mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 06:34:47 +01:00

This is kinda messy, because there is no good way to signal to the compiler that some code uses direct comparison of floating point numbers intentionally, so instead we have to use diagnostic pragmas. We also have to over-suppress the test files, because Clang (and possibly GCC) still issue warnings from template instantiation even if the instantion site is under warning suppression, so the template definition has to be under warning suppression as well. Closes #2406
1103 lines
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1103 lines
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// Copyright Catch2 Authors
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <catch2/catch_template_test_macros.hpp>
#include <catch2/matchers/catch_matchers_exception.hpp>
#include <catch2/matchers/catch_matchers_floating_point.hpp>
#include <catch2/matchers/catch_matchers_predicate.hpp>
#include <catch2/matchers/catch_matchers_string.hpp>
#include <catch2/matchers/catch_matchers_vector.hpp>
#include <catch2/matchers/catch_matchers_templated.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <exception>
#include <cmath>
#include <list>
#include <sstream>
#ifdef __clang__
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wweak-vtables"
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpadded"
namespace {
static const char* testStringForMatching() {
return "this string contains 'abc' as a substring";
static const char* testStringForMatching2() {
return "some completely different text that contains one common word";
static bool alwaysTrue( int ) { return true; }
static bool alwaysFalse( int ) { return false; }
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning( disable : 4702 ) // Unreachable code -- MSVC 19 (VS 2015)
// sees right through the indirection
struct SpecialException : std::exception {
SpecialException( int i_ ): i( i_ ) {}
char const* what() const noexcept override {
return "SpecialException::what";
int i;
struct DerivedException : std::exception {
char const* what() const noexcept override {
return "DerivedException::what";
static void doesNotThrow() {}
[[noreturn]] static void throwsSpecialException( int i ) {
throw SpecialException{ i };
[[noreturn]] static void throwsAsInt( int i ) { throw i; }
[[noreturn]] static void throwsDerivedException() {
throw DerivedException{};
class ExceptionMatcher
: public Catch::Matchers::MatcherBase<SpecialException> {
int m_expected;
ExceptionMatcher( int i ): m_expected( i ) {}
bool match( SpecialException const& se ) const override {
return se.i == m_expected;
std::string describe() const override {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "special exception has value of " << m_expected;
return ss.str();
using namespace Catch::Matchers;
#ifdef __DJGPP__
static float nextafter( float from, float to ) {
return ::nextafterf( from, to );
static double nextafter( double from, double to ) {
return ::nextafter( from, to );
using std::nextafter;
} // end unnamed namespace
TEST_CASE( "String matchers", "[matchers]" ) {
REQUIRE_THAT( testStringForMatching(), ContainsSubstring( "string" ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
ContainsSubstring( "string", Catch::CaseSensitive::No ) );
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), ContainsSubstring( "abc" ) );
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
ContainsSubstring( "aBC", Catch::CaseSensitive::No ) );
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), StartsWith( "this" ) );
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
StartsWith( "THIS", Catch::CaseSensitive::No ) );
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), EndsWith( "substring" ) );
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
EndsWith( " SuBsTrInG", Catch::CaseSensitive::No ) );
TEST_CASE( "Contains string matcher", "[.][failing][matchers]" ) {
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
ContainsSubstring( "not there", Catch::CaseSensitive::No ) );
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), ContainsSubstring( "STRING" ) );
TEST_CASE( "StartsWith string matcher", "[.][failing][matchers]" ) {
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), StartsWith( "This String" ) );
