/* * This file is part of patchelfcrc . * Copyright (c) 2022 Mario Hüttel. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 2 only. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const char *argp_program_bug_address = ""; #define ARG_KEY_DRY_RUN (1) #define ARG_KEY_START_MAGIC (2) #define ARG_KEY_END_MAGIC (3) #define ARG_KEY_LIST (4) struct command_line_options { bool little_endian; bool dry_run; bool verbose; enum granularity granularity; enum crc_format format; struct crc_settings crc; bool has_start_magic; uint32_t start_magic; bool has_end_magic; uint32_t end_magic; bool list; SlList *section_list; const char *elf_path; const char *output_section; }; static error_t parse_opt(int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) { struct command_line_options *args = (struct command_line_options *)state->input; const struct named_crc *looked_up_crc; char *endptr; switch (key) { case ARG_KEY_DRY_RUN: args->dry_run = true; args->verbose = true; break; case ARG_KEY_START_MAGIC: args->has_start_magic = true; args->start_magic = strtoul(arg, NULL, 0); break; case ARG_KEY_END_MAGIC: args->has_end_magic = true; args->end_magic = strtoul(arg, NULL, 0); break; case ARG_KEY_LIST: args->list = true; break; case 'p': /* Polyniomial */ args->crc.polynomial = strtoull(arg, &endptr, 0); if (endptr == arg) { if ((looked_up_crc = lookup_named_crc(arg))) { memcpy(&args->crc, &looked_up_crc->settings, sizeof(struct crc_settings)); } else { argp_error(state, "Error parsing polynomial: %s\n", arg); } } break; case 'l': args->little_endian = true; break; case 'v': args->verbose = true; break; case 'S': /* Section */ args->section_list = sl_list_append(args->section_list, strdup(arg)); break; case 'g': if (!strcmp(arg, "byte")) args->granularity = GRANULARITY_BYTE; else if (!strcmp(arg, "halfword")) args->granularity = GRANULARITY_16BIT; else if (!strcmp(arg, "word")) args->granularity = GRANULARITY_32BIT; else argp_error(state, "Error parsing granularity: %s\n", arg); break; case 'F': if (!strcmp(arg, "bare")) args->format = FORMAT_BARE; else if (!strcmp(arg, "struct")) args->format = FORMAT_STRUCT; else argp_error(state, "Error parsing output format: %s\n", arg); break; case 'O': args->output_section = arg; break; case ARGP_KEY_ARG: if (state->arg_num >= 1) argp_usage(state); else args->elf_path = arg; break; default: return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN; } return 0; } static int parse_cmdline_options(int *argc, char ***argv, struct command_line_options *cmd_opts) { const int crc_param_group = 1; error_t err; if (!argc || !argv) return -1000; static struct argp_option options[] = { {"little-endian", 'l', 0, 0, "Memory image is little endian. Only relevant if granularity is greater than a single byte", 0}, {"granularity", 'g', "GRANULARITY", 0, "Granularity to calculate the CRC for", 0}, {"poly", 'p', "POLYNOMIAL", 0, "Polynomial to use", crc_param_group}, {"start-value", 's', "STARTVALUE", 0, "Start value for CRC calculation", crc_param_group}, {"reversed", 'r', 0, 0, "Bit reversed CRC", crc_param_group}, {"xor-out", 'x', "XORVAL", 0, "XOR the output with XORVAL. Default 0x0", crc_param_group}, {"dry-run", ARG_KEY_DRY_RUN, 0, 0, "Dry run. Caclualate CRCs but do not patch output file. Implicitly activates verbose mode.", 0}, {"verbose", 'v', 0, 0, "Verbose output", 0}, {"section", 'S', "SEC", 0, "Section to calculate CRC for", 2}, {"output-section", 'O', "OUTPUTSEC", 0, "Output section for generated CRCs", 