/** @page compilation Compilation @section Preface GDS-Render is designed for UNIX-like, especially GNU/Linux based systems. It was developed under a Linux system. Therefore, best performance is expected using a Linux operating system. @section depencencies Dependencies The dependencies of GDS-Render are: @subsection run-deps Program Dependencies - GLib2 - GTK3 - Cairographics @subsection comp-deps Compilation Dependencies These dependencies are not needed for running the program; just for compilation. - Build System (GCC + binutils, make, etc...). Most distributions supply a "development" meta-package containing this stuff. - cmake >= 2.8 - More or less optional: git. Used for extraction of the precise version number. It is strongly recommended to provide git! - Optional: doxygen for this nice documentation. The dependency list of GTK3 already includes Cairographics and GLib2. You should be on the safe side with a recent GTK3 version. Development is done with the following library versions: | Cairographics | GLib2 | GTK3 | | ------------- | ---------- | ------ | | 1.16.0-2 | 2.60.0-1 | 3.24.7 | @section comp-instr Compilation Instructions @subsection linux-build General Linux Build Instruction Go to the build directory you want to compile in. This may be the gds-render project root. Execute @code cmake @endcode Cmake will check the dependencies. Once cmake has finished. Type @code make @endcode in order to build the program and @code make documentation @endcode to build the doxygen documentation. @subsection arch-makepkg Archlinux Package The subfolder 'AUR' contains a PKGBUILD file to build an Archlinux/Pacman package. */