupEnded( std::string const& testSpec, Totals const& totals, std::size_t groupIndex, std::size_t groupsCount ) {
m_reporter->testGroupEnded( TestGroupStats( GroupInfo( testSpec, groupIndex, groupsCount ), totals, aborting() ) );
Totals runTest( TestCase const& testCase ) {
Totals prevTotals = m_totals;
std::string redirectedCout;
std::string redirectedCerr;
TestCaseInfo testInfo = testCase.getTestCaseInfo();
m_reporter->testCaseStarting( testInfo );
m_activeTestCase = &testCase;
m_testCaseTracker = TestCaseTracker( testInfo.name );
do {
do {
runCurrentTest( redirectedCout, redirectedCerr );
while( !m_testCaseTracker->isCompleted() && !aborting() );
while( getCurrentContext().advanceGeneratorsForCurrentTest() && !aborting() );
Totals deltaTotals = m_totals.delta( prevTotals );
m_totals.testCases += deltaTotals.testCases;
m_reporter->testCaseEnded( TestCaseStats( testInfo,
aborting() ) );
m_activeTestCase = NULL;
return deltaTotals;
Ptr<IConfig const> config() const {
return m_config;
private: // IResultCapture
virtual ResultAction::Value acceptExpression( ExpressionResultBuilder const& assertionResult, AssertionInfo const& assertionInfo ) {
m_lastAssertionInfo = assertionInfo;
return actOnCurrentResult( assertionResult.buildResult( assertionInfo ) );
virtual void assertionEnded( AssertionResult const& result ) {
if( result.getResultType() == ResultWas::Ok ) {
else if( !result.isOk() ) {
if( m_reporter->assertionEnded( AssertionStats( result, m_messages, m_totals ) ) )
// Reset working state
m_lastAssertionInfo = AssertionInfo( "", m_lastAssertionInfo.lineInfo, "{Unknown expression after the reported line}" , m_lastAssertionInfo.resultDisposition );
virtual bool sectionStarted (
SectionInfo const& sectionInfo,
Counts& assertions
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << sectionInfo.name << "@" << sectionInfo.lineInfo;
if( !m_testCaseTracker->enterSection( oss.str() ) )
return false;
m_lastAssertionInfo.lineInfo = sectionInfo.lineInfo;
m_reporter->sectionStarting( sectionInfo );
assertions = m_totals.assertions;
return true;
bool testForMissingAssertions( Counts& assertions ) {
if( assertions.total() != 0 ||
!m_config->warnAboutMissingAssertions() ||
m_testCaseTracker->currentSectionHasChildren() )
return false;
return true;
virtual void sectionEnded( SectionInfo const& info, Counts const& prevAssertions, double _durationInSeconds ) {
if( std::uncaught_exception() ) {
m_unfinishedSections.push_back( UnfinishedSections( info, prevAssertions, _durationInSeconds ) );
Counts assertions = m_totals.assertions - prevAssertions;
bool missingAssertions = testForMissingAssertions( assertions );
m_reporter->sectionEnded( SectionStats( info, assertions, _durationInSeconds, missingAssertions ) );
virtual void pushScopedMessage( MessageInfo const& message ) {
m_messages.push_back( message );
virtual void popScopedMessage( MessageInfo const& message ) {
m_messages.erase( std::remove( m_messages.begin(), m_messages.end(), message ), m_messages.end() );
virtual bool shouldDebugBreak() const {
return m_config->shouldDebugBreak();
virtual std::string getCurrentTestName() const {
return m_activeTestCase
? m_activeTestCase->getTestCaseInfo().name
: "";
virtual const AssertionResult* getLastResult() const {
return &m_lastResult;
// !TBD We need to do this another way!
bool aborting() const {
return m_totals.assertions.failed == static_cast<std::size_t>( m_config->abortAfter() );
ResultAction::Value actOnCurrentResult( AssertionResult const& result ) {
m_lastResult = result;
assertionEnded( m_lastResult );
ResultAction::Value action = ResultAction::None;
if( !m_lastResult.isOk() ) {
action = ResultAction::Failed;
if( shouldDebugBreak() )
action = (ResultAction::Value)( action | ResultAction::Debug );
if( aborting() )
action = (ResultAction::Value)( action | ResultAction::Abort );
return action;
void runCurrentTest( std::string& redirectedCout, std::string& redirectedCerr ) {
TestCaseInfo const& testCaseInfo = m_activeTestCase->getTestCaseInfo();
SectionInfo testCaseSection( testCaseInfo.name, testCaseInfo.description, testCaseInfo.lineInfo );
m_reporter->sectionStarting( testCaseSection );
Counts prevAssertions = m_totals.assertions;
double duration = 0;
try {
m_lastAssertionInfo = AssertionInfo( "TEST_CASE", testCaseInfo.lineInfo, "", ResultDisposition::Normal );
TestCaseTracker::Guard guard( *m_testCaseTracker );
Timer timer;
if( m_reporter->getPreferences().shouldRedirectStdOut ) {
StreamRedirect coutRedir( std::cout, redirectedCout );
StreamRedirect cerrRedir( std::cerr, redirectedCerr );
else {
duration = timer.getElapsedSeconds();
catch( TestFailureException& ) {
// This just means the test was aborted due to failure
catch(...) {
ExpressionResultBuilder exResult( ResultWas::ThrewException );
exResult << translateActiveException();
actOnCurrentResult( exResult.buildResult( m_lastAssertionInfo ) );
// If sections ended prematurely due to an exception we stored their
// infos here so we can tear them down outside the unwind process.
for( std::vector<UnfinishedSections>::const_reverse_iterator it = m_unfinishedSections.rbegin(),
itEnd = m_unfinishedSections.rend();
it != itEnd;
++it )
sectionEnded( it->info, it->prevAssertions, it->durationInSeconds );
Counts assertions = m_totals.assertions - prevAssertions;
bool missingAssertions = testForMissingAssertions( assertions );
SectionStats testCaseSectionStats( testCaseSection, assertions, duration, missingAssertions );
m_reporter->sectionEnded( testCaseSectionStats );
struct UnfinishedSections {
UnfinishedSections( SectionInfo const& _info, Counts const& _prevAssertions, double _durationInSeconds )
: info( _info ), prevAssertions( _prevAssertions ), durationInSeconds( _durationInSeconds )
SectionInfo info;
Counts prevAssertions;
double durationInSeconds;
TestRunInfo m_runInfo;
IMutableContext& m_context;
TestCase const* m_activeTestCase;
Option<TestCaseTracker> m_testCaseTracker;
AssertionResult m_lastResult;
Ptr<IConfig const> m_config;
Totals m_totals;
Ptr<IStreamingReporter> m_reporter;
std::vector<MessageInfo> m_messages;
IRunner* m_prevRunner;
IResultCapture* m_prevResultCapture;
Ptr<IConfig const> m_prevConfig;
AssertionInfo m_lastAssertionInfo;
std::vector<UnfinishedSections> m_unfinishedSections;
} // end namespace Catch