Phil Nash b213202ad7 Added self-test for section ordering
Added MockReporter for tracking test runs.
Added intrusive smart pointer. Config holds reporter by smart pointer, so we can route the mock reporter through multiple test runs
2012-05-04 07:55:11 +01:00

268 lines
5.5 KiB

* MiscTests.cpp
* Catch - Test
* Created by Phil on 29/11/2010.
* Copyright 2010 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include "catch.hpp"
#include "catch_self_test.hpp"
#include <iostream>
TEST_CASE( "./succeeding/Misc/Sections", "random SECTION tests" )
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
SECTION( "s1", "doesn't equal" )
REQUIRE( a != b );
REQUIRE( b != a );
SECTION( "s2", "not equal" )
REQUIRE( a != b);
TEST_CASE( "./succeeding/Misc/Sections/nested", "nested SECTION tests" )
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
SECTION( "s1", "doesn't equal" )
REQUIRE( a != b );
REQUIRE( b != a );
SECTION( "s2", "not equal" )
REQUIRE( a != b);
TEST_CASE( "./mixed/Misc/Sections/nested2", "nested SECTION tests" )
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
SECTION( "s1", "doesn't equal" )
SECTION( "s2", "equal" )
REQUIRE( a == b );
SECTION( "s3", "not equal" )
REQUIRE( a != b );
SECTION( "s4", "less than" )
REQUIRE( a < b );
TEST_CASE( "./Sections/nested/a/b", "nested SECTION tests" )
SECTION( "c", "" )
SECTION( "d (leaf)", "" )
SECTION( "e (leaf)", "" )
SECTION( "f (leaf)", "" )
TEST_CASE( "Sections/nested3", "nested SECTION tests" )
Catch::EmbeddedRunner runner;
runner.runMatching( "./Sections/nested/a/b", "mock" );
CHECK( runner.getLog() ==
"[tc]( ./Sections/nested/a/b ){ "
"[g]( test case run ){ "
"[s]( c ){ "
"[s]( d (leaf) ){ } [s]( d (leaf) ) "
"} [s]( c ) "
"} [g]( test case run )"
"[g]( test case run ){ "
"[s]( c ){ "
"[s]( e (leaf) ){ } [s]( e (leaf) ) "
"} [s]( c ) "
"} [g]( test case run )"
"[g]( test case run ){ "
"[s]( c ){ } [s]( c ) "
"[s]( f (leaf) ){ } [s]( f (leaf) ) "
"} [g]( test case run ) "
"} [tc]( ./Sections/nested/a/b )" );
TEST_CASE( "./mixed/Misc/Sections/loops", "looped SECTION tests" )
int a = 1;
for( int b = 0; b < 10; ++b )
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "b is currently: " << b;
SECTION( "s1", oss.str() )
CHECK( b > a );
TEST_CASE( "./mixed/Misc/loops", "looped tests" )
static const int fib[] = { 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 };
for( size_t i=0; i < sizeof(fib)/sizeof(int); ++i )
INFO( "Testing if fib[" << i << "] (" << fib[i] << ") is even" );
CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 );
TEST_CASE( "./succeeding/Misc/stdout,stderr", "Sends stuff to stdout and stderr" )
std::cout << "Some information" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "An error" << std::endl;
inline const char* makeString( bool makeNull )
return makeNull ? NULL : "valid string";
TEST_CASE( "./succeeding/Misc/null strings", "" )
REQUIRE( makeString( false ) != static_cast<char*>(NULL));
REQUIRE( makeString( true ) == static_cast<char*>(NULL));
TEST_CASE( "./failing/info", "sends information to INFO" )
INFO( "hi" );
int i = 7;
REQUIRE( false );
inline bool testCheckedIf( bool flag )
CHECKED_IF( flag )
return true;
return false;
TEST_CASE( "./succeeding/checkedif", "" )
REQUIRE( testCheckedIf( true ) );
TEST_CASE( "./failing/checkedif", "" )
REQUIRE( testCheckedIf( false ) );
inline bool testCheckedElse( bool flag )
return false;
return true;
TEST_CASE( "./succeeding/checkedelse", "" )
REQUIRE( testCheckedElse( true ) );
TEST_CASE( "./failing/checkedelse", "" )
REQUIRE( testCheckedElse( false ) );
TEST_CASE( "./misc/xmlentitycheck", "" )
SECTION( "embedded xml", "<test>it should be possible to embed xml characters, such as <, \" or &, or even whole <xml>documents</xml> within an attribute</test>" )
// No test
SECTION( "encoded chars", "these should all be encoded: &&&\"\"\"<<<&\"<<&\"" )
// No test
TEST_CASE( "./manual/onechar", "send a single char to INFO" )
TEST_CASE("./succeeding/atomic if", "")
size_t x = 0;
if( x )
REQUIRE(x > 0);
REQUIRE(x == 0);
inline const char* testStringForMatching()
return "this string contains 'abc' as a substring";
using namespace Catch::Matchers;
TEST_CASE("./succeeding/matchers", "")
REQUIRE_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Contains( "string" ) );
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Contains( "abc" ) );
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), StartsWith( "this" ) );
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), EndsWith( "substring" ) );
TEST_CASE("./failing/matchers/Contains", "")
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Contains( "not there" ) );
TEST_CASE("./failing/matchers/StartsWith", "")
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), StartsWith( "string" ) );
TEST_CASE("./failing/matchers/EndsWith", "")
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), EndsWith( "this" ) );