#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void xml_init(void) { LIBXML_TEST_VERSION; } int xml_write_crcs_to_file(const char *path, const struct crc_import_data *crc_data) { int ret = 0; xmlTextWriter *writer; SlList *entry_iter; const struct crc_entry *entry; size_t index; if (!path || !crc_data) return -1000; writer = xmlNewTextWriterFilename(path, 0); if (!writer) { print_err("Cannot create XML file %s\n", path); ret = -1; goto ret_none; } xmlTextWriterSetIndentString(writer, BAD_CAST "\t"); xmlTextWriterSetIndent(writer, 1); xmlTextWriterStartDocument(writer, NULL, "UTF-8", NULL); /* Generate the root node */ xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, BAD_CAST "patchelfcrc"); xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST "version", "%s", version_string); xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, BAD_CAST "settings"); xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, BAD_CAST "poly", "0x%" PRIx64, crc_data->crc_config.polynomial); xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, BAD_CAST "start", "0x%" PRIx32, crc_data->crc_config.start_value); if (crc_data->crc_config.rev) { xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, BAD_CAST "rev"); xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); } xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, BAD_CAST "xor", "0x%" PRIx32, crc_data->crc_config.xor); if (crc_data->elf_bits < 0) { print_err("Cannot determine ELF class. Generated XML will be faulty.\n"); ret |= -1; } xmlTextWriterWriteFormatElement(writer, BAD_CAST "elfclass", "%d", crc_data->elf_bits); xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); /* End settings */ xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, BAD_CAST "sections"); /* Output all section CRCs */ for (entry_iter = crc_data->crc_entries, index = 0u; entry_iter; entry_iter = sl_list_next(entry_iter), index++) { entry = (const struct crc_entry *)entry_iter->data; xmlTextWriterStartElement(writer, BAD_CAST "crc"); xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST "name", "%s", entry->name); xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST "index", "%zu", index); xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST "vma", "0x%" PRIx64, entry->vma); xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST "lma", "0x%" PRIx64, entry->lma); xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(writer, BAD_CAST "size", "0x%" PRIx64, entry->size); xmlTextWriterWriteFormatRaw(writer, "0x%" PRIx32, entry->crc); xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); /* End crc */ } xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); /* End sections */ xmlTextWriterEndElement(writer); /* End root node */ xmlTextWriterEndDocument(writer); xmlFreeTextWriter(writer); ret_none: return ret; } struct crc_import_data *xml_crc_import_alloc(void) { struct crc_import_data *ret = NULL; ret = (struct crc_import_data *)malloc(sizeof(struct crc_import_data)); if (ret) ret->crc_entries = NULL; else print_err("Error. Out of memory. This should never happen\n"); return ret; } static bool validate_xml_doc(xmlDocPtr doc) { bool ret = false; xmlSchemaParserCtxtPtr parser_ctx = NULL; xmlSchemaPtr schema = NULL; xmlSchemaValidCtxtPtr validation_ctx = NULL; int res; parser_ctx = xmlSchemaNewMemParserCtxt((const char *)schema_xsd, schema_xsd_len); if (!parser_ctx) { print_err("Cannot create parse context for built-in XSD. This is a bug. Report this.\n"); goto ret_none; } schema = xmlSchemaParse(parser_ctx); if (!schema) { print_err("Cannot parse built-in XSD. This is a bug. Report this.\n"); goto ret_none; } validation_ctx = xmlSchemaNewValidCtxt(schema); if (!validation_ctx) { print_err("Cannot create validation context. This is a bug. Report this.