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@page usage Usage
@section cmd Command Line Interface
2019-05-14 18:35:40 +02:00
To use the application on the command line check 'gds-render `--`help'.
2018-12-15 00:13:01 +01:00
Application Options:
2019-05-14 18:35:40 +02:00
- -t, `--`tikz Output TikZ code
- -p, `--`pdf Output PDF document
- -s, `--`scale=SCALE Divide output coordinates by SCALE
- -o, `--`tex-output=PATH Optional path for TeX file
- -O, `--`pdf-output=PATH Optional path for PDF file
- -m, `--`mapping=PATH Path for Layer Mapping File
- -c, `--`cell=NAME Cell to render
- -a, `--`tex-standalone Create standalone PDF
- -l, `--`tex-layers Create PDF Layers (OCG)
- -P, `--`custom-render-lib=PATH Path to a custom shared object, that implements the render_cell_to_file function
- -e, `--`external-lib-output=PATH Output path for external render library
- `--`display=DISPLAY X display to use
2018-12-15 00:13:01 +01:00
@section gui Graphical User Interface
The graphical user interface (GUI) can be used to open GDS Files, configure the layer rendering (colors, order, transparency etc.), and convert cells.
2018-12-10 19:23:54 +01:00
It is possible to export the layer configurations so they can be used later on. Even in the @ref cmd
@image html gui.svg
@image latex gui.pdf