Phil Nash 4a04682e49 Text formatting rework
Rewrote main wrapping loop. Now uses iterators instead of indices and intermediate strings.
Differentiates between chars to wrap before, after or instead of.
Doesn’t preserve trailing newlines.
Wraps or more characters.
Dropped support for using tab character as an indent setting control char.
Hopefully avoids all the undefined behaviour and other bugs of the previous implementation.
2017-01-23 12:28:40 +00:00

836 lines
27 KiB

<exe-name> is a <version> host application.
Run with -? for options
'Not' checks that should fail
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( false != false )
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( true != true )
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( !true )
with expansion:
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( !trueValue )
with expansion:
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK_FALSE( trueValue )
with expansion:
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( !(1 == 1) )
with expansion:
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK_FALSE( 1 == 1 )
with expansion:
!(1 == 1)
A METHOD_AS_TEST_CASE based test run that fails
ClassTests.cpp:<line number>
ClassTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
REQUIRE( s == "world" )
with expansion:
"hello" == "world"
A TEST_CASE_METHOD based test run that fails
ClassTests.cpp:<line number>
ClassTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
REQUIRE( m_a == 2 )
with expansion:
1 == 2
A couple of nested sections followed by a failure
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
explicitly with message:
to infinity and beyond
A failing expression with a non streamable type is still captured
TrickyTests.cpp:<line number>
TrickyTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( &o1 == &o2 )
with expansion:
0x<hex digits> == 0x<hex digits>
TrickyTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( o1 == o2 )
with expansion:
{?} == {?}
An unchecked exception reports the line of the last assertion
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
{Unknown expression after the reported line}
due to unexpected exception with message:
unexpected exception
Contains string matcher
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Contains( "not there" ) )
with expansion:
"this string contains 'abc' as a substring" contains: "not there"
Custom exceptions can be translated when testing for nothrow
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
REQUIRE_NOTHROW( throwCustom() )
due to unexpected exception with message:
custom exception - not std
Custom exceptions can be translated when testing for throwing as something else
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS( throwCustom() )
due to unexpected exception with message:
custom exception - not std
Custom std-exceptions can be custom translated
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
due to unexpected exception with message:
custom std exception
EndsWith string matcher
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), EndsWith( "this" ) )
with expansion:
"this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ends with: "this"
Equality checks that should fail
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.int_seven == 6 )
with expansion:
7 == 6
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.int_seven == 8 )
with expansion:
7 == 8
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.int_seven == 0 )
with expansion:
7 == 0
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.11f ) )
with expansion:
9.1f == Approx( 9.1099996567 )
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 9.0f ) )
with expansion:
9.1f == Approx( 9.0 )
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 1 ) )
with expansion:
9.1f == Approx( 1.0 )
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one == Approx( 0 ) )
with expansion:
9.1f == Approx( 0.0 )
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.double_pi == Approx( 3.1415 ) )
with expansion:
3.1415926535 == Approx( 3.1415 )
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.str_hello == "goodbye" )
with expansion:
"hello" == "goodbye"
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.str_hello == "hell" )
with expansion:
"hello" == "hell"
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.str_hello == "hello1" )
with expansion:
"hello" == "hello1"
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.str_hello.size() == 6 )
with expansion:
5 == 6
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( x == Approx( 1.301 ) )
with expansion:
1.3 == Approx( 1.301 )
Equals string matcher
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), Equals( "something else" ) )
with expansion:
"this string contains 'abc' as a substring" equals: "something else"
Expected exceptions that don't throw or unexpected exceptions fail the test
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK_THROWS_AS( thisThrows() )
due to unexpected exception with message:
expected exception
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK_THROWS_AS( thisDoesntThrow() )
because no exception was thrown where one was expected:
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK_NOTHROW( thisThrows() )
due to unexpected exception with message:
expected exception
FAIL aborts the test
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
explicitly with message:
This is a failure
FAIL does not require an argument
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
INFO and WARN do not abort tests
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>:
this is a warning
INFO gets logged on failure
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
REQUIRE( a == 1 )
with expansion:
2 == 1
with messages:
this message should be logged
so should this
INFO gets logged on failure, even if captured before successful assertions
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( a == 1 )
with expansion:
2 == 1
with messages:
this message may be logged later
this message should be logged
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( a == 0 )
with expansion:
2 == 0
with message:
and this, but later
Inequality checks that should fail
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.int_seven != 7 )
with expansion:
7 != 7
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one != Approx( 9.1f ) )
with expansion:
9.1f != Approx( 9.1000003815 )
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.double_pi != Approx( 3.1415926535 ) )
with expansion:
3.1415926535 != Approx( 3.1415926535 )
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.str_hello != "hello" )
with expansion:
"hello" != "hello"
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.str_hello.size() != 5 )
with expansion:
5 != 5
Matchers can be composed with both && and || - failing
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), ( Contains( "string" ) || Contains( "different" ) ) && Contains( "random" ) )
with expansion:
"this string contains 'abc' as a substring" ( ( contains: "string" or
contains: "different" ) and contains: "random" )
Matchers can be negated (Not) with the ! operator - failing
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), !Contains( "substring" ) )
with expansion:
"this string contains 'abc' as a substring" not contains: "substring"
