Phil Nash 873ef276b6 XML Reporter closes tag and flushes stream at end of TestCase and Section tags.
This fixes an issue where XML reports on stdout are broken by printf statements
2017-02-13 15:56:25 +00:00

408 lines
8.3 KiB

* Created by Phil on 09/11/2010.
* Copyright 2010 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
#include "catch.hpp"
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat-pedantic"
namespace Catch
std::string toString<std::pair<int, int> >( const std::pair<int, int>& value )
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "std::pair( " << value.first << ", " << value.second << " )";
return oss.str();
"Parsing a std::pair",
std::pair<int, int> aNicePair( 1, 2 );
REQUIRE( (std::pair<int, int>( 1, 2 )) == aNicePair );
"Where there is more to the expression after the RHS",
// int a = 1, b = 2;
// REQUIRE( a == 2 || b == 2 );
WARN( "Uncomment the code in this test to check that it gives a sensible compiler error" );
"Where the LHS is not a simple value",
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
// This only captures part of the expression, but issues a warning about the rest
REQUIRE( a+1 == b-1 );
WARN( "Uncomment the code in this test to check that it gives a sensible compiler error" );
struct Opaque
int val;
bool operator ==( const Opaque& o ) const
return val == o.val;
"A failing expression with a non streamable type is still captured",
Opaque o1, o2;
o1.val = 7;
o2.val = 8;
CHECK( &o1 == &o2 );
CHECK( o1 == o2 );
"string literals of different sizes can be compared",
REQUIRE( std::string( "first" ) == "second" );
"An expression with side-effects should only be evaluated once",
int i = 7;
REQUIRE( i++ == 7 );
REQUIRE( i++ == 8 );
namespace A {
struct X
X() : a(4), b(2), c(7) {}
X(int v) : a(v), b(2), c(7) {}
int a;
int b;
int c;
namespace B {
struct Y
Y() : a(4), b(2), c(7) {}
Y(int v) : a(v), b(2), c(7) {}
int a;
int b;
int c;
inline bool operator==(const A::X& lhs, const B::Y& rhs)
return (lhs.a == rhs.a);
inline bool operator==(const B::Y& lhs, const A::X& rhs)
return (lhs.a == rhs.a);
/* This, currently, does not compile with LLVM
"Operators at different namespace levels not hijacked by Koenig lookup"
A::X x;
B::Y y;
REQUIRE( x == y );
namespace ObjectWithConversions
struct Object
operator unsigned int() {return 0xc0000000;}
"Operators at different namespace levels not hijacked by Koenig lookup",
Object o;
REQUIRE(0xc0000000 == o );
namespace ObjectWithNonConstEqualityOperator
struct Test
Test( unsigned int v )
: m_value(v)
bool operator==( const Test&rhs )
return (m_value == rhs.m_value);
bool operator==( const Test&rhs ) const
return (m_value != rhs.m_value);
unsigned int m_value;
TEST_CASE("Demonstrate that a non-const == is not used", "[Tricky]" )
Test t( 1 );
REQUIRE( t == 1u );
namespace EnumBitFieldTests
enum Bits {bit0 = 0x0001, bit1 = 0x0002, bit2 = 0x0004, bit3 = 0x0008, bit1and2 = 0x0006,
bit30 = 0x40000000, bit31 = 0x80000000,
bit30and31 = 0xc0000000};
TEST_CASE( "Test enum bit values", "[Tricky]" )
REQUIRE( 0xc0000000 == bit30and31 );
struct Obj
int p;
int* prop;
TEST_CASE("boolean member", "[Tricky]")
Obj obj;
REQUIRE( obj.prop != CATCH_NULL );
// Tests for a problem submitted by Ralph McArdell
// The static bool value should not need to be defined outside the
// struct it is declared in - but when evaluating it in a deduced
// context it appears to require the extra definition.
// The issue was fixed by adding bool overloads to bypass the
// templates that were there to deduce it.
template <bool B>
struct is_true
static const bool value = B;
TEST_CASE( "(unimplemented) static bools can be evaluated", "[Tricky]" )
SECTION("compare to true","")
REQUIRE( is_true<true>::value == true );
REQUIRE( true == is_true<true>::value );
SECTION("compare to false","")
REQUIRE( is_true<false>::value == false );
REQUIRE( false == is_true<false>::value );
SECTION("negation", "")
REQUIRE( !is_true<false>::value );
SECTION("double negation","")
REQUIRE( !!is_true<true>::value );
REQUIRE( is_true<true>::value );
REQUIRE_FALSE( is_true<false>::value );
// Uncomment these tests to produce an error at test registration time
TEST_CASE( "Tests with the same name are not allowed", "[Tricky]" )
TEST_CASE( "Tests with the same name are not allowed", "[Tricky]" )
struct Boolable
explicit Boolable( bool value ) : m_value( value ) {}
operator Catch::SafeBool::type() const {
return Catch::SafeBool::makeSafe( m_value );
bool m_value;
TEST_CASE( "Objects that evaluated in boolean contexts can be checked", "[Tricky][SafeBool]" )
Boolable True( true );
Boolable False( false );
CHECK( True );
CHECK( !False );
TEST_CASE( "Assertions then sections", "[Tricky]" )
// This was causing a failure due to the way the console reporter was handling
// the current section
REQUIRE( Catch::alwaysTrue() );
SECTION( "A section", "" )
REQUIRE( Catch::alwaysTrue() );
SECTION( "Another section", "" )
REQUIRE( Catch::alwaysTrue() );
SECTION( "Another other section", "" )
REQUIRE( Catch::alwaysTrue() );
struct Awkward
operator int() const { return 7; }
TEST_CASE( "non streamable - with conv. op", "[Tricky]" )
Awkward awkward;
std::string s = Catch::toString( awkward );
REQUIRE( s == "7" );
inline void foo() {}
typedef void (*fooptr_t)();
TEST_CASE( "Comparing function pointers", "[Tricky][function pointer]" )
// This was giving a warning in VS2010
// #179
fooptr_t a = foo;
REQUIRE( a == &foo );
struct S
void f() {}
TEST_CASE( "Comparing member function pointers", "[Tricky][member function pointer]" )
typedef void (S::*MF)();
MF m = &S::f;
CHECK( m == &S::f );
class ClassName {};
TEST_CASE( "pointer to class", "[Tricky]" )
ClassName *p = 0;
REQUIRE( p == 0 );
#include <memory>
TEST_CASE( "null_ptr", "[Tricky][c++11][.]" )
std::unique_ptr<int> ptr;
REQUIRE(ptr.get() == nullptr);
TEST_CASE( "X/level/0/a", "[Tricky]" ) { SUCCEED(""); }
TEST_CASE( "X/level/0/b", "[Tricky][fizz]" ){ SUCCEED(""); }
TEST_CASE( "X/level/1/a", "[Tricky]" ) { SUCCEED(""); }
TEST_CASE( "X/level/1/b", "[Tricky]" ) { SUCCEED(""); }
TEST_CASE( "has printf", "" ) {
// This can cause problems as, currently, stdout itself is not redirect - only the cout (and cerr) buffer
printf( "spanner" );