2}, {"crc-format", 'F', "FORMAT", 0, "Output Format for CRCs.", 2}, {"start-magic", ARG_KEY_START_MAGIC, "STARTMAGIC", 0, "Check output section for start magic (uint32)", 2}, {"end-magic", ARG_KEY_END_MAGIC, "STARTMAGIC", 0, "Check output section for start magic (uint32)", 2}, {"list-crcs", ARG_KEY_LIST, 0, 0 , "List predefined CRCs", 0}, /* Sentinel */ {NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0} }; static struct argp arg_parser = { options, parse_opt, "ELF", NULL, 0, 0, 0 }; err = argp_parse(&arg_parser, *argc, *argv, 0, 0, cmd_opts); return err ? -1 : 0; } static void prepare_default_opts(struct command_line_options *opts) { opts->little_endian = false; opts->verbose = false; opts->granularity = GRANULARITY_BYTE; opts->dry_run = false; opts->crc.xor = 0UL; opts->crc.polynomial = 0x104C11DB7UL; opts->crc.start_value = 0xFFFFFFFFUL; opts->crc.rev = false; opts->format = FORMAT_BARE; opts->has_end_magic = false; opts->has_start_magic = false; opts->list = false; opts->section_list = NULL; opts->elf_path = NULL; opts->output_section = NULL; } static void print_verbose_start_info(const struct command_line_options *cmd_opts) { int i; SlList *list_iter; const struct named_crc *predef_crc; print_debug("Start CRC patching\n"); print_debug("Endianess: %s endian\n", (cmd_opts->little_endian ? "little" : "big")); print_debug("Granularity: %u bits\n", (unsigned int)cmd_opts->granularity); if (cmd_opts->has_start_magic) print_debug("Checking for start magic: 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)cmd_opts->start_magic); if (cmd_opts->has_end_magic) print_debug("Checking for end magic: 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)cmd_opts->end_magic); if (cmd_opts->dry_run) print_debug("Dry run mode selected. Will not touch ELF file.\n"); predef_crc = reverse_lookup_named_crc(&cmd_opts->crc); if (predef_crc) { print_debug("Predefined CRC detected: %s\n", predef_crc->name); } else { print_debug("Generator polynomial: 0x%lx\n", cmd_opts->crc.polynomial); print_debug("Start value: 0x%x\n", cmd_opts->crc.start_value); print_debug("Output XOR: 0x%x\n", cmd_opts->crc.xor); print_debug("Reversed: %s\n", cmd_opts->crc.rev ? "yes" : "no"); print_debug("CRC length: %d\n", crc_len_from_poly(cmd_opts->crc.polynomial)); } if (cmd_opts->elf_path) { print_debug("ELF file: %s\n", cmd_opts->elf_path); } if (cmd_opts->output_section) { print_debug("Output section: %s\n", cmd_opts->output_section); } if (cmd_opts->section_list) { for (list_iter = cmd_opts->section_list, i = 1; list_iter; list_iter = sl_list_next(list_iter), i++) { print_debug("Input section [%d]: \"%s\"\n", i, (const char *)list_iter->data); } } } static void free_cmd_args(struct command_line_options *opts) { SlList *list_iter; /* Free the output section names */ for (list_iter = opts->section_list; list_iter; list_iter = sl_list_next(list_iter)) { if (list_iter->data) free(list_iter->data); } /* Free the section list */ sl_list_free(opts->section_list); opts->section_list = NULL; } /** * @brief check_all_sections_present * @param ep * @param list * @return -1 if no sections are provided. 0 if all sections are present. -2 if setions cannot be found */ static int check_all_sections_present(elfpatch_handle_t *ep, SlList *list) { SlList *iter; const char *sec_name; int ret = 0; if (!ep) return -1001; if (!list) { print_err("No input sections specified.