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
StartsWith( "string", Catch::CaseSensitive::No ) );
TEST_CASE( "EndsWith string matcher", "[.][failing][matchers]" ) {
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), EndsWith( "Substring" ) );
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
EndsWith( "this", Catch::CaseSensitive::No ) );
TEST_CASE( "Equals string matcher", "[.][failing][matchers]" ) {
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
Equals( "this string contains 'ABC' as a substring" ) );
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
Equals( "something else", Catch::CaseSensitive::No ) );
TEST_CASE( "Equals", "[matchers]" ) {
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
Equals( "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ) );
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
Equals( "this string contains 'ABC' as a substring",
Catch::CaseSensitive::No ) );
TEST_CASE( "Regex string matcher -- libstdc++-4.8 workaround",
"[matchers][approvals]" ) {
// DJGPP has similar problem with its regex support as libstdc++ 4.8
#ifndef __DJGPP__
REQUIRE_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
Matches( "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
Matches( "this string CONTAINS 'abc' as a substring",
Catch::CaseSensitive::No ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
Matches( "^this string contains 'abc' as a substring$" ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Matches( "^.* 'abc' .*$" ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
Matches( "^.* 'ABC' .*$", Catch::CaseSensitive::No ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( testStringForMatching2(),
!Matches( "this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ) );
TEST_CASE( "Regex string matcher", "[matchers][.failing]" ) {
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
Matches( "this STRING contains 'abc' as a substring" ) );
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
Matches( "contains 'abc' as a substring" ) );
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
Matches( "this string contains 'abc' as a" ) );
TEST_CASE( "Matchers can be (AllOf) composed with the && operator",
"[matchers][operators][operator&&]" ) {
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
ContainsSubstring( "string" ) && ContainsSubstring( "abc" ) &&
ContainsSubstring( "substring" ) && ContainsSubstring( "contains" ) );
TEST_CASE( "Matchers can be (AnyOf) composed with the || operator",
"[matchers][operators][operator||]" ) {
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
ContainsSubstring( "string" ) || ContainsSubstring( "different" ) ||
ContainsSubstring( "random" ) );
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching2(),
ContainsSubstring( "string" ) || ContainsSubstring( "different" ) ||
ContainsSubstring( "random" ) );
TEST_CASE( "Matchers can be composed with both && and ||",
"[matchers][operators][operator||][operator&&]" ) {
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
( ContainsSubstring( "string" ) || ContainsSubstring( "different" ) ) &&
ContainsSubstring( "substring" ) );
TEST_CASE( "Matchers can be composed with both && and || - failing",
"[matchers][operators][operator||][operator&&][.failing]" ) {
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(),
( ContainsSubstring( "string" ) || ContainsSubstring( "different" ) ) &&
ContainsSubstring( "random" ) );
TEST_CASE( "Matchers can be negated (Not) with the ! operator",
"[matchers][operators][not]" ) {
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), !ContainsSubstring( "different" ) );
TEST_CASE( "Matchers can be negated (Not) with the ! operator - failing",
"[matchers][operators][not][.failing]" ) {
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), !ContainsSubstring( "substring" ) );
template <typename T> struct CustomAllocator : private std::allocator<T> {
using size_type = size_t;
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = T*;
using const_pointer = const T*;
using reference = T&;
using const_reference = const T&;
using value_type = T;
template <typename U> struct rebind { using other = CustomAllocator<U>; };
using propagate_on_container_move_assignment = std::true_type;
