/* * GDSII-Converter * Copyright (C) 2018 Mario Hüttel * * This file is part of GDSII-Converter. * * GDSII-Converter is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * GDSII-Converter is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GDSII-Converter. If not, see . */ #include "latex-output.h" #include #define WRITEOUT_BUFFER(buff) fwrite((buff)->str, sizeof(char), (buff)->len, tex_file) static void write_layer_definitions(FILE *tex_file, GList *layer_infos, GString *buffer) { GList *list; struct layer_info *lifo; char *end_str; for (list = layer_infos; list != NULL; list = list->next) { lifo = (struct layer_info *)list->data; g_string_printf(buffer, "\\pgfdeclarelayer{l%d}\n\\definecolor{c%d}{rgb}{%lf,%lf,%lf}\n", lifo->layer, lifo->layer, lifo->color.red, lifo->color.green, lifo->color.blue); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(buffer); } g_string_printf(buffer, "\\pgfsetlayers{"); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(buffer); for (list = layer_infos; list != NULL; list = list->next) { lifo = (struct layer_info *)list->data; if (list->next == NULL) end_str = ",main}"; else end_str = ","; g_string_printf(buffer, "l%d%s", lifo->layer, end_str); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(buffer); } fwrite("\n", sizeof(char), 1, tex_file); } /** * @brief write_layer_env * @param tex_file * @param layer * @param buffer * @return TRUE if layer is placeable */ static gboolean write_layer_env(FILE *tex_file, GdkRGBA *color, int layer, GList *linfo, GString *buffer) { GList *temp; struct layer_info *inf; for (temp = linfo; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next) { inf = (struct layer_info *)temp->data; if (inf->layer == layer) { color->alpha = inf->color.alpha; color->red = inf->color.red; color->green = inf->color.green; color->blue = inf->color.blue; g_string_printf(buffer, "\\begin{pgfonlayer}{l%d}\n\\ifcreatepdflayers\n\\begin{scope}[ocg={ref=%d, status=visible,name={%s}}]\n\\fi]\n", layer, layer, inf->name); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(buffer); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static void generate_graphics(FILE *tex_file, GList *graphics, GList *linfo, GString *buffer) { GList *temp; GList *temp_vertex; struct gds_graphics *gfx; struct gds_point *pt; GdkRGBA color; static const char *line_caps[] = {"butt", "round", "rect"}; for (temp = graphics; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next) { gfx = (struct gds_graphics *)temp->data; if (write_layer_env(tex_file, &color, (int)gfx->layer, linfo, buffer) == TRUE) { /* Layer is defined => create graphics */ if (gfx->gfx_type == GRAPHIC_POLYGON) { g_string_printf(buffer, "\\draw[line width=0.00001 pt, draw={c%d}, fill={c%d}, fill opacity={%lf}] ", gfx->layer, gfx->layer, color.alpha); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(buffer); /* Append vertices */ for (temp_vertex = gfx->vertices; temp_vertex != NULL; temp_vertex = temp_vertex->next) { pt = (struct gds_point *)temp_vertex->data; g_string_printf(buffer, "(%lf pt, %lf pt) -- ", ((double)pt->x)/1000.0, ((double)pt->y)/1000.0); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(buffer); } g_string_printf(buffer, "cycle;\n"); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(buffer); } else if(gfx->gfx_type == GRAPHIC_PATH) { if (g_list_length(gfx->vertices) < 2) { printf("Cannot write path with less than 2 points\n"); break; } if (gfx->path_render_type < 0 || gfx->path_render_type > 2) { printf("Path type unrecognized. Setting to 'flushed'\n"); gfx->path_render_type = 0; } g_string_printf(buffer, "\\draw[line width=%lf pt, draw={c%d}, opacity={%lf}, cap=%s] ", gfx->width_absolute/1000.0, gfx->layer, color.alpha, line_caps[gfx->path_render_type]); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(buffer); /* Append vertices */ for (temp_vertex = gfx->vertices; temp_vertex != NULL; temp_vertex = temp_vertex->next) { pt = (struct gds_point *)temp_vertex->data; g_string_printf(buffer, "(%lf pt, %lf pt)%s", ((double)pt->x)/1000.0, ((double)pt->y)/1000.0, (temp_vertex->next ? " -- " : "")); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(buffer); } g_string_printf(buffer, ";\n"); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(buffer); } g_string_printf(buffer, "\\ifcreatepdflayers\n\\end{scope}\n\\fi\n\\end{pgfonlayer}\n"); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(buffer); } } /* For graphics */ } static void render_cell(struct gds_cell *cell, GList *layer_infos, FILE *tex_file, GString *buffer) { GList *list_child; struct gds_cell_instance *inst; /* Draw polygons of current cell */ generate_graphics(tex_file, cell->graphic_objs, layer_infos, buffer); /* Draw polygons of childs */ for (list_child = cell->child_cells; list_child != NULL; list_child = list_child->next) { inst = (struct gds_cell_instance *)list_child->data; /* generate translation scope */ g_string_printf(buffer, "\\begin{scope}[shift={(%lf pt,%lf pt)}]\n", ((double)inst->origin.x)/1000.0,((double)inst->origin.y)/1000.0); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(buffer); g_string_printf(buffer, "\\begin{scope}[rotate=%lf]\n", inst->angle); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(buffer); g_string_printf(buffer, "\\begin{scope}[yscale=%s]\n", (inst->flipped ? "-1" : "1")); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(buffer); if (inst->cell_ref) render_cell(inst->cell_ref, layer_infos, tex_file, buffer); g_string_printf(buffer, "\\end{scope}\n"); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(buffer); g_string_printf(buffer, "\\end{scope}\n"); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(buffer); g_string_printf(buffer, "\\end{scope}\n"); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(buffer); } } void render_cell_to_code(struct gds_cell *cell, GList *layer_infos, FILE *tex_file) { GString *working_line; if (!tex_file || !layer_infos || !cell) return; /* 10 kB Line working buffer should be enough */ working_line = g_string_new_len(NULL, LATEX_LINE_BUFFER_KB*1024); /* standalone foo */ g_string_printf(working_line, "\\newif\\iftestmode\n\\testmodefalse %% Change to true for standalone rendering\n"); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(working_line); g_string_printf(working_line, "\\newif\\ifcreatepdflayers\n\\createpdflayersfalse %% Change to true for Embedded layers in PDF output\n"); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(working_line); g_string_printf(working_line, "\\iftestmode\n"); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(working_line); g_string_printf(working_line, "\\documentclass[tikz]{standalone}\n\\usepackage{xcolor}\n\\usetikzlibrary{ocgx}\n\\begin{document}\n"); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(working_line); g_string_printf(working_line, "\\fi\n"); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(working_line); /* Write layer definitions */ write_layer_definitions(tex_file, layer_infos, working_line); /* Open tikz Pictute */ g_string_printf(working_line, "\\begin{tikzpicture}\n"); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(working_line); /* Generate graphics output */ render_cell(cell, layer_infos, tex_file, working_line); g_string_printf(working_line, "\\end{tikzpicture}\n"); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(working_line); g_string_printf(working_line, "\\iftestmode\n"); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(working_line); g_string_printf(working_line, "\\end{document}\n"); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(working_line); g_string_printf(working_line, "\\fi\n"); WRITEOUT_BUFFER(working_line); fflush(tex_file); g_string_free(working_line, TRUE); }