mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 22:34:45 +01:00

* Units from <ratio> are no longer redeclared in our own namespace * The default clock is `steady_clock`, not `high_resolution_clock`, because, as HH says "high_resolution_clock is useless. If you want measure the passing of time, use steady_clock. If you want user friendly time, use system_clock". * Benchmarking support is opt-in, not opt-out, to avoid the large (~10%) compile time penalty. * Benchmarking-related options in CLI are always present, to decrease the amount of code that is only compiled conditionally and making the whole shebang more maintainble.
406 lines
13 KiB
406 lines
13 KiB
* Created by Joachim on 16/04/2019.
* Adapted from donated nonius code.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include "catch.hpp"
namespace {
struct manual_clock {
using duration = std::chrono::nanoseconds;
using time_point = std::chrono::time_point<manual_clock, duration>;
using rep = duration::rep;
using period = duration::period;
enum { is_steady = true };
static time_point now() {
return time_point(duration(tick()));
static void advance(int ticks = 1) {
tick() += ticks;
static rep& tick() {
static rep the_tick = 0;
return the_tick;
struct counting_clock {
using duration = std::chrono::nanoseconds;
using time_point = std::chrono::time_point<counting_clock, duration>;
using rep = duration::rep;
using period = duration::period;
enum { is_steady = true };
static time_point now() {
static rep ticks = 0;
return time_point(duration(ticks += rate()));
static void set_rate(rep new_rate) { rate() = new_rate; }
static rep& rate() {
static rep the_rate = 1;
return the_rate;
struct TestChronometerModel : Catch::Benchmark::Detail::ChronometerConcept {
int started = 0;
int finished = 0;
void start() override { ++started; }
void finish() override { ++finished; }
} // namespace
TEST_CASE("warmup", "[benchmark]") {
auto rate = 1000;
auto start = counting_clock::now();
auto iterations = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::warmup<counting_clock>();
auto end = counting_clock::now();
REQUIRE((iterations * rate) > Catch::Benchmark::Detail::warmup_time.count());
REQUIRE((end - start) > Catch::Benchmark::Detail::warmup_time);
TEST_CASE("resolution", "[benchmark]") {
auto rate = 1000;
size_t count = 10;
auto res = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::resolution<counting_clock>(static_cast<int>(count));
REQUIRE(res.size() == count);
for (size_t i = 1; i < count; ++i) {
REQUIRE(res[i] == rate);
TEST_CASE("estimate_clock_resolution", "[benchmark]") {
auto rate = 1000;
int iters = 160000;
auto res = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::estimate_clock_resolution<counting_clock>(iters);
REQUIRE(res.mean.count() == rate);
REQUIRE(res.outliers.total() == 0);
TEST_CASE("benchmark function call", "[benchmark]") {
SECTION("without chronometer") {
auto called = 0;
auto model = TestChronometerModel{};
auto meter = Catch::Benchmark::Chronometer{ model, 1 };
auto fn = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::BenchmarkFunction{ [&] {
CHECK(model.started == 1);
CHECK(model.finished == 0);
} };
CHECK(model.started == 1);
CHECK(model.finished == 1);
CHECK(called == 1);
SECTION("with chronometer") {
auto called = 0;
auto model = TestChronometerModel{};
auto meter = Catch::Benchmark::Chronometer{ model, 1 };
auto fn = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::BenchmarkFunction{ [&](Catch::Benchmark::Chronometer) {
CHECK(model.started == 0);
CHECK(model.finished == 0);
} };
CHECK(model.started == 0);
CHECK(model.finished == 0);
CHECK(called == 1);
TEST_CASE("uniform samples", "[benchmark]") {
std::vector<double> samples(100);
std::fill(samples.begin(), samples.end(), 23);
using it = std::vector<double>::iterator;
auto e = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::bootstrap(0.95, samples.begin(), samples.end(), samples, [](it a, it b) {
auto sum = std::accumulate(a, b, 0.);
return sum / (b - a);
CHECK(e.point == 23);
CHECK(e.upper_bound == 23);
CHECK(e.lower_bound == 23);