\n"); goto ret_none; } res = xmlSchemaValidateDoc(validation_ctx, doc); ret = (res == 0 ? true : false); ret_none: /* Clean up */ if (validation_ctx) xmlSchemaFreeValidCtxt(validation_ctx); if (schema) xmlSchemaFree(schema); if (parser_ctx) xmlSchemaFreeParserCtxt(parser_ctx); return ret; } /** * @brief Get the content of a node specified by the xpath \p path * @param path Xpath to search for * @param xpath_ctx Context * @param required Print error if not found * @return NULL in case of error * @return pointer to newly allocated string data. * @note Pointers returned from this function must be freed using xmlFree() */ static const char *get_node_content_from_xpath(const char *path, xmlXPathContextPtr xpath_ctx, bool required) { xmlXPathObjectPtr xpath_obj; const char *ret = NULL; xpath_obj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(BAD_CAST path, xpath_ctx); if (xpath_obj) { if (xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(xpath_obj->nodesetval)) { if (required) print_err("Required XML path %s not found.\n", path); } else { ret = (const char *)xmlNodeGetContent(xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]); } xmlXPathFreeObject(xpath_obj); } else { /* Error */ print_err("Error searching for path %s in XML. This is an error. Report this.\n", path); } return ret; } /** * @brief Convert a number string (either prefixed 0x hex or decimal) to a uint64 * * In case of an error, the \p output remains untouched * * @param[in] data input data. 0 terminated * @param[in] output Converted number. * @return 0 if okay * @return negative in case of error */ static int convert_number_string_to_uint(const char *data, uint64_t *output) { int ret = -1; uint64_t num; char *endptr; if (!data || !output) return -1000; errno = 0; num = strtoull(data, &endptr, 0); if (endptr == data) { /* Error finding number */ print_err("Data %s in XML is not a valid number\n", data); } else if (errno == ERANGE) { print_err("Data %s in XML overflowed\n", data); } else if (errno == EINVAL) { print_err("Unspecified error converting '%s' to a number\n", data); } else if (errno == 0 && data && *endptr != '\0') { print_err("Data '%s' could not be fully parsed to a number. Part '%s' is irritating\n", data, endptr); } else if (errno == 0 && data && *endptr == '\0') { ret = 0; *output = num; } return ret; } /** * @brief Get the content of an xpath and convert it to a uint64_t * @param[in] xpath Path to get content from * @param[in] xpath_ctx Xpath context * @param[out] output Number output. Remains untouched in case of an error * @param required This xpath is required. Will turn on error reporting if it is not found. * @return 0 if successful * @return negative in case of an error */ static int get_uint64_from_xpath_content(const char *xpath, xmlXPathContextPtr xpath_ctx, uint64_t *output, bool required) { const char *data; int ret = -1; data = get_node_content_from_xpath(xpath, xpath_ctx, required); if (data) { ret = convert_number_string_to_uint(data, output); xmlFree((void *)data); } return ret; } /** * @brief Get the content of an xpath and convert it to a uint64_t * @param[in] xpath Path to get content from * @param[in] xpath_ctx Xpath context * @param[out] output Number output. Remains untouched in case of an error * @param required This xpath is required. Will turn on error reporting if it is not found. * @return 0 if successful * @return negative in case of an error */ static int get_uint32_from_xpath_content(const char *xpath, xmlXPathContextPtr xpath_ctx, uint32_t *output, bool required) { const char *data; uint64_t tmp; int ret = -1; data = get_node_content_from_xpath(xpath, xpath_ctx, required); if (data) { ret = convert_number_string_to_uint(data, &tmp); xmlFree((void *)data); if (ret == 0) { if (tmp > UINT32_MAX) { ret = -2; print_err("Value in XML file at path '%s' is too large for uint32_t\n", xpath); } else { *output = (uint32_t)tmp; } } } return ret; } int get_uint64_from_node_attribute(xmlNodePtr node, const char *attr, uint64_t *output) { xmlChar *data; uint64_t num; int ret = -1; data = xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST attr); if (data) { if (!convert_number_string_to_uint((const char *)data, &num)) { ret = 0; *output = num; } xmlFree(data); } return ret; } static int get_uint32_from_node_attribute(xmlNodePtr node, const char *attr, uint32_t *output) { int ret; uint64_t tmp = 0; ret = get_uint64_from_node_attribute(node, attr, &tmp); if (tmp > UINT32_MAX || ret) { print_err("Cannot convert attribute %s to 32 bit number\n", attr); ret = -1; } else { *output = (uint32_t)tmp; } return ret; } static int get_uint64_from_node_content(xmlNodePtr node, uint64_t *output) { xmlChar *data; int ret = -1; data = xmlNodeGetContent(node); if (data) { ret = convert_number_string_to_uint((const char *)data, output); xmlFree(data); } return ret; } static int get_uint32_from_node_content(xmlNodePtr node, uint32_t *output) { int ret; uint64_t tmp = 0; ret = get_uint64_from_node_content(node, &tmp); if (tmp > UINT32_MAX || ret) { print_err("Cannot convert content to 32 bit number\n"); ret = -1; } else { *output = (uint32_t)tmp; } return ret; } struct crc_import_data *xml_import_from_file(const char *path) { struct crc_import_data *ret = NULL; struct crc_entry *crc; xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr root_node; xmlNodePtr current_node; xmlXPathContextPtr xpath_ctx = NULL; xmlXPathObjectPtr xpath_obj = NULL; uint64_t tmp_num64 = 0; uint32_t tmp_num32 = 0; int i; const char *cptr; if (!path) return NULL; doc = xmlReadFile(path, NULL, 0); if (!doc) { print_err("Error reading XML file: %s\n", path); goto ret_none; } root_node = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (!root_node) goto ret_close_doc; /* Validate the document */ if (!validate_xml_doc(doc)) { print_err("XML does not match expected format. Cannot import.\n"); goto ret_close_doc; } /* Get xpath context */ xpath_ctx = xmlXPathNewContext(doc); if (!xpath_ctx) goto ret_close_doc; /* Get the version number and print error in case of incompatibility. Continue either way */ cptr = (char *)xmlGetProp(root_node, BAD_CAST "version"); if (cptr) { if (strncmp(cptr, version_string, strlen(version_string)) != 0) { print_err("XML file was generated with another version of patchelfcrc.\n"); print_err("\t XML shows: %s\n", cptr); print_err("\t Program version: %s\n", version_string); } xmlFree((char *)cptr); } /* Allocate xml import structure */ ret = xml_crc_import_alloc(); if (!ret) goto ret_close_doc; /* Do not do extensive error handling. It is assured by the schema that the numbers are parsable */ (void)get_uint64_from_xpath_content("/patchelfcrc/settings/poly", xpath_ctx, &tmp_num64, true); ret->crc_config.polynomial = tmp_num64; (void)get_uint32_from_xpath_content("/patchelfcrc/settings/start", xpath_ctx, &tmp_num32, true); ret->crc_config.start_value = tmp_num32; (void)get_uint32_from_xpath_content("/patchelfcrc/settings/xor", xpath_ctx, &tmp_num32, true); ret->crc_config.xor = tmp_num32; cptr = get_node_content_from_xpath("/patchelfcrc/settings/rev", xpath_ctx, false); if (cptr) { xmlFree((void *)cptr); ret->crc_config.rev = true; } else { ret->crc_config.rev = false; } (void)get_uint32_from_xpath_content("/patchelfcrc/settings/elfclass", xpath_ctx, &tmp_num32, true); ret->elf_bits = (int)tmp_num32; /* Get all CRCs */ xpath_obj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(BAD_CAST "/patchelfcrc/sections/crc", xpath_ctx); if (xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(xpath_obj->nodesetval)) { print_err("Internal error during read\n"); xml_crc_import_free(ret); ret = NULL; goto ret_close_doc; } for (i = 0; i < xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeNr; i++) { current_node = xpath_obj->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]; crc = (struct crc_entry *)malloc(sizeof(struct crc_entry)); ret->crc_entries = sl_list_append(ret->crc_entries, crc); get_uint64_from_node_attribute(current_node, "vma", &tmp_num64); crc->vma = tmp_num64; get_uint64_from_node_attribute(current_node, "size", &tmp_num64); crc->size = tmp_num64; get_uint64_from_node_attribute(current_node, "lma", &tmp_num64); crc->lma = tmp_num64; get_uint32_from_node_content(current_node, &tmp_num32); crc->crc = tmp_num32; crc->name = (char *)xmlGetProp(current_node, BAD_CAST "name"); } ret_close_doc: if (xpath_obj) xmlXPathFreeObject(xpath_obj); if (xpath_ctx) xmlXPathFreeContext(xpath_ctx); /* Free document and all of its children */ xmlFreeDoc(doc); /* Cleanup global garbage */ xmlCleanupParser(); ret_none: return ret; } static void free_crc_entry(void *entry) { struct crc_entry *e = (struct crc_entry *)entry; if (entry) { if (e->name) xmlFree(e->name); free(entry); } } void xml_crc_import_free(struct crc_import_data *data) { if (!data) return; sl_list_free_full(data->crc_entries, free_crc_entry); data->crc_entries = NULL; free(data); } void xml_print_xsd(void) { printf("%.*s", schema_xsd_len, schema_xsd); }