# # Copyright (c) 2009 Mason Green & Tom Novelli # # This file is part of OpenMelee. # # OpenMelee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # any later version. # # OpenMelee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with OpenMelee. If not, see . # from math import floor ### ### Based on Raimund Seidel's paper "A simple and fast incremental randomized ### algorithm for computing trapezoidal decompositions and for triangulating polygons" ### (Ported from poly2tri) class Triangulator(object) { def __init__(points): # Convex polygon list self.polygons = [] # Order and randomize the Edges self.EdgeList = initEdges() # Initialize trapezoidal map and query structure self.trapezoidalMap = new TrapezoidalMap self.bounding_box = trapezoidalMap.bounding_box(EdgeList) self.queryGraph = QueryGraph(Sink.init(bounding_box)) self.xMonoPoly = [] # The trapezoidal map self.trapezoidMap = trapezoidalMap.map # Trapezoid decomposition list self.trapezoids = [] self.process() // Build the trapezoidal map and query graph def process(self): i = 0 while(i < len(EdgeList)): s = EdgeList(i) traps = queryGraph.followEdge(s) // Remove trapezoids from trapezoidal Map for j in range(len(traps)): trapezoidalMap.map -= traps(j) for j in range(len(traps)): t = traps(j) tList = [] containsP = t.contains(s.p) containsQ = t.contains(s.q) if containsP and containsQ: // Case 1 tList = trapezoidalMap.case1(t,s) queryGraph.case1(t.sink, s, tList) elif containsP and !containsQ: // Case 2 tList = trapezoidalMap.case2(t,s) queryGraph.case2(t.sink, s, tList) elif !containsP and !containsQ: // Case 3 tList = trapezoidalMap.case3(t, s) queryGraph.case3(t.sink, s, tList) else: // Case 4 tList = trapezoidalMap.case4(t, s) queryGraph.case4(t.sink, s, tList) // Add new trapezoids to map for k in range(len(tList)): trapezoidalMap.map += tList[k] trapezoidalMap.clear i += 1 // Mark outside trapezoids for t in trapezoidalMap.map markOutside(t) // Collect interior trapezoids for t in trapezoidalMap.map if t.inside: trapezoids.append(t) t.addPoints() // Generate the triangles createMountains } // Monotone polygons - these are monotone mountains def monoPolies(self): polies = [] for i in range(len(self.xMonoPoly)): polies.append(self.xMonoPoly(i).monoPoly) return polies // Build a list of x-monotone mountains private def createMountains { var i = 0 while(i < EdgeList.size) { val s = EdgeList(i) if(s.mPoints.size > 0) { val mountain = new MonotoneMountain var k: List[Point] = None // Sorting is a perfromance hit. Literature says this can be accomplised in // linear time, although I don't see a way around using traditional methods // when using a randomized incremental algorithm if(s.mPoints.size < 10) // Insertion sort is one of the fastest algorithms for sorting arrays containing // fewer than ten elements, or for lists that are already mostly sorted. k = Util.insertSort((p1: Point, p2: Point) => p1 < p2)(s.mPoints).toList else k = Util.msort((p1: Point, p2: Point) => p1 < p2)(s.mPoints.toList) val points = s.p :: k ::: List(s.q) var j = 0 while(j < points.size) { mountain += points(j) j += 1 } // Triangulate monotone mountain mountain process // Extract the triangles into a single list j = 0 while(j < mountain.triangles.size) { polygons += mountain.triangles(j) j += 1 } xMonoPoly += mountain } i += 1 } } // Mark the outside trapezoids surrounding the polygon private def markOutside(t: Trapezoid) { if(t.top == bounding_box.top || t.bottom == bounding_box.bottom) { t trimNeighbors } } // Create Edges and connect end points; update edge event pointer private def initEdges: ArrayBuffer[Edge] = { var Edges = List[Edge]() for(i <- 0 until points.size-1) Edges = new Edge(points(i), points(i+1)) :: Edges