using is_always_equal = std::true_type;
CustomAllocator() = default;
CustomAllocator( const CustomAllocator& other ):
std::allocator<T>( other ) {}
template <typename U> CustomAllocator( const CustomAllocator<U>& ) {}
~CustomAllocator() = default;
using std::allocator<T>::allocate;
using std::allocator<T>::deallocate;
TEST_CASE( "Vector matchers", "[matchers][vector]" ) {
std::vector<int> v;
v.push_back( 1 );
v.push_back( 2 );
v.push_back( 3 );
std::vector<int> v2;
v2.push_back( 1 );
v2.push_back( 2 );
std::vector<double> v3;
v3.push_back( 1 );
v3.push_back( 2 );
v3.push_back( 3 );
std::vector<double> v4;
v4.push_back( 1 + 1e-8 );
v4.push_back( 2 + 1e-8 );
v4.push_back( 3 + 1e-8 );
std::vector<int, CustomAllocator<int>> v5;
v5.push_back( 1 );
v5.push_back( 2 );
v5.push_back( 3 );
std::vector<int, CustomAllocator<int>> v6;
v6.push_back( 1 );
v6.push_back( 2 );
std::vector<int> empty;
SECTION( "Contains (element)" ) {
CHECK_THAT( v, VectorContains( 1 ) );
CHECK_THAT( v, VectorContains( 2 ) );
CHECK_THAT( v5, ( VectorContains<int, CustomAllocator<int>>( 2 ) ) );
SECTION( "Contains (vector)" ) {
CHECK_THAT( v, Contains( v2 ) );
CHECK_THAT( v, Contains<int>( { 1, 2 } ) );
( Contains<int, std::allocator<int>, CustomAllocator<int>>(
v2 ) ) );
v2.push_back( 3 ); // now exactly matches
CHECK_THAT( v, Contains( v2 ) );
CHECK_THAT( v, Contains( empty ) );
CHECK_THAT( empty, Contains( empty ) );
( Contains<int, std::allocator<int>, CustomAllocator<int>>(
v2 ) ) );
CHECK_THAT( v5, Contains( v6 ) );
SECTION( "Contains (element), composed" ) {
CHECK_THAT( v, VectorContains( 1 ) && VectorContains( 2 ) );
SECTION( "Equals" ) {
// Same vector
CHECK_THAT( v, Equals( v ) );
CHECK_THAT( empty, Equals( empty ) );
// Different vector with same elements
CHECK_THAT( v, Equals<int>( { 1, 2, 3 } ) );
v2.push_back( 3 );
CHECK_THAT( v, Equals( v2 ) );
( Equals<int, std::allocator<int>, CustomAllocator<int>>( v2 ) ) );
v6.push_back( 3 );
CHECK_THAT( v5, Equals( v6 ) );
SECTION( "UnorderedEquals" ) {
CHECK_THAT( v, UnorderedEquals( v ) );
CHECK_THAT( v, UnorderedEquals<int>( { 3, 2, 1 } ) );
CHECK_THAT( empty, UnorderedEquals( empty ) );
auto permuted = v;
std::next_permutation( begin( permuted ), end( permuted ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( permuted, UnorderedEquals( v ) );
std::reverse( begin( permuted ), end( permuted ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( permuted, UnorderedEquals( v ) );
( UnorderedEquals<int, std::allocator<int>, CustomAllocator<int>>(
permuted ) ) );
auto v5_permuted = v5;
std::next_permutation( begin( v5_permuted ), end( v5_permuted ) );
CHECK_THAT( v5_permuted, UnorderedEquals( v5 ) );
TEST_CASE( "Vector matchers that fail", "[matchers][vector][.][failing]" ) {
std::vector<int> v;
v.push_back( 1 );
v.push_back( 2 );
v.push_back( 3 );
std::vector<int> v2;
v2.push_back( 1 );
v2.push_back( 2 );
std::vector<double> v3;
v3.push_back( 1 );
v3.push_back( 2 );
v3.push_back( 3 );
std::vector<double> v4;
v4.push_back( 1.1 );
v4.push_back( 2.1 );
v4.push_back( 3.1 );
std::vector<int> empty;
SECTION( "Contains (element)" ) {
CHECK_THAT( v, VectorContains( -1 ) );
CHECK_THAT( empty, VectorContains( 1 ) );
SECTION( "Contains (vector)" ) {
CHECK_THAT( empty, Contains( v ) );
v2.push_back( 4 );
CHECK_THAT( v, Contains( v2 ) );
SECTION( "Equals" ) {
CHECK_THAT( v, Equals( v2 ) );
CHECK_THAT( v2, Equals( v ) );
CHECK_THAT( empty, Equals( v ) );
CHECK_THAT( v, Equals( empty ) );
SECTION( "UnorderedEquals" ) {
CHECK_THAT( v, UnorderedEquals( empty ) );
CHECK_THAT( empty, UnorderedEquals( v ) );
auto permuted = v;
std::next_permutation( begin( permuted ), end( permuted ) );
CHECK_THAT( permuted, UnorderedEquals( v ) );
std::reverse( begin( permuted ), end( permuted ) );
CHECK_THAT( permuted, UnorderedEquals( v ) );
TEST_CASE( "Exception matchers that succeed",
"[matchers][exceptions][!throws]" ) {
throwsSpecialException( 1 ), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{ 1 } );
throwsSpecialException( 2 ), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{ 2 } );
TEST_CASE( "Exception matchers that fail",
"[matchers][exceptions][!throws][.failing]" ) {
SECTION( "No exception" ) {
doesNotThrow(), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{ 1 } );
