library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; -- "work" denotes the curent library. Similar to this in C++, C# etc... use work.axi3intercon_pkg.all; entity axi3intercon is generic( constant MASTER_COUNT : natural := 1; constant SLAVE_COUNT : natural := 1 ); port( aclk : in std_logic; aresetn : in std_logic; masters_in : out axi_masters_in(0 to MASTER_COUNT - 1); masters_out : in axi_masters_out(0 to MASTER_COUNT - 1); slaves_in : out axi_masters_in(0 to SLAVE_COUNT - 1); slaves_out : in axi_masters_out(0 to SLAVE_COUNT - 1) ); end entity axi3intercon; architecture RTL of axi3intercon is signal rst : std_logic; begin reset_sync : process(aclk, aresetn) is begin if aresetn = '0' then rst <= '1'; elsif rising_edge(aclk) then rst <= '0'; end if; end process reset_sync; end architecture RTL;