#include "tests.h" #include "fort.hpp" #define assert_string_equal(str1, str2) assert_str_equal(str1.c_str(), str2.c_str()) bool set_test_options_for_table(fort::Table *table) { assert_true(table->set_cell_bottom_padding(FT_ANY_ROW, FT_ANY_COLUMN, 1)); assert_true(table->set_cell_top_padding(FT_ANY_ROW, FT_ANY_COLUMN, 1)); assert_true(table->set_cell_left_padding(FT_ANY_ROW, FT_ANY_COLUMN, 1)); assert_true(table->set_cell_right_padding(FT_ANY_ROW, FT_ANY_COLUMN, 1)); assert_true(table->set_cell_empty_str_height(FT_ANY_ROW, FT_ANY_COLUMN, 1)); struct ft_border_style brdr_style; brdr_style.border_chs.top_border_ch = "-"; brdr_style.border_chs.separator_ch = "-"; brdr_style.border_chs.bottom_border_ch = "-"; brdr_style.border_chs.side_border_ch = "|"; brdr_style.border_chs.out_intersect_ch = "+"; brdr_style.border_chs.in_intersect_ch = "+"; brdr_style.header_border_chs.top_border_ch = "-"; brdr_style.header_border_chs.separator_ch = "-"; brdr_style.header_border_chs.bottom_border_ch = "-"; brdr_style.header_border_chs.side_border_ch = "|"; brdr_style.header_border_chs.out_intersect_ch = "+"; brdr_style.header_border_chs.in_intersect_ch = "+"; brdr_style.hor_separator_char = "="; table->set_border_style(&brdr_style); return true; } void test_cpp_table_basic(void) { WHEN("All columns are equal and not empty.") { fort::Table table; assert_true(set_test_options_for_table(&table)); table << fort::header << "3" << "c" << "234" << "3.140000" << fort::endr << "3" << "c" << "234" << "3.140000" << fort::endr << "3" << "c" << "234" << "3.140000" << fort::endr; std::string table_str = table.to_string(); std::string table_str_etalon = "+---+---+-----+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| 3 | c | 234 | 3.140000 |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+---+---+-----+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| 3 | c | 234 | 3.140000 |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+---+---+-----+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| 3 | c | 234 | 3.140000 |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+---+---+-----+----------+\n"; assert_string_equal(table_str, table_str_etalon); } WHEN("Checking basic constructors and assignmets.") { fort::Table table; assert_true(set_test_options_for_table(&table)); table << fort::header << "3" << "c" << "234" << "3.140000" << fort::endr << "3" << "c" << "234" << "3.140000" << fort::endr << "3" << "c" << "234" << "3.140000" << fort::endr; fort::Table table2(std::move(table)); fort::Table table3; table3 = std::move(table2); fort::Table table4(table3); fort::Table table5; table5 = table4; std::string table_str = table5.to_string(); std::string table_str_etalon = "+---+---+-----+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| 3 | c | 234 | 3.140000 |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+---+---+-----+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| 3 | c | 234 | 3.140000 |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+---+---+-----+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| 3 | c | 234 | 3.140000 |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+---+---+-----+----------+\n"; assert_string_equal(table_str, table_str_etalon); } WHEN("All columns are not equal and not empty") { fort::Table table; assert_true(set_test_options_for_table(&table)); table << fort::header << "3" << "c" << "234" << "3.140000" << fort::endr << "c" << "234" << "3.140000" << "3" << fort::endr << "234" << "3.140000" << "3" << "c" << fort::endr; std::string table_str = table.to_string(); std::string table_str_etalon = "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| 3 | c | 234 | 3.140000 |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| c | 234 | 3.140000 | 3 |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| 234 | 3.140000 | 3 | c |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n"; assert_string_equal(table_str, table_str_etalon); } WHEN("All columns are not equal and some cells are empty") { fort::Table table; assert_true(set_test_options_for_table(&table)); table << fort::header << "" << "" << "234" << "3.140000" << fort::endr << "c" << "234" << "3.140000" << "" << fort::endr << "234" << "3.140000" << "" << "" << fort::endr; std::string table_str = table.to_string(); std::string table_str_etalon = "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| | | 234 | 3.140000 |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| c | 234 | 3.140000 | |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| 234 | 3.140000 | | |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n"; assert_string_equal(table_str, table_str_etalon); } WHEN("All cells are empty") { fort::Table table; assert_true(set_test_options_for_table(&table)); table << fort::header << "" << "" << "" << "" << fort::endr << "" << "" << "" << "" << fort::endr << "" << "" << "" << "" << fort::endr; std::string table_str = table.to_string(); std::string table_str_etalon = "+--+--+--+--+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| | | | |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+--+--+--+--+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| | | | |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+--+--+--+--+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| | | | |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+--+--+--+--+\n"; assert_string_equal(table_str, table_str_etalon); } } void test_cpp_table_write(void) { SCENARIO("Test write functions") { fort::Table table; assert_true(set_test_options_for_table(&table)); table << fort::header; assert_true(table.write("3")); assert_true(table.write("c")); assert_true(table.write("234")); assert_true(table.write_ln("3.140000")); assert_true(table.write("c")); assert_true(table.write("235")); assert_true(table.write("3.150000")); assert_true(table.write_ln("5")); assert_true(table.write("234")); assert_true(table.write("3.140000")); assert_true(table.write("3")); assert_true(table.write_ln("c")); /* Replace old values */ table[1][1] = "234"; assert_true(table.write("3.140000")); assert_true(table.write_ln("3")); std::string table_str = table.to_string(); std::string table_str_etalon = "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| 3 | c | 234 | 3.140000 |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| c | 234 | 3.140000 | 3 |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| 234 | 3.140000 | 3 | c |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n"; assert_string_equal(table_str, table_str_etalon); } SCENARIO("Test n write functions") { fort::Table table; assert_true(set_test_options_for_table(&table)); table << fort::header; assert_true(table.write("3", "c", "234", "3.140000")); table << fort::endr; assert_true(table.write_ln("c", "235", "3.150000", "5")); assert_true(table.write_ln("234", "3.140000", "3", "c")); /* Replace old values */ table[1][1] = "234"; assert_true(table.write_ln("3.140000", "3")); std::string table_str = table.to_string(); std::string table_str_etalon = "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| 3 | c | 234 | 3.140000 |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| c | 234 | 3.140000 | 3 |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| 234 | 3.140000 | 3 | c |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n"; assert_string_equal(table_str, table_str_etalon); } SCENARIO("Test row_write functions") { fort::Table table; assert_true(set_test_options_for_table(&table)); table << fort::header; const char *row_0[4] = {"3", "c", "234", "3.140000"}; const char *row_1[4] = {"c", "235", "3.150000", "5"}; const char *row_2[4] = {"234", "3.140000", "3", "c"}; assert_true(table.row_write_ln(std::begin(row_0), std::end(row_0))); assert_true(table.row_write(std::begin(row_1), std::end(row_1))); table << fort::endr; assert_true(table.row_write_ln(std::begin(row_2), std::end(row_2))); /* Replace old values */ table[1][1] = "234"; const char *row_11[3] = {"3.140000", "3"}; assert_true(table.row_write_ln(std::begin(row_11), std::end(row_11))); std::string table_str = table.to_string(); std::string table_str_etalon = "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| 3 | c | 234 | 3.140000 |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| c | 234 | 3.140000 | 3 |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n" "| | | | |\n" "| 234 | 3.140000 | 3 | c |\n" "| | | | |\n" "+-----+----------+----------+----------+\n"; assert_string_equal(table_str, table_str_etalon); } }