doesNotThrow(), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{ 1 } );
SECTION( "Type mismatch" ) {
throwsAsInt( 1 ), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{ 1 } );
throwsAsInt( 1 ), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{ 1 } );
SECTION( "Contents are wrong" ) {
CHECK_THROWS_MATCHES( throwsSpecialException( 3 ),
ExceptionMatcher{ 1 } );
REQUIRE_THROWS_MATCHES( throwsSpecialException( 4 ),
ExceptionMatcher{ 1 } );
TEST_CASE( "Floating point matchers: float", "[matchers][floating-point]" ) {
SECTION( "Relative" ) {
REQUIRE_THAT( 10.f, WithinRel( 11.1f, 0.1f ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 10.f, !WithinRel( 11.2f, 0.1f ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1.f, !WithinRel( 0.f, 0.99f ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( -0.f, WithinRel( 0.f ) );
SECTION( "Some subnormal values" ) {
auto v1 = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
auto v2 = v1;
for ( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) {
v2 = std::nextafter( v1, 0.f );
REQUIRE_THAT( v1, WithinRel( v2 ) );
SECTION( "Margin" ) {
REQUIRE_THAT( 1.f, WithinAbs( 1.f, 0 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 0.f, WithinAbs( 1.f, 1 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 0.f, !WithinAbs( 1.f, 0.99f ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 0.f, !WithinAbs( 1.f, 0.99f ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 0.f, WithinAbs( -0.f, 0 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 11.f, !WithinAbs( 10.f, 0.5f ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 10.f, !WithinAbs( 11.f, 0.5f ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( -10.f, WithinAbs( -10.f, 0.5f ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( -10.f, WithinAbs( -9.6f, 0.5f ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1.f, WithinULP( 1.f, 0 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT(-1.f, WithinULP( -1.f, 0 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( nextafter( 1.f, 2.f ), WithinULP( 1.f, 1 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 0.f, WithinULP( nextafter( 0.f, 1.f ), 1 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1.f, WithinULP( nextafter( 1.f, 0.f ), 1 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1.f, !WithinULP( nextafter( 1.f, 2.f ), 0 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1.f, WithinULP( 1.f, 0 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( -0.f, WithinULP( 0.f, 0 ) );
SECTION( "Composed" ) {
REQUIRE_THAT( 1.f, WithinAbs( 1.f, 0.5 ) || WithinULP( 1.f, 1 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1.f, WithinAbs( 2.f, 0.5 ) || WithinULP( 1.f, 0 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 0.0001f,
WithinAbs( 0.f, 0.001f ) || WithinRel( 0.f, 0.1f ) );
SECTION( "Constructor validation" ) {
REQUIRE_NOTHROW( WithinAbs( 1.f, 0.f ) );
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( WithinAbs( 1.f, -1.f ), std::domain_error );
REQUIRE_NOTHROW( WithinULP( 1.f, 0 ) );
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( WithinULP( 1.f, static_cast<uint64_t>( -1 ) ),
std::domain_error );
REQUIRE_NOTHROW( WithinRel( 1.f, 0.f ) );
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( WithinRel( 1.f, -0.2f ), std::domain_error );
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( WithinRel( 1.f, 1.f ), std::domain_error );
TEST_CASE( "Floating point matchers: double", "[matchers][floating-point]" ) {
SECTION( "Relative" ) {
REQUIRE_THAT( 10., WithinRel( 11.1, 0.1 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 10., !WithinRel( 11.2, 0.1 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1., !WithinRel( 0., 0.99 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( -0., WithinRel( 0. ) );
SECTION( "Some subnormal values" ) {
auto v1 = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
auto v2 = v1;
for ( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) {
v2 = std::nextafter( v1, 0 );
REQUIRE_THAT( v1, WithinRel( v2 ) );
SECTION( "Margin" ) {