Mismatching exception messages failing the test
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH( thisThrows(), "should fail" )
with expansion:
expected exception
Nice descriptive name
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>:
This one ran
Non-std exceptions can be translated
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
due to unexpected exception with message:
custom exception
Ordering comparison checks that should fail
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.int_seven > 7 )
with expansion:
7 > 7
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.int_seven < 7 )
with expansion:
7 < 7
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.int_seven > 8 )
with expansion:
7 > 8
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.int_seven < 6 )
with expansion:
7 < 6
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.int_seven < 0 )
with expansion:
7 < 0
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.int_seven < -1 )
with expansion:
7 < -1
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.int_seven >= 8 )
with expansion:
7 >= 8
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.int_seven <= 6 )
with expansion:
7 <= 6
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one < 9 )
with expansion:
9.1f < 9
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one > 10 )
with expansion:
9.1f > 10
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.float_nine_point_one > 9.2 )
with expansion:
9.1f > 9.2
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.str_hello > "hello" )
with expansion:
"hello" > "hello"
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.str_hello < "hello" )
with expansion:
"hello" < "hello"
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.str_hello > "hellp" )
with expansion:
"hello" > "hellp"
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.str_hello > "z" )
with expansion:
"hello" > "z"
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.str_hello < "hellm" )
with expansion:
"hello" < "hellm"
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.str_hello < "a" )
with expansion:
"hello" < "a"
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.str_hello >= "z" )
with expansion:
"hello" >= "z"
ConditionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( data.str_hello <= "a" )
with expansion:
"hello" <= "a"
Output from all sections is reported
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
explicitly with message:
Message from section one
Output from all sections is reported
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
explicitly with message:
Message from section two
Pointers can be converted to strings
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>:
actual address of p: 0x<hex digits>
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>:
toString(p): 0x<hex digits>
SCOPED_INFO is reset for each loop
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
REQUIRE( i < 10 )
with expansion:
10 < 10
with messages:
current counter 10
i := 10
A string sent directly to stdout
A string sent directly to stderr
Message from section one
Message from section two
StartsWith string matcher
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK_THAT( testStringForMatching(), StartsWith( "string" ) )
with expansion:
"this string contains 'abc' as a substring" starts with: "string"
Tabs and newlines show in output
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( s1 == s2 )
with expansion:
"if ($b == 10) {
$a = 20;
"if ($b == 10) {
$a = 20;
Unexpected exceptions can be translated
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
due to unexpected exception with message:
When unchecked exceptions are thrown directly they are always failures
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
due to unexpected exception with message:
unexpected exception
When unchecked exceptions are thrown during a CHECK the test should abort and
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( thisThrows() == 0 )
due to unexpected exception with message:
expected exception
When unchecked exceptions are thrown during a REQUIRE the test should abort
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
REQUIRE( thisThrows() == 0 )
due to unexpected exception with message:
expected exception
When unchecked exceptions are thrown from functions they are always failures
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( thisThrows() == 0 )
due to unexpected exception with message:
expected exception
When unchecked exceptions are thrown from sections they are always failures
section name
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>
ExceptionTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
due to unexpected exception with message:
unexpected exception
Where the LHS is not a simple value
TrickyTests.cpp:<line number>
TrickyTests.cpp:<line number>:
Uncomment the code in this test to check that it gives a sensible compiler
Where there is more to the expression after the RHS
TrickyTests.cpp:<line number>
TrickyTests.cpp:<line number>:
Uncomment the code in this test to check that it gives a sensible compiler
checkedElse, failing
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
with expansion:
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
REQUIRE( testCheckedElse( false ) )
with expansion:
checkedIf, failing
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECKED_IF( flag )
with expansion:
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
REQUIRE( testCheckedIf( false ) )
with expansion:
just failure
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
explicitly with message:
Previous info should not be seen
looped SECTION tests
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( b > a )
with expansion:
0 > 1
looped tests
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 )
with expansion:
1 == 0
with message:
Testing if fib[0] (1) is even
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 )
with expansion:
1 == 0
with message:
Testing if fib[1] (1) is even
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 )
with expansion:
1 == 0
with message:
Testing if fib[3] (3) is even
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 )
with expansion:
1 == 0
with message:
Testing if fib[4] (5) is even
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 )
with expansion:
1 == 0
with message:
Testing if fib[6] (13) is even
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
CHECK( ( fib[i] % 2 ) == 0 )
with expansion:
1 == 0
with message:
Testing if fib[7] (21) is even
more nested SECTION tests
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
REQUIRE( a == b )
with expansion:
1 == 2
send a single char to INFO
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>
MiscTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
REQUIRE( false )
with message:
sends information to INFO
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>
MessageTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
REQUIRE( false )
with messages:
i := 7
string literals of different sizes can be compared
TrickyTests.cpp:<line number>
TrickyTests.cpp:<line number>: FAILED:
REQUIRE( std::string( "first" ) == "second" )
with expansion:
"first" == "second"
test cases: 159 | 115 passed | 42 failed | 2 failed as expected
assertions: 915 | 819 passed | 78 failed | 18 failed as expected