language: C matrix: include: - name: "Basic linux gcc" os: linux sudo: false compiler: gcc before_script: - pip install --user cpp-coveralls - pip install --user cmakelint env: - BASIC_LINUX_GCC=yes addons: apt: sources: ['ubuntu-toolchain-r-test'] packages: ['cppcheck', 'doxygen', 'graphviz', 'python-sphinx'] deploy: provider: pages skip_cleanup: true local_dir: $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/docs/html github_token: $GITHUB_API_KEY on: branch: master after_success: - coveralls --build-root build --include src --include tests --gcov-options '\-lp' - name: "Basic linux clang" os: linux sudo: required # to prevent fail of executables build with clang and sanitizers compiler: clang env: - CC=clang - BASIC_LINUX_CLANG=yes addons: apt: sources: ['llvm-toolchain-trusty-4.0'] packages: ['clang-tidy-4.0'] # Linux / GCC - name: "Linux gcc-4.9" os: linux sudo: false compiler: gcc env: - FORT_C_COMPILER=gcc-4.9 - FORT_CXX_COMPILER=g++-4.9 addons: apt: sources: ['ubuntu-toolchain-r-test'] packages: ['g++-4.9'] - name: "Linux gcc-5" os: linux sudo: false compiler: gcc env: - FORT_C_COMPILER=gcc-5 - FORT_CXX_COMPILER=g++-5 addons: apt: sources: ['ubuntu-toolchain-r-test'] packages: ['g++-5'] - name: "Linux gcc-6" os: linux sudo: false compiler: gcc env: - FORT_C_COMPILER=gcc-6 - FORT_CXX_COMPILER=g++-6 addons: apt: sources: ['ubuntu-toolchain-r-test'] packages: ['g++-6'] - name: "Linux gcc-7" os: linux sudo: required compiler: gcc env: - FORT_C_COMPILER=gcc-7 - FORT_CXX_COMPILER=g++-7 addons: apt: sources: ['ubuntu-toolchain-r-test'] packages: ['g++-7'] - name: "Linux gcc-8" os: linux sudo: required compiler: gcc env: - FORT_C_COMPILER=gcc-8 - FORT_CXX_COMPILER=g++-8 addons: apt: sources: ['ubuntu-toolchain-r-test'] packages: ['g++-8'] # OSX / Clang - name: "OSX xcode7.3" os: osx osx_image: xcode7.3 env: CC=clang - name: "OSX xcode8.3" os: osx osx_image: xcode8.3 env: CC=clang - name: "OSX xcode9.3" os: osx osx_image: xcode9.3 env: CC=clang script: - CMAKE_C_FLAGS="-Werror" - CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Werror" # Check library file was generated - python -o dummy.c - wc dummy.c - wc lib/fort.c - diff dummy.c lib/fort.c - rm dummy.c # make sure CC is correctly set - if [[ "${FORT_C_COMPILER}" != "" ]]; then export CC=${FORT_C_COMPILER}; export CXX=${FORT_CXX_COMPILER}; fi # check CMakeLists.txt - | if [ "${BASIC_LINUX_GCC}" = "yes" ]; then cmakelint CMakeLists.txt fi # basic build with old c standard (use gnu89 instead of c89 because some functions are not defines in c89) - cd lib - ${CC} -Wall -Wextra -Werror --std=gnu89 fort.c -c -o fort.o - rm fort.o - cd .. # basic build c++ compiler - | if [ "${BASIC_LINUX_GCC}" = "yes" ]; then cd lib g++ -Wall -Wextra -Werror fort.c -c -o fort.o rm fort.o cd .. fi ## cppcheck run #- | # if [ "${BASIC_LINUX_GCC}" = "yes" ]; then # cppcheck --std=posix --enable=warning,style,performance,portability,information,missingInclude --error-exitcode=1 lib # cppcheck --std=c89 --enable=warning,style,performance,portability,information,missingInclude --error-exitcode=1 lib # cppcheck --std=c99 --enable=warning,style,performance,portability,information,missingInclude --error-exitcode=1 lib # cppcheck --std=c++11 --enable=warning,style,performance,portability,information,missingInclude --error-exitcode=1 lib # fi # clang-tidy run - | if [ "${BASIC_LINUX_CLANG}" = "yes" ]; then # don't know how force warnings of clang-tidy to be errors cp .clang-tidy lib clang-tidy lib/fort.c echo "Clang-tidy exit code is $?" fi # doxygen run - | if [ "${BASIC_LINUX_GCC}" = "yes" ]; then cd docs make doxygen html cd .. fi # Print all environment variables to aid in CI development - printenv # Print version and available CMake generators to aid in CI development - cmake --version # Perform out-of-source build(CMake backend generation, build, and test) # Test build without optimizations and with asan - mkdir -p build - cd build - cmake .. -DFORT_BUILD_TYPE=asan -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_C_STANDARD=99 -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=11 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" - cmake --build . --target all - ls - ctest -VV # Test without WCHAR and UTF-8 support - cd .. - rm -r build/* - mkdir -p build - cd build - cmake .. -DFORT_ENABLE_WCHAR=OFF -DFORT_ENABLE_UTF8=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_C_STANDARD=99 -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=11 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" - cmake --build . --target all - ls - ctest -VV # Test build without optimizations and with ubsan - | if [ "${CC}" = 'gcc-7' ]; then cd .. ; rm -r build/* ; cd build ; cmake .. -DFORT_BUILD_TYPE=ubsan -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_C_STANDARD=99 -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=11 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" ; cmake --build . --target all ; ls ; ctest -VV; fi # Astyle Format # - | # if [ "${CC}" = 'gcc' ]; then # ls # cd .. ; # rm -r build/* ; # cd build ; # cmake .. -DFORT_ENABLE_ASTYLE=ON ; # make ; # make format ; # cd .. ; # if [[ -n $(git diff) ]]; then # echo "You must run make format before submitting a pull request" ; # echo "" ; # git diff ; # exit -1 ; # fi # cd build ; # rm -rf external # fi # Clang static analyzer (doesn't work - can't find scan-build) # - | # if [ "${CC}" = 'clang' ]; then # cd .. ; # pwd ; # ls ; # rm -rf build/* ; # cd build ; # cmake .. ; # scan-build make ; # fi # Test package installation - cd .. - rm -r build/* - cmake -H. -Bbuild -DFORT_ENABLE_TESTING=OFF -DCMAKE_C_STANDARD=99 -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=11 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`pwd`/install - cmake --build build --target all - cmake --build build -- install - ls `pwd`/install - cd tests/package_tests - cmake -H. -B_build -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=../../install -DCMAKE_C_STANDARD=99 -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=11 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./_install_foo - cmake --build _build -- -j3 - ./_build/foo-app - cmake --build _build -- install - rm -rf _build - rm -rf _install_foo - cd ../../build # Test subdirectory - cd .. - rm -r build/* - mkdir build - ln -s `pwd` tests/add_subdirectory_tests/libfort - cd tests/add_subdirectory_tests/ - cmake -H. -B_build -DCMAKE_C_STANDARD=99 -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=11 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./_install_foo - cmake --build _build -- -j3 - ./_build/foo-app - cmake --build _build -- install - rm -rf _build - rm -rf _install_foo - cd ../../build # Build for coveralls (should be the last) - | if [ "${CC}" = 'gcc' ]; then cd .. ; rm -r build/* ; cd build ; cmake .. -DFORT_BUILD_TYPE=coveralls -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_C_STANDARD=99 -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=11 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}" ; cmake --build . --target all ; ls ; ./tests/libfort_test_dev ; fi - cd ..