REQUIRE_THAT( 1., WithinAbs( 1., 0 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 0., WithinAbs( 1., 1 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 0., !WithinAbs( 1., 0.99 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 0., !WithinAbs( 1., 0.99 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 11., !WithinAbs( 10., 0.5 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 10., !WithinAbs( 11., 0.5 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( -10., WithinAbs( -10., 0.5 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( -10., WithinAbs( -9.6, 0.5 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1., WithinULP( 1., 0 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( nextafter( 1., 2. ), WithinULP( 1., 1 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 0., WithinULP( nextafter( 0., 1. ), 1 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1., WithinULP( nextafter( 1., 0. ), 1 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1., !WithinULP( nextafter( 1., 2. ), 0 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1., WithinULP( 1., 0 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( -0., WithinULP( 0., 0 ) );
SECTION( "Composed" ) {
REQUIRE_THAT( 1., WithinAbs( 1., 0.5 ) || WithinULP( 2., 1 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1., WithinAbs( 2., 0.5 ) || WithinULP( 1., 0 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 0.0001, WithinAbs( 0., 0.001 ) || WithinRel( 0., 0.1 ) );
SECTION( "Constructor validation" ) {
REQUIRE_NOTHROW( WithinAbs( 1., 0. ) );
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( WithinAbs( 1., -1. ), std::domain_error );
REQUIRE_NOTHROW( WithinULP( 1., 0 ) );
REQUIRE_NOTHROW( WithinRel( 1., 0. ) );
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( WithinRel( 1., -0.2 ), std::domain_error );
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( WithinRel( 1., 1. ), std::domain_error );
TEST_CASE( "Floating point matchers that are problematic in approvals",
"[approvals][matchers][floating-point]" ) {
REQUIRE_THAT( NAN, !WithinAbs( NAN, 0 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( NAN, !( WithinAbs( NAN, 100 ) || WithinULP( NAN, 123 ) ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( NAN, !WithinULP( NAN, 123 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1., !WithinRel( INFINITY ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( INFINITY, !WithinRel( 1. ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( NAN, !WithinRel( NAN ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1., !WithinRel( NAN ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( NAN, !WithinRel( 1. ) );
TEST_CASE( "Arbitrary predicate matcher", "[matchers][generic]" ) {
SECTION( "Function pointer" ) {
REQUIRE_THAT( 1, Predicate<int>( alwaysTrue, "always true" ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1, !Predicate<int>( alwaysFalse, "always false" ) );
SECTION( "Lambdas + different type" ) {
REQUIRE_THAT( "Hello olleH",
[]( std::string const& str ) -> bool {
return str.front() == str.back();
"First and last character should be equal" ) );
"This wouldn't pass",
!Predicate<std::string>( []( std::string const& str ) -> bool {
return str.front() == str.back();
} ) );
TEST_CASE( "Regression test #1", "[matchers][vector]" ) {
// At some point, UnorderedEqualsMatcher skipped
// mismatched prefixed before doing the comparison itself
std::vector<char> actual = { 'a', 'b' };
std::vector<char> expected = { 'c', 'b' };
CHECK_THAT( actual, !UnorderedEquals( expected ) );
TEST_CASE( "Predicate matcher can accept const char*",
"[matchers][compilation]" ) {
REQUIRE_THAT( "foo", Predicate<const char*>( []( const char* const& ) {
return true;
} ) );
TEST_CASE( "Vector Approx matcher", "[matchers][approx][vector]" ) {
using Catch::Matchers::Approx;
SECTION( "Empty vector is roughly equal to an empty vector" ) {
std::vector<double> empty;
REQUIRE_THAT( empty, Approx( empty ) );
SECTION( "Vectors with elements" ) {
std::vector<double> v1( { 1., 2., 3. } );
SECTION( "A vector is approx equal to itself" ) {
REQUIRE_THAT( v1, Approx( v1 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( v1, Approx<double>( { 1., 2., 3. } ) );
std::vector<double> v2( { 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 } );
SECTION( "Different length" ) {
auto temp( v1 );
temp.push_back( 4 );
REQUIRE_THAT( v1, !Approx( temp ) );
SECTION( "Same length, different elements" ) {