CHECK(e.confidence_interval == 0.95);
TEST_CASE("normal_cdf", "[benchmark]") {
using Catch::Benchmark::Detail::normal_cdf;
CHECK(normal_cdf(0.000000) == Approx(0.50000000000000000));
CHECK(normal_cdf(1.000000) == Approx(0.84134474606854293));
CHECK(normal_cdf(-1.000000) == Approx(0.15865525393145705));
CHECK(normal_cdf(2.809729) == Approx(0.99752083845315409));
CHECK(normal_cdf(-1.352570) == Approx(0.08809652095066035));
TEST_CASE("erfc_inv", "[benchmark]") {
using Catch::Benchmark::Detail::erfc_inv;
CHECK(erfc_inv(1.103560) == Approx(-0.09203687623843015));
CHECK(erfc_inv(1.067400) == Approx(-0.05980291115763361));
CHECK(erfc_inv(0.050000) == Approx(1.38590382434967796));
TEST_CASE("normal_quantile", "[benchmark]") {
using Catch::Benchmark::Detail::normal_quantile;
CHECK(normal_quantile(0.551780) == Approx(0.13015979861484198));
CHECK(normal_quantile(0.533700) == Approx(0.08457408802851875));
CHECK(normal_quantile(0.025000) == Approx(-1.95996398454005449));
TEST_CASE("mean", "[benchmark]") {
std::vector<double> x{ 10., 20., 14., 16., 30., 24. };
auto m = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::mean(x.begin(), x.end());
REQUIRE(m == 19.);
TEST_CASE("weighted_average_quantile", "[benchmark]") {
std::vector<double> x{ 10., 20., 14., 16., 30., 24. };
auto q1 = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::weighted_average_quantile(1, 4, x.begin(), x.end());
auto med = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::weighted_average_quantile(1, 2, x.begin(), x.end());
auto q3 = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::weighted_average_quantile(3, 4, x.begin(), x.end());
REQUIRE(q1 == 14.5);
REQUIRE(med == 18.);
REQUIRE(q3 == 23.);
TEST_CASE("classify_outliers", "[benchmark]") {
auto require_outliers = [](Catch::Benchmark::OutlierClassification o, int los, int lom, int him, int his) {
REQUIRE(o.low_severe == los);
REQUIRE(o.low_mild == lom);
REQUIRE(o.high_mild == him);
REQUIRE(o.high_severe == his);
REQUIRE(o.total() == los + lom + him + his);
SECTION("none") {
std::vector<double> x{ 10., 20., 14., 16., 30., 24. };
auto o = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::classify_outliers(x.begin(), x.end());
REQUIRE(o.samples_seen == static_cast<int>(x.size()));
require_outliers(o, 0, 0, 0, 0);
SECTION("low severe") {
std::vector<double> x{ -12., 20., 14., 16., 30., 24. };
auto o = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::classify_outliers(x.begin(), x.end());
REQUIRE(o.samples_seen == static_cast<int>(x.size()));
require_outliers(o, 1, 0, 0, 0);
SECTION("low mild") {
std::vector<double> x{ 1., 20., 14., 16., 30., 24. };
auto o = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::classify_outliers(x.begin(), x.end());
REQUIRE(o.samples_seen == static_cast<int>(x.size()));
require_outliers(o, 0, 1, 0, 0);
SECTION("high mild") {
std::vector<double> x{ 10., 20., 14., 16., 36., 24. };
auto o = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::classify_outliers(x.begin(), x.end());
REQUIRE(o.samples_seen == static_cast<int>(x.size()));
require_outliers(o, 0, 0, 1, 0);
SECTION("high severe") {
std::vector<double> x{ 10., 20., 14., 16., 49., 24. };
auto o = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::classify_outliers(x.begin(), x.end());
REQUIRE(o.samples_seen == static_cast<int>(x.size()));
require_outliers(o, 0, 0, 0, 1);
SECTION("mixed") {
std::vector<double> x{ -20., 20., 14., 16., 39., 24. };
auto o = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::classify_outliers(x.begin(), x.end());
REQUIRE(o.samples_seen == static_cast<int>(x.size()));
require_outliers(o, 1, 0, 1, 0);
TEST_CASE("analyse", "[benchmark]") {
Catch::ConfigData data{};
data.benchmarkConfidenceInterval = 0.95;
data.benchmarkNoAnalysis = false;
data.benchmarkResamples = 1000;
data.benchmarkSamples = 99;
Catch::Config config{data};
using Duration = Catch::Benchmark::FloatDuration<Catch::Benchmark::default_clock>;
Catch::Benchmark::Environment<Duration> env;
std::vector<Duration> samples(99);
for (size_t i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i) {