Edges = new Edge(points.first, points.last) :: Edges orderEdges(Edges) } private def orderEdges(Edges: List[Edge]) = { // Ignore vertical Edges! val segs = new ArrayBuffer[Edge] for(s <- Edges) { val p = shearTransform(s.p) val q = shearTransform(s.q) // Point p must be to the left of point q if(p.x > q.x) { segs += new Edge(q, p) } else if(p.x < q.x) { segs += new Edge(p, q) } } // Randomized triangulation improves performance // See Seidel's paper, or O'Rourke's book, p. 57 Random.shuffle(segs) segs } // Prevents any two distinct endpoints from lying on a common vertical line, and avoiding // the degenerate case. See Mark de Berg et al, Chapter 6.3 //val SHEER = 0.0001f def shearTransform(point: Point) = Point(point.x + 0.0001f * point.y, point.y) } // Doubly linked list class MonotoneMountain { var tail, head: Point = None var size = 0 private val convexPoints = new ArrayBuffer[Point] // Monotone mountain points val monoPoly = new ArrayBuffer[Point] // Triangles that constitute the mountain val triangles = new ArrayBuffer[Array[Point]] // Convex polygons that constitute the mountain val convexPolies = new ArrayBuffer[Array[Point]] // Used to track which side of the line we are on private var positive = false // Almost Pi! private val PI_SLOP = 3.1 // Append a point to the list def +=(point: Point) { size match { case 0 => head = point size += 1 case 1 => // Keep repeat points out of the list if(point ! head) { tail = point tail.prev = head head.next = tail size += 1 } case _ => // Keep repeat points out of the list if(point ! tail) { tail.next = point point.prev = tail tail = point size += 1 } } } // Remove a point from the list def remove(point: Point) { val next = point.next val prev = point.prev point.prev.next = next point.next.prev = prev size -= 1 } // Partition a x-monotone mountain into triangles O(n) // See "Computational Geometry in C", 2nd edition, by Joseph O'Rourke, page 52 def process { // Establish the proper sign positive = angleSign // create monotone polygon - for dubug purposes genMonoPoly // Initialize internal angles at each nonbase vertex // Link strictly convex vertices into a list, ignore reflex vertices var p = head.next while(p != tail) { val a = angle(p) // If the point is almost colinear with it's neighbor, remove it! if(a >= PI_SLOP || a <= -PI_SLOP) remove(p) else if(convex(p)) convexPoints += p p = p.next } triangulate } private def triangulate { while(!convexPoints.isEmpty) { val ear = convexPoints.remove(0) val a = ear.prev val b = ear val c = ear.next val triangle = Array(a, b, c) triangles += triangle // Remove ear, update angles and convex list remove(ear) if(valid(a)) convexPoints += a if(valid(c)) convexPoints += c } assert(size <= 3, "Triangulation bug, please report") } private def valid(p: Point) = (p != head && p != tail && convex(p)) // Create the monotone polygon private def genMonoPoly { var p = head while(p != None) { monoPoly += p p = p.next } } private def angle(p: Point) = { val a = (p.next - p) val b = (p.prev - p) Math.atan2(a cross b, a dot b) } private def angleSign = { val a = (head.next - head) val b = (tail - head) (Math.atan2(a cross b, a dot b) >= 0) } // Determines if the inslide angle is convex or reflex private def convex(p: Point) = { if(positive != (angle(p) >= 0)) false else true } } # Node for a Directed Acyclic graph (DAG) class Node(object): def __init__(self, left, right): self.left = left self.right = right if left is not None: left.parentList.append(self) if right is not None: right.parentList.append(self) parentList = [] def replace(self, node): for parent in node.parentList: if(parent.left == node): parent.left = self else: parent.right = self parentList.append(parent) # Directed