REQUIRE_THAT( v1, !Approx( v2 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( v1, Approx( v2 ).margin( 0.5 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( v1, Approx( v2 ).epsilon( 0.5 ) );
REQUIRE_THAT( v1, Approx( v2 ).epsilon( 0.1 ).scale( 500 ) );
TEST_CASE( "Vector Approx matcher -- failing",
"[matchers][approx][vector][.failing]" ) {
using Catch::Matchers::Approx;
SECTION( "Empty and non empty vectors are not approx equal" ) {
std::vector<double> empty, t1( { 1, 2 } );
CHECK_THAT( empty, Approx( t1 ) );
SECTION( "Just different vectors" ) {
std::vector<double> v1( { 2., 4., 6. } ), v2( { 1., 3., 5. } );
CHECK_THAT( v1, Approx( v2 ) );
TEST_CASE( "Exceptions matchers", "[matchers][exceptions][!throws]" ) {
REQUIRE_THROWS_MATCHES( throwsDerivedException(),
Message( "DerivedException::what" ) );
REQUIRE_THROWS_MATCHES( throwsDerivedException(),
!Message( "derivedexception::what" ) );
REQUIRE_THROWS_MATCHES( throwsSpecialException( 2 ),
!Message( "DerivedException::what" ) );
REQUIRE_THROWS_MATCHES( throwsSpecialException( 2 ),
Message( "SpecialException::what" ) );
struct CheckedTestingMatcher : Catch::Matchers::MatcherBase<int> {
mutable bool matchCalled = false;
bool matchSucceeds = false;
bool match( int const& ) const override {
matchCalled = true;
return matchSucceeds;
std::string describe() const override {
return "CheckedTestingMatcher set to " +
( matchSucceeds ? std::string( "succeed" )
: std::string( "fail" ) );
TEST_CASE( "Composed matchers shortcircuit", "[matchers][composed]" ) {
// Check that if first returns false, second is not touched
CheckedTestingMatcher first, second;
SECTION( "MatchAllOf" ) {
first.matchSucceeds = false;
Detail::MatchAllOf<int> matcher =
Detail::MatchAllOf<int>{} && first && second;
CHECK_FALSE( matcher.match( 1 ) );
// These two assertions are the important ones
REQUIRE( first.matchCalled );
REQUIRE( !second.matchCalled );
// Check that if first returns true, second is not touched
SECTION( "MatchAnyOf" ) {
first.matchSucceeds = true;
Detail::MatchAnyOf<int> matcher =
Detail::MatchAnyOf<int>{} || first || second;
CHECK( matcher.match( 1 ) );
// These two assertions are the important ones
REQUIRE( first.matchCalled );
REQUIRE( !second.matchCalled );
struct CheckedTestingGenericMatcher : Catch::Matchers::MatcherGenericBase {
mutable bool matchCalled = false;
bool matchSucceeds = false;
bool match( int const& ) const {
matchCalled = true;
return matchSucceeds;
std::string describe() const override {
return "CheckedTestingGenericMatcher set to " +
( matchSucceeds ? std::string( "succeed" )
: std::string( "fail" ) );
TEST_CASE( "Composed generic matchers shortcircuit",
"[matchers][composed][generic]" ) {
// Check that if first returns false, second is not touched
CheckedTestingGenericMatcher first, second;
SECTION( "MatchAllOf" ) {
first.matchSucceeds = false;
matcher{ first, second };
CHECK_FALSE( matcher.match( 1 ) );
// These two assertions are the important ones
REQUIRE( first.matchCalled );
REQUIRE( !second.matchCalled );
// Check that if first returns true, second is not touched
SECTION( "MatchAnyOf" ) {
first.matchSucceeds = true;
matcher{ first, second };
CHECK( matcher.match( 1 ) );
// These two assertions are the important ones
REQUIRE( first.matchCalled );
REQUIRE( !second.matchCalled );
template <typename Range>
struct EqualsRangeMatcher : Catch::Matchers::MatcherGenericBase {
EqualsRangeMatcher( Range const& range ): m_range{ range } {}
template <typename OtherRange> bool match( OtherRange const& other ) const {
using std::begin;
using std::end;
return std::equal(
begin( m_range ), end( m_range ), begin( other ), end( other ) );
std::string describe() const override {
return "Equals: " + Catch::rangeToString( m_range );
Range const& m_range;
template <typename Range>
auto EqualsRange( const Range& range ) -> EqualsRangeMatcher<Range> {
return EqualsRangeMatcher<Range>{ range };
TEST_CASE( "Combining templated matchers", "[matchers][templated]" ) {
std::array<int, 3> container{ { 1, 2, 3 } };
std::array<int, 3> a{ { 1, 2, 3 } };
std::vector<int> b{ 0, 1, 2 };
std::list<int> c{ 4, 5, 6 };
REQUIRE_THAT( container,
EqualsRange( a ) || EqualsRange( b ) || EqualsRange( c ) );
TEST_CASE( "Combining templated and concrete matchers",
"[matchers][templated]" ) {
std::vector<int> vec{ 1, 3, 5 };
std::array<int, 3> a{ { 5, 3, 1 } };
[]( auto const& v ) {
return std::all_of(
v.begin(), v.end(), []( int elem ) {
return elem % 2 == 1;
} );
"All elements are odd" ) &&
!EqualsRange( a ) );
const std::string str = "foobar";
const std::array<char, 6> arr{ { 'f', 'o', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r' } };
const std::array<char, 6> bad_arr{ { 'o', 'o', 'f', 'b', 'a', 'r' } };
using Catch::Matchers::EndsWith;
using Catch::Matchers::StartsWith;
str, StartsWith( "foo" ) && EqualsRange( arr ) && EndsWith( "bar" ) );
StartsWith( "foo" ) && !EqualsRange( bad_arr ) &&
EndsWith( "bar" ) );
str, EqualsRange( arr ) && StartsWith( "foo" ) && EndsWith( "bar" ) );
!EqualsRange( bad_arr ) && StartsWith( "foo" ) &&
EndsWith( "bar" ) );
EqualsRange( bad_arr ) ||
( StartsWith( "foo" ) && EndsWith( "bar" ) ) );
( StartsWith( "foo" ) && EndsWith( "bar" ) ) ||
EqualsRange( bad_arr ) );
TEST_CASE( "Combining concrete matchers does not use templated matchers",
"[matchers][templated]" ) {
using Catch::Matchers::EndsWith;
using Catch::Matchers::StartsWith;
std::is_same<decltype( StartsWith( "foo" ) ||
( StartsWith( "bar" ) && EndsWith( "bar" ) &&
!EndsWith( "foo" ) ) ),
Catch::Matchers::Detail::MatchAnyOf<std::string>>::value );
struct MatcherA : Catch::Matchers::MatcherGenericBase {
std::string describe() const override {
return "equals: (int) 1 or (string) \"1\"";
bool match( int i ) const { return i == 1; }
bool match( std::string s ) const { return s == "1"; }
struct MatcherB : Catch::Matchers::MatcherGenericBase {
std::string describe() const override { return "equals: (long long) 1"; }
bool match( long long l ) const { return l == 1ll; }
struct MatcherC : Catch::Matchers::MatcherGenericBase {
std::string describe() const override { return "equals: (T) 1"; }
template <typename T> bool match( T t ) const { return t == T{ 1 }; }
struct MatcherD : Catch::Matchers::MatcherGenericBase {
std::string describe() const override { return "equals: true"; }
bool match( bool b ) const { return b == true; }
TEST_CASE( "Combining only templated matchers", "[matchers][templated]" ) {
std::is_same<decltype( MatcherA() || MatcherB() ),
MatchAnyOfGeneric<MatcherA, MatcherB>>::value );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1, MatcherA() || MatcherB() );
std::is_same<decltype( MatcherA() && MatcherB() ),
MatchAllOfGeneric<MatcherA, MatcherB>>::value );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1, MatcherA() && MatcherB() );
decltype( MatcherA() || !MatcherB() ),
Catch::Matchers::Detail::MatchNotOfGeneric<MatcherB>>>::value );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1, MatcherA() || !MatcherB() );
TEST_CASE( "Combining MatchAnyOfGeneric does not nest",
"[matchers][templated]" ) {
// MatchAnyOfGeneric LHS + some matcher RHS
decltype( ( MatcherA() || MatcherB() ) || MatcherC() ),
MatchAnyOfGeneric<MatcherA, MatcherB, MatcherC>>::value );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1, ( MatcherA() || MatcherB() ) || MatcherC() );
// some matcher LHS + MatchAnyOfGeneric RHS
decltype( MatcherA() || ( MatcherB() || MatcherC() ) ),
MatchAnyOfGeneric<MatcherA, MatcherB, MatcherC>>::value );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1, MatcherA() || ( MatcherB() || MatcherC() ) );
// MatchAnyOfGeneric LHS + MatchAnyOfGeneric RHS
decltype( ( MatcherA() || MatcherB() ) ||
( MatcherC() || MatcherD() ) ),
MatchAnyOfGeneric<MatcherA, MatcherB, MatcherC, MatcherD>>::
value );
1, ( MatcherA() || MatcherB() ) || ( MatcherC() || MatcherD() ) );
TEST_CASE( "Combining MatchAllOfGeneric does not nest",
"[matchers][templated]" ) {
// MatchAllOfGeneric lhs + some matcher RHS
decltype( ( MatcherA() && MatcherB() ) && MatcherC() ),
MatchAllOfGeneric<MatcherA, MatcherB, MatcherC>>::value );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1, ( MatcherA() && MatcherB() ) && MatcherC() );
// some matcher LHS + MatchAllOfGeneric RSH
decltype( MatcherA() && ( MatcherB() && MatcherC() ) ),
MatchAllOfGeneric<MatcherA, MatcherB, MatcherC>>::value );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1, MatcherA() && ( MatcherB() && MatcherC() ) );
// MatchAllOfGeneric LHS + MatchAllOfGeneric RHS
decltype( ( MatcherA() && MatcherB() ) &&
( MatcherC() && MatcherD() ) ),
MatchAllOfGeneric<MatcherA, MatcherB, MatcherC, MatcherD>>::
value );
1, ( MatcherA() && MatcherB() ) && ( MatcherC() && MatcherD() ) );
TEST_CASE( "Combining MatchNotOfGeneric does not nest",
"[matchers][templated]" ) {
decltype( !MatcherA() ),
Catch::Matchers::Detail::MatchNotOfGeneric<MatcherA>>::value );
REQUIRE_THAT( 0, !MatcherA() );
std::is_same<decltype( !!MatcherA() ), MatcherA const&>::value );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1, !!MatcherA() );
decltype( !!!MatcherA() ),
Catch::Matchers::Detail::MatchNotOfGeneric<MatcherA>>::value );
REQUIRE_THAT( 0, !!!MatcherA() );
std::is_same<decltype( !!!!MatcherA() ), MatcherA const&>::value );
REQUIRE_THAT( 1, !!!!MatcherA() );
struct EvilAddressOfOperatorUsed : std::exception {
EvilAddressOfOperatorUsed() {}
const char* what() const noexcept override {
return "overloaded address-of operator of matcher was used instead of "
struct EvilCommaOperatorUsed : std::exception {
EvilCommaOperatorUsed() {}
const char* what() const noexcept override {
return "overloaded comma operator of matcher was used";
struct EvilMatcher : Catch::Matchers::MatcherGenericBase {
std::string describe() const override { return "equals: 45"; }
bool match( int i ) const { return i == 45; }
EvilMatcher const* operator&() const { throw EvilAddressOfOperatorUsed(); }
int operator,( EvilMatcher const& ) const { throw EvilCommaOperatorUsed(); }
TEST_CASE( "Overloaded comma or address-of operators are not used",
"[matchers][templated]" ) {
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( ( EvilMatcher(), EvilMatcher() ),
EvilCommaOperatorUsed );
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( &EvilMatcher(), EvilAddressOfOperatorUsed );
REQUIRE_NOTHROW( EvilMatcher() || ( EvilMatcher() && !EvilMatcher() ) );
REQUIRE_NOTHROW( ( EvilMatcher() && EvilMatcher() ) || !EvilMatcher() );
struct ImmovableMatcher : Catch::Matchers::MatcherGenericBase {
ImmovableMatcher() = default;
ImmovableMatcher( ImmovableMatcher const& ) = delete;
ImmovableMatcher( ImmovableMatcher&& ) = delete;
ImmovableMatcher& operator=( ImmovableMatcher const& ) = delete;
ImmovableMatcher& operator=( ImmovableMatcher&& ) = delete;
std::string describe() const override { return "always false"; }
template <typename T> bool match( T&& ) const { return false; }
struct MatcherWasMovedOrCopied : std::exception {
MatcherWasMovedOrCopied() {}
const char* what() const noexcept override {
return "attempted to copy or move a matcher";
struct ThrowOnCopyOrMoveMatcher : Catch::Matchers::MatcherGenericBase {
ThrowOnCopyOrMoveMatcher() = default;
[[noreturn]] ThrowOnCopyOrMoveMatcher( ThrowOnCopyOrMoveMatcher const& ):
Catch::Matchers::MatcherGenericBase() {
throw MatcherWasMovedOrCopied();
[[noreturn]] ThrowOnCopyOrMoveMatcher( ThrowOnCopyOrMoveMatcher&& ):
Catch::Matchers::MatcherGenericBase() {
throw MatcherWasMovedOrCopied();
ThrowOnCopyOrMoveMatcher& operator=( ThrowOnCopyOrMoveMatcher const& ) {
throw MatcherWasMovedOrCopied();
ThrowOnCopyOrMoveMatcher& operator=( ThrowOnCopyOrMoveMatcher&& ) {
throw MatcherWasMovedOrCopied();
std::string describe() const override { return "always false"; }
template <typename T> bool match( T&& ) const { return false; }
TEST_CASE( "Matchers are not moved or copied",
"[matchers][templated][approvals]" ) {
( ThrowOnCopyOrMoveMatcher() && ThrowOnCopyOrMoveMatcher() ) ||
!ThrowOnCopyOrMoveMatcher() );
TEST_CASE( "Immovable matchers can be used",
"[matchers][templated][approvals]" ) {
( ImmovableMatcher() && ImmovableMatcher() ) ||
!ImmovableMatcher() );
struct ReferencingMatcher : Catch::Matchers::MatcherGenericBase {
std::string describe() const override { return "takes reference"; }
bool match( int& i ) const { return i == 22; }
TEST_CASE( "Matchers can take references",
"[matchers][templated][approvals]" ) {
REQUIRE_THAT( 22, ReferencingMatcher{} );
#ifdef __clang__
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
"#2152 - ULP checks between differently signed values were wrong",
double ) {
using Catch::Matchers::WithinULP;
static constexpr TestType smallest_non_zero =
CHECK_THAT( smallest_non_zero, WithinULP( -smallest_non_zero, 2 ) );
CHECK_THAT( smallest_non_zero, !WithinULP( -smallest_non_zero, 1 ) );