samples[i] = Duration(23 + (i % 3 - 1));
auto analysis = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::analyse(config, env, samples.begin(), samples.end());
CHECK(analysis.mean.point.count() == 23);
CHECK(analysis.mean.lower_bound.count() < 23);
CHECK(analysis.mean.lower_bound.count() > 22);
CHECK(analysis.mean.upper_bound.count() > 23);
CHECK(analysis.mean.upper_bound.count() < 24);
CHECK(analysis.standard_deviation.point.count() > 0.5);
CHECK(analysis.standard_deviation.point.count() < 1);
CHECK(analysis.standard_deviation.lower_bound.count() > 0.5);
CHECK(analysis.standard_deviation.lower_bound.count() < 1);
CHECK(analysis.standard_deviation.upper_bound.count() > 0.5);
CHECK(analysis.standard_deviation.upper_bound.count() < 1);
CHECK(analysis.outliers.total() == 0);
CHECK(analysis.outliers.low_mild == 0);
CHECK(analysis.outliers.low_severe == 0);
CHECK(analysis.outliers.high_mild == 0);
CHECK(analysis.outliers.high_severe == 0);
CHECK(analysis.outliers.samples_seen == samples.size());
CHECK(analysis.outlier_variance < 0.5);
CHECK(analysis.outlier_variance > 0);
TEST_CASE("analyse no analysis", "[benchmark]") {
Catch::ConfigData data{};
data.benchmarkConfidenceInterval = 0.95;
data.benchmarkNoAnalysis = true;
data.benchmarkResamples = 1000;
data.benchmarkSamples = 99;
Catch::Config config{ data };
using Duration = Catch::Benchmark::FloatDuration<Catch::Benchmark::default_clock>;
Catch::Benchmark::Environment<Duration> env;
std::vector<Duration> samples(99);
for (size_t i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i) {
samples[i] = Duration(23 + (i % 3 - 1));
auto analysis = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::analyse(config, env, samples.begin(), samples.end());
CHECK(analysis.mean.point.count() == 23);
CHECK(analysis.mean.lower_bound.count() == 23);
CHECK(analysis.mean.upper_bound.count() == 23);
CHECK(analysis.standard_deviation.point.count() == 0);
CHECK(analysis.standard_deviation.lower_bound.count() == 0);
CHECK(analysis.standard_deviation.upper_bound.count() == 0);
CHECK(analysis.outliers.total() == 0);
CHECK(analysis.outliers.low_mild == 0);
CHECK(analysis.outliers.low_severe == 0);
CHECK(analysis.outliers.high_mild == 0);
CHECK(analysis.outliers.high_severe == 0);
CHECK(analysis.outliers.samples_seen == 0);
CHECK(analysis.outlier_variance == 0);
TEST_CASE("run_for_at_least, int", "[benchmark]") {
manual_clock::duration time(100);
int old_x = 1;
auto Timing = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::run_for_at_least<manual_clock>(time, 1, [&old_x](int x) -> int {
CHECK(x >= old_x);
old_x = x;
return x + 17;
REQUIRE(Timing.elapsed >= time);
REQUIRE(Timing.result == Timing.iterations + 17);
REQUIRE(Timing.iterations >= time.count());
TEST_CASE("run_for_at_least, chronometer", "[benchmark]") {
manual_clock::duration time(100);
int old_runs = 1;
auto Timing = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::run_for_at_least<manual_clock>(time, 1, [&old_runs](Catch::Benchmark::Chronometer meter) -> int {
CHECK(meter.runs() >= old_runs);
meter.measure([] {
old_runs = meter.runs();
return meter.runs() + 17;
REQUIRE(Timing.elapsed >= time);
REQUIRE(Timing.result == Timing.iterations + 17);
REQUIRE(Timing.iterations >= time.count());
TEST_CASE("measure", "[benchmark]") {
auto r = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::measure<manual_clock>([](int x) -> int {
CHECK(x == 17);
return 23;
}, 17);
auto s = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::measure<manual_clock>([](int x) -> int {
CHECK(x == 23);
return 17;
}, 23);
CHECK(r.elapsed.count() == 42);
CHECK(r.result == 23);
CHECK(r.iterations == 1);
CHECK(s.elapsed.count() == 69);
CHECK(s.result == 17);
CHECK(s.iterations == 1);
TEST_CASE("run benchmark", "[benchmark]") {
auto start = counting_clock::now();
Catch::Benchmark::Benchmark bench{ "Test Benchmark", [](Catch::Benchmark::Chronometer meter) {
meter.measure([] { return counting_clock::now(); });
} };
auto end = counting_clock::now();
CHECK((end - start).count() == 2867251000);