Acyclic graph (DAG) # See "Computational Geometry", 3rd edition, by Mark de Berg et al, Chapter 6.2 class QueryGraph(var head: Node) { def locate(s: Edge) = head.locate(s).trapezoid def followEdge(s: Edge) = { val trapezoids = new ArrayBuffer[Trapezoid] trapezoids += locate(s) var j = 0 while(s.q.x > trapezoids(j).rightPoint.x) { if(s > trapezoids(j).rightPoint) { trapezoids += trapezoids(j).upperRight } else { trapezoids += trapezoids(j).lowerRight } j += 1 } trapezoids } def replace(sink: Sink, node: Node) { if(sink.parentList.size == 0) { head = node } else { node replace sink } } def case1(sink: Sink, s: Edge, tList: Array[Trapezoid]) { val yNode = new YNode(s, Sink.init(tList(1)), Sink.init(tList(2))) val qNode = new XNode(s.q, yNode, Sink.init(tList(3))) val pNode = new XNode(s.p, Sink.init(tList(0)), qNode) replace(sink, pNode) } def case2(sink: Sink, s: Edge, tList: Array[Trapezoid]) { val yNode = new YNode(s, Sink.init(tList(1)), Sink.init(tList(2))) val pNode = new XNode(s.p, Sink.init(tList(0)), yNode) replace(sink, pNode) } def case3(sink: Sink, s: Edge, tList: Array[Trapezoid]) { val yNode = new YNode(s, Sink.init(tList(0)), Sink.init(tList(1))) replace(sink, yNode) } def case4(sink: Sink, s: Edge, tList: Array[Trapezoid]) { val yNode = new YNode(s, Sink.init(tList(0)), Sink.init(tList(1))) val qNode = new XNode(s.q, yNode, Sink.init(tList(2))) replace(sink, qNode) } } class Sink(Node): def __new__(cls, trapezoid): if trapezoid.sink is not None: return trapezoid.sink else return Sink(trapezoid) def __init__(self, trapezoid): Node.__init__(self, None, None) trapezoid.sink = self def locate(e): return self class TrapezoidalMap(object): map = {} margin = 50 bcross = None tcross = None def clear(self): self.bcross = None self.tcross = None def case1(self, t, e): trapezoids = (None, None, None, None) trapezoids.append(Trapezoid(t.leftPoint, e.p, t.top, t.bottom)) trapezoids.append(Trapezoid(e.p, e.q, t.top, e)) trapezoids.append(Trapezoid(e.p, e.q, e, t.bottom)) trapezoids.append(Trapezoid(e.q, t.rightPoint, t.top, t.bottom)) trapezoids[0].updateLeft(t.upperLeft, t.lowerLeft) trapezoids[1].updateLeftRight(trapezoids[0], None, trapezoids[3], None) trapezoids[2].updateLeftRight(None, trapezoids[0], None, trapezoids[3]) trapezoids[3].updateRight(t.upperRight, t.lowerRight) return trapezoids def case2(self, t, e): val rp = e.q if e.q.x == t.rightPoint.x else t.rightPoint trapezoids = (None, None, None) trapezoids.append(Trapezoid(t.leftPoint, e.p, t.top, t.bottom)) trapezoids.append(Trapezoid(e.p, rp, t.top, e)) trapezoids.append(Trapezoid(e.p, rp, e, t.bottom)) trapezoids[0].updateLeft(t.upperLeft, t.lowerLeft) trapezoids[1].updateLeftRight(trapezoids[0], None, t.upperRight, None) trapezoids[2].updateLeftRight(None, trapezoids[0], None, t.lowerRight) self.bcross = t.bottom self.tcross = t.top e.above = trapezoids[1] e.below = trapezoids[2] return trapezoids def case3(self, t, e): lp = s.p if s.p.x == t.leftPoint.x else t.leftPoint rp = s.q if s.q.x == t.rightPoint.x else t.rightPoint trapezoids = (None, None) if self.tcross is t.top: trapezoids[0] = t.upperLeft trapezoids[0].updateRight(t.upperRight, None) trapezoids[0].rightPoint = rp else: trapezoids[0] = Trapezoid(lp, rp, t.top, s) trapezoids[0].updateLeftRight(t.upperLeft, s.above, t.upperRight, None) if self.bcross is t.bottom: trapezoids[1] = t.lowerLeft trapezoids[1].updateRight(None, t.lowerRight) trapezoids[1].rightPoint = rp else: trapezoids[1] = Trapezoid(lp, rp, s, t.bottom) trapezoids[1].updateLeftRight(s.below, t.lowerLeft, None, t.lowerRight) self.bcross = t.bottom self.tcross = t.top s.above = trapezoids[0] s.below = trapezoids[1] return trapezoids def case4(self, t, e): lp = s.p if s.p.x == t.leftPoint.x else t.leftPoint trapezoids = (None, None, None) if self.tcross is t.top: trapezoids[0] = t.upperLeft trapezoids[0].rightPoint = s.q else: trapezoids[0] = Trapezoid(lp, s.q, t.top, s) trapezoids[0].updateLeft(t.upperLeft, s.above) if self.bcross is t.bottom: trapezoids[1] = t.lowerLeft trapezoids[1].rightPoint = s.q else: trapezoids[1] = Trapezoid(lp, s.q, s, t.bottom) trapezoids[1].updateLeft(s.below, t.lowerLeft) trapezoids[2] = Trapezoid(s.q, t.rightPoint, t.top, t.bottom) trapezoids[2].updateLeftRight(trapezoids[0], trapezoids[1], t.upperRight, t.lowerRight) return trapezoids def bounding_box(self, edges): max = edges[0].p + margin min = edges[0].q - margin for s in edges: if s.p.x > max.x: max = Point(s.p.x + margin, max.y) if s.p.y > max.y: max = Point(max.x, s.p.y + margin) if s.q.x > max.x: max = Point(s.q.x+margin, max.y) if s.q.y > max.y: max = Point(max.x, s.q.y+margin) if s.p.x < min.x: min = Point(s.p.x-margin, min.y) if s.p.y < min.y: min = Point(min.x, s.p.y-margin) if s.q.x < min.x: min = Point(s.q.x-margin, min.y) if s.q.y < min.y: min = Point(min.x, s.q.y-margin) top = Edge(Point(min.x, max.y), Point(max.x, max.y)) bottom = Edge(Point(min.x, min.y), Point(max.x, min.y)) left = bottom.p right = top.q return Trapezoid(left, right, top, bottom) class XNode(Node): def __init__(self, point, lchild, rchild): Node.__init__(self, lChild, rChild) self.point = point self.lchild = lchild self.rchild = rchils def locate(self, e): if e.p.x >= self.point.x: return self.right.locate(e) else: return self.left.locate(e) class YNode(Node): def __init__(self, edge, lchild, rchild): Node.__init__(self, lChild, rChild) self.edge = edge self.lchild = lchild self.rchile = rchild def locate(self, e): if edge > e.p: return self.right.locate(e) elif edge < e.p: return self.left.locate(e) else: if e.slope < self.edge.slope: return self.right.locate(e) else: return self.left.locate(e) cdef class Point(object): def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y next = None prev = None Edge = None edges = [] cdef __sub__(self, Point p): return Point(self.x - p.x, self.y - p.y) cdef __sub__(self, float f): return Point(self.x - f, self.y - f) cdef __add__(self, Point p): return Point(self.x + p.x, self.y + p.y) cdef __add__(self, float f): return Point(self.x + f, self.y + f) cdef __mul__(self, float f): return Point(self.x * f, self.y * f) cdef __div__(self, float a): return Point(self.x / a, self.y / a) cdef cross(self, Point p): return self.x * p.y - self.y * p.x cdef dot(self, Point p): return self.x * p.x + self.y * p.y cdef length(self): return math.sqrt(self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y) cdef normalize(self): return self / length cdef __lt__(self, Point p): return self.x < p.x # Sort along y axis cdef >(p: Point): if y < p.y: return True elif y > p.y: return False else { if x < p.x: return True else return False cdef !(p: Point) = !(p.x == x && p.y == y) cdef clone = Point(x, y) // Represents a simple polygon's edge // TODO: Rename this class to Edge? class Edge(object): def __init__(self, p, q): self.p = p self.q = q self.above, self.below = None mPoints = [] self.slope = (q.y - p.y)/(q.x - p.x) self.b = p.y - (p.x * self.slope) def __gt__(self, point): return (floor(point.y) < floor(slope * point.x + b)) def __lt__(self, point): return (floor(point.y) > floor(slope * point.x + b)) def intersect(self, c, d): a = self.p b = self.q a1 = _signed_area(a, b, d) a2 = _signed_area(a, b, c) if a1 != 0 and a2 != 0 and a1 * a2 < 0: a3 = _signed_area(c, d, a) a4 = a3 + a2 - a1 if a3 * a4 < 0: t = a3 / (a3 - a4) return a + ((b - a) * t) def _signed_area(self, a, b, c): return (a.x - c.x) * (b.y - c.y) - (a.y - c.y) * (b.x - c.x)