\n") return -1; } for (iter = list; iter; iter = sl_list_next(iter)) { sec_name = (const char *)iter->data; if (!sec_name) continue; if (elf_patch_check_for_section(ep, sec_name)) { print_err("Cannot find section '%s'\n", sec_name); ret = -2; } else { print_debug("Input section '%s': found\n", sec_name); } } return ret; } /** * @brief Compute CRCs over the sections in @p list * @param ep Elf patch * @param list List of section names to patch * @param opts Command line options. Used for CRC generation * @param[out] crcs Array of output CRCs. Must be large enough to hold all elements * @return 0 if successful */ static int compute_crcs(elfpatch_handle_t *ep, SlList *list, const struct command_line_options *opts, uint32_t *crcs) { SlList *iter; const char *sec_name; int ret = 0; struct crc_calc _crc; struct crc_calc * const crc = &_crc; unsigned int idx; /* Construct the CRC */ crc_init(crc, &opts->crc); for (iter = list, idx = 0; iter; iter = sl_list_next(iter), idx++) { crc_reset(crc); sec_name = (const char *)iter->data; if (elf_patch_compute_crc_over_section(ep, sec_name, crc, opts->granularity, opts->little_endian)) { print_err("Error during CRC calculation. Exiting.\n"); ret = -1; break; } crc_finish_calc(crc); crcs[idx] = crc_get_value(crc); } return ret; } static void print_crcs(SlList *list, const uint32_t *crcs) { SlList *iter; unsigned int idx; const char *sec_name; ft_table_t *table; table = ft_create_table(); /* Write header */ ft_set_cell_prop(table, 0, FT_ANY_COLUMN, FT_CPROP_ROW_TYPE, FT_ROW_HEADER); ft_write_ln(table, "Section", "CRC"); for (iter = list, idx = 0; iter; iter = sl_list_next(iter), idx++) { sec_name = (const char *)iter->data; ft_printf_ln(table, "%s|0x%x", sec_name, crcs[idx]); } print_debug("Calculated CRCs:\n%s\n", ft_to_string(table)); ft_destroy_table(table); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct command_line_options cmd_opts; elfpatch_handle_t *ep; int ret = 0; uint32_t *crcs; prepare_default_opts(&cmd_opts); parse_cmdline_options(&argc, &argv, &cmd_opts); if (cmd_opts.verbose || cmd_opts.dry_run) reporting_enable_verbose(); print_verbose_start_info(&cmd_opts); /* Check if file has been supplied */ if (!cmd_opts.elf_path) { print_err("No ELF file specified. Exiting...\n"); return -1; } if (!cmd_opts.output_section) { print_err("No output section specified. Will continue but not patch file.\n"); } if (cmd_opts.list) { list_predefined_crcs(); goto free_cmds; } /* Do error printing if using a reversed polynomial. It is not implemented yet! */ if (cmd_opts.crc.rev) { print_err("Reversed polynomials are not supported yet\nExiting...\n"); goto free_cmds; } /* Prepare libelf for use with the latest ELF version */ elf_version(EV_CURRENT); /* Open the ELF file */ ep = elf_patch_open(cmd_opts.elf_path, cmd_opts.dry_run); if (!ep) { ret = -2; goto free_cmds; } /* Check if all sections are present */ if (check_all_sections_present(ep, cmd_opts.section_list)) { ret = -2; goto free_cmds; } /* Compute CRCs over sections */ crcs = (uint32_t *)malloc(sl_list_length(cmd_opts.section_list) * sizeof(uint32_t)); compute_crcs(ep, cmd_opts.section_list, &cmd_opts, crcs); if (reporting_get_verbosity()) { print_crcs(cmd_opts.section_list, crcs); } if (cmd_opts.output_section) { if (elf_patch_write_crcs_to_section(ep, cmd_opts.output_section, cmd_opts.section_list, crcs, 32, cmd_opts.start_magic, cmd_opts.end_magic, cmd_opts.has_start_magic, cmd_opts.has_end_magic, cmd_opts.format, cmd_opts.little_endian)) { ret = -1; } } elf_patch_close_and_free(ep); free_cmds: free_cmd_args(&cmd_opts); return ret; }