RAW_STREAM [label = "Stream", shape = endpoint, description="Raw value streaming"];
ADC -> PREFILTER [label="1 kHz"];
PREFILTER -> ADC2RES [label="1/6 kHz"];
MAVG -> PT1000 [label="1/6 kHz"];
PREFILTER -> RAW_HF [label="1/6 kHz"];
PREFILTER -> RAW_STREAM [label="1/6 kHz"];
The internal ADC of the STM32F407 controller is used to sample the analog signal from the :ref:`hw_analog_fe`. The ADC is triggered by the hardware Timer *TIM2* each millisecond, which results in a sampling frequency of
1 kHz. The ADC module provides an analog value `watchdog <Watchdog_>`_, which is used to detect wirebreaks and other hardware errors that result in a wrong resistance measurement.
The sample frequency is controlled by
..doxygendefine:: ADC_PT1000_SAMPLE_CNT_DELAY
whereas the ADC Peripheral module is defined by
..doxygendefine:: ADC_PT1000_PERIPH
The analog value prefilter is used to filter outliers. It is triggered after a certain amount *n* of values have been sampled by the `ADC`_.
The filter then removes the two most extreme values and computes the average of the remaining *n-2* values.
The resulting datastream has a sampling rate of 1/6 kHz.
The analog watchdog supervises the measured value of the `ADC`_. It is configured by the following defines:
After initial startup and after each change of the filter constant, the filter will set the :ref:`safety_flags_adc_unstable` flag for a defined sample count of: