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synced 2025-03-14 06:34:47 +01:00

A test runner already has a --durations option to print durations. However, this isn't entirely satisfactory. When there are many tests, this produces output spam which makes it hard to find the test failure output. Nevertheless, it is helpful to be informed of tests which are unusually slow. Therefore, introduce a new option --min-duration that causes all durations above a certain threshold to be printed. This allows slow tests to be visible without mentioning every test.
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231 lines
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* Created by Phil on 02/11/2010.
* Copyright 2010 Two Blue Cubes Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include "catch_commandline.h"
#include "catch_string_manip.h"
#include "catch_interfaces_registry_hub.h"
#include "catch_interfaces_reporter.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <ctime>
namespace Catch {
clara::Parser makeCommandLineParser( ConfigData& config ) {
using namespace clara;
auto const setWarning = [&]( std::string const& warning ) {
auto warningSet = [&]() {
if( warning == "NoAssertions" )
return WarnAbout::NoAssertions;
if ( warning == "NoTests" )
return WarnAbout::NoTests;
return WarnAbout::Nothing;
if (warningSet == WarnAbout::Nothing)
return ParserResult::runtimeError( "Unrecognised warning: '" + warning + "'" );
config.warnings = static_cast<WarnAbout::What>( config.warnings | warningSet );
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
auto const loadTestNamesFromFile = [&]( std::string const& filename ) {
std::ifstream f( filename.c_str() );
if( !f.is_open() )
return ParserResult::runtimeError( "Unable to load input file: '" + filename + "'" );
std::string line;
while( std::getline( f, line ) ) {
line = trim(line);
if( !line.empty() && !startsWith( line, '#' ) ) {
if( !startsWith( line, '"' ) )
line = '"' + line + '"';
config.testsOrTags.push_back( line );
config.testsOrTags.emplace_back( "," );
//Remove comma in the end
config.testsOrTags.erase( config.testsOrTags.end()-1 );
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
auto const setTestOrder = [&]( std::string const& order ) {
if( startsWith( "declared", order ) )
config.runOrder = RunTests::InDeclarationOrder;
else if( startsWith( "lexical", order ) )
config.runOrder = RunTests::InLexicographicalOrder;
else if( startsWith( "random", order ) )
config.runOrder = RunTests::InRandomOrder;
return clara::ParserResult::runtimeError( "Unrecognised ordering: '" + order + "'" );
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
auto const setRngSeed = [&]( std::string const& seed ) {
if( seed != "time" )
return clara::detail::convertInto( seed, config.rngSeed );
config.rngSeed = static_cast<unsigned int>( std::time(nullptr) );
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
auto const setColourUsage = [&]( std::string const& useColour ) {
auto mode = toLower( useColour );
if( mode == "yes" )
config.useColour = UseColour::Yes;
else if( mode == "no" )
config.useColour = UseColour::No;
else if( mode == "auto" )
config.useColour = UseColour::Auto;
return ParserResult::runtimeError( "colour mode must be one of: auto, yes or no. '" + useColour + "' not recognised" );
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
auto const setWaitForKeypress = [&]( std::string const& keypress ) {
auto keypressLc = toLower( keypress );
if (keypressLc == "never")
config.waitForKeypress = WaitForKeypress::Never;
else if( keypressLc == "start" )
config.waitForKeypress = WaitForKeypress::BeforeStart;
else if( keypressLc == "exit" )
config.waitForKeypress = WaitForKeypress::BeforeExit;
else if( keypressLc == "both" )
config.waitForKeypress = WaitForKeypress::BeforeStartAndExit;
return ParserResult::runtimeError( "keypress argument must be one of: never, start, exit or both. '" + keypress + "' not recognised" );
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
auto const setVerbosity = [&]( std::string const& verbosity ) {
auto lcVerbosity = toLower( verbosity );
if( lcVerbosity == "quiet" )
config.verbosity = Verbosity::Quiet;
else if( lcVerbosity == "normal" )
config.verbosity = Verbosity::Normal;
else if( lcVerbosity == "high" )
config.verbosity = Verbosity::High;
return ParserResult::runtimeError( "Unrecognised verbosity, '" + verbosity + "'" );
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
auto const setReporter = [&]( std::string const& reporter ) {
IReporterRegistry::FactoryMap const& factories = getRegistryHub().getReporterRegistry().getFactories();
auto lcReporter = toLower( reporter );
auto result = factories.find( lcReporter );
if( factories.end() != result )
config.reporterName = lcReporter;
return ParserResult::runtimeError( "Unrecognized reporter, '" + reporter + "'. Check available with --list-reporters" );
return ParserResult::ok( ParseResultType::Matched );
auto cli
= ExeName( config.processName )
| Help( config.showHelp )
| Opt( config.listTests )
( "list all/matching test cases" )
| Opt( config.listTags )
( "list all/matching tags" )
| Opt( config.showSuccessfulTests )
( "include successful tests in output" )
| Opt( config.shouldDebugBreak )
( "break into debugger on failure" )
| Opt( config.noThrow )
( "skip exception tests" )
| Opt( config.showInvisibles )
( "show invisibles (tabs, newlines)" )
| Opt( config.outputFilename, "filename" )
( "output filename" )
| Opt( setReporter, "name" )
( "reporter to use (defaults to console)" )
| Opt( config.name, "name" )
( "suite name" )
| Opt( [&]( bool ){ config.abortAfter = 1; } )
( "abort at first failure" )
| Opt( [&]( int x ){ config.abortAfter = x; }, "no. failures" )
( "abort after x failures" )
| Opt( setWarning, "warning name" )
( "enable warnings" )
| Opt( [&]( bool flag ) { config.showDurations = flag ? ShowDurations::Always : ShowDurations::Never; }, "yes|no" )
( "show test durations" )
| Opt( config.minDuration, "seconds" )
( "show test durations for tests taking at least the given number of seconds" )
| Opt( loadTestNamesFromFile, "filename" )
( "load test names to run from a file" )
| Opt( config.filenamesAsTags )
( "adds a tag for the filename" )
| Opt( config.sectionsToRun, "section name" )
( "specify section to run" )
| Opt( setVerbosity, "quiet|normal|high" )
( "set output verbosity" )
| Opt( config.listTestNamesOnly )
( "list all/matching test cases names only" )
| Opt( config.listReporters )
( "list all reporters" )
| Opt( setTestOrder, "decl|lex|rand" )
( "test case order (defaults to decl)" )
| Opt( setRngSeed, "'time'|number" )
( "set a specific seed for random numbers" )
| Opt( setColourUsage, "yes|no" )
( "should output be colourised" )
| Opt( config.libIdentify )
( "report name and version according to libidentify standard" )
| Opt( setWaitForKeypress, "never|start|exit|both" )
( "waits for a keypress before exiting" )
| Opt( config.benchmarkSamples, "samples" )
( "number of samples to collect (default: 100)" )
| Opt( config.benchmarkResamples, "resamples" )
( "number of resamples for the bootstrap (default: 100000)" )
| Opt( config.benchmarkConfidenceInterval, "confidence interval" )
( "confidence interval for the bootstrap (between 0 and 1, default: 0.95)" )
| Opt( config.benchmarkNoAnalysis )
( "perform only measurements; do not perform any analysis" )
| Opt( config.benchmarkWarmupTime, "benchmarkWarmupTime" )
( "amount of time in milliseconds spent on warming up each test (default: 100)" )
| Arg( config.testsOrTags, "test name|pattern|tags" )
( "which test or tests to use" );
return cli;
